36 research outputs found

    Biodiversity and Aquatic Vegetation Succession in Biawak Island Marine Protected Area, Indramayu-West Java

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    The existence of aquatic vegetation in the coastal waters is correlated with the water quality parameters. Seagrass and macroalgae are aquatic plants often found to form a coastal ecosystem that depends on water quality, both physically and chemically. Research on the existence of aquatic plants in Biawak Island, Indramayu, West Java, was conducted in 2016 and 2019 by combining in situ data and secondary data. The purpose of this study was to observe the dynamics of seagrass ecosystems as aquatic plants on Biawak Island and their correlation with the succession that occurred in the aquatic environment in Biawak Island as part of the Biawak Archipelago Marine Protected Area (MPA). The research method integrates a descriptive analysis and its correlation between the submerged aquatic plants and their environment. The results showed that seagrasses in Biawak Island tend to disappear and be replaced by macroalgae. The type of seagrass found in 2016 was Enhalus Acoroides covered by epiphytes perished in 2019. The abundance of macroalgae, especially Halimeda macroloba, indicates the existence of nutrient enrichment and high turbidity, causing the seagrass to be replaced by macroalgae. Another biodiversity found in the region was clams and sea cucumber, while branching coral conditions experienced bleaching and degradation. An environmental condition contains high nutrients strengthening the nutrient enrichment for a particular time. Therefore, integrated management regarding terrestrial and shipping lines track needs to be addressed to maintain the sustainability of the natural resources in the Biawak archipelago

    DISTRIBUSI KARBON DI BEBERAPA PERAIRAN SULAWESI UTARA (Carbon Distribution in North Sulawesi Waters)

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    ABSTRAKProvinsi Sulawesi Utara memiliki memiliki letak strategis di mana berada di jalur pelayaran kawasan pasifik serta kawasan segitiga terumbu karang dunia. Berbagai penelitian kelautan telah dilakukan di kawasan ini, namun demikian belum ada informasi ilmiah tentang karbon laut yang sangat penting untuk memahami dinamika fluks karbon dalam kerangka mitigasi perubahan iklim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menyediakan informasi awal mengenai sebaran karbon di perairan Sulawesi Utara dan menganalisis potensi penyerapan dan pelepasan karbon dioksida (CO2) di beberapa perairan Sulawesi Utara. Pengukuran dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan pada parameter pCO2. Pengukuran pCO2 dilakukan di perairan Teluk Buyat, Teluk Totok, Teluk Manado, Selat Lembeh dan perairan Tongkaina. Data-data pCO2 hasil pengukuran di perairan Teluk Buyat berkisar 414,17 – 608,29 µatm, perairan Teluk Ratatotok berkisar 428,18 – 516,97 µatm, perairan Teluk Manado berkisar 385,16 – 395,52 µatm, perairan Selat Lembeh berkisar 342,90 – 492,12 µatm dan perairan Tongkaina berkisar 394,54 – 568,32 µatm. Nilai pCO2 terendah terletak di perairan teluk Manado sedangkan yang tertinggi terletak di perairan Teluk Buyat. Kisaran hasil pengukuran masih dalam batas normal pengukuran di daerah pesisir yang berkisar antara 200 – 4.600 μatm. Hasil analisis ∆pCO2 Teluk Buyat, Teluk Totok, perairan Tongkaina dan perairan Selat Lembeh berperan sebagai pelepas karbon dan untuk Teluk Manado berperan sebagai penyerap karbon.  ABSTRACTNorth Sulawesi has strategically located in the shipping lanes of the Pacific region as well as in the Coral Reef Triangle. Various marine researches have been done in the area, however, there is no scientific information about the ocean carbon which is essential to understand the dynamics of carbon flux in terms of climate change mitigation. The purpose of this study is to provide preliminary scientific information on the distribution of carbon and to analyze the sink and source potency in North Sulawesi waters. In situ measurements performed on the parameter pCO2. Measurements of pCO2were taken in the waters of Buyat Bay, Totok Bay, Manado Bay, Lembeh Strait and Tongkaina waters. In the waters of Buyat Bay ranged from 414.17 to 608.29 μatm, Ratatotok Bay ranged from 428.18 to 516.97 μatm, Manado Bay waters ranged from 385.16 to 395.52 μatm, Lembeh Strait waters ranged from 342.90 to 492,12 μatm and Tongkaina waters ranged from 394.54 to 568.32 μatm. Lowest pCO2 values located in Manado Bay, while the highest in Buyat Bay. Range measurement results are within normal limits measurements in coastal areas ranging from 200 – 4.600 μatm. The result of ∆pCO2analysis shows that Buyat Bay, Totok Bay, Tongkaina waters and Lembeh Strait relatively act as carbon source and Manado Bay as carbon sink


