21 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Natural product which is used as medicines should in compliance with the guidelines that the drug does not cause acute or chronic toxicity and proved efficacious as a medicinal. The present study was carried out to evaluate the safety of ethanol extract of lerak (sapindus rarak. DC) fruits. Methods: Lerak fruits were extracted by continuous extraction using the Soxhlet apparatus and ethanol 96 %. Extraction results was continued to acute toxicity by using a fixed dose method and sub-chronic toxicity was performed according to the OECD guideline. In an acute toxicity study, a single dose of 2000 and 5000 mg/kg bw of lerak fruits extract was administered p. o (orally) to healthy female Wistar rats following a sighting study. The animals were observed for mortality and clinical signs for 24 hour and then daily for 14 days. In the sub-chronic toxicity study, the extract was administered orally at doses of 50, 100 and 500 mg/kg bw /day. The animals were given by ethanol extract of lerak fruits once daily for 28 days, the administrations were stopped on the 28th day, while for the satellite group still observed until 14 days during the post observation period for assessment of reversibility, persistence or delayed occurrence of toxicity. At the end of the observation, all animals were autopsied and observed in parameters such as blood biochemical parameters, hematology, urine profiles, physical pathology and histological examination. Results: In the acute toxicity test, oral administration of 2000 and 5000 mg/kg bw produced neither mortality nor changes in behavior or any other physiological activities and indicated that LD50 of the ethanol extract of the lerak fruits (EELF) was greater than 5000 mg/kg bw in Wistar rats. In sub-chronic 28-days repeated dose oral toxicity study, administration of ethanol extract lerak fruits with dose of 50 mg/kg bw, 100 mg/kg bw, 500 mg/kg bw in male and female rats generally showed no significantly differences in parameters abnormalities of organ function, behavior and motor activity, urine parameters, blood biochemical parameters, condition of the gastric mucosa, histology and did not produce mortality in treated groups compared to control group. Ethanol extract of lerak fruits with the dose of 500 mg/kg bb showed increasing in SGOT, decreased in cholesterol and body weight in male and female rats. Obvious histological changes were observed in the heart and liver organ of lerak fruits dose 500 mg/kg bw extract treated animals compared to control. Conclusions: Based on the finding of this study, the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) of EELF in wistar rats, following oral administration for 28 days was found to be more than 100 mg/kg bw

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Ekstrak Umbi Lapis Bawang Putih Dan Ekstrak Rimpang Kunyit Terhadap Janin Mencit Swiss-Webster

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    The influence of solution of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in water and solution of turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) in ethanol had been studied in pregnant Swiss-Webster mice. The garlic and turmeric extract were administered orally at dose level combination of 100:100, 500:500, and 1000:1000 mg/kg body weight on day sixth to fifteenth of gestation. The mother was sacrified on day eighteenth day of gestation to observe life fetus, resorption, and growth failure. One third of the fetuses were eviscerated for skeletal staining with alizarin red and two third of the fetuses were hardened with Bouin’s fixation solution. No malformation were found in the eviscerated group. Resorption of 1.11 % fetuses and 1.11 % growfail fetuses showed by extract combination of 100:100 mg/kg body weight. Growfail Growth failure of  4.59 % fetuses showed by extract combination of 500:500 mg/kg body weight. Resorption of  0.96  % fetuses showed by extract combination of 1000:1000 mg/kg body weight. The conclusion of this study, is that the combination of turmeric and garlic extract of 100:100 mg/kg body weight, which is equivalent to usual dose in human showed safe as herbal medicine, while in higher dose it is not recommended for pregnant woman


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    Objective: Inflammation is body reactions in response to tissue injury and infection. In 2011, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) was thehighest demand drug in Indonesia. However, long-term treatment using NSAID can cause several side effects to cardiovascular and digestive system.This research aimed to investigate anti-inflammatory properties of binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia) and pegagan herbs (Centella asiatica).Methods: Ethyl alcohol extract of A. cordifolia leaves and C. asiatica herbs was evaluated for its anti-inflammatory properties using human redblood cell (RBC) – membrane stabilization assay. The extract concentrations used in this study was 100, 200, 400, and 800-ppm, and apigenin andasiaticoside concentration were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 100 ppm. Diclofenac natrium (DN) was used as a standard drug.Results: The results showed that A. cordifolia extract (ACE) alone, C. asiatica extract (CAE) alone, and the combination of ACE and CAE could inhibit thehemolysis of RBC in hypotonic solution. The optimum concentration for ACE alone was 100 ppm; for CAE alone was 400 ppm; and for the combinationof ACE and CAE was 50 ppm and 50 ppm, respectively. Apigenin and asiaticoside in concentration of 1-10 ppm showed more than 97% inhibition ofhemolysis. DN as a standard drug showed optimum inhibition at concentration of 400 ppm.Conclusion: The ethyl alcohol extract of A. cordifolia leaves and C. asiatica herbs showed anti-inflammatory activity, both as a single treatment or ascombinations, and apigenin and asiaticoside were responsible for anti-inflammatory activity in C. asiatica.Keywords: Anti-inflammation, Human red blood cell – membrane stabilization, Anredera cordifolia, Centella asiatica

    Kajian Aktivitas Penyembuhan Luka Dan Antibakteri Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis, Pegagan (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban) Serta Kombinasinya Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Dan Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Dari Pasien Luka Kaki Diabetes

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    Telah dilakukan uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daunbinahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis, pegagan(Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) serta kombinasinya. Hasilyang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak binahong,ekstrak pegagan, serta ekstrak kombinasinya padamasing-masing konsentrasi mempunyai aktivitassebagai bakteriostatik terhadap bakteri Staphylococcusaureus dan bakterisidal terhadap Pseudomonas aeroginosa


