831 research outputs found

    RED: Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Sleep EEG Event Detection

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    The brain electrical activity presents several short events during sleep that can be observed as distinctive micro-structures in the electroencephalogram (EEG), such as sleep spindles and K-complexes. These events have been associated with biological processes and neurological disorders, making them a research topic in sleep medicine. However, manual detection limits their study because it is time-consuming and affected by significant inter-expert variability, motivating automatic approaches. We propose a deep learning approach based on convolutional and recurrent neural networks for sleep EEG event detection called Recurrent Event Detector (RED). RED uses one of two input representations: a) the time-domain EEG signal, or b) a complex spectrogram of the signal obtained with the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT). Unlike previous approaches, a fixed time window is avoided and temporal context is integrated to better emulate the visual criteria of experts. When evaluated on the MASS dataset, our detectors outperform the state of the art in both sleep spindle and K-complex detection with a mean F1-score of at least 80.9% and 82.6%, respectively. Although the CWT-domain model obtained a similar performance than its time-domain counterpart, the former allows in principle a more interpretable input representation due to the use of a spectrogram. The proposed approach is event-agnostic and can be used directly to detect other types of sleep events.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. In proceedings of the 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020

    Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy : Insights Into Pathophysiology and Perspectives for Therapy

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    UDHEBRONMegalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a rare genetic disorder belonging to the group of vacuolating leukodystrophies. It is characterized by megalencephaly, loss of motor functions, epilepsy, and mild mental decline. In brain biopsies of MLC patients, vacuoles were observed in myelin and in astrocytes surrounding blood vessels. It is mainly caused by recessive mutations in MLC1 and HEPACAM (also called GLIALCAM) genes. These disease variants are called MLC1 and MLC2A with both types of patients sharing the same clinical phenotype. Besides, dominant mutations in HEPACAM were also identified in a subtype of MLC patients (MLC2B) with a remitting phenotype. MLC1 and GlialCAM proteins form a complex mainly expressed in brain astrocytes at the gliovascular interface and in Bergmann glia at the cerebellum. Both proteins regulate several ion channels and transporters involved in the control of ion and water fluxes in glial cells, either directly influencing their location and function, or indirectly regulating associated signal transduction pathways. However, the MLC1/GLIALCAM complex function and the related pathological mechanisms leading to MLC are still unknown. It has been hypothesized that, in MLC, the role of glial cells in brain ion homeostasis is altered in both physiological and inflammatory conditions. There is no therapy for MLC patients, only supportive treatment. As MLC2B patients show an MLC reversible phenotype, we speculated that the phenotype of MLC1 and MLC2A patients could also be mitigated by the re-introduction of the correct gene even at later stages. To prove this hypothesis, we injected in the cerebellar subarachnoid space of Mlc1 knockout mice an adeno-associated virus (AAV) coding for human MLC1 under the control of the glial-fibrillary acidic protein promoter. MLC1 expression in the cerebellum extremely reduced myelin vacuolation at all ages in a dose-dependent manner. This study could be considered as the first preclinical approach for MLC. We also suggest other potential therapeutic strategies in this review

    Naturaleza y arqueología : la reproducción en sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras o la primera revolución reproductiva

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    La explicación para las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras prehistóricas se basa en procesos inferenciales y analógicos que toman como referencia las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras modernas. Sin embargo ninguna sociedad estudiada por la Etnografía era primitiva y mucho menos prehistórica. En el punto concreto de la historia en que vemos a esas sociedades están organizadas con elaciones que provienen de largas trayectorias históricas. Partiendo de esta reflexión y del análisis del registro arqueológico y etnográfico de las sociedades de Tierra del Fuego y de la Costa Noroeste de América, que han sido los paradigmas extremos para sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras postulamos que la universal división del trabajo en función del sexo, la desigualdad y la discriminación de las mujeres fueron la consecuencia histórica de la gestión de las estrategias reproductivas para controlar la variable demográfica. Por lo tanto situamos el origen de estas estrategias en la Prehistoria e intentamos generar un registro arqueológico que nos permita identificarlas.The explanation for prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies is based on inferential and analogical processes which refer to the modern hunter-gatherer societies. But any society studied by ethnography was primitive and much less prehistoric. On the specific point in history we look at these societies, they are organized with relationships that come from long historical trajectories. From this reflection and the analysis of the archaeological and ethnographic record of the societies in Tierra del Fuego and the Northwest Coast of America, which have been the extreme paradigms for hunter gatherer societies, we postulate that the universal division of labor by sex, inequality and discrimination against women were the historical consequences of the management of reproductive strategies to control the demographic variable. Therefore we place the origin of these strategies in prehistory and try to generate an archaeological record that allows

