120 research outputs found

    Retórica, comedia, diálogo. La fusión de géneros en la literatura griega del s. II d.C.

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    Lucien de Samosate est sans doute un écrivain difficile a classer. Certains en font le roi du pastiche. Pour nous il s'agit. par contre, d'un écrivain lucide et intelligent qui cherche dans la tradition les éléments qui peuvent l'aider a comprendre le présent et a en faire une critique parfois féroce

    Traducir a Luciano

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    Taking the translations of volumes III and IV of the Alma Mater‟ collection as our reference point, we aim to explain some of the lexical options adopted in our transla-tion of Lucian, which, we hope, reflect the author‟s skill in coining new Greek words to produce a comic or parodic effect. We focus on three aspects in particular: the com-position of proper nouns (as in True Stories); the personification of common nouns (as in The Double Indictment); and a linguistic reflection on certain words (as in Trial in the Court of Vowels and Solecist)

    Llucià i el culte imperial.

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    [cat] L'anomenat culte imperial té característiques diferents a les ciutats gregues que a la resta de l'imperi, Roma inclosa. La utilització d'un determinat lèxic n'és una prova palesa: entre els grecs normalment l'emperador objecte de culte, fins i tot si és encara viu, és anomenat theos, terme que no és semànticament equivalent a l'emprat en llatí, diuus (o diui filius); a més, entre els grecs, és freqüent l'aplicació de l'epítet Olympios. Llucià de Samòsata, en diverses de les seves obres, es fa ressò de la gran tasca que duen a terme els emperadors que reben, en compensació, honors divins; d'una manera similar són descrites les múltiples ocupacions de Zeus a l'Olimp. El fet que també, al seu dia, Pèricles fos anomenat Olímpic confirma la identificació entre el màxim governant humà amb el rei dels deús. La posada en paral·lel d'aquestes recreacions llucianesques fa possible entreveure un posicionament satíric de l'escriptor samosatenc davant la pràctica grega de retre culte a l'emperador.[eng] The so‐called imperial cult has different characteristics in Greek cities compared to the rest of the empire, including Rome. Lexical uses prove to be a perfect test: among Greeks normally the emperor is worshipped, even if he is still alive, with the word theos, a term that is not semantically equivalent to the one used in Latin, diuus (or filius diui); besides, the application of the epithet Olympios is frequent, among the Greeks, Lucian of Samosata, in several of his works, echoes the great work carried out by the emperors who receive, in return, divine honors; the multiple occupations of Zeus in Olympus are described in a similar way. The fact that also, at his time, Pericles was called the Olympic confirms the identification between the highest human ruler with the king of the gods. The parallel setting of these recreations by Lucian makes it possible to glimpse a satirical positioning of the writer of Samosata towards the Greek practice of worshiping the emperor

    Estado y retos de rehabilitación de la urbanización y edificación de polígonos industriales en Mataró, 2013

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    Ante la degradación de los elementos técnicos urbanos de los polígonos industriales en Cataluña, desde 2007 con motivo del inicio de la crisis económica y del paulatino abandono y transformación de la actividad industrial, se genera la necesidad de disponer de una herramienta metodológica que permita tener una visión de su estado actual de conservación y funcionalidad rigurosa y sintética, dirigida a poder tomar decisiones bien fundamentadas referentes a potenciales intervenciones, ya sean de caràcter preventivo, paliativo o de reparación. En este marco, el trabajo presentado identifica los parámetros clave a contemplar ante la evaluación del estado actual de los elementos técnicos urbanos y de los edificios fabriles en torno al concepto de “industriabilidad”, entendiendo con esta denominación la consideración del conjunto de las condiciones técnicas, tanto arquitectónicas como urbanísticas, favorables y necesarias para el desarrollo adecuado de la actividad industrial. Además, no cabe desconsiderar que la actividad productiva evoluciona a un ritmo superior al de otras, por lo que estas condiciones evolucionan con gran rapidez, se hace pues necesario indagar también las nuevas necesidades. Para ello se propone un método para su evaluación mediante el análisis de unos parámetros. Finalmente se valoran los resultados tras la implementación del método respecto a la muestra estadística escogida entre los polígonos industriales de la ciudad de Mataró. Dada la naturaleza del objeto de análisis, comúnmente identificado como estructura urbana singular y cerrada, ajena a la urbanización circundante, el alcance del estudio abarca un extenso número de casos con necesidad de rehabilitación y renovación respecto tanto a los edificios como al conjunto de su urbanización, a corto o medio plazo, para continuar siendo aptos para el desarrollo de su actividad. Así pues, este trabajo busca asentar un método cara a establecer unas directrices para una adecuada regeneración a partir de la identificación requerida.Postprint (published version

