1,335 research outputs found

    Eläkkeellä Eurajoella! : Eurajoen kunnan 65-vuotiaiden kokemuksia hyvinvoinnistaan ja näkemyksiä halukkuudestaan osallistua vapaaehtoistyöhön

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    ELÄKKEELLÄ EURAJOELLA- KYSELYTUTKIMUS EURAJOEN KUNNAN 1944-1945 SYNTYNEILLE ASUKKAILLE Hydén, Tanja Satakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma Sisätauti-kirurgisen hoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto Sosiaali- ja terveysala Pori Maamiehenkatu 10, 28500 Pori, 02- 6203 000 Marraskuu 2010 Ohjaaja Kangassalo, Ritva TtL Sivuja: 35 Liitteitä: 3 kpl _____________________________________________________________ Asiasanat: Ikääntyneet, yksinäisyys, toimintakyky Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin osana Voi hyvin Eurajoella 2010-2012-toimintaohjelmaa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli selvittää Eurajoen kunnan 1944-1945 syntyneiden asuk-kaiden hyvinvointia ja yksinäisyyttä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli selvittää myös sitä mihin kuntalaiset ovat halukkaita osallistumaan ja minkälaisia kunnan ja vapaaeh-toisjärjestöjen palveluja he haluaisivat järjestettävän. Lisäksi opinnäytetyön tavoit-teena oli tuottaa tietoa, jonka pohjalta voidaan järjestää yksinäisyyttä ja syrjäytymistä ennaltaehkäisevää toimintaa ikääntyville ja toisaalta kuntalaisia hyödyttävää vapaa-ehtoistoimintaa. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusaineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella. Kohde-ryhmä oli kaikki Eurajoen kunnan 1945 syntyneet asukkaat sekä 20 vuonna 1944 syntynyttä henkilöä, jotka valittiin satunnaisotannalla. Tutkimustulosten mukaan Eurajoen kunnan 1944-1945 syntyneet asukkaat eivät pode yksinäisyyttä ja he ovat pääosin tyytyväisiä elämäänsä. Pääsääntöisesti vastaajat selviytyvät kodeissaan ilman palveluja. Apua he saavat sitä tarvitessaan läheisiltään. Vastaajilla ei ollut halua osallistua vapaaehtoistoimintaan ja toiminnan kehittämiseh-dotuksetkin jäivät niukoiksi. Eurajoen kunta voi hyödyntää tutkimustuloksia suunnitellessaan ikääntyneiden pal-veluja. Opinnäytetyön pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että pääpaino tulisi Eurajoen kunnan vanhustyössä olla ennaltaehkäisevässä vanhustyössä. Jatkotutkimushaasteita on mielestäni saman kyselyn toteuttaminen myöhemmin sa-malle ryhmälle, seurantatutkimuksena. Kohderyhmä tässä tutkimuksessa on melko nuorta, joten saman kyselyn toteuttaminen ikääntyneemmille ihmisille voisi olla ai-heellinen.ELÄKKEELLÄ EURAJOELLA- KYSELYTUTKIMUS EURAJOEN KUNNAN 1944-1945 SYNTYNEILLE ASUKKAILLE Hydén, Tanja Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Training proggramme of nursing Sub-programme of internal deseaces and surcical nursing Unit of health care and social services, Pori Maamiehenkatu 10, 28500 Pori, 02- 6203 000 November 2010 Supervisor TtL Kangassalo, Ritva Pages: 35 Appendices: 3 kpl _____________________________________________________________ Keywords: Ageing, lonelyness, capability This Bachelor’s thesis was made as a part of Voi Hyvin Eurajoella-programme. The purpose of the thesis was to find out the freqency of lonelynes among the population of Eurajoki. The objective of the thesis was to determine also what the target group are willing to participate in the voluntary sector and what kind of servises they would like to have. In addition, the aim of the Bachelor´s thesis was to produce information on the basis which can be arranged preventive action to seniors who suffers lonelyness or aliena-tion. The target group of the research was people who have born in 1944-1945 and lives in their own apartment at Eurajoki. Research material were collected by means of ques-tionnaire in may-juni in 2010. According to the research results the target group do not suffer lonelyness and they are mostly satisfied with their life. As a general rule defendants are often able to sur-vive without the services in their own homes. They receive help from their family when needed. The respondents did not want to participate in voluntary activities and development proposals were low. Proposal of the further investigation is to organize same query to the same group later as an follow-up study. Target group in this study is relatively young so makeing the same query to older people could be appropriate Eurajoki municipality can use research results in the planning of services for the el-derly people. Basis on this Bachelor´s thesis can be said that when planning Eurajo-ki´s services for elderly people the emphasis should be on preventive acts

