2,104 research outputs found

    Enfoque de intercambio social y la felicidad en el trabajo: explorando el efecto mediador del compromiso organizacional

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    This article aims to determine the direct and indirect effects of social exchange relationships Leader Member Exchange and Team Member Exchange (LMX and TMX) on organizational commitment and happiness at work. Based on the literature review and relying on the Social Exchange Theory perspective, the authors constructed the hypothetical structure, including the four variables under study. The sample comprised 177 employees from Mexican firms, and the proposed hypotheses were under examination through a path analysis. Results show that LMX, TMX, and happiness at work have a direct effect on organizational commitment. We also found an organizational commitment to be a partial relationship mediator between LMX and happiness at work.Este artículo tiene como objetivo determinar los efectos directos e indirectos de las relaciones de intercambio social, intercambio líder miembro e intercambio entre miembros del equipo (LMX y TMX) sobre el compromiso organizacional y la felicidad en el trabajo. Con base en la revisión de la literatura y apoyándose en la perspectiva de la Teoría del Intercambio Social, los autores construyeron la estructura hipotética, incluyendo las cuatro variables en estudio. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 177 empleados de empresas mexicanas, y las hipótesis propuestas fueron examinadas a través de un análisis de trayectoria. Los resultados muestran que LMX, TMX y la felicidad en el trabajo tienen un efecto directo sobre el compromiso organizacional. También encontramos que el compromiso organizacional media la relación parcial entre LMX y la felicidad en el trabajo

    Evaluación de la eficacia de la formación en la administración publica española -ETAPE- : el modelo FET

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    A coberta: GIPE (Grup Interuniversitari de Política Educativa) ; EFI (Eficàcia de la Formació); Departament de Pedagogia Sistemàtica i Social, UABDesde hace tiempo, la formación continua de los trabajadores/as es un tema prioritario para las administraciones públicas, pues necesitan profesionales capaces de adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias rápida y eficazmente. Debido a la gran inversión económica que se realiza en formación, la evaluación de la eficacia es esencial para los profesionales del área de la formación continua. Los problemas y complejidades que acarrea la evaluación son varios, e implican un coste económico y humano muy elevado. En los últimos años, se han dado varios avances en la investigación sobre la evaluación de la eficacia de la formación, entendida en términos de resultados en el individuo y en la organización; algunos de estos estudios son los de Holton (1996, 2005), Burke y Hutchins (2008) y Pineda, Moreno y Quesada (2010). Una de las líneas de investigación del grupo EFI-GIPE se centra en identificar los factores que influencian la eficacia de la formación para diagnosticar barreras y facilitadores. Identificando y midiendo estos factores, se pueden introducir estrategias para conseguir que, una vez finalizada la formación, todo el sistema de factores que engloba la aplicación de los aprendizajes al puesto de trabajo sea eficaz y genere tanto cambios profesionales, como resultados en la organización. Así, y gracias a estudios anteriores, el grupo EFI ha diseñado el primer instrumento en nuestro contexto que permite medir los factores que determinan la transferencia de la formación en las organizaciones; se denomina FET o Factores para la Evaluación de la Transferencia de la Formación (Pineda, Quesada y Ciraso, 2011). El instrumento permite realizar una evaluación indirecta de la transferencia -mediante los factores que la determinan- y predecir si ésta tendrá lugar, así como diagnosticar aquellos elementos mejorables para que la formación sea más eficaz, es decir, para que genere más transferencia. En este estudio se aplica del modelo FET en las Escuelas de Administración Pública de diferentes Comunidades Autónomas de España, para aportar nuevos conocimientos sobre los resultados y la eficacia de las inversiones públicas en formación continua en nuestro país. El estudio proporciona una evaluación de la eficacia de la formación de los empleados públicos españoles, en términos de factores de transferencia de la formación, lo que permite realizar propuestas de mejora que optimicen los resultados de la formación continua para este colectivo

    Osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells in decellularised adipose tissue solid foams