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    Saponin fraction of seed flesh of Oyong (Luffaacutangula [L.]Roxb) has been investigated to have a hepatoprotective activity in rats with fibrotic chronic liver damage. This research was conducted to evaluate whether saponin fraction of Oyongseed flesh has a hepatoprotective activity in CCl4-induced acute liver damage. Hepatoprotective activity was determined by measuring the activity of liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT, LDH), total nitrite/nitrate level, liver index and liver histology. Saponin fraction of Oyong flesh seeds 10mg/kg BW and meniran extract 400mg/kg BW alone showed hepatoprotective activity. Administration of saponin fraction 10mg/kb BB decreased SGPT and LDH significantly over untreated group. Group given meniran extract at dose of 200mg/kg BW showed decreased on LDH, while at dose of 400mg/kg BW decreased SGPT, SGOT, and LDH significantly. Hystological observation revealed any improvement in liver morphology especially after treated with saponin fraction 10mg/kg BWand meniran extract at dose of 400mg/kg BW. However, all groups treated with combination of saponin and meniran did not show improvement both at biochemical parameter and liver histology. In conclusion, saponin extract with dose of 10mg/kg BW and meniran extract at dose of 400mg/kg BW showed hepatoprotector activity. In contrast, combination of both did not show any hepatoprotective effect and it was suspected that they have antagonist effects.Key words:hepatoprotective, CCl4-induced liver fibrosis, Luffaacutangula, Phyllanthusnirur


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    Telah dilakukan uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daunbinahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis, pegagan(Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) serta kombinasinya. Hasilyang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak binahong,ekstrak pegagan, serta ekstrak kombinasinya padamasing-masing konsentrasi mempunyai aktivitassebagai bakteriostatik terhadap bakteri Staphylococcusaureus dan bakterisidal terhadap Pseudomonas aeroginosa.Kata kunci: Binahong, pegagan, Antibakteri, S. aureus,P. aeruginos

    Aplikasi Zebrafish (Danio rerio) pada Beberapa Model Penyakit Eksperimental

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    Zebrafish (Danio rerio) merupakan jenis ikan tropis berukuran kecil yang banyak ditemukandi negara India dan Asia Selatan. Hingga saat ini, zebrafish telah digunakan sebagai organismemodel untuk pengembangan berbagai model penyakit, studi toksikologi, studi neurobiologi,gangguan-gangguan metabolisme, dan pengembangan genetika. Beberapa keunggulan dari penggunaanzebrafish antara lain mekanisme adaptasi terhadap lingkungan, naluri yang cukup bervariasi,pola sirkadian, dan berbagai macam mekanisme adaptasi lainnya. Secara genetika, zebrafishjuga memiliki persamaan gen yang menyerupai manusia. Persamaan gen ini merupakan prosesevolusi yang terjadi selama ratusan juta tahun yang lalu. Sebagai tambahan, zebrafish juga memilikipersamaan-persamaan lainnya dengan manusia antara lain yaitu pada sistem saluran pencernaan,jaringan adiposa viseral, sistem otot rangka, dan sistem organ lainnya. Persamaan gen, sistemsaluran pencernaan, jaringan adiposa viseral, sistem otot rangka, dan sistem organ lainnya menjadikanlandasan utama untuk pengembangan dan eksplorasi berbagai macam model penyakit padamanusia. Beberapa model yang dapat diaplikasikan pada model zebrafish antara lain model obesitas,diabetes mellitus, gangguan jantung atau kardiovaskular, gangguan ginjal, gangguan lipid, penyakitperlemakan hati, dan beberapa model lainnya

    Bioactive Compounds of Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

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    Rambutan, a widely popular tropical fruit encompasses rich amount of bioactive compounds. All parts of this plant (leaves, bark, root, fruits, fruit skin, pulp and seeds) finds traditional usage, and are linked with high therapeutic values. Rambutan fruits parts like that of peel, pulp and seeds have been scientifically investigated in-depth and is reported to encompass high amounts of bioactive compounds (such as polyphenol, flavonoid, alkaloid, essential mineral, dietary fiber). These compounds contribute towards antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-obesity activities. However, literature pertaining towards potential industrial applications (food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical) of rambutan fruits are limited. In the present chapter, it is intended to document some of the interesting research themes published on rambutan fruits, and identify the existing gaps to open up arena for future research work.This chapter theme is based on our ongoing project—VALORTECH, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 810630

    Peptic Ulcer Prevention in Female Wistar Rat with Gel From Cincau Hijau Fresh Leaves (Cyclea Barbata MIERS.)

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    Introduction: Cyclea barbata leaves is used traditionally as a peptic ulcer prevention.Objective of this research is to evaluate the effect based on pharmacology.Methdo: Rat-peptic ulcer model was induced with cold-water immersion method at 20C. The extract was extracted by squeezing and was given before peptic ulcer induced. Parameter test were based on severity and number of ulcer. Animal test group are positive control Tween-80 20mL/kg body-weight, standard sucralfate 90 mg/kg body-weight, extract 375, 750, and 1599 mg/kg body weight.Result: Based on the severity score, all dosages of extract have preventive effect showed the significant severity reduction of peptic ulcer (p<0.05) with positive control. Base on number of ulcer, the dose of 375 mg/kg body-weight of this extract have preventive effect showed the significant number reduction of peptic ulcer (p<0.05) with positive control. Conclusion: The dose of 375 mg/kg body-weight of this extract gives the percentage of ulcer prevention and the effectiveness percentage of ulcer preventive dose based on standard, higher than the dose of 750 and 1500 mg/kg body-weight. &nbsp