22 research outputs found

    Σύμμορφες απεικονίσεις, Μετασχηματισμοί Möbius και εφαρμογές σε προβλήματα συνοριακών τιμών

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    Trust and knowledge are two concepts that are considered important for understanding consumers’ engagement with organic products, but the concepts are often used at random. This article explores the configuration and generation of consumer trust in organics and investigates the relationship between knowledge and trust. The article is based on a multi-method study of Danish consumers’ perceptions of organics that included a consumer survey, a focus group, and individual interviews. The inquiry documents that Danish consumers’ display a high degree of trust in organics, and have overly positive expectations regarding organics, but know little about the difference between organic and non-organic products. Many respondents express no interest in acquiring additional knowledge, indicating that Danish consumers embody a blind trust of organics, but one that is also fragile because it might easily turn into distrust. Our results indicate that once consumers have decided to trust organics, they tend to seek confirmation of their belief and avoid conflicting knowledge that might challenge their decision. Our findings suggest that the general trust in organics is trumped by personal experiences and pragmatic concerns such as price, taste and appearance

    Impacts of woodland planting on nature-based recreational tourism in upland England: a case study

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    Upland landscapes provide important ecosystem services (ES) to society. One cultural ES– nature-based recreational tourism (NBR) – is a growing industry in upland regions that provides an important revenue to areas where other industries are often in decline. NBR tourism is a service that relies partly on the aesthetic appearance of the landscape and changes in land management, such as increasing woodland cover, changes the appearance of the landscape and may therefore have a positive or negative impact on the economic value generated by NBR tourism. We tested this query, by carrying out a survey of NBR tourists, using photo visualisation of different woodland scenarios, in a pastoral upland landscape in a UK National Park. This was conducted to estimate the economic value of NBR tourism under different woodland scenarios and participant’s preferences. The findings presented in this paper suggest that NBR tourism generates a substantial income to the area and that the economic value would not decrease, if woodland cover were to increase up to 75%. The findings also make an important observation on how there is a difference between peoples’ preference for woodland levels and the probability of return visits

    Connectivity elements and mitigation measures in policy-relevant soil erosion models: A survey across Europe

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    The current use of soil erosion models in Europe was investigated through an exploratory survey of 46 model applications covering 18 European countries. This revealed novel information on erosion model applications, their parameterisation, incorporation of landscape elements and mitigation measures with implications for connectivity and their use in decision-making in Europe. The model application predictions were applied at national, regional, catchment or field scale. The majority of model applications used the USLE or versions thereof, but a range of semi-empirical, decision-tree and process-based models were also used. The majority of model applications were used for policy relevant purposes such as erosion risk assessment or mitigation measure implementation at a range of spatial scales. The analysis identified an evident prevalence towards the use of national or regional data sets and a highly varying parameterisation of model applications. Landscape elements and mitigation measures with effects on connectivity were implemented in most model applications, but not with a focus on modelling connectivity within the landscape. Altogether, the results demonstrate a need for improving connectivity modelling in diverse agricultural landscapes across multiple scales. Models should be chosen dependent on their ability to reflect erosion risk at different spatial scales. Albeit, harmonisation of data sets, parameterisation procedures and validation approaches is needed for certain modelling scenarios to ensure comparability of soil erosion risk assessment and suitable mitigation practices. Furthermore, we recommend that policy-relevant erosion risk maps should be verified by empirical data and thresholds derived from erosion risk maps should be adapted to regional conditions when used for policy guidelines. Hence, comparability, comprehensibility and regional adaptation are essential qualities of policy-relevant erosion maps

    TEMAREDAKTØRERNES FORORD:Nye perspektiver på udvikling i og af landdistrikterne - kampen om stedet

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    Forholdet mellem udviklingen i landdistriktskommunerne og bykommunerne – mellem centre og periferi – får stigende opmærksomhed i den offentlige debat og på de politiske dagsordner. Det har således også været et centralt tema i debatten op til det seneste folketingsvalg

    Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy : Lessons from the Baltic Sea

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    Following decades of international collaboration to restore the Baltic Sea, we provide an assessment of the domestic implementation of measures agreed to limit diffuse agricultural pollution and the patterns of policy instruments applied. Despite the Helsinki Convention being unusually specific in detailing what measures countries should introduce, we find many shortcomings. These are most pronounced in the larger countries (Poland, Germany and Russia), while smaller countries perform better, notably Sweden and Estonia. The patterns of policy instruments applied differ, influenced by domestic politics. The limited use of complementary policy instruments suggests that other priorities overrule full and effective implementation, with engagement mirroring the advantages that a restored Baltic Sea can bring to countries. Using the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to support farmers in managing nutrients, particularly advisory services and investments in modern manure management technologies, represents a significant opportunity for reducing agricultural pollution in most countries

    Nye finansielle forventninger – konsekvenser for bosætning og erhverv i landdistrikterne

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    Dansk landbrug og de danske landdistrikter har historisk set været tæt knyttet sammen. Nok så vigtigt har udviklingen for begge områder været tæt forbundet med den finansielle sektor, der gennem långivning har sikret mulighederne for byggeri, investering, ejerskab og generationsskifter. I international sammenligning har danske kreditforeninger således spillet en unik rolle i udvikling af både bolig- og landbrugsområdet. I de senere årtier er der imidlertid sket en række forandringer af relationen mellem landbrugserhvervet og landdistrikterne på den ene side og det finansielle system på den anden side, der grundlæggende har ændret betingelserne for økonomisk aktivitet. I denne artikel dykker vi nærmere ned i disse forandringer og forsøger at belyse konsekvenserne

    Policy Brief: Accelerating agroecology transition using living labs: policy enablers and barriers

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    <p>In Europe, policy enablers for agroecology transition with living labs as key research and innovation mechanisms include: adequate research funding and priorities, policy directions and advisory support. These enablers affect abilities to structure and operate living labs.</p><p>Low quality or absence of these enablers renders them barriers to transition. There is considerable geographical variation: barriers are most notable in Southern and Eastern parts of Europe. Policy siloes and a lack of systems thinking in policy is a barrier across Europe.</p><p>Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) are central to supporting living labs. AKIS are composed of farmers and their organisations, research and advisory systems.</p><p>However, the capacities of AKIS' across Europe to support the development of living labs vary considerably. Differentiated approaches are needed to strengthen the capacity of AKIS, and should focus on geographical 'hotspots' where AKIS are particularly weak.</p&gt

    Strengthening the policy framework to resolve lax implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan for agriculture

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    In this perspective article, we provide recommendations for strengthening the policy framework for protecting the Baltic Sea from agricultural nutrient pollution. The most striking weakness is the lax implementation of prescribed abatement measures, particularly concerning manure management, in most countries. Institutions of the EU should also be leveraged for achieving Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) goals. In contrast to the Helsinki Convention, the European Union has economic, political and legal mandates to further implementation and compliance. Equally important is the need for strengthening of local institutions, particularly Water Boards and independent agricultural advisory services in the eastern Baltic Sea Region countries. There is also an urgent need for implementation of voluntary land-use measures where EU funding available to farmers is more broadly and effectively used by providing it on the basis of estimated abatement performance, which can be realized through modelling. The enormous potential for funding performance-based schemes, manure management infrastructure and advisory services through the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy are currently underutilized

    Nye perspektiver på udvikling i og af landdistrikterne: Temaredaktørernes forord

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    Forholdet mellem udviklingen i landdistriktskommunerne og bykommunerne – mellem centre og periferi – får stigende opmærksomhed i den offentlige debat og på de politiske dagsordner. Det har således også været et centralt tema i debatten op til det seneste folketingsvalg