688 research outputs found


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    Bioinformatics analysis has been performed on c-Myc peptide sequences to predict its epitopes in order to design antigen for IgY anti-c-Myc production in chickens. Peptide sequences for human c-Myc protein obtained from the NCBI database were analyzed with ProPred-1 softwares. Manual screening has been conducted on the prediction results.One candidate of c-Myc epitope, EQKLISEEDL, have been selected and prepared as an antigen, by adding one molecule of Cystein to the peptide, and conjugated it with Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Twelve hens, aged 22-24 weeks, were immunized a week after their first eggs were produced. Antigen diluted in aquabidest and emulsified with Freund’s Complete Adjuvant. The suspension was injected into the area of the chicken breast, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, with a dose of 0.1 mg for the first immunization. Booster injection performed on days 10, 20, and 30 with the same volume of emulsion, but using Incomplete Freund’s Adjuvant and the amount of antigen half of the first immunization. Extraction of IgY from egg has been carried out using kits from Gallus Immunotech. IgY levels quantified using a spectrophotometer, absorbance measured at 280 nm. The results showed that chicken antibody production gave rise to a sigmoid curve pattern, just like in mammals. The IgY content of the egg was stable at high levels (> 5 mg / ml yolk) after the third immunization. In the intramuscular group, the immune response seems to work earlier than in the subcutaneous group, but eventually the subcutaneous group reaches the same level, and even higher. In general, from an egg produced after the second booster it can be extracted at least 50 mg of IgY. Higher yields could be obtained when IgY was extracted from egg 2 to 3 days after the third booster. Keywords: epitope prediction, c-Myc, IgY antibody, ProPred-

    Implications of the Decentralization Policy on Poverty Reduction in Indonesia

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    This paper aims to analyze the implications of decentralization policies that are linked to poverty reduction in Indonesia. The focus of the study is the decentralization policy as regulated in Law No. 22/1999, which was amended twice through Law No. 32/2004 and Law No. 23/ 2014 concerning local government. In addition, it also discussed Law No. 25/1999 concerning financial relations in the central-regional government. Using qualitative methods with a policy/program analysis approach and secondary data, this study found that decentralization policies do not link directly to poverty reduction. Out of 34 provincial regions, only 8 provincial regions have achieved a human development index (HDI) above the national average, while having a poverty rate below the national average. In contrast, there are 13 provincial regions that reached HDI below the national average and at the same time have poverty levels above the national average. Based on these findings, this study recommends, first, that local governments evaluate and direct various programs that lead to HDI improvement and poverty reduction. Second, that they synchronize poverty reduction programs in the regions with the same programs from the central government and international programs in the regions

    Pesantren Kristen Dengan Pelatihan Baca Gali Alkitab (BGA) di SMA Negeri 2 Sipora-Mentawai

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    Pesantren kilat secara umum diberlakukan bagi siswa SMA/sederajat di Sumatera Barat, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadhan. Siswa Kristen juga mengikutinya dengan gaya Kristen, yakni pengajar dari pemuka agama Kristen yang tentu merujuk dari ajaran dalam Alkitab. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan Baca Gali Alkitab (BGA) yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Sipora, April 2022.Dengan harapan pada tataran hingga menuntut komitmen siswa untuk memahami pesan Alkitab,dan mematuhi orang tua, rajin beribadah ke gereja dan menyukseskan kegiatan rohani Kristen di sekolahnya. Pembinaan rohani Kristen diberikan sesuai jadwal dengan dukungan dari Scripture Union Indonesia. Hasilnya dirasakan pihak Sekolah setelah kegiatan dilaksanakan. Anak-anak tidak lagi dipaksa untuk masuk dalam ruang ibadah Kristen, demikian pun di Gereja diperoleh informasi adanya perubahan yang semakin baik tiap-tiap minggu. Pelatihan BGA menjadi satu pelatihan yang patut dipertimbangkan agar secara tetap masuk dalam jadwal pesantren kilat di SMA/Sederajat di Sumbar, ataupun Sekolah-Sekolah Lanjutan di Indonesia untuk pertumbuhan rohani yang segar, kuat dan sigap.   &nbsp

    Synthetic Peptides as Immunogen in the Production of IgY Anti-C-Myc Antibody in Local Chicken (Gallus gallus)

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    Experiments conducted to determine the effect of doses of immunogen on the levels of IgY c-Myc antibody in chickens. To generate antibody, we used a synthetic peptide as an immunogen, which is developed from the epitope of the c-Myc protein. Hens were immunized a week after their first eggs were produced. Antigen diluted in double distilled water and emulsified with Freund 's Complete Adjuvant. The suspension was injected into the area of the chicken breast subcutaneously with a dose of 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, or 0.16 mg per hen. Booster injection performed on days 10, 20, and 30 with the same volume of emulsion, but using Incomplete Freund 's Adjuvant and the amount of antigen was half of the amount of the first Immunization. Extraction of IgY from eggs was carried out using kits from Gallus Immunotech. The level of IgY was quantified using a spectrophotometer where the absorbance was read at 280 nm. The results showed that after the first immunization IgY content of the egg were reached the level of  >5 mg/ml yolk when the dose of immunogen was above 0.1 mg/hen. The level was higher in eggs produced after the third booster ( >8 mg/ml yolk), but it is lower in all groups treated with immunogen above 0.1 mg/hen. We concluded, immunogen dosage of 0.1 mg/hen was optimum in the production of chicken IgY anti-c-Myc


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan korelasi metode pemberian tugas dan diskusi belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn kelas X SMA Swasta Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen korelasional dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 114 orang. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 23 orang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh koefisien korelasi antara X1 terhadap Y adalah 0,61, koefisien korelasi antara X2 terhadap Y adalah 0,57. Koefisien korelasi antara X1 terhadap X2 adalah 0,54, koefisen korelasi antara X1 dan X2 terhadap Y adalah 0,67. Hubungan metode pemberian tugas dengan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn kelas X SMA Swasta Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen   dikategorikan Tinggi yakni 0,61. Hubungan diskusi belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa kelas X SMA swasta Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen pada mata pelajaran PKn dikategorikan sedang yakni 0,57. Sementara hubungan antara metode pemberian tugas dan diskusi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas X SMA Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen mata pelajaran PKn adalah tinggi, yakni 0,67.Kata Kunci : Metode Pemberian Tugas, Diskusi Belajar, Prestasi Belajar Abstract. This study aims to describe the correlation of the method of giving assignments and learning discussion with student learning achievement in Civics Class X subjects Private High School FKIP Campus HKBP University Nommensen . This study uses a correlational experimental method with a population of 114 people. The research sample of 23 people. Based on the results of the study, obtained a correlation coefficient between X1 to Y is 0.61, the correlation coefficient between X2 to Y is 0.57. The correlation coefficient between X1 to X2 is 0.54, the correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 to Y is 0.67. The relationship between the method of assignment and student achievement in Civics Class X subjects in the Private High School FKIP Campus of HKBP University Nommensen  is categorized as High, 0.61. The relationship of learning discussion with student achievement in class X private high school FKIP University HKBP Nommensen campus on Civics subjects is categorized as moderate namely 0.57. While the