531 research outputs found

    Iris Codes Classification Using Discriminant and Witness Directions

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    The main topic discussed in this paper is how to use intelligence for biometric decision defuzzification. A neural training model is proposed and tested here as a possible solution for dealing with natural fuzzification that appears between the intra- and inter-class distribution of scores computed during iris recognition tests. It is shown here that the use of proposed neural network support leads to an improvement in the artificial perception of the separation between the intra- and inter-class score distributions by moving them away from each other.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Symp. on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (Floriana, Malta, September 15-17), ISBN: 978-1-4577-1861-8 (electronic), 978-1-4577-1860-1 (print

    Litters Health Status and Growth Parameters in the Sows Feeding Diets Supplemented with Probiotic Actisaf Sc 47® within Pregnancy Or Lactation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementing standard diets for pregnant and lactating sows with live yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on their health status, as well as the health status and growth parameters of their litters during lactation. A total of 120 sows were divided into three groups: the first group was fed diets supplemented with probiotics during pregnancy (G+P, n=40), the second group was fed these diets during lactation (L+P, n=40), and the third group was the control group which was not fed diets supplemented with probiotics (C, n = 40). During the lactation period, a significantly (p<0.01) smaller proportion of probiotic treated sows (G+P=7.5%, L+P=12.5%) manifested clinical signs of the uterus and/or the udder disease in comparison with the control sows (22.5%). The incidence of infectious diarrhea in the nursing piglets was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the treated sows (12.5%) compared to the control sows (27.5 %). The average number of weaned piglets per litter (p/l) and average litter weight at weaning (lw) (G+P=11.6 p/l and 103.6 kg lw, L+P=11.1 p/l and 102.8 kg lw, C=10 p/l and 79 kg lw) were significantly higher (p<0.01 or p<0.05) in sows treated with probiotic compared to the control sows. These results clearly show that the use of probiotic significantly improves the health status of sows and nursing piglets, as well as the piglets growth parameters

    Biomimetic apatite formation on different polymeric microspheres modified with calcium silicate solutions

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    Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, The Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM), Kyoto, Japan, 5-8 December 2005. Published in : Key Enggineering Materials, vol. 309 - 311Bioactive polymeric microspheres can be produced by pre-coating them with a calcium silicate solution and the subsequent soaking in a simulated body fluid (SBF). Such combination should allow for the development of bioactive microspheres for several applications in the medical field including tissue engineering. In this work, three types of polymeric microspheres with different sizes were used: (i) ethylene-vinyl alcohol co-polymer (20-30 'm), (ii) polyamide 12 (10-30 'm) and (iii) polyamide 12 (300 'm). These microspheres were soaked in a calcium silicate solution at 36.5ºC for different periods of time under several conditions. Afterwards, they were dried in air at 100ºC for 24 hrs. Then, the samples were soaked in SBF for 1, 3 and 7 days. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, thin-film X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy showed that after the calcium silicate treatment and the subsequent soaking in SBF, the microspheres successfully formed a bonelike apatite layer on their surfaces in SBF within 7 days due to the formation of silanol (Si-OH) groups that are quite effective for apatite formation.I. B. Leonor thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for providing her a PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/9031/2002) and the European Union funded STREP Project HIPPOCRATES (NMP3-CT-2003-505758) and the European NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3-CT-2004-500283)

    Surface potential change in bioactive polymer during the process of biomimetic apatite formation in a simulated body fluid

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    A bioactive polyethylene substrate can be produced by incorporation of sulfonic functional groups (-SO3H) on its surface and by soaking in a calcium hydroxide saturated solution. Variation of the surface potential of the polyethylene modified with -SO3H groups with soaking in a simulated body fluid (SBF) was investigated using a laser electrophoresis zeta-potential analyzer. To complement the study using laser electrophoresis, the surface was examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thin film X-ray diffraction (TF-XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and energy-dispersive electron X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Comparing the zeta potential of sulfonated and Ca(OH)2-treated polyethylene with its surface structure at each interval of these soaking times in SBF, it is apparent that the polymer has a negative surface potential when it forms -SO3H groups on its surface. The surface potential of the polymer increases when it forms amorphous calcium sulfate. The potential decreases when it forms amorphous calcium phosphate, revealing a constant negative value after forming apatite. The XPS and zeta potential analysis demonstrated that the surface potential of the polyethylene was highly negatively charged after soaking in SBF for 0.5 h, increased for higher soaking times (up to 48 h), and then decreased. The negative charge of the polymer at a soaking time of 0.5 h is attributed to the presence of -SO3H groups on the surface. The initial increase in the surface potential was attributed to the incorporation of positively charged calcium ions to form calcium sulfate, and then the subsequent decrease was assigned to the incorporation of negatively charged phosphate ions to form amorphous calcium phosphate, which eventually transformed into apatite. These results indicate that the formation of apatite on bioactive polyethylene in SBF is due to electrostatic interaction of the polymer surface and ions in the fluid