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    3D cell culture systems based on biological scaffold materials obtainable from both animal and human tissues constitute very interesting tools for cell therapy and personalised medicine applications. The white adipose tissue (AT) extracellular matrix (ECM) is a very promising biomaterial for tissue engineering due to its easy accessibility, malleability and proven biological activity. In the present study, human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) were combined in vitro with ECM scaffolds from porcine and human decellularised adipose tissues (pDAT, hDAT) processed as 3D solid foams, to investigate their effects on the osteogenic differentiation capacity and bone matrix production of hDPSCs, compared to single-protein-based 3D solid foams of collagen type I and conventional 2D tissue-culture-treated polystyrene plates. pDAT solid foams supported the osteogenic differentiation of hDPSCs to similar levels to collagen type I, as assessed by alkaline phosphatase and alizarin red stainings, reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and osteocalcin/bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein (BGLAP) immunostaining. Interestingly, hDAT solid foams showed a markedly lower capacity to sustain hDPSC osteogenic differentiation and matrix calcification and a higher capacity to support adipogenesis, as assessed by RT-qPCR and oil red O staining. White ATs from both human and porcine origins are relatively abundant and available sources of raw material to obtain high quality ECM-derived biomedical products. These biomaterials could have promising applications in tissue engineering and personalised clinical therapy for the healing and regeneration of lesions involving not only a loss of calcified bone but also its associated soft non-calcified tissues.This research was supported by the Basque Government (ELKARTEK program PLAKA KK2019-00093; to NB), MICINN retos I+D+i (PID2019- 104766RB-C21, to JRP) and UPV/EHU (PPGA20/22; to FU, GI). The authors would like to thank the staff members of the SGIKER services of the UPV/EHU: Lipidomic service (Beatriz Abad) and Analytical Microscopy (Ricardo Andrade, Alejandro Díez-Torre and Irene Fernández) for their technical assistance

    FCT on PLUS : Avaluació de l'Eficàcia de la Formació en Centres de Treball

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    A coberta: GAPEF (Grup d'Anàlisi de Polítiques Educatives i de Formació) ; GIPE (Grup Interuniversitari de Política Educativa) ; EFI (Eficàcia de la Formació) ; Departament de Pedagogia Sistemàtica i Social, UABA coberta: Fundació Barcelona FPAmb aquesta investigació es vol, en primer lloc, identificar els elements que determinen l'eficàcia de la FCT a la conurbació de Barcelona des del punt de vista dels diferents agents implicats. En segon lloc, crear un instrument per a diagnosticar l'eficàcia de la FCT a partir dels factors que la faciliten o dificulten. I en tercer lloc, aplicar aquest instrument per tal d'avaluar l'eficàcia de la FCT a la conurbació de Barcelona i així elaborar propostes de millora per aconseguir una FCT més eficaç

    Usefulness of analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnosis of neurotransmitters and pterin defects and glucose and folate transport deficiencies across blood brain barrier

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    Med Clin (Barc). 2006 Jun 17;127(3):81-5. [Usefulness of analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnosis of neurotransmitters and pterin defects and glucose and folate transport deficiencies across blood brain barrier] [Article in Spanish] Ormazabal A, García Cazorla A, Pérez Dueñas B, Pineda M, Ruiz A, López Laso E, García Silva M, Carilho I, Barbot C, Cormand B, Ribases M, Moller L, Fernández Alvarez E, Campistol J, Artuch R. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Esplugues, Barcelona, España. Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In the last few years, it has been described inborn errors of neurotransmitter and pterin metabolism and defects in folate and glucose transport across blood brain barrier. All these defects are classified as rare diseases and needs cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample analysis for diagnosis. Our aim was to evaluate the results of the application of a CSF analysis protocol in a pediatric population from Spain and Portugal presenting with neurological disorders of unknown origin. PATIENTS AND METHOD: We studied CSF samples from and 283 patients with neurological disorders of unknown origin and 127 controls. Neurotransmitters were analysed by HPLC with electrochemical detection, and pterins and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection. RESULTS: We diagnosed 3 patients with tyrosine hidroxylase deficiency, 2 with dopa responsive dystonia, 14 with GTP-ciclohydrolase deficiency, 2 with glucose transport deficiency and 43 with cerebral folate deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: This study allowed us to diagnose new patients, and more importantly, the establishment in all of them of a pharmacological or nutritional treatment. The most frequent defect found was CSF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate deficiency, which was present in different groups of patients. PMID: 16827996 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Vaginal metabolome: towards a minimally invasive diagnosis of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity in women with preterm labor

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    Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (MIAC) is only identified by amniocentesis, an invasive procedure that limits its clinical translation. Here, we aimed to evaluate whether the vaginal metabolome discriminates the presence/absence of MIAC in women with preterm labor (PTL) and intact membranes. We conducted a case-control study in women with symptoms of PTL below 34 weeks who underwent amniocentesis to discard MIAC. MIAC was defined as amniotic fluid positive for microorganisms identified by specific culture media. The cohort included 16 women with MIAC and 16 control (no MIAC). Both groups were matched for age and gestational age at admission. Vaginal fluid samples were collected shortly after amniocentesis. Metabolic profiles were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and compared using multivariate and univariate statistical analyses to identify significant differences between the two groups. The vaginal metabolomics profile of MIAC showed higher concentrations of hypoxanthine, proline, choline and acetylcholine and decreased concentrations of phenylalanine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine and glycerophosphocholine. In conclusion, metabolic changes in the NMR-based vaginal metabolic profile are able to discriminate the presence/absence of MIAC in women with PTL and intact membranes. These metabolic changes might be indicative of enhanced glycolysis triggered by hypoxia conditions as a consequence of bacterial infection, thus explaining the utilization of alternative energy sources in an attempt to replenish glucose

