60 research outputs found

    Comparison of three risk stratification scores in gastroschisis neonates : gastroschisis prognostic score, gastroschisis risk stratification index and complex gastroschisis

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to compare and evaluate the utility of three different risk stratification scores for gastroschisis neonates; simple/complex gastroschisis, gastroschisis prognostic score and risk stratification index. Methods Data of neonates born with gastroschisis between the years 1993 and 2015 were collected. The national registers and patient records of four Finnish University Hospitals were retrospectively reviewed. Logistic and linear regression analysis were performed to identify independent predictors for adverse outcomes. The efficacy of these prognostic methods was further assessed using ROC-curves and DeLong (1988) test. Results Gastroschisis risk stratification index was an acceptable predictor of in-hospital mortality, AUC 0.70, 95% CI 0.48-0.91, p = 0.049. Complex gastroschisis and gastroschisis prognostic score were able to predict short bowel syndrome, AUC 0.80, 95% CI 0.58-1.00, p = 0.012 and AUC 0.80, 95% CI 0.59-1.00, p = 0.012, respectively. Conclusion There are three easily obtainable risk stratification scores for outcome prediction in gastroschisis patients, however, their predictive ability did not have a statistical difference in the present study. The Gastroschisis risk stratification index seemed to perform moderately well in mortality prediction.Peer reviewe

    High Alpha - Termisesti ruiskutetut kromioksidi- ja piikarbidiseosteiset alumiinioksidipinnoitteet. Loppuraportti

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    TĂ€ssĂ€ raportissa on esitetty yhteenveto termisesti ruiskutettujen alumiinioksidipohjaisten pinnoitejauheiden ja niistĂ€ eri termisillĂ€ ruiskutusmenetelmillĂ€ valmistettujen pinnoitteiden ominaisuuksista. Työ liittyy osana TTY:n Materiaaliopin laitoksella toteutettuun Tekes ‐rahoitteiseen High‐ALPHA ‐projektiin, jossa alumiinioksidipinnoitteiden korroosio‐ ja kulumisominaisuuksia pyrittiin parantamaan faasistabiloinnin avulla

    TYKEs Elintapavalmennus : Hyvinvointia ja terveyttÀ edistÀvien toimintamallien arviointi

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    TYKEs Elintapavalmennus -toimintamallilla haetaan pysyviÀ ratkaisumalleja työhyvinvoinnin kehittÀmiseksi ja työssÀ elÀkeikÀÀn saakka jaksamisen tukemiseksi elintapoja muuttamalla. Toimintamallin tarve ja merkitys on hyvin tunnistettu ja perusteltu niin terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin kuin kansantalouden nÀkökulmasta. Toimintamallin tÀmÀnhetkinen kuvaus on johdonmukainen ja sen sovellettavuus Suomeen hyvÀ. Toimintamallin kehityshanke on vielÀ kesken, joten toimintamallin vaikuttavuudesta ja kustannusvaikuttavuudesta ei ole vielÀ kertynyt riittÀvÀÀ nÀyttöÀ. Alustavat tulokset ovat kuitenkin lupaavia. Kokemus- ja asiantuntijatiedon rinnalle tarvitaan tieteellistÀ tutkimusta toimintamallin vaikuttavuudesta. Myös toimintasuunnitelma kunnan sitouttamiseksi toimintamallin kÀyttöönottoon ja juurruttamiseen osaksi pysyvÀÀ toimintaa vaatii kehittÀmistÀ

    Finland’s forests 2018

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    Luken kirjat, raportit, oppaat ja esitteet201

    ‘Democracy’ and ‘People’s Power’ in the Finnish Parliament – the Struggle between Representative, Participatory and Direct Democracy

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    The Finnish language is one that offers two translations of the concept ‘democracy,’ demokratia and kansanvalta (people’s power), which have remained in active political use. We analyse the existence of two terms as a linguistic affordance, providing political agents with possibilities for resisting and supporting the prevailing interpretations of democracy. We ask how and where the different versions occur in parliamentary speech (1980–2021) and in the MPs’ interviews (1998–2018). In quantitative analysis, we study the relative appearance of words close to these terms. In qualitative analysis, we study such terms (e.g. representative, Finnish and western) that have different profiles with demokratia and kansanvalta and study how these terms characterise and shape democracy. This way, we are able to question the dictionary-based understanding of these terms as synonyms. The difference between them is both geographical, kansanvalta referring more strictly to domestic phenomena, and functional, since demokratia covers most of the issues of procedural democracy and kansanvalta more distinctively the realisation of the presumed will of the people

    Using parsed and annotated corpora to analyze parliamentarians' talk in Finland

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    We present a search system for grammatically analyzed corpora of Finnish parliamentary records and interviews with former parliamentarians, annotated with metadata of talk structure and involved parliamentarians, and discuss their use through carefully chosen digital humanities case studies. We first introduce the construction, contents, and principles of use of the corpora. Then we discuss the application of the search system and the corpora to study how politicians talk about power, how ideological terms are used in political speech, and how to identify narratives in the data. All case studies stem from questions in the humanities and the social sciences, but rely on the grammatically parsed corpora in both identifying and quantifying passages of interest. Finally, the paper discusses the role of natural language processing methods for questions in the (digital) humanities. It makes the claim that a digital humanities inquiry of parliamentary speech and interviews with politicians cannot only rely on computational humanities modeling, but needs to accommodate a range of perspectives starting with simple searches, quantitative exploration, and ending with modeling. Furthermore, the digital humanities need a more thorough discussion about how the utilization of tools from information science and technologies alter the research questions posed in the humanities.Peer reviewe
