47 research outputs found

    Long-lived magnetism from solidification-driven convection on the pallasite parent body.

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    Palaeomagnetic measurements of meteorites suggest that, shortly after the birth of the Solar System, the molten metallic cores of many small planetary bodies convected vigorously and were capable of generating magnetic fields. Convection on these bodies is currently thought to have been thermally driven, implying that magnetic activity would have been short-lived. Here we report a time-series palaeomagnetic record derived from nanomagnetic imaging of the Imilac and Esquel pallasite meteorites, a group of meteorites consisting of centimetre-sized metallic and silicate phases. We find a history of long-lived magnetic activity on the pallasite parent body, capturing the decay and eventual shutdown of the magnetic field as core solidification completed. We demonstrate that magnetic activity driven by progressive solidification of an inner core is consistent with our measured magnetic field characteristics and cooling rates. Solidification-driven convection was probably common among small body cores, and, in contrast to thermally driven convection, will have led to a relatively late (hundreds of millions of years after accretion), long-lasting, intense and widespread epoch of magnetic activity among these bodies in the early Solar System.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement No. 320750, the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 312284, the Natural Environment Research Council, Fundación ARAID and the Spanish MINECO MAT2011-23791.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v517/n7535/full/nature14114.html

    The oldest magnetic record in our Solar System identified using nanometric imaging and numerical modeling

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    Recordings of magnetic fields, thought to be crucial to our Solar System’s rapid accretion, are potentially retained in unaltered nanometric low-Ni kamacite (~metallic Fe) grains encased within dusty olivine crystals, found in the chondrules of unequilibrated chondrites. However, most of these kamacite grains are magnetically non-uniform, so their ability to retain four-billion-year-old magnetic recordings cannot be estimated by previous theories, which assume only uniform magnetization. Here, we demonstrate that non-uniformly magnetized nanometric kamacite grains are stable over Solar System timescales and likely the primary carrier of remanence in dusty olivine. By performing in-situ temperature-dependent nanometric magnetic measurements using off-axis electron holography, we demonstrate the thermal stability of multi-vortex kamacite grains from the chondritic Bishunpur meteorite. Combined with numerical micromagnetic modeling, we determine the stability of the magnetization of these grains. Our study shows that dusty olivine kamacite grains are capable of retaining magnetic recordings from the accreting Solar System

    The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission

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    The National Academy’s current Planetary Decadal Survey (NRC, 2011) prioritizes a future Lunar Geophysical Network (LGN) mission to gather new information that will permit us to better determine how the overall composition and structure of the Moon inform us about the initial differentiation and subsequent evolution of terrestrial planets

    Lunar samples record an impact 4.2 billion years ago that may have formed the Serenitatis Basin

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    Impact cratering on the Moon and the derived size-frequency distribution functions of lunar impact craters are used to determine the ages of unsampled planetary surfaces across the Solar System. Radiometric dating of lunar samples provides an absolute age baseline, however, crater-chronology functions for the Moon remain poorly constrained for ages beyond 3.9 billion years. Here we present U–Pb geochronology of phosphate minerals within shocked lunar norites of a boulder from the Apollo 17 Station 8. These minerals record an older impact event around 4.2 billion years ago, and a younger disturbance at around 0.5 billion years ago. Based on nanoscale observations using atom probe tomography, lunar cratering records, and impact simulations, we ascribe the older event to the formation of the large Serenitatis Basin and the younger possibly to that of the Dawes crater. This suggests the Serenitatis Basin formed unrelated to or in the early stages of a protracted Late Heavy Bombardment

    Fractionation of solar wind minor ion precipitation by the lunar paleomagnetosphere

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    The analysis of solar wind material implanted within lunar soil has provided significant insight into the makeup and evolutionary history of the solar wind and, by extension, the Sun and protosolar nebula. These analyses often rely on the tacit assumption that the Moon has served as an unbiased recorder of solar wind composition over its 4.5 billion yr lifetime. Recent work, however, has shown that for a majority of its lifetime, the Moon has possessed a dynamo that generates a global magnetic field with surface field strengths of at least 5 μT. In turn, the presence of such a field has been shown to significantly alter the lunar–solar wind interaction via the formation of a lunar “paleomagnetosphere.” This paleomagnetosphere has implications for the flux of solar wind minor ions to the lunar surface and their subsequent implantation in lunar soil grains. Here we use a three-dimensional hybrid plasma model to investigate the effects of the lunar paleomagnetosphere on the dynamics and precipitation of solar wind minor ions to the lunar surface. The model results show that the lunar paleomagnetosphere can suppress minor ion fluxes to the lunar surface by more than an order of magnitude and strongly fractionates the precipitating solar wind in a complex, nonlinear fashion with respect to both the minor ion charge-to-mass ratio and the surface paleomagnetic field strength. We discuss the implications of these results with respect to both the analysis of trapped material in lunar grains and the semiquantitative 40Ar/36Ar antiquity indicator for lunar soils

    Structure and Formation of the Lunar Farside Highlands

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    International audienc

    Early Earth may have had two moons

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    Lunar Tectonics

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    The tidal–rotational shape of the Moon and evidence for polar wander

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    The origin of the Moon's large-scale topography is important for understanding lunar geology, lunar orbital evolution, and the Moon's orientation in the sky.  Previous hypotheses for its origin have included late accretion events, large impacts, tidal effects, and convection processes.  However, testing these hypotheses and quantifying the Moon's topography is complicated by the large basins that have formed since the crust crystallized.  Here we estimate the low-order lunar topography and gravity spherical harmonics outside these basins and show that the bulk of the degree-2 topography is consistent with a crust-building process controlled by early tidal heating throughout the Moon.  The remainder of the degree-2 topography is consistent with a frozen tidal-rotational bulge that formed later, at a semi-major axis of »32 Earth radii.  The probability of the degree-2 shape having these two separate tidal characteristics by chance is less than 1%.  We also infer that internal density contrasts eventually reoriented the Moon's polar axis 36 ± 4°, to the present configuration we observe today.  Together, these results link the geology of the near and far sides, and resolve long-standing questions about the Moon's low-order shape, gravity, and history of polar wander