    Different Listener and Teller Positions, Different Narratives

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    By comparing two interviews with women exposed to their husbands' violence, this article shows that an exploration of the many layers of a personal narrative is not a straightforward linear process, but a circular one. Based on the analysis of one of Catherine Riessman's case stories and one of the author's, the article further shows that a narrative can change dramatically if the tellers' and/or listeners' positions change during the interview

    The scent of sandstone – exploring a TRB material

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    The aim of this article is to briefly explore how quartz-rich sandstone might have been perceived by TRB societies. Using the senses as a point of departure, it discusses how sandstone was selected for grinding stones and for dry walling in megaliths, emphasizing the significance of the visual as well as the mechanical properties of the material. The article also acknowledges the complexity of the way in which the material was perceived. The significance of sandstone was shaped by context, implying that a changing context altered its significance. Ultimately, this study is a call for taking materials seriously by exploring them in a more nuanced way. Analogies, for example, can be very useful – not as proof, but as a way of raising questions and scenting the diversity of the Neolithic

    Sociology of Law as the Science of Norms

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    This book proposes the study of norms as a method of explaining human choice and behaviour by introducing a new scientific perspective. The science of norms may here be broadly understood as a social science which includes elements from both the behavioural and legal sciences. It is given that a science of norms is not normative in the sense of prescribing what is right or wrong in various situations. Compared with legal science, sociology of law has an interest in the operational side of legal rules and regulation. This book develops a synthesizing social science approach to better understand societal development in the wake of the increasingly significant digital technology. The underlying idea is that norms as expectations today are not primarily related to social expectations emanating from human interactions but come from systems that mankind has created for fulfilling its needs. Today the economy, via the market, and technology via digitization, generate stronger and more frequent expectations than the social system. By expanding the sociological understanding of norms, the book makes comparisons between different parts of society possible and creates a more holistic understanding of contemporary society. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of sociology of law, legal theory, philosophy of law, sociology and social psychology

    Sociology of Law as the Science of Norms

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    This book proposes the study of norms as a method of explaining human choice and behaviour by introducing a new scientific perspective. The science of norms may here be broadly understood as a social science which includes elements from both the behavioural and legal sciences. It is given that a science of norms is not normative in the sense of prescribing what is right or wrong in various situations. Compared with legal science, sociology of law has an interest in the operational side of legal rules and regulation. This book develops a synthesizing social science approach to better understand societal development in the wake of the increasingly significant digital technology. The underlying idea is that norms as expectations today are not primarily related to social expectations emanating from human interactions but come from systems that mankind has created for fulfilling its needs. Today the economy, via the market, and technology via digitization, generate stronger and more frequent expectations than the social system. By expanding the sociological understanding of norms, the book makes comparisons between different parts of society possible and creates a more holistic understanding of contemporary society. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of sociology of law, legal theory, philosophy of law, sociology and social psychology

    Law, Deviation and Paradigmatic Change: Copyright and its Metaphors

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    Drawing on debates in Sweden about Internet freedom, particularly those connected to copyright and file sharing, and on the European legislative trend of amending copyright, this chapter analyses metaphors and conceptions in terms of a societal paradigmatic shift and the collision of mentalities. Kuhnian paradigms are wedded with the mentalities of the French Annales School of historic research. The chapter argues that the “building blocks” of these mentalities and paradigms can be studied in metaphors, in public debates or in legislation, which may reveal the conceptions they emanate from. This chapter touches upon ethical, moral and legal issues related to the digitalization of society. The relevancy of this chapter in relation to the theme of the book is found in the conceptualization of “deviancy”. One has to ask from what perspective or paradigm the judgment of the behavior takes place, and in what historical context it is made

    Contributions in Sociology of Law. Remarks from a Swedish Horizon.

