379 research outputs found

    Two-Frequency Jahn-Teller Systems in Circuit QED

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    We investigate the simulation of Jahn-Teller models with two non-degenerate vibrational modes using a circuit QED architecture. Typical Jahn-Teller systems are anisotropic and require at least a two-frequency description. The proposed simulator consists of two superconducting lumped-element resonators interacting with a common flux qubit in the ultrastrong coupling regime. We translate the circuit QED model of the system to a two-frequency Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian and calculate its energy eigenvalues and the emission spectrum of the cavities. It is shown that the system can be systematically tuned to an effective single mode Hamiltonian from the two-mode model by varying the coupling strength between the resonators. The flexibility in manipulating the parameters of the circuit QED simulator permits isolating the effective single frequency and pure two-frequency effects in the spectral response of Jahn-Teller systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, figures revise

    Flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) collected by malaise trap method in Gölcük Natural Park (Isparta, Turkey), with a new record for Turkish fauna

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    This study is based on Alticinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) material collected by Malaise trapping which is different from other standardized collecting methods. A total of 19 flea beetle species belonging to 6 genera were collected from Gölcük Natural Park, Isparta (Turkey) during 2009. The species are listed in a table together with distributional data in Turkey. Among them, Longitarsus curtus (Allard, 1860) is recorded for the first time in Turkey. L. monticola Kutschera, 1863 and L. curtus are recently separated synonyms and thus all data referring to the distribution of both species are currently important. Hence, the zoogeographical distribution of the new record is reviewed with some remarks; habitus and genitalia are illustrated

    Spraying opened sugar beet pulp silage with oregano essential oil helps to sustain quality and stability

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of spraying oregano essential oil (OEO) onto sugar beet pulp silage (SBPS) on silage quality and aerobic stability after opening. A factorial experiment with three replicates of three treatments and four time periods was conducted using laboratory-type plastic silos. The treatments were an untreated control, silage sprayed with 10 ml/75 cm2 OEO, and silage sprayed with 20 ml/75 cm2 OEO. The silages were sampled at 0, 72, 120, and 168 hours after spraying. Temperature, L*, a*, and b* colour values, pH, water-soluble carbohydrates, crude nutrient contents, Fleig score, metabolizable energy (ME) value, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), total live bacteria (TLB), yeast, and mould formation were assessed. Spraying OEO onto SBPS did not affect L*, a*, and b* values, pH, water-soluble carbohydrates, and Fleig score values, but decreased temperature. Spraying OEO onto the silage increased organic matter, ether extract, acid detergent fibre, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent lignin contents without affecting crude protein, crude fibre, nitrogen free extract, and ME contents. Irrespective of treatment, crude protein, ether extract, acid detergent fibre, acid detergent lignin, nitrogen free extract, Fleig score, and ME contents of silages increased with time after spraying. The OEO spraying reduced LAB, TLB, and yeast contents in silages. In conclusion, OEO spraying onto opened SBPS reduced LAB, TLB, and yeast formation and stopped mould growth up to 72 hours without affecting their nutritional properties, suggesting that OEO could be used to ensure the stability of SBPS. Keywords: aerobic stability, mould growth, silage microbiology, nutrients, feeding managemen

    Investigación sobre la composición química, la actividad antioxidante y la proteína nucleocápsida del SARS-CoV-2 de la endémica Ferula longipedunculata Peşmen

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    The essential and fatty oils were investigated and a quantitative analysis of the root, green and stem parts of F. Longipedunculata was performed by GC-MS and HPLC-TOF/MS and their antioxidant (DPPH method) activities and potential binding of phytochemicals against SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid were determined using Molegro Virtual Docker software. In the root part of the plant, the prominent components of oil were β-phellandrene (53.46%), ocimene (6.79%), 4-terpineol (5.94%) and santalol (5.03%). According to the quantitative results, vanillic acid (141.35 mg/kg), ferulic acid (126.19 mg/kg) and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (119.92 mg/kg) were found in the roots; quercetin-3-β-O-glycoside (1737.70 mg/kg), quercetin (531.35 mg/kg) and ferulic acid (246.22 mg/kg) were found in the in the green part; and fumaric acid (2100.21 mg/kg), quercetin-3-β-O-glycoside (163.24 mg/kg), vanillic acid (57.59 mg/kg) were detected in the stem part. The antioxidant activity of all parts of the plant was higher than the control with BHT. Silibinin, rutin, and neohesperidin exhibited a stronger affinity than nucleotides. In the silico analysis, many of the phytochemicals were attached with strong hydrogen-bonds and electrostatic effects to the amino acids to which nucleotides are bound. The results indicated that the plant showed antioxidant effects and can be effective against SARS-CoV-2 thanks to the different phytochemical compounds it contains.Se analizó el aceite esencial y la grasa de la raíz, la parte verde y el tallo de F. Longipedunculata mediante GC-MS y HPLC-TOF/MS y sus actividades antioxidantes (método DPPH) y posible unión de fitoquímicos contra el SARS-CoV-2 nucleocápside utilizando el software Molegro Virtual Docker. En la parte de la raíz de la planta, los componentes prominentes del aceite fueron β-felandreno (53,46%), ocimeno (6,79%), 4-terpineol (5,94%) y santalol (5,03%). Los resultados cuantitativos mostraron los siguientes valores: ácido vainílico (141,35 mg/kg), ácido ferúlico (126,19 mg/kg) y ácido 4-hidroxibenzoico (119,92 mg/kg) en la raíz, quercetina-3-β-O-glucósido (1737,70 mg/kg), quercetina (531,35 mg/kg) y ácido ferúlico (246,22 mg/kg) en la parte verde y ácido fumárico (2100,21 mg/kg), quercetina-3-β-O-glucósido (163,24 mg/kg) y ácido vainílico (57,59 mg/kg) en la parte del tallo, respectivamente. La actividad antioxidante de todas las partes de la planta fue mayor que el control de BHT. La silibinina, la rutina y la neohesperidina exhibieron una afinidad más fuerte que los nucleótidos. En el análisis silico, muchos de los fitoquímicos se pueden unir con fuertes enlaces de hidrógeno y con efectos electrostáticos a los aminoácidos a los que se unen los nucleótidos. Los resultados indicaron que la planta tiene un efecto antioxidante y puede ser eficaz contra el SARS-CoV-2 gracias a los diferentes compuestos fitoquímicos que contiene

