25 research outputs found

    Ações de Prevenção da Deficiência Mental, dirigidas a Gestantes e Recém-Nascidos, no âmbito da Saúde Pública da Grande Vitória-ES

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    The accomplishment of prevention in Public Health requires a systematized knowledge for the proposition of a program and its evaluation. When it comes to the prevention of Mental Deficiency, which afflicts around 10% of the population, little is known in Brazil. By adopting a methodology for cataloging MD preventive actions in hospitals and health units, with pregnant women and newborns, it was possible to describe and analyze the actions of the public health system in Greater Vitoria/ES, indicating the levels of prevention which were most covered. Preventive actions (PA) of five large public hospitals, nine health units and six health offices, from 1996 to 1997 were studied. Data from 25 interviews show that these places made 51.5% of the 433 possible PA (57.4% of primary prevention and 45.5% of the secondary). Along with the particularization of the action of each municipality and place researched, the obtained data was useful for analyses and possible changes in maternal-infantile health indicators.Faire de la prévention dans la santé publique est conditionné par une très bonne connaissance afin de proposer des programmes et les évaluer. Au Brésil, on sait peu de choses sur la prévention de la déficience mentale, qui atteint pourtant 10 % de la population. Adoptant une méthodologie et pour faire un catalogue des actions préventives de déficience mentale dans les hôpitaux et les unités de santé, pour les femmes enceintes et les nouveau-nés, on a pu décrire et analyser les actions de santé publique dans la ville de Grande Vitoria (État du Espirito Santo), indiquant le niveau de prévention les plus couverts. On a regroupé les actions de prévention de cinq hôpitaux publics importants, neuf (31 %) unités de santé et six bureaux centralisateurs, entre 1996 et 97. Les données de vingt-cinq entrevues montrent que ces locaux réalisent 51,5 % des 433 actions de prévention possibles (57,4 % de prévention primaire et 45,5 % de secondaire). En détaillant les réalisations de chaque municipalité et local étudié, les chiffres fournissent des ressources pour des analyses et les modifications possibles dans les indicateurs de santé maternelle et infantile.Fazer prevenção em Saúde Pública implica em conhecimento sistematizado para a proposição de programas e sua avaliação. Quanto à prevenção de Deficiência Mental, que atinge cerca de 10% da população, pouco se conhece no país. Adotando uma metodologia para levantamento de ações preventivas de DM em hospitais e unidades de saúde, junto a gestantes e recém-nascidos, fo i possível descrever e analisar a atuação da rede pública de saúde da Grande Vitória/ES, indicando os níveis de prevenção mais atendidos. Foram levantadas as ações de prevenção (AP) de cinco hospitais públicos de grande porte, nove (31%) unidades de saúde e seis secretarias de saúde, entre 1996-97. Os dados de 25 entrevistas mostram que esses locais realizavam 51,5% das 433 AP possíveis (57,4% da prevenção primária e 45,5% da secundária). Particularizando a atuação de cada município e local pesquisado, os dados fornecem subsídios para análises e possíveis mudanças nos indicadores de saúde materno-infantil

    Enhancing the hospitality customer experience of families with children on the autism spectrum disorder

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    The purpose of this study is to examine intention to travel to accessible accommodations by families of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the influence of travel constraints (intrinsic, interactive, and environmental), the severity of disorder, and the families' strategies for coping with such constraints. A structured survey targeted at Spanish families (N = 117) indicated that the intrinsic dimension and the severity of disorder positively influence their intention to travel. The study contributes to extend knowledge about travel constraints related to accessible tourism and provides insights to accommodation providers on how to better enhance the customer experience of families travelling with a child diagnosed with ASD. © 2019 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd

    Enhancing the hospitality customer experience of families with children on the autism spectrum disorder

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    The purpose of this study is to examine intention to travel to accessible accommodations by families of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the influence of travel constraints (intrinsic, interactive, and environmental), the severity of disorder, and the families' strategies for coping with such constraints. A structured survey targeted at Spanish families (N = 117) indicated that the intrinsic dimension and the severity of disorder positively influence their intention to travel. The study contributes to extend knowledge about travel constraints related to accessible tourism and provides insights to accommodation providers on how to better enhance the customer experience of families travelling with a child diagnosed with ASD. © 2019 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd

    La industria farmacéutica y la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de salud en países desarrollados y América Latina The pharmaceutical industry and the sustainability of healthcare systems in developed countries and in Latin America

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    La crisis económica y su impacto en las finanzas públicas en la mayoría de los países desarrollados, están originando políticas de contención del gasto en los servicios de salud. Las leyes actuales del medicamento exigen calidad, seguridad y eficacia de estos productos. Algunos países incluyen criterios de eficiencia para los nuevos medicamentos que desean ser incluidos en la financiación pública. El consumo apropiado de genéricos y "medicamentos biosimilares" es muy importante para mantener el equilibrio financiero de los servicios de salud. El problema en América Latina es que no todos los productos multifuentes son bioequivalentes y no todos los países tienen los recursos necesarios para realizar los estudios de bioequivalencia in vivo. La Agencia Europea del Medicamento en 2005 aprobó la directriz sobre "medicamentos biosimilares" y después se han autorizado trece de ellos para su comercialización. El referenciamiento de este modelo por otros países seria importante. La influencia de la industria farmacéutica sobre las áreas políticas y administrativas es necesario controlarla. Las compañías farmacéuticas afirman que actúan con responsabilidad social corporativa, por ello, se debería garantizar el cumplimiento de la misma con la sociedad.<br>The global economic crisis and its impact on public finances in most developed countries are giving rise to cost-containment policies in healthcare systems. Prevailing legislation on medication requires the safety, quality, and efficacy of these products. A few countries include efficiency criteria, primarily for new medication that they wish to include in public financing. The appropriate use of generic and "biosimilar medication" is very important for maintaining the financial equilibrium of the Health Services. The problem in Latin America is that not all multisource products are bioequivalent and not all countries have the resources to conduct bioequivalence studies in vivo. The European Medicines Agency in 2005 adopted guidelines on "biosimilar medicines" and thirteen of them were subsequently approved for general release. Benchmarking of this model by other countries would be important. The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on political and administrative areas is enormous and control is necessary. The pharmaceutical companies claim that they act with corporate social responsibility, therefore, they must ensure this responsibility toward society

    Genre classification using chords and stochastic language models

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    Music genre meta-data is of paramount importance for the organisation of music repositories. People use genre in a natural way when entering a music store or looking into music collections. Automatic genre classification has become a popular topic in music information retrieval research both, with digital audio and symbolic data. This work focuses on the symbolic approach, bringing to music cognition some technologies, like the stochastic language models, already successfully applied to text categorisation. The representation chosen here is to model chord progressions as n-grams and strings and then apply perplexity and naiumlve Bayes classifiers, respectively, in order to assess how often those structures are found in the target genres. Some genres and sub-genres among popular, jazz, and academic music have been considered, trying to investigate how far can we reach using harmonic information with these models. The results at different leve! ls of the genre hierarchy for the techniques employed are presented and discussed.This work is supported by the Spanish CICyT PROSEMUS project (TIN2006-14932-C02), the research programme Consolider Ingenio 2010 (MIPRCV, CSD2007-00018) and the Pascal Network of Excellence