66 research outputs found
This study aims to determine the social conditions in education and health as well as the economic conditions on the income of the oil palm plantation workers of PT. TamacoGrahaKrida. This research was conducted at PT. Tamaco Graha Krida Desa Ungkaya, Witaponda Subdistrict, Morowali Regency from February to May 2020. This research used descriptive analysis method, the sample of respondents was taken using purposive sampling method and calculated using the Slovin formula as many as 76 respondents of oil palm plantation workers PT. TamacoGrahaKrida. Based on the results of research on 76 employees of PT. TamacoGrahaKrida, it is known that workforce education is categorized as good, because 65.78% of respondents have attended 12 years of compulsory education, which is categorized as secondary or moderate education, and education in children is categorized as good because as many as 18.86% have attended college, whereas in the workforce's health, 1.31% of respondents had a history of comorbidities with chronic gastritis and diabetes and were declared unhealthy, while respondents who did not have a history of comorbidities and only had minor complaints were 98.68% and declared healthy, and in this condition. the average income received by the respondents is Rp. 3,247,368 per month and it is said to be good because it is higher than the Minimum Wage (UMK) of Morowali Regency in 2020 amounting to Rp. 2,768,593 / month
This Study aims to determine the influence of work motivation, human resource development and work discipline on employee’s performance at Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprise Office of Parigi Moutong Regency. Data was collected through quitionnaire. The result of the study shows that it is valid and reliable. Sample of the study was the entire of employees which amounted to 30 people. Sample is selected by using probability sampling method and then selcted through (validity test) and (reliability test) method. These tests used computer software of IBM SPSS statistical version 2012 program
Mengembangkan Bahan Intruksional pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di SDN 08 Karang Tengah
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the process learning from home (BDR) during the Covid-19 pandemic in grade II SD 08 middle reef. This research uses mixed methods. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire given to students once a month. The subject of this research is the homeroom teacher of grade II SD 08 middle reef. evaluation process. Suggested in learning from home (BDR), teacher required to be able to design learning activities from planning to evaluation in a way that is simpler, more creative and effective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the learning from home (BDR) process during the Covid-19 pandemic in class II SD 08 Karang Tengah. This research uses mixed methods. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire given to students once a month. The subject of this research is the homeroom teacher of class II SD 08 Karang Tengah. evaluation process. It is recommended that in learning from home (BDR), teachers are required to be able to design learning activities from planning to evaluation in a simpler, more creative and effective way
Pengembangan Media Video pada Pelajaran Matematika di SD Negeri Poris Pelawad 3
The development of this research is to streamline learning and change students' perceptions of learning mathematics in grade 6 students of SD Negeri Poris Pelawad 3. Research development is carried out in order to overcome the problems faced by students who find it difficult to remember so many formulas in mathematics lessons. The research was conducted by Research and Development. The process of making learning video media has three processes, namely, the preparation process, the production and post-production stages. Learning media is a tool that can help the teaching and learning process so that the meaning of the message conveyed becomes clearer and the goals of education or learning can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Learning outcomes are the results given to students in the form of an assessment after following the learning process by assessing knowledge, attitudes, skills in students with changes in behavior. Learning media serves as a source of learning for students to obtain messages and information provided by the teacher so that learning materials can be further improved and form knowledge for students. The use of audio-visual media in learning is expected to increase in the learning process, especially in mathematics. This development activity was carried out with the aim of producing effective audio-visual media for the 6th semester 2nd grade Mathematics subject, making students able to receive learning well
Identifikasi Bambu Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Tiupupus Kabupaten Lombok Utara
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis bambu, membuat kunci identifikasi, deskripsi, membuat dendogram hubungan kekerabatan antar jenis bambu, peta persebaran bambu di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tiupupus Lombok Utara dan persebaran jenis-jenis bambu pada tiap ketinggian. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode jelajah, yakni kolektor menjelajahi Daerah Aliran Sungai untuk mengoleksi semua jenis bambu yang ada di sepanjang sungai utama (6.576 meter), 50 meter dari tepi kiri dan kanan palung sungai. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 9 jenis dan 1 varietas yang termasuk ke dalam anggota dari 5 marga yaitu Dendrocalamus asper, Thyrsostachys siamensis, Schizostachyum jaculans, Gigantochloa atter, Gigantochloa apus, Bambusa glaucophylla, Bambusa multiplex, Bambusa maculata, Bambusa vulgaris, dan Bambusa vulgaris var. vittata