    Conceptualizations of Mental Health Across Europe: Comparing Psychology with Science and Engineering Students

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    There is a lack of consensus on the conceptualization of mental health, with models emphasizing negative aspects, positive aspects, or both. The models are mainly theory-based and may not fit in with the population’s opinions. The aim of this ongoing study is to investigate the conceptualizations of mental health in Europe from psychology, science, and engineering students’ perspectives in an explorative way through semi-structured interviews. Their conceptualizations of mental health are investigated qualitatively by thematic analysis to compare seven European countries. Results can be used to improve mental health questionnaires and interventions across Europe by enhancing the fit with students’ conceptualization

    Determination of periodic deformation from InSAR results using the FFT time series analysis method in Gediz Graben

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    Permanent Scatterers (PS) point velocities obtained by the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) method are generally determined using the linear regression model, which ignores periodic and seasonal effects. In this study, software was developed that can detect periodic effects by applying fast Fourier transformation (FFT) time series analysis to InSAR results. Using the FFT time series analysis, the periodic components of the surface movements at the PS points were determined, and then the annual velocity values free from periodic effects were obtained. The study area was chosen as the Gediz Graben, a tectonically active region where aseismic surface deformations have been observed in recent years. As a result, using the developed method, seasonal effects were successfully determined with the InSAR method at the PS points in the study area with a period of 384 days and an average amplitude of 19 mm. In addition, groundwater level changes of a water well in the region were modeled, and 0.93 correlation coefficient values were calculated between seasonal InSAR displacement values and water level changes. Thus, using the developed methodology, the relationship between the tectonic movement in the Gediz Graben in Turkey and the seasonal movements and the change in the groundwater level was determined

    Evaluating functional capacity, and mortality effects in the presence of atrial electromechanical conduction delay in patients with systolic heart failure

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    Objective: Atrial functions are relatively suppressed in heart failure (HF). We aimed to investigate the associations of intra- and inter-atrial electromechanical conduction delay (EMCD) with functional class and mortality over a 12-month follow-up period. Methods: The prospective study included 65 patients with systolic HF and 65 healthy subjects with normal sinus rhythm. Left ventricular (LV) systolic functions and left atrial (LA) dimensions and volumes were evaluated by transthoracic echocardiography. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) signals at the lateral border of the mitral annulus (lateral PA’), septal mitral annulus (septal PA’), and tricuspid annulus (tricuspid PA’) were measured. Intra- and inter-atrial EMCD were calculated. Results: Mitral inflow velocities were studied using pulsed-wave Doppler after placing the sample volume at the leaflets’ tips. The peak early (E wave) and late (A wave) velocities were measured. The septal annular E/E’ ratio was relatively higher and lateral, septal, and right ventricular S, E’, and A’ waves were significantly lower in the HF group than in the control group (12.49±6.03 - 7.16±1.75, pE/E’ <0.0001). Intra-atrial EMCD was detected as 117.5 ms and inter-atrial EMCD as 127.5 ms in patients with prolonged atrial EMCD. A significant increase was found in prolonged intra- and inter-atrial EMCD according to functional capacity increase (p=0.012 and p=0.031, respectively). The incidence of mortality was significantly higher in patients with prolonged atrial EMCD (p=0.025), and 5 patients in the HF group died during the study over the 12-month follow-up period. Conclusions: In this study, we found a relationship between prolonged atrial conduction time and increased functional class and mortality in patients with systolic HF. © 2016 by Turkish Society of Cardiology