    Percolation thresholds in chemical disordered excitable media

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    The behavior of chemical waves advancing through a disordered excitable medium is investigated in terms of percolation theory and autowave properties in the framework of the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. By controlling the number of sites with a given illumination, different percolation thresholds for propagation are observed, which depend on the relative wave transmittances of the two-state medium considered

    Experiencias de Analíticas de Aprendizaje para el Seguimiento de Competencias Transversales

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    [EN] This article compiles a series of learning analytics experiences carried out in a multi-disciplinary university context in order to facilitate the monitoring students achieve-ment of certain soft skills. The experiences involve the use of computer tools for the collection, analysis and / or processing of data generated mainly from the students in-teractions with the Learning Management Systems used at the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia (PoliformaT, based on Sakai, Microsoft Teams, Videoapuntes). The results indicate that the integration of learning analytics techniques makes it possible to collect evidence and shed visibility in a partially automated way in order to support the process of monitoring the degree of achievement of certain soft skills.[ES] Este artículo recopila una serie de experiencias de analíticas de aprendizaje realizadas en un contexto universitario multi-disciplinar para poder facilitar el seguimiento del alcance de ciertas competencias transversales por parte del alumnado. Las experiencias involucran el uso de herramientas informáticas para la recopilación, análisis y/o procesado de datos generados principalmente a partir de las interacciones del estudiante con los Sistemas de Gestión del Aprendizaje utilizados en la Universitat Politècnica de València (PoliformaT, basado en Sakai, Microsoft Teams y Videoapuntes). Los resultados indican que la integración de técnicas de analíticas de aprendizaje permite recopilar evidencias y arrojar visibilidad de forma parcialmente automatizada con el objetivo de dar soporte al proceso de seguimiento del grado de alcance de ciertas competencias transversales.Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (PIME) con identificador PIME/19-20/166 y financiado por la Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaMoltó Martínez, G.; Fita Fernández, IC.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Mestre I Mestre, EM.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Fita Fernández, AM. (2021). Experiencias de Analíticas de Aprendizaje para el Seguimiento de Competencias Transversales. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1337-1351. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13704OCS1337135

    Shared decision making with schizophrenic patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial with booster sessions (DECIDE Study)