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    Pemanasan global merupakan peristiwa terjadinya peningkatan karbon dioksida di bumi namun mangrove memiliki kemampuan besar dalam menyerap karbon. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan analisis serapan karbon di vegetasi mangrove Pantai Ketapang, Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan dari Mei-Agustus 2023 di Pantai Ketapang, Provinsi Lampung. Pengukuran karbon tegakan, nekromassa, dan serasah dengan metode non-destructive sedangkan sedimen dengann metode Walkey and Black. Serapan karbon pada tegakan 2,19 kg C/m2-30,75 kg C/m2 dengan stok karbon 25,63 Ton C/Ha-300,97 Ton C/Ha, nekromassa 0,14 kg C/m2- 0,36 kg C/m2 dengan stok karbon 0,001 Ton C/Ha-0,003 Ton C/Ha, serasah  0,005 kg C/m2- 0,010 kg C/m2 dengan stok karbon 0,5 Ton C/Ha-0,10 Ton C/Ha, dan sedimen 22,92 kg C/m2-739,62 kgC/m2 dengan stok karbon 229,2 Ton C/Ha-7396,2 Ton C/Ha. Mangrove Pantai Ketapang mempunyai peran penting dalam menyimpan karbon, sehingga membantu memitigasi kenaikan karbon dioksida di atmosfer.Pemanasan global merupakan peristiwa terjadinya peningkatan karbon dioksida di bumi namun mangrove memiliki kemampuan besar dalam menyerap karbon. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan analisis serapan karbon di vegetasi mangrove Pantai Ketapang, Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan dari Mei-Agustus 2023 di Pantai Ketapang, Provinsi Lampung. Pengukuran karbon tegakan, nekromassa, dan serasah dengan metode non-destructive sedangkan sedimen dengann metode Walkey and Black. Serapan karbon pada tegakan 2,19 kg C/m2-30,75 kg C/m2 dengan stok karbon 25,63 Ton C/Ha-300,97 Ton C/Ha, nekromassa 0,14 kg C/m2- 0,36 kg C/m2 dengan stok karbon 0,001 Ton C/Ha-0,003 Ton C/Ha, serasah  0,005 kg C/m2- 0,010 kg C/m2 dengan stok karbon 0,5 Ton C/Ha-0,10 Ton C/Ha, dan sedimen 22,92 kg C/m2-739,62 kgC/m2 dengan stok karbon 229,2 Ton C/Ha-7396,2 Ton C/Ha. Mangrove Pantai Ketapang mempunyai peran penting dalam menyimpan karbon, sehingga membantu memitigasi kenaikan karbon dioksida di atmosfer


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan potensi perairan Teluk Buyat dan Teluk Ratatotok guna mendukung potensi sumberdaya hayati ekosistem laut dan pesisir, khususnya ekosistem lamun. Penelitian dilakukan pada Juni 2013 pada 6 stasiun di Teluk Buyat dan 4 stasiun di Teluk Ratatotok. Parameter yang diukur in-situ dengan menggunakan alat water quality meter adalah pH, salinitas dan suhu. Parameter nitrat, fosfat dan klorofil-a dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode APHA. Data tutupan lamun diperoleh dengan metode transek kuadrat sesuai Seagrass Watch Method. Hasil pengamatan dipetakan secara spasial menggunakan Ocean Data View. Analisis hubungan antara parameter perairan dan tutupan lamun mengunakan Principal Component Analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu, salinitas dan klorofil-a pada perairan berperan penting pada tutupan lamun dan secara umum kondisi perairan Teluk Buyat dan Teluk Ratatotok masih dalam kategori baik dan subur serta layak untuk kehidupan biota laut, khususnya ekosistem lamun. ABSTRACTThe aim of this research is to identify the characteristics and potential of Buyat Bay and Ratatotok Bay waters to support natural resources in marine and coastal ecosystems, especially seagrass ecosystem. The research was conducted in June 2013, at 6 stations in Buyat Bay and 4 stations in Ratatotok Bay. The in-situ parameters measured using water quality meter instrument were pH, salinity and temperature. Water sample for nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll-a concentration were taken to laboratory used APHA method. Seagrass cover data obtained with the square method transect of Seagrass Watch. The observations were mapped spatially using Ocean Data View software. Principal Component Analysis was used to analyse the relationship between the water parameters and seagrass covers. The result shows that temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a at Buyat and Ratatotok Bay waters are considerably good to support the living of marine biota, especially seagrass ecosystem