    Formation of bone-like apatite on polymeric surfaces modified with -SO3H groups

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    Sulfonic groups (-SO3H) were covalently attached on different polymeric surfaces enabling them to induce apatite nucleation, for developing bioactive apatite-polymer composites with a bonelike 3-dimensional structure. High molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE) and ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol co-polymer (EVOH) were used. The polymers were soaked in two types of sulphate-containing solutions with different concentrations, sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and chlorosulfonic acid (ClSO3H). To incorporate calcium ions into to the sulfonated polymers, the samples were soaked in a saturated Ca(OH)2 solution for 24 hours. After soaking of the samples in a simulated body fluid (SBF), formation of an apatite layer on both surfaces was observed. The results obtained prove the validity of the proposed concept and show that the -SO3H groups are effective on inducing apatite nucleation on the surface of these polymers.(undefined

    The performance of existing networks of conservation areas in representing biodiversity

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    It is widely held that existing reserve systems are inadequate in representing the diversity of biological features of the regions in which they reside. Evidence for this argument has, however, derived principally from analyses of the efficiency of networks when compared with a minimum set that represents each species at least once. Here, we examine the efficiency of the system of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in representing wetland plants in fen sites in the Scottish Borders, a region where reserve networks might be expected a priori to perform reasonably well in this regard. The results support the general contention that networks have been designated in an inefficient manner. However, examined in terms of effectiveness (measured as the gap between the representation target required and the one attained by the existing network), the SSSI system is actually a rather good way of representing diversity. This result is consistent when each of several very different representation targets is evaluated, and suggests that a more balanced approach to evaluating the performance of reserve networks should be employed, and that general statements based on existing analyses should be treated cautiously

    Exact Solution Methods for the kk-item Quadratic Knapsack Problem

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    The purpose of this paper is to solve the 0-1 kk-item quadratic knapsack problem (kQKP)(kQKP), a problem of maximizing a quadratic function subject to two linear constraints. We propose an exact method based on semidefinite optimization. The semidefinite relaxation used in our approach includes simple rank one constraints, which can be handled efficiently by interior point methods. Furthermore, we strengthen the relaxation by polyhedral constraints and obtain approximate solutions to this semidefinite problem by applying a bundle method. We review other exact solution methods and compare all these approaches by experimenting with instances of various sizes and densities.Comment: 12 page

    Fostering Creativity via Technoself Enhanced Learning with Emerging Technologies

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    Creative and collaborative learning has profound implications for all parts of the system we have built up in our societies — not only the education systems but also the social, economic and cultural systems. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research has increasingly focused on emerging technologies, Extended Reality (XR) to improve learner’s engagement in enriched multimodal learning environments. This paper recommends technoself pedagogy and investigates XR for creative learning as a frontier in TEL. In partnership with cultural sectors, we introduce the agile working process in the collaboration with the Alexandra Park and Palace Charitable Trust (AP) and report the project development of two pilot apps based on the proposed methodology. As a result, students as co-creators were engaged in pilot collaborative projects to work on the digital solutions that promote unforgettable stories. The prototypes exploited the latest development of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and game and mobile technology. The pilot pedagogical practice focuses on providing a vibrant collaborative learning environment which fosters innovation and creativity, informed by practice, inspired by TEL research across disciplines. The collaborative learning practices also support cultural sectors to inspire their visitors and to help curators think beyond their current boundaries, providing a new, mixed media and technological approach to raise cultural awareness to wider audiences

    Restoring Vision through “Project Prakash”: The Opportunities for Merging Science and Service

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    “So how does this help society?” is a question we are often asked as scientists. The lack of immediate and tangible results cannot be held against a scientific project but statements of future promise in broad and inchoate terms can sometimes pass the benefit-buck indefinitely. There is no incentive against over-stating the benefits, especially when they are hypothetical and lie in the distant future. Few scientists will say their science is not designed to serve society. Yet the proliferation of “potential benefits” in grant proposals and the Discussion sections of research papers, in the absence of tangible translations, can make the service element of science seem like a cliched ritual. Its repetition hollows out its meaning, breeding cynicism about the idea that basic science can be of service