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    Background: The treatment of schizophrenia requires a prolonged, multidimensional intervention that includes antipsychotic drugs. Treatment adherence is essential to effectively control the disorder. Shared decision-making (SDM) is a strategy, supported by numerous practical and ethical arguments, that seeks to involve patients in the therapeutic process to improve treatment adherence and satisfaction. The use of this model in mental health has been limited for many intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. The results of clinical trials conducted to date have largely been disappointing, potential due to study design-related limitations. Aim/Question: To evaluate the efficacy, in terms of treatment adherence and improvement in clinical variables, such as severity of symptoms, days of hospitalization or insight, of a carefully timed SDM model initiated immediately prior to hospital discharge in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Single-blind, randomized clinical trial in an acute psychiatric care unit within the Andalusian Health Department to compare SDM (experimental group) to treatment as usual (TAU; control group) in a sample of patients hospitalized for an acute episode of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. The study was performed between January 2014 and June 2017. The experimental group participated in SDM sessions prior to discharge with regular booster sessions over the one-year follow-up. The health care team responsible for SDM was predisposed to concordance (LatCon II scale) and received specific training in SDM. A hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the factors independently associated with adherence, controlling for sociodemographic, clinical, and admission-related variables. Variables were assessed at admission, discharge and at 3, 6 and 12 months after discharge during the one year follow up. BARS, DAI, WAI-S, COMRADE and PANSS were used to evaluate adherence, attitude to treatment, therapeutic alliance, satisfaction and confidence with decision and clinical status, respectively. Results: A total of 227 schizophrenic patients hospitalized with acute decompensation were evaluated; of these, 102 met all inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Most patients (95%) had prior experience with antipsychotics and most (82%) had experienced related side effects. Despite randomization, psychopathologic severity was greater in the experimental group, with a mean (SD) PANSS score of 104.08 (80) vs. 93.45 (20.30) (p < 0.05). The final regression model to explain adherence was significant (adjusted R2 = 0.384; F [df= 6] = 4.386; p < 0.001), with a direct, significant and independent association with SDM mediated by the number of booster sessions. Discussion: Shared decision making with booster sessions appears to increase treatment adherence in patients with severe mental disorders. Implication on practice: Ethical, practical, and clinical reasons support the use of strategies designed promote the use of long-term, shared decision-making in psychiatric patients, especially in schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Background: Adherence is essential for the successful treatment of schizophrenia. Shared decision making is a strategy that aims to involve patients in the treatment process to improve satisfaction with treatment. However, the evidence to support this approach remains inconclusive. Aim/Question: To assess the efficacy, in terms of treatment adherence and clinical variables, of a shared decision-making approach initiated immediately prior to hospital discharge and at regular intervals during one-year follow-up in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Single-blind randomized clinical trial with in an acute psychiatric care unit within the Andalusian Health Department, with booster sessions at months 3, 6, and 12 during the follow-up. A hierarchical multiple linear regression was performed to assess adherence, controlling for sociodemographic, clinical, and admission-related variables, and the application or not of shared decision-making. Results: 102 patients with acute decompensation were included. Despite randomization, psychopathologic severity was greater in the experimental group, with a mean (SD) PANSS score of 104.08 (80) vs. 93.45 (20.30) (p < 0.05). The final explanatory adherence model was significant (adjusted R2 = 0.384; F [df = 16] = 4.386; p < 0.001), with a significant and independent association of shared decision-making mediated by the number of booster sessions applied. Conclusions: The application of shared decision making with booster sessions appears to increase the likelihood of treatment adherence in schizophrenia spectrum disorder. © 2023 The Author

    Axis internationalism: Spanish health experts and the Nazi ‘New Europe’, 1939–1945

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    Many of the forms and practices of interwar internationalism were recreated under the auspices of the Nazi ‘New Europe’. This article will examine these forms of ‘Axis internationalism’ by looking at Spanish health experts' involvement with Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Despite the ambiguous relationship between the Franco regime and the Axis powers, a wide range of Spanish health experts formed close ties with colleagues from Nazi Germany and across Axis and occupied Europe. Many of those involved were relatively conservative figures who also worked with liberal international health organisations in the pre- and post-war eras. Despite their political differences, their opposing attitudes towards eugenics and the tensions caused by German hegemony, Spanish experts were able to rationalise their involvement with Nazi Germany as a mutually-beneficial continuation of pre-war international health cooperation amongst countries united by a shared commitment to modern, ‘totalitarian’ forms of public health. Despite the hostility of Nazi Germany and its European collaborators to both liberal and left-wing forms of internationalism, this phenomenon suggests that the ‘New Europe’ deserves to be studied as part of the wider history of internationalism in general and of international health in particular