    Variability in the organic carbon stocks, sources, and accumulation rates of Indonesian mangrove ecosystems

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    Mangrove ecosystems are an important natural carbon sink that accumulate and store large amounts of organic carbon (Corg), in particular in the sediment. However, the magnitude of carbon stocks and the rate of carbon accumulation (CAR) vary geographically due to a large variation of local factors. In order to better understand the blue carbon sink of mangrove ecosystems, we measured organic carbon stocks, sources and accumulation rates in three Indonesian mangrove ecosystems with different environmental settings and conditions; (i) a degraded estuarine mangrove forest in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL), Central Java, (ii) an undegraded estuarine mangrove forest in Berau region, East Kalimantan, and (iii) a pristine marine mangrove forest on Kongsi Island, Thousand Islands, Jakarta. In general, Corg stocks were higher in estuarine than in marine mangroves, although a large variation was observed among the estuarine mangroves. The mean total Corg stock in Berau (615 ± 181 Mg C ha−1) is twice as high as that in SAL (298 ± 181 Mg C ha−1). However, the Segara Anakan Lagoon displayed large within-system variation with a much higher Corg stock in the eastern (483 ± 124 Mg C ha−1) than in the central lagoon (167 ± 36 Mg C ha−1). The predominant accumulation of autochthonous mangrove organic matter likely contributed to the higher Corg stocks in Berau and the eastern SAL. Interestingly, the CAR distribution pattern in SAL is opposite to that of its Corg stocks. The central SAL that receives high sediment inputs from the hinterland has a much higher CAR than the eastern SAL (658 ± 311 g C m−2 yr−1 and 194 ± 46 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively), while Berau has one of the highest CAR (1722 ± 183 g C m−2 yr−1) ever measured. It appears that these large differences are driven by the environmental setting and conditions, mainly sediment dynamics and hydrodynamics, landform, and vegetation conditions. It is inferred that quantifying carbon accumulation in sediments is a useful tool in estimating the present-day carbon storage of mangrove ecosystems. This is a precondition for taking measures under REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries) schemes

    Ekologi dan Struktur Komunitas Lamun di Teluk Ratatotok, Minahasa Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara

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    Penelitian mengenai ekologi dan struktur komunitas lamun ini dilakukan tanggal 10 – 15 Juni 2013 di perairan pesisir Teluk Ratatotok, Minahasa Tenggara. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling terkait dengan keberadaan lamun. Penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi pengukuran prosentase tutupan lamun, kerapatan, struktur komunitas, dan kondisi lingkungan di lokasi penelitian. Terdapat tujuh jenis lamun yang terdiri dari dua famili. Famili Hydrocharitaceae ditemukan tiga jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides (Ea), Thalassia hemprichii (Th) dan Halophila ovalis (Ho). Empat jenis lamun dari famili Cymodoceaceae yaitu Cymodocea serrulata (Cs), Cymodocea rotundata (Cr), Halodule pinifolia (Hp), dan Syringodium isoetifolium (Si). Kisaran prosentase penutupan rata-rata antara 22,5% - 89,5%. Kerapatan lamun perstasiun berkisar antara 17 – 473 ind/m2, dengan kerapatan tertinggi lamun jenis Ho sebesar 473 ind/m2 di stasiun 6. Nilai INP tertinggi pada lamun jenis Ea sebesar 128% diikuti berturut-turut oleh Si (41%), Th (36%), Ho (27%), Cs (26%), Cr (24%) dan Hp (17%). Berdasarkan kriteria status kondisi padang lamun (Kepmen LH no 200 tahun 2004), kondisi padang lamun di Teluk Ratatotok antara rusak/miskin sampai dengan baik/sehat. Stasiun 5 kondisi rusak/miskin, stasiun 3 dan 4 kondisi rusak/kurang sehat dan tiga stasiun kondisi baik/sehat yaitu stasiun 1, 2 dan 6. Secara keseluruhan kondisi lingkungaan Teluk Ratatotok masih mendukung pertumbuhan lamun

    Ekosistem Lamun Sebagai Bioindikator Lingkungan Di P. Lembeh, Bitung, Sulawesi Utara

