313 research outputs found

    Sedimentation of binary mixtures of like- and oppositely charged colloids: the primitive model or effective pair potentials?

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    We study sedimentation equilibrium of low-salt suspensions of binary mixtures of charged colloids, both by Monte Carlo simulations of an effective colloids-only system and by Poisson-Boltzmann theory of a colloid-ion mixture. We show that the theoretically predicted lifting and layering effect, which involves the entropy of the screening ions and a spontaneous macroscopic electric field [J. Zwanikken and R. van Roij, Europhys. Lett. {\bf 71}, 480 (2005)], can also be understood on the basis of an effective colloid-only system with pairwise screened-Coulomb interactions. We consider, by theory and by simulation, both repelling like-charged colloids and attracting oppositely charged colloids, and we find a re-entrant lifting and layering phenomenon when the charge ratio of the colloids varies from large positive through zero to large negative values

    Re-entrant melting and freezing in a model system of charged colloids

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    We studied the phase behavior of charged and sterically stabilized colloids using confocal microscopy in a less polar solvent (dielectric constant 5.4). Upon increasing the colloid volume fraction we found a transition from a fluid to a body centered cubic crystal at 0.0415+/-0.0005, followed by re-entrant melting at 0.1165+/-0.0015. A second crystal of different symmetry, random hexagonal close-packed, was formed at a volume fraction around 0.5, similar to that of hard spheres. We attribute the intriguing phase behavior to particle interactions that depend strongly on volume fraction, mainly due to changes in the colloid charge. In this low polarity system the colloids acquire charge through ion adsorption. The low ionic strength leads to fewer ions per colloid at elevated volume fractions and consequently a density-dependent colloid charge.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures 1 tabl


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    he methanolic extract of the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Spirulina geitleri has been treated with methanolic acid to convert all chlorophyllous pigments to their methylpheophorbides. Fractionation of the latter from methylpheophorbide a by thin layer chromatography and high pressure liquid chromatography yielded methylpheophorbide-RCI. Its structure has been determined as 132S-hydroxy-20-chloro-methylpheophorbide a by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance, absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and by partial synthesis from chlorophyll a. The pigment is isolated from Spirulina geitleri irrespective of the use or omission of chlorinated substances during the isolation procedure

    Angle dependent molecular dynamics simulation of flux pinning in YBCO superconductors with artificial pinning sites

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    A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to simulate the vortices in superconductors with artificial pinning sites is presented. The simulation reproduces the correct anisotropic behavior in angular dependence of critical current. We also show that the shape of the J(c)(B) curve depends on the size of the pinning sites and the change from p = 0.5 to p approximate to 1 is due to the breaking of the vortex lattice to individually acting vortices. The results beautifully correspond to experimental data. Furthermore, we found that the size and shape of the c-axis peak observed with columnar pinning sites in J(c)(theta) also depends on the size of the rods, larger pinning sites leading to wider peaks. The results obtained from the MD-simulation are similar to those of the much more computationally intensive Ginzburg-Landau simulations. Furthermore, the MD-simulations can provide insight to the vortex dynamics within the samples

    Local orientational order in the Stockmayer liquid

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    Phase behaviour of the Stockmayer fluid is studied with a method similar to the Monte-Carlo annealing scheme. We introduce a novel order parameter which is sensitive to the local co-orientation of the dipoles of particles in the fluid. We exhibit a phase diagram based on the behaviour of the order parameter in the density region 0.1 \leq {\rho}\ast \leq 0.32. Specifically, we observe and analyse a second order locally disordered fluid \rightarrow locally oriented fluid phase transition.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Extended sedimentation profiles in charged colloids: the gravitational length, entropy, and electrostatics

