195 research outputs found

    Experimentally measurement and analysis of stress under foundation slab

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    Understanding of a load redistribution into subsoil below building foundation is an important knowledge for reliable design and its economy too. The article presents the results of a physical model of a foundation slab and its interaction with the subsoil. The interactions were investigated comprehensively by monitoring the developments of stress in the subsoil and foundation slab settlement during its loading. The load acting on the foundation was applied by strutting the hydraulic press against heavy steel frame which was established by the Department of Building Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering of VSB -TU Ostrava for this purpose. The preparatory phase of the present experiment involved the homogenization of soil during which trio pressure cells in three horizons were gradually fitted. The quality of homogenization was checked on an ongoing basis through field tests: dynamic penetration load test, dynamic plate load test and seismic measurement of foundation slab response. Finally, the homogenized soil was subjected to mechanical analysis to determine the strength and deformation parameters for basic Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model.Web of Science133513512


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    ABSTRACT: Understanding of a load redistribution into subsoil below building foundation is an important knowledge for reliable design and its economy too. The article presents the results of a physical model of a foundation slab and its interaction with the subsoil. The interactions were investigated comprehensively by monitoring the developments of stress in the subsoil and foundation slab settlement during its loading. The load acting on the foundation was applied by strutting the hydraulic press against heavy steel frame which was established by the Department of Building Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering of VSB -TU Ostrava for this purpose. The preparatory phase of the present experiment involved the homogenization of soil during which trio pressure cells in three horizons were gradually fitted. The quality of homogenization was checked on an ongoing basis through field tests: dynamic penetration load test, dynamic plate load test and seismic measurement of foundation slab response. Finally, the homogenized soil was subjected to mechanical analysis to determine the strength and deformation parameters for basic Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model

    Global Control of Motor Neuron Topography Mediated by the Repressive Actions of a Single Hox Gene

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    In the developing spinal cord, regional and combinatorial activities of Hox transcription factors are critical in controlling motor neuron fates along the rostrocaudal axis, exemplified by the precise pattern of limb innervation by more than fifty Hox-dependent motor pools. The mechanisms by which motor neuron diversity is constrained to limb levels are, however, not well understood. We show that a single Hox gene, Hoxc9, has an essential role in organizing the motor system through global repressive activities. Hoxc9 is required for the generation of thoracic motor columns, and in its absence, neurons acquire the fates of limb-innervating populations. Unexpectedly, multiple Hox genes are derepressed in Hoxc9 mutants, leading to motor pool disorganization and alterations in the connections by thoracic and forelimb-level subtypes. Genome-wide analysis of Hoxc9 binding suggests that this mode of repression is mediated by direct interactions with Hox regulatory elements, independent of chromatin marks typically associated with repressed Hox genes.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P01NS055923

    Replikovatelnost českého psychologického výzkumu

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    Východiska: Bezdíček, Preiss a Dočkalová (2009) a Preiss a Mačudová (2012) sledovali počet publikací českých docentů a profesorů psychologie a zhodnotili ji jej jako nedostatečný – samotné množství publikací však neříká nic o jejich kvalitě. Jedním z ukazatelů kvality výzkumu je jeho replikovatelnost, která je přitom jedním z nosných témat současné světové psychologie. Ukazuje se totiž, že přinejmenším část psychologického výzkumu replikovatelná není (zejm. Open Science Collaboration, 2015; Klein a kol., 2016) a že nalezené efekty ve skutečnosti neexistují. Naopak efekty, které existují, mohou zůstat skryty v důsledku špatně naplánovaného výzkumu a nízké síly testů. Cíle: Představíme statistické postupy pro odhad replikovatelnosti výzkumu a aplikujeme je na české psychologické publikace. Soubor: Vzorek byl náhodně vybrán ze všech českých časopiseckých publikací indexovaných na Web of Science, u nichž bylo možné získat full-text a které testovaly alespoň jednu hypotézu. Ke každé publikaci byly dohledány údaje o autorech (počet publikací, citovanost aj.). Metody: V každé publikaci jsme identifikovali hlavní hypotézy a zaznamenali reportované statistiky. Na jejich základě jsme odhadli replikovatelnost těchto studií pomocí několika různých statistických testů, a to jak pro celý soubor dohromady, tak i zvlášť podle počtu publikací autorů a dalších ukazatelů. Výsledky: Výsledky popisují replikovatelnost českého psychologického výzkumu. Zároveň ukazujeme souvislosti mezi publikační aktivitou autora a replikovatelností jeho výzkumu.Background: Bezdíček, Preiss and Dočkalová (2009) and Preiss and Mačudová (2012) rated the number of publications of Czech academics (professors and associate professors) and evaluated it as insufficient– however, the number of publications says nothing about their quality. One indicator of research quality is its replicability, which is one of the main topics in the present psychology science. It has been shown that at least part of psychological research is not replicable (e.g. Open Science Collaboration, 2015; Klein et al., 2016) and some of the published psychological effects actually do not exist. On the contrary, some effects can remain hidden due to poor research and underpowered design. Objectives: We introduce statistical methods to estimate the replicability of research and apply them to the Czech psychological publications. Sample: The sample was randomly selected from all Czech journal publications indexed on the Web of Science, where it was possible to get a full-text and which tested at least one hypothesis. For each publication, we search their authors and publication impact (number of publications, their citation etc.). Method: In each publication, we identified the main hypotheses and reported statistics. Then we estimated the replicability of these studies using several different statistical tests, both for the whole set and also stratified by the authors and other indicators. Results: The results describe the replicability of the Czech psychological research. We also show the relationship between authors’ publication activity and replicability of their research