Teori Konsumsi dalam Ekonomi Mikro (Analisis Kritis dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam)
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teori konsumsi dalam ekonomi
konvensional bertujuan hanya untuk memenuhi kepuasan di dunia saja tanpa
memikirkan kehidupan akhirat. Berbeda dengan teori konsumsi Islam, konsumsi
bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehingga dapat melakukan ibadah kepada
Allah swt. Dan diberi keberkahan, karena tujuan hidup dalam Islam bukan hanya di
dunia tetapi juga diakhirat. Meskipun demikian kedua pandangan tersebut, terdapat
persamaan dalam mendeskripsikan tentang teori dan konsep konsumsi, tujuan dasar
konsumsi yaitu semata-mata bertujuan untuk bertahan hidup, selain itu juga
konsumsi bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan atau keinginan masyarakat mulai
dari primer, sekunder, maupun tersier
oai:ojs.pps.iiq.ac.id:article/37Mukjizat Nabi Muhammad Saw memiliki kekhususan dibandingkan dengan mukjizat Nabi-Nabi lainnya. Semua mukjizat sebelumnya dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu, artinya hanya diperlihatkan kepada umat tertentu dan masa tertentu. Sedangkan mukjizat al-Qur‟an bersifat universal dan abadi yakni berlaku untuk semua umat manusia sampai akhir zaman. Karena itu, al-Qur‟an adalah sebagai mukjizat terbesar dari semua mukjizat-mukjizat yang diberikan Allah Swt kepada para Nabi sebelumnya dan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw sendiri. Mukjizat-mukjizat para Nabi dan Rasul terdahulu berupa mukjizat materi bersifat indrawi, tetapi mukjizat Nabi Muhammad Saw berupa mukjizat ruhiyah yang bersifat rasional, kekal sepanjang masa, yaitu al-Qur‟an al-Karim sebagai mukjizat terbesar di antara mukjizat-mukjizat yang diberikan kepadanya. Begitu pula mukjizat-mukjizat yang diberikan kepada para Nabi dan Rasul sebelumnya, tidak nampak lagi fisik dan bekasnya, kecuali kisahnya saja yang dapat diketahui melalui pemberitaan al-Qur‟an sebagai mukjizat terbesar Nabi Muhammad Saw.Kata Kunci : Al-Qur‟an dan Mukjizat Terbesar
Humans have several primary needs. One of the primary needs of human is food and beverages. In Islamic teaching, food and beverages consumed by humans, especially Muslims should be selective, that is permitted (halal) according to instructions of Allah in the Qur'an and explanation the Prophet of Muhammad in the hadith, as well as thayyiban in quality, ie. the foods useful to the body, not damage, not disgusting, awful, is not expired and not contrary to Allah instruction, because it is not forbidden. The Islamic law through al-Quran and Hadith has established some kind of food and beverages which prohibited to consume by Muslims, among others, carrion, blood, pork, animals slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, as well as the wine and all kinds of intoxicants beverages.The food and drinks are forbidden because threatens the human life, contrary to the maintenance of life (hifz al-nafs), maintenance of intellect (hifz al-'aql) and maintenance of property (hifz al-mal) in maqasid al-Shari'ah.
Keywords: food, beverages, Islamic la
تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية في إندونيسيا
Terbitnya Perppu No. 2 tahun 2017 tentang Organisasi Masyarakat menimbulkan polemik hebat di seluruh pelosok tanah air. Ada yang mendukung namun tak sedikit juga yang menentang. Kelompok pendukung beranggapan bahwa Perppu ini sebagai respon yang tepat dari pemerintah atas maraknya berbagai serangan terorisme di Indonesia. Sementara bagi kelompok penentang, perppu ini merupakan bukti bahwa rezim sekarang sedang membangun system diktator. Selain itu mereka juga menuding bahwa ormas Islam yang akan banyak menjadi korban penerapan perppu tersebut, khususnya ormas Islam yang dikenal memperjuangkan formalisasi penerapan syariah Islam (tathbiq syari’ah) di Indonesia.Artikel ini tidak hendak memperpanjang daftar polemik Perppu tersebut, tetapi akan mencoba menjelaskan sejarah perjalanan penerapan hukum Islam di Indonesia. Tulisan ini hendak membuktikan bahwa hukum Islam sudah berjalan dan menyatu dengan tradisi dan budaya bangsa Indonesia. Dengan bukti sejarah bahwa ketika nusantara berada dalam tekanan penjajahan, hukum Islam masih bisa berlaku secara baik, bahkan diakui dalam sistem perundang-undangan Belanda dan Jepang. Maka artikel ini menegaskan secara ilmiah, dengan menganalisis data sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam di Indonesia bahwa adanya atau tidak adanya Perppu bahkan apapun bentuk kebijakan pemerintah yang dianggap menghalangi penerapan hukum Islam, tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap eksistensi hukum Islam di Indonesia.Kata Kunci : Sejarah, Hukum Islam Indonesia dan Perundangan
Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism and Bribery (CCNB) in the current last few years are many occurred in our country. Therefore it is necessary to study the characteristics of corruption, collusion, nepotism and bribery particularly according to the Qur’an perspective. They reflected behavior, either taken in personal or collective related to the government world adversed to the people, nation and the state. CCNB in the Qur'an perspective is one part of action to “consume someone else's property without right,” so that it was forbidden (haram) to conduct corruption, collusion, nepotism and bribery. But special to nepotism is forbidden if the people who the positions given was not professionals, had not capability and morality in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith teachings. Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism and Bribery was prohibited, because contrary to the Qur’an, Hadith and maqashid al-Syari'ah (goal of Sharia) teachings, and contrary to the humanity and justice sense, and adverse others people, society and the state.
Keywords: corruption, collusion, nepotism, bribery, Islamic la
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