35 research outputs found
The inner quality of orange juice and apple juice : assessment by the use of microbiological methods
A modified Salmonella mutagenicity assay and a cytotoxicity test were developed to. determine the concentration of sensorially inactive Maillard Intermediate Products (MIP) in fruit juices. The formation of MIP is initiated by heat treatments necessary for pasteurization and thermal concentration. In industrial and laboratory prepared orange juices their concentration was seen to be related to the intensity of the heat treatment and to allow a shelf-life prediction in relation to non-enzymatic browning (inner quality). The microbial MIP assay(s) are therefore useful for orange juice manufactures to select concentrated juices for reconstitution and packing and to test equipment and processes. The modification of the tests involve preincubation with the tester bacteria for 4 hr at pH 7.4 and 37°C. Under natural acidic condition orange juice is not mutagenic.It was further seen that the heat treatments did not hydrolyze orange glycosides to mutagenic aglycones which could have influenced the assay. MIP were characterized to be polar, non volatile compounds which carry no charge and have a molecular weight from 200 to 700 daltons. Automation of the mutagenicity assay by a turbidometric assay system was seen to be only possible for gel filtration and HPLC fractions of juice; in whole orange juice endogenous growth factors and cytotoxicity disturbed the assay. on the other hand measurement of cytotoxicity of whole juice could be carried out conveniently by a kinetic conductance method. Heat treated laboratory prepared apple juice also contained mutagenic fractions but the whole juice had a positive antimutagenic balance. There was a heat load and dose related reduction of the mutagenicity of MNNG (N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine) and 4-NQO (4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide) in the presence of apple juice. These findings give new aspects to apple juice as a healtly food
Study of Spiritual Tourism Areas - Healing in Cirebon
Today, spiritual tourism, an alternative form of travel, is becoming increasingly common. Spirituality is now seen as a lifestyle, particularly when it comes to attaining a balance between the mind, body, and soul, which is often referred to as spiritual healing. People seek new meaning and fulfilment through spiritual healing, fulfilling their need for security in the process. Cirebon’s tourism locations embrace the esoteric tradition and offer spiritual healing practices. This study aims to describe spiritual healing in Cirebon’s tourism activities. The research adopts an exploratory method, and data are collected through surveys and field observations. The survey data is then processed and analysed by categorising the responses. The information is grouped according to similarities, and then examined and interpreted in the context of Cirebon’s spiritual tourism sector. The selected participants for this study are individuals who have engaged in spiritual tourism in Cirebon on multiple occasions. The study’s findings provide valuable insights for the development of spiritual healing in Cirebon. The results can be utilised to further explore the potential of spiritual healing tourism in Cirebon, benefiting its overall tourism industry. Keywords: area, Cirebon-esoteric-tradition, explorative, spiritual-healingToday, spiritual tourism, an alternative form of travel, is becoming increasingly common. Spirituality is now seen as a lifestyle, particularly when it comes to attaining a balance between the mind, body, and soul, which is often referred to as spiritual healing. People seek new meaning and fulfilment through spiritual healing, fulfilling their need for security in the process. Cirebon’s tourism locations embrace the esoteric tradition and offer spiritual healing practices. This study aims to describe spiritual healing in Cirebon’s tourism activities. The research adopts an exploratory method, and data are collected through surveys and field observations. The survey data is then processed and analysed by categorising the responses. The information is grouped according to similarities, and then examined and interpreted in the context of Cirebon’s spiritual tourism sector. The selected participants for this study are individuals who have engaged in spiritual tourism in Cirebon on multiple occasions. The study’s findings provide valuable insights for the development of spiritual healing in Cirebon. The results can be utilised to further explore the potential of spiritual healing tourism in Cirebon, benefiting its overall tourism industry.
Keywords: area, Cirebon-esoteric-tradition, explorative, spiritual-healin
Uji Mutu Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis-l) Dan Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Segar Di Tpi Tumumpa Selama Penyimpanan Dingin
The skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis-L) or the locally known as Cakalang and the mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) or tongkol as it known locally are the types of fishes that have high economic value. The aim of this research is to observe the decrease in freshness quality of the skipjack tuna and the mackerel tuna that have been stored for 14 days in a cool box with the temperature of 0–5ºC, with the supporting data based on The TVB-N analysis, organoleptic analysis and Miogobin value analysis. The results using the three testing procedures which are consists of TVB-N value, organoleptic value and Mioglobin value, indicated that the meat of the mackarel tuna have more faster rate of degradation than the skipjack tuna. Data from the result of TVB-N anova calculation proved that the type of fish have no influence on the TVB-N value, while the storage duration are very influential the TVB-N value. In data of organoleptic value the general impression of skipjack tuna and the mackerel tuna obtained from the anova calculated imply that the type of fish influence the appearance and texture but not with the eyes gills and odour . While the treatment of storage time are impacted greatly on the appearance, texture as well as gills and odour. Keyword: TVB-N, Organoleptic, Mioglobin. Ikan cakalang(Katsuwonus pelamis-L) dan ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk melihat kemunduran mutu kesegaran ikan cakalang dan ikan tongkol yang disimpan selama 14 hari dengan suhu 0–5ºC di cool box. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisa TVB-N, analisa organoleptik dan analisa nilai Miogobin sebagai pendukung. Hasil analisa dengan tiga metode uji yaitu nilai TVB-N, nilai organoleptik dan nilai mioglobin, semuanya mengatakan bahwa daging ikan tongkol lebih cepat terdegradasi dibandingkan dengan ikan cakalang. Data hasil perhitungan anova TVB-N menyatakan bahwa jenis ikan tidak mempengaruhi kadar TVB-N sedangkan waktu lama penyimpanan sangat mempengaruhi tingkat kadar TVBN. Pada data nilai organoleptik kesan umum ikan cakalang dan ikan tongkol pada hasil perhitungan anova didapatkan jenis ikan mempengaruhi kenampakan dan tekstur tetapi tidak untuk mata, insang dan bau Sedangkan untuk perlakuan lama penyimpanan sangat mempengaruhi pada kenampakan, tekstur, insang, mata dan bau
Utilization of fermented sago pulp as a source of carbohydrate in feed for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate sago pulp fermentation method and its effect on crude fiber content, digestibility, and utilization of sago pulp as a feed raw material for Nile tilapia. Fermentation was done using three different fermenters, i.e. yeast tapai and baker’s yeast with five doses of 10 g/kg, 20 g/kg, 50 g/kg,70 g/kg,100 g/kg, respectively, and sheep rumen liquid with five doses of 100 mL/kg, 200 mL/kg, 300 mL/kg, 500 mL/kg and 1000 mL/kg. The incubation time was 0, 24, 72, and 96 hours. In the digestibility test, tilapia (25 g) was stocked at a density of 7 fish/aquarium. Three different diets were applied in quadruplicate, i.e. reference diet (100% reference diet), unfermented sago pulp (AS), and fermented sago pulp (ASF). Three different dietary treatments (in quadruplicate) containing different carbohydrate sources were tested, i.e. cassava flour as a comparion (G), unfermented sago pulp (AS), and fermented sago pulp (ASF). Fermentation of sago pulp with tapai yeast at a dose of 50 g/kg at 72 hours incubation time could reduce crude fiber by 35.76%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) by 32.68%, and hemicellulose by 60.39%. Fermentation with yeast tapai could significantly increase sago pulp dry matter digestibility by 34% and carbohydrate digestibility by 21%, as well as increase glucose absorption. The growth experiment showed that the use of ASF diets resulted in higher specific growth rate (3.31 ± 0.12%/ day), protein retention (47.34 ± 5.23%) and fat retention (85.58 ± 5.44%) than those of AS dietary. In conclusion, fermentation of sago pulp using yeast tapai at a dose of 50 g/kg at 72 hours incubation could reduce crude fiber content and increase dry matter and carbohydrate digestibilities, so that it can be used as a source of carbohydrates in tilapia diet.
Keywords : carbohydrate, digestibility, fermentation, fiber, Nile tilapia, sago pulp
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi metode fermentasi ampas sagu dan pengaruhnya terhadap kandungan serat kasar, kecernaan, dan pemanfaatan ampas sagu sebagai bahan baku pakan ikan nila. Fermentasi dilakukan dengan penambahan tiga perlakuan bahan fermentor yaitu ragi tape dan ragi roti ditambahkan dengan dosis masing-masing sebanyak 10 g/kg, 20 g/kg, 50 g/kg, 70 g/kg, 100 g/kg, dan cairan rumen domba yang ditambahkan dengan dosis 100 mL/kg, 200 mL/kg, 300 mL/kg, 500 mL/kg, dan 1000 mL/kg. Lama waktu inkubasi 0, 24, 72, dan 96 jam. Pada uji kecernaan digunakan ikan nila (25 g) yang dipelihara dengan kepadatan tujuh ekor per akuarium. Pada uji ini dilakukan tiga perlakuan pakan dengan empat ulangan, yaitu pakan acuan, ampas sagu tanpa fermentasi (AS), dan ampas sagu fermentasi (ASF). Percobaan dilakukan dengan tiga perlakuan pakan (4 ulangan) dengan tiga sumber karbohidrat yang berbeda yaitu gaplek (G) sebagai pembanding, ampas sagu (AS), dan ampas sagu fermentasi (ASF). Fermentasi ampas sagu dengan menggunakan ragi tape sebanyak 50 g/kg dengan lama inkubasi 72 jam dapat menurunkan serat kasar tertinggi sebanyak 35.76%, dan menurunkan fraksi serat neutral detergent fiber (NDF) dan hemisellulosa masing-masing sebanyak 32.68% dan 60.39%. Perlakuan fermentasi ampas sagu dapat meningkatkan nilai kecernaan bahan sebesar 34%, kecernaan karbohidrat sebesar 21%, serta penyerapan glukosa. Hasil uji pertumbuhan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan ASF memberikan nilai laju pertumbuhan spesifik (3.31 ± 0.12%/hari), retensi protein (47.34 ± 5.23%) dan retensi lemak (85.58 ± 5.44%) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan AS (P<0.05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa fermentasi ampas sagu dengan menggunakan ragi tape pada dosis 50 g/kg selama 72 jam dapat menurunkan kadar serat kasar dan meningkatkan kecernaan bahan dan karbohidrat sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber karbohidrat pada pakan ikan nila.
Kata kunci : ampas sagu, fermentasi, ikan nila, karbohidrat, kecernaan, sera
Analysis of the Development of Video-Based Economic Learning Media
The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of video-based economic learning media. This research uses research and development research, using the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) development model. The subjects that will be used in this research are class X students at the Medan City Private High School, consisting of 30 students. The object of this research is video-based learning media for economics subject matter as a learning medium. Data analysis techniques are used to calculate a valid and practical scale of the products produced. The research results show that the development of video-based economic learning media consists of analyzing the curriculum, student needs, subject matter, and formulating objectives
Microbial community management in aquaculture
Microbial community management in aquaculture creates benefits at the nutritional as well as at health level for cultured species. In addition, in case of biofloc application, it allows to link species at different trophic levels, making bioflocs the potential link in integrated multispecies aquaculture