    Colecciones de museos etnográficos en arqueología

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    Nuestros planteamientos etnoarqueológicos requerían analizar y sistematizar toda la información etnográfica e histórica existente sobre la gente que habitó la costa norte del Canal Beagle en el momento de contacto (o momentos etnográficos) a fin de poder generar una «imagen etnográfica» apta para ser contrastada por vía arqueológica. Para ello, empezamos con un trabajo exhaustivo de recopilación y seguimos con un sistemático análisis crítico de toda la documentación histórica existente sobre este grupo. A esta exhaustiva recopilación añadimos la revisión del importante material fotográfico existente. Paralelamente, y una vez constatado que es en Europa donde se encuentran las colecciones más completas y mejor documentadas de objetos fueguinos, se realizó la revisión de la casi absoluta totalidad de aquellos materiales depositados en los museos etnográficos europeos. El objetivo era incluir/integrar el estudio de estos objetos en el intento de conseguir una imagen etnográfica completa. Presentamos aquí esta experiencia ya que éste fue un aspecto novedoso en su momento (y seguramente también ahora), pues estos objetos depositados en museos nunca habían sido analizados desde esta perspectiva, y porque creemos que los resultados avalan la inclusión que proponemos.Our ethnoarchaeological proposals needed to analyze and arder all the ethnographic and historical information available of the people who lived on the northem coast of the Beagle channel in order to generate an «ethnographic image» that would be able to be tested archaeologically. So we started an exhaustive recopilation work. After that, we analyzed from a critica] point of view all the existing historical documentation and photographs about these groups. In parallel, and once we knew surely that the most complete collections could be found in Europe, almost all these materials were revised. The main objective was to include/integrate the study of these objects within the ethnographic image created with the documentation. We present here the methodology that we have followed, methodology that was very new at that moment and that probably it is still new, as long as these objects were never treated under this perspective

    Espécies de Belostoma Latreille (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae) de pequeno porte. III. Revisão do grupo oxyurum com uma nova espécie do Brasil e a descrição do macho de B. noualhieri Montandon

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    Species of the oxyurum group (sensu Lauck) consist of five extant Neotropical small species, whose lengths range 15.0 to 20.0 mm. The anterior interocular width about 1.5 times the width of an eye and ventral diverticulum of phallus flattened, circular, and large are, in combination, diagnostic. The small species of the oxyurum group were included in the Lauck's key to the identification of the species groups, without dealing with the species included in it because many of them are very similar in appearance. Therefore here we redescribe and key the Belostoma species of the oxyurum group. Belostoma oxyurum (Dufour) is newly recorded from Brazil (Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul). Holotype and lectotype are designated for B. oxyurum and B. sanctulum Montandon, respectively. The aspect of the prosternal keel, the ratio between the width of the ventral diverticulum of phallus and its length in ventral view, and the aspect of dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum have proven useful for better species delimitation. Based on specimens from Pará State (N. Brazil), Belostoma carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. This new species differs from B. sanctulum in having anteoculus shorter than interoculus and the dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum divergent and large. A male specimen of B. noualhieri Montandon was collected in São Paulo State and based mainly on features of male genitalia, this species is here also included under oxyurum group. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia.Representantes do grupo oxyurum (sensu Lauck) compreendem cinco espécies neotropicais de pequeno porte, com comprimento total do corpo entre 15,0 e 20,0 mm. A largura interocular anterior cerca de uma vez e meia a largura de um olho e os formatos achatado, circular e alargado do divertículo ventral do falossoma são característicos de seus representantes. Esse grupo de espécies foi incluído na chave de identificação de Lauck para grupos de espécies de Belostoma Latreille, mas seus representantes não tiveram sua taxonomia detalhada por serem espécies com proximidade morfológica grande. Neste trabalho, as espécies do grupo oxyurum são redescritas e uma chave de identificação para suas espécies é fornecida. É registrada pela primeira vez no Brasil a espécie B. oxyurum (Dufour) nos estados do Paraná e do Rio Grande do Sul. Um holótipo e um lectótipo foram designados para B. oxyurum e B. sanctulum Montandon respectivamente. O aspecto da carena prosternal, a relação entre a largura do divertículo ventral do falossoma e seu comprimento em vista ventral e o aspecto dos braços dorsais do divertículo ventral mostraram-se importantes na melhor definição das espécies do grupo. Belostoma carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez, sp. nov. é descrita e ilustrada com base em espécimes do Estado do Pará, norte do Brasil e se diferencia de B. sanctulum pelo comprimento do anteóculo menor que o do interóculo e pelos braços dorsais do divertículo ventral divergentes e largos. Um espécime macho de B. noualhieri Montandon foi coligido no Estado de São Paulo e, baseado principalmente nas características observadas da genitália masculina deles, essa espécie é aqui incluída no grupo oxyurum.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    ECONOMIA. La cabra: un animal marginat

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    L'explotació d'aquest animal és interessant per la ramaderia del Bergued

    Development and validation of the Spanish hazard perception test

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    Objective: The aim of the current study is to develop and obtain validity evidence for a Hazard Perception test suitable for the Spanish driving population. To obtain validity evidence to support the use of the test, the effect of hazardous and quasi-hazardous situations on the participants’ Hazard Prediction is analysed and the pattern of results of drivers of different driving experience: learner, novice and expert drivers and re-offender vs. non-offender drivers, is compared. Potentially hazardous situations are those that develop without involving any real hazard (i.e., the driver didn’t actually have to decelerate or make any evasive manoeuvre to avoid a potential collision). The current study analysed multiple offender drivers attending compulsory re-education programmes as a result of reaching the maximum number of penalty points on their driving licence, due to repeated violations of traffic laws. Method: A new video-based hazard perception test was developed, using a total of 20 hazardous situation videos plus 8 quasi-hazardous situation videos. They were selected from 167 recordings of natural hazards in real Spanish driving settings