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    Seagrass ecosystem has a function of spawning, nursery, and feeding ground. Besides, it could be used as a bio-indicator of environmental health. This study of seagrass ecosystem was done in 17- 22 May 2014 in Lembeh Island and Tanjung Merah, Bitung. The purpose of the study is to obtain existing condition of seagrass ecosystem and its role as environment bio-indicator. Purposive sampling method was used representing all study sites. Structure analysis of seagrass communities describes the existing condition, while scoring / weighting method estimate current condition of the seagrass. Results that show there are seven species of seagrass. In the stations opposite to Bitung mainland, 75% of the seagrass are Enhalus acoroides (10-50% covers). Importance value index of the seagrass species were Enhalus acoroides (231–300 %), Thalassia hemprichii ( 102–198 %) and Halophila ovalis (110 %) respectively. Based on the weighting method and environmental standard quality, seagrass ecosystem in Lembeh island opposite to Bitung mainland was in damage and unhealthy condition, while seagrass ecosystem opposite to the open sea was in a good and healthy condition. This was due to the domestic waste that is trapped in seagrass ecosystem in the study site. It is necessary to improve awareness to maintain quality of environmental

    Cadangan Karbon Ekosistem Mangrove di Sulawesi Utara dan Implikasinya Pada Aksi Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim

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    Sulawesi Utara adalah salah satu provinsi yang menerapkan kebijakan rencana aksi nasional/daerah (RAN/RAD) gas rumah kaca sebagai bagian dari usaha nasional dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim. Salah satu kegiatan mitigasi berbasis lahan di Sulawesi Utara adalah pengukuran dan monitoring biomas dan stok karbon di hutan termasuk hutan pantai yang luasan pengukuran masih terbatas. Pada tahun 2013-2015, Tim Penelitian Karbon Biru melakukan penelitian di empat lokasi di Sulawesi Utara yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi ekologis dan kemampuan ekosistem pesisir terutama mangrove dalam menyimpan karbon serta implikasi pada mitigasi gas rumah kaca. Lokasi penelitian terletak di Ratatotok – Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara, Kema – Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Pulau Lembeh – Kota Bitung dan  Pulau Sangihe – Kabupaten Sangihe. Jenis mangrove yang teridentifikasi adalah 17 spesies dan 3 spesies diantaranya yaitu B. gymnorrhiza, R. mucronata dan S. alba ditemukan di semua lokasi. Keanekaragaman spesies berkisar dari rendah sampai sedang dan penyebaran spesies tidak merata.  Kapasitas penyimpanan karbon adalah sebesar 343,85 Mg C ha-1 di Ratatotok, 254,35 Mg C ha-1 di Lembeh, 387,95 Mg C ha-1 di Kema, dan 594,83 Mg C ha-1 di Sangihe. Lebih dari 59% simpanan karbon berada pada sedimen. Nilai rata-rata simpanan karbon di keempat lokasi penelitian sebesar 456,86 M C ha-1 atau 5,70 Tg C setelah dikonversi dengan luas total ekosistem mangrove Sulawesi Utara. Nilai ini setara dengan penyerapan CO2 dari atmosfer sebesar 20,70 Tg CO2e. Potensi emisi akibat perubahan lahan mangrove mencapai 0,42 Tg CO2e. Upaya meningkatkan kontribusi penurunan emisi Sulawesi Utara dapat dicapai dengan melakukan intervensi pengurangan emisi melalui rehabilitasi dan konservasi ekosistem mangrove

    Enhancing Trucking Haulage Management System on PT. Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines Surabaya

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    In the shipping world, business competition between companies often normally occurs. Each of them offers its advantages, both in terms of quality of services offered, as well as in quantity at a more competitive price. To remain in the shipping business, savings must be made without compromising the quality of service offered. These savings are not easy to make. There are many strategies that must be carefully planned and executed effectively. In field operations, all errors both major and minor will be avoided. In this complex shipping business operation, studies need to be carried out to be more efficient, including in loading and unloading operations. The loading and unloading operation is one of the important operations in shipping, considering that its main business operation is indeed moving goods from one point to another by sea. More efficient loading and unloading operations with savings strategies can be a key factor for shipping companies to offer services at a more affordable price or with more benefits. The haulage operation by truck will be simulated using the Discrete Event Simulation method. Where a model that is able to represent real operations in the field will be created and then the situation will be manipulated for later observation and analysis so that it can be taken into consideration in future loading and unloading operations