575 research outputs found

    Mutations of Drosophila melanogaster that affect muscles

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    Eight X-chromosome mutations (falling into five complementation groups) that affect the development and morphology of the indirect flight muscles of Drosophila melanogaster were investigated using histological, behavioural and genetic techniques. All of these mutations result in flightlessness, in a marked reduction in the ability of the flies to jump, and in the wings being held in abnormal positions. Mutations in each of the complementation groups have different effects on the morphology of the muscles. Two (flapwing, vertical wing) result in absence of most of the indirect flight muscle fibres, a third (upheld) is required for the gross organization of muscle structure, another (heldup) is involved in the maintenance of muscle structure once formed, and the fifth seems to be necessary for the detailed architecture of the muscle fibre (indented thorax). The analysis of flies genetically mosaic with respect to each mutation by the technique of fate-mapping suggests that three (heldup, upheld and indented thorax) of the genes concerned have their primary site of action in the musculature itself, while the other two (flapwing and vertical wing) may function primarily in the fat-body and tracheae respectively

    Study of non-collinear parton dynamics in the prompt photon photoproduction at HERA

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    We investigate the prompt photon photoproduction at HERA within the framework of kt-factorization QCD approach. Our consideration is based on the off-shell matrix elements for the underlying partonic subprocesses. The unintegrated parton densities in a proton and in a photon are determined using the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin (KMR) prescription. Additionally, we use the CCFM-evolved unintegrated gluon as well as valence and sea quark distributions in a proton. A conservative error analisys is performed. Both inclusive and associated with the hadronic jet production rates are investigated. The theoretical results are compared with the recent experimental data taken by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations. We study also the specific kinematical properties of the photon-jet system which are strongly sensitive to the transverse momentum of incoming partons. Using the KMR scheme, the contribution from the quarks emerging from the earlier steps of the parton evolution is estimated and found to be of 15 - 20 approximately.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 2 tabl

    Multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with one off-shell leg within high energy factorization

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    Basing on the Slavnov-Taylor identities, we derive a new prescription to obtain gauge invariant tree-level scattering amplitudes for the process g*g->Ng within high energy factorization. Using the helicity method, we check the formalism up to several final state gluons, and we present analytical formulas for the the helicity amplitudes for N=2. We also compare the method with Lipatov's effective action approach.Comment: 25 pages, quite a few figures, an appendix added, typos correcte

    Determining the 7Li(n,gamma) cross section via Coulomb dissociation of 8Li

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    The applicability of Coulomb dissociation reactions to determine the cross section for the inverse neutron capture reaction was explored using the reaction 8Li(gamma,n)7Li. A 69.5 MeV/nucleon 8Li beam was incident on a Pb target, and the outgoing neutron and 7Li nucleus were measured in coincidence. The deduced (n,gamma) excitation function is consistent with data for the direct capture reaction 7Li(n,gamma)8Li and with low-energy effective field theory calculations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Resummation in nonlinear equation for high energy factorizable gluon density and its extension to include coherence

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    Motivated by forthcoming p-Pb experiments at Large Hadron Collider which require both knowledge of gluon densities accounting for saturation and for processes at a wide range of ptp_t we study basic momentum space evolution equations of high energy QCD factorization. Solutions of those equations might be used to form a set of gluon densities to calculate observables in generalized high energy factorization. Moreover in order to provide a framework for predictions for exclusive final states in p-Pb scattering with high ptp_t we rewrite the equation for the high energy factorizable gluon density in a resummed form, similarly to what has been done in \cite{Kutak:2011fu} for the BK equation. The resummed equation is then extended to account for colour coherence. This introduces an external scale to the evolution of the gluon density, and therefore makes it applicable in studies of final states.Comment: 14 pages, appendix added, accepted for publication in JHE

    Dependence of the flux creep activation energy on current density and magnetic field for MgB2 superconductor

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    Systematic ac susceptibility measurements have been performed on a MgB2_2 bulk sample. We demonstrate that the flux creep activation energy is a nonlinear function of the current density U(j)j0.2U(j)\propto j^{-0.2}, indicating a nonlogarithmic relaxation of the current density in this material. The dependence of the activation energy on the magnetic field is determined to be a power law U(B)B1.33U(B)\propto B^{-1.33}, showing a steep decline in the activation energy with the magnetic field, which accounts for the steep drop in the critical current density with magnetic field that is observed in MgB2_2. The irreversibility field is also found to be rather low, therefore, the pinning properties of this new material will need to be enhanced for practical applications.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Revtex forma

    The cucumber long hypocotyl mutant lacks a light-stable PHYB-like phytochrome

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    A novel cDNA sequence homologous to a phytochrome B (phyB) gene that was isolated in a library from tobacco tissue has been used in an Escherichia coli expression system to raise anti-phytochrome B (anti-PHYB) polypeptide-specific monoclonal antibodies. The specificity of these antibodies has been tested by cross-reactivity against purified pea light-labile type 1 and light-stable type 2 phytochromes, with some antibodies reacting with the type 2 and none with the type 1 phytochromes. One such antibody, monoclonal mAT1, has been employed to analyze the phytochrome molecular species present in a photomorphogenic long hypocotyl (lh) mutant of cucumber. The results indicated that the mutant contains wild-type levels of the light-labile type 1 phytochrome polypeptide (PHYA), which has an apparent molecular mass of approximately 120 kD, but shows less than 1% (detection limit) of a light-stable polypeptide recognized by mAT1 in wild-type seedlings. This protein, not detectable in the lh mutant, has the properties of light-stable type 2 phytochrome, has an apparent molecular mass of 116 to 117 kD, and remains at constant levels under continuous low-fluence-rate red light. Therefore, we conclude that the lh mutant lacks at least one type 2 phytochrome-like polypeptide, most probably a phyB gene product. The correlation between the lack of this protein and the deficiency or absence of physiological responses to a light-stable phytochrome species in this mutant helps to identify the physiological roles played by the products of different subfamilies within the phytochrome gene family

    Acute phase proteins response to feed deprivation in broiler chickens

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    Feed deprivation in poultry farming imposes some degree of stress to the birds, and adversely affects their well -being. Serum levels of acute phase proteins (APP) are potential physiological indicators of stress attributed to feed deprivation. However, it has not been determined how long it takes for a measurable APP response to stressors to occur in avian species. An experiment was designed to delineate the APP and circulating levels of corticosterone responses in commercial broiler chickens to feed deprivation for 30 h. It was hypothesized that feed deprivation would elicit both APP and corticosterone (CORT) reactions within 30 h that is probably associated with stress of hunger. Twenty-one day old birds were subjected to one of 5 feed deprivation periods: 0 (ad libitum, AL), 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 h. Upon completion of the deprivation period, blood samples were collected to determine serum CORT, ovotransferrin (OVT), α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), and ceruloplasmin (CP) concentrations. Results showed that feed deprivation for 24 h or more caused a marked elevation in CORT (P = 0.002 and P < 0.0001, respectively) when compared to AL. However, increases in AGP (P = 0.0005), CP (P = 0.0002), and OVT (P = 0.0003) were only noted following 30 h of feed deprivation. It is concluded that elicitation of AGP, CP, and OVT response may represent a more chronic stressful condition than CORT response in assessing the well-being of broiler chickens