    Evaluation of CNV detection tools for NGS panel data in genetic diagnostics

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    Although germline copy-number variants (CNVs) are the genetic cause of multiple hereditary diseases, detecting them from targeted next-generation sequencing data (NGS) remains a challenge. Existing tools perform well for large CNVs but struggle with single and multi-exon alterations. The aim of this work is to evaluate CNV calling tools working on gene panel NGS data and their suitability as a screening step before orthogonal confirmation in genetic diagnostics strategies. Five tools (DECoN, CoNVaDING, panelcn.MOPS, ExomeDepth, and CODEX2) were tested against four genetic diagnostics datasets (two in-house and two external) for a total of 495 samples with 231 single and multi-exon validated CNVs. The evaluation was performed using the default and sensitivity-optimized parameters. Results showed that most tools were highly sensitive and specific, but the performance was dataset dependant. When evaluating them in our diagnostics scenario, DECoN and panelcn.MOPS detected all CNVs with the exception of one mosaic CNV missed by DECoN. However, DECoN outperformed panelcn.MOPS specificity achieving values greater than 0.90 when using the optimized parameters. In our in-house datasets, DECoN and panelcn.MOPS showed the highest performance for CNV screening before orthogonal confirmation. Benchmarking and optimization code is freely available at https://github.com/TranslationalBioinformaticsIGTP/CNVbenchmarkeR

    Whole body correction of mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA by intracerebrospinal fluid gene therapy

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    For most lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) affecting the CNS, there is currently no cure. The BBB, which limits the bioavailability of drugs administered systemically, and the short half-life of lysosomal enzymes, hamper the development of effective therapies. Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA (MPS IIIA) is an autosomic recessive LSD caused by a deficiency in sulfamidase, a sulfatase involved in the stepwise degradation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) heparan sulfate. Here, we demonstrate that intracerebrospinal fluid (intra-CSF) administration of serotype 9 adenoassociated viral vectors (AAV9s) encoding sulfamidase corrects both CNS and somatic pathology in MPS IIIA mice. Following vector administration, enzymatic activity increased throughout the brain and in serum, leading to whole body correction of GAG accumulation and lysosomal pathology, normalization of behavioral deficits, and prolonged survival. To test this strategy in a larger animal, we treated beagle dogs using intracisternal or intracerebroventricular delivery. Administration of sulfamidase-encoding AAV9 resulted in transgenic expression throughout the CNS and liver and increased sulfamidase activity in CSF. High-titer serum antibodies against AAV9 only partially blocked CSF-mediated gene transfer to the brains of dogs. Consistently, anti-AAV antibody titers were lower in CSF than in serum collected from healthy and MPS IIIA-affected children. These results support the clinical translation of this approach for the treatment of MPS IIIA and other LSDs with CNS involvement

    Paravertebral Muscle Mechanical Properties in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis or Low Back Pain: A Case-Control Study

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    Different musculoskeletal disorders are a source of pain in the spinal region; most of them can be divided into mechanical, such as low back pain (LBP), or inflammatory origins, as is the case of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Nevertheless, insufficient information is available about the muscle negative consequences of these conditions. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify whether mechanical muscle properties (MMPs) of cervical and lumbar muscles are different between patients with axSpA, subacute LBP (sLBP), and healthy controls. Furthermore, we aimed identify whether MMPs were related to sociodemographic and clinical variables in various study groups. The MMPs, sociodemographic, and clinical variables were obtained in 43 patients with axSpA, 43 subjects with sLBP, and 43 healthy controls. One-way ANOVAs and ROC curves were applied to identify whether the MMPs could differentiate between the study groups. Intra-group Pearson r coefficients to test the associations between MMPs and the rest of the variables were calculated. The results showed that axSpA subjects have a higher tone and stiffness and a lower relaxation and creep than sLBP and healthy ones (p 0.8). However, no MMP could differentiate between sLBP and healthy subjects. Each group had a different pattern of bivariate correlations between MMPs and sociodemographic and clinical data, with a worse state and progression of the axSpA group associated with a higher tone and stiffness in both spinal regions. This study supports that MMPs are different and show different patterns of correlations depending on the type of spinal pain