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    Lund University, Sweden, is the only seat of learning having Sociology of Law (hereafter SoL) at all levels in Europe. SoL was initiated in 1972 as a department at the Social Science Faculty, with professor Per Stjernquist as chair. Later on, for some 10 years, SoL was a division within the department of Sociology but from January 2006, SoL is an autonomous department at the Social Science Faculty. We will take the opportunity to introduce ourselves with this anthology containing different contributions from the colleagues in SoL at Lund University. What the various articles have in common – besides originating from the department of Sociology of Law in Lund – is that most of them were presented in different sessions at the Law & Society conference in Berlin, July 2007. Even if many of the articles are or will be published in different Journals and books, we want to collect them in one volume in order to show the breadth and depth of our research. SoL is researching the relation between law and society and we have a specific focus on norms. A SoL perspective on law does not mean that the focus is on some single enactment but on law in its social context. SoL is at the same time a legal science and a social science – mutually influencing each other. The argument for this is that one research project could be relevant in both directions and disciplines – theoretically as well as methodologically. What is common for jurisprudence and SoL is the interest in the legal system and the dependency between (social) norms and legal rules. Many of the SoL research projects have had an impact on legislation processes and on legal and administrative actors. Several of the research projects have also attracted interest from the mass media, professional journals, national agencies and municipalities. Worth mentioning is the interest in research on law in transition. All the mentioned research areas will offer many opportunities for the renewal of SoL and contribute to the international development of norm science within social science and law, which this anthology hopefully will give a flavour of

    Traffic Calming in India : Report on the theory of Traffic Calming and empirical trials in the city of Jaipur

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    The pedestrian safety problem is huge in all developing countries. The main aims of the project are therefore: 1/To understand pedestrian safety problem in a developing country, 2/To identify feasible traffic calming measures. International experiences were complemented by field studies at seven sites in the city of Jaipur. A wide range of field studies were made, out of which traffic conflict studies were most important. The main conclusion of the studies is that there is an urgent need for Traffic Calming measures in Indian cities. Pedestrians are extremely exposed and vulnerable, and the speeds are too high to allow a safe and proper communication. One main problem is that road users are not offered any comfortable and safe crossing options e.g. existing pedestrian crossings are not suited for pedestrians. The conclusion from this is that there is a “chaos” that has to be dealt with. The proposed measures are “standardised Traffic Calming measures”, primarily by introducing humps at both entrances and exits to intersections and to introduce raised footpaths in all corners to see to it to make the approaches for pedestrians as comfortable and safe as possible by preventing cars from being able to use that space. Pedestrian crossings are located close to the intersections so that pedestrians do not have to make large detours to use them. The measures that are proposed are simple which is the whole idea. Without simplicity and low costs there will never be any large scale use. Unfortunately no measures are taken yet in Jaipur, which of course will be next and very important step. When this is done, and after studies carried out, it is time to decide on studies for studying the validity of the results in other parts of Indi

    Automatic exposure control in network video cameras

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    The overall objective of this study is to describe, analyse and suggest improvements on existing automatic exposure control systems in selected network video cameras. Since an image sensor has a limited dynamic range compared to a real scene, it is necessary to automatically control the exposure level and thus adapt to the amount of light in the scene. This can be done by adjusting parameters such as exposure time, gain and variable aperture in an automatic control loop. The two cameras in this study run different implementations of such a control loop and the topic of this study is to test their performance, to review their implementation of automatic exposure control, to comment on their implementation from a theoretical stand point, and to suggest improvements. The most focus has been correction of integrator function or adding of integrator functionality to the controllers to remove steady state errors. Integrator windup was solved for two cases. Some other minor bugs giving unwanted behavior such ass finite word length in the integrators. Also improving gain scheduling and correction of clamping of signals are suggested. A suggestion for smear control improvement is to use feed forward the changes when changes are needed to exposure, this enables to control faster and still limit the impact on the picture quality