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    We have measured equilibrium sedimentation profiles in a colloidal model system with confocal microscopy. By tuning the interactions, we have determined the gravitational length in the limit of hard-sphere-like interactions, and using the same particles, tested a recent theory [R.van Roij, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 15, S3569, (2003)], which predicts a significantly extended sedimentation profile in the case of charged colloids with long-ranged repulsions, due to a spontaneously formed macroscopic electric field. For the hard-sphere-like system we find that the gravitational length matches that expected. By tuning the buoyancy of the colloidal particles we have shown that a mean field hydrostatic equilibrium description even appears to hold in the case that the colloid volume fraction changes significantly on the length scale of the particle size. The extended sedimentation profiles of the colloids with long-ranged repulsions are well-described by theory. Surprisingly, the theory even seems to hold at concentrations where interactions between the colloids, which are not modeled explicitly, play a considerable role

    Unified mathematical Model of the Kinetics of Nanoparticle Phase Condensation in Magnetic Fields

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    In this paper, we aim to present a unified mathematical modeling and description of the kinetics of magnetic nanoparticles phase condensation (conducting to the appearance of bulk elongated aggregates) under homogeneous permanent or alternating magnetic field. For such case, the aggregate growth rate usually takes the form dV/dt = G(V)∆(t), with V and t being the aggregate's volume and time, respectively, ∆(t)—the supersaturation of the nanoparticle suspension, and with the function G(V) depending on the precise configuration of the applied field. The Liouville equation for the aggregate size distribution function is solved by the method of characteristics. The solution is obtained in parametric form for an arbitrary function G(V), providing a general framework for any type of the applied magnetic field. In the particular case of low-frequency rotating magnetic field (G(V)~V2/3), an explicit expression of the distribution function is obtained, while the dimensionless average aggregate volume 〈V〉 is found by the method of moments allowing a complete decoupling of the system of equations for the statistical moments 〈Vn〉 of the distribution function. Numerical examples are provided for the cases of permanent and low- or medium-frequency rotating fields. It is shown that in all cases, the average volume 〈V〉 only slightly depends on the relative width of the initial size distribution. Nevertheless, at any times, t > 0, the size distribution shows a significant spreading around the average value 〈V〉, which increases progressively with time and achieves a final plateau at long times. This model can be helpful for several biomedical or environmental applications of magnetic nanoparticles in which the nanoparticle suspension undergoes a field-induced phase condensation. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.PK acknowledges the French “Agence Nationale de la Recherche,” Project Future Investments UCA JEDI, No. ANR‐15‐IDEX‐01 (projects ImmunoMag and MagFilter) and the private company Axlepios Biomedicals for financial support. JQC acknowledges the financial support of UCA JEDI and Axlepios Biomedicals through the PhD fellowship. AZ thanks the Russian Science Foundation, project 20‐12‐00031, for the financial support

    Rotational averaging-out gravitational sedimentation of colloidal dispersions and phenomena

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    We report on the differences between colloidal systems left to evolve in the earth's gravitational field and the same systems for which a slow continuous rotation averaged out the effects of particle sedimentation on a distance scale small compared to the particle size. Several systems of micron-sized colloidal particles were studied: a hard sphere fluid, colloids interacting via long-range electrostatic repulsions above the freezing volume fraction, an oppositely charged colloidal system close to either gelation and/or crystallization, colloids with a competing short-range depletion attraction and a long-range electrostatic repulsion, colloidal dipolar chains, and colloidal gold platelets under conditions where they formed stacks. Important differences in the structure formation were observed between the experiments where the particles were allowed to sediment and those where sedimentation was averaged out. For instance, in the case of colloids interacting via long-range electrostatic repulsions, an unusual sequence of dilute-Fluid/dilute-Crystal/dense-Fluid/dense-Crystal phases was observed throughout the suspension under the effect of gravity, related to the volume fraction dependence of the colloidal interactions, whereas the system stayed homogeneously crystallized with rotation. For the oppositely charged colloids, a gel-like structure was found to collapse under the influence of gravity with a few crystalline layers grown on top of the sediment, whereas when the colloidal sedimentation was averaged out, the gel completely transformed into crystallites that were oriented randomly throughout the sample. Rotational averaging out gravitational sedimentation is an effective and cheap way to estimate the importance of gravity for colloidal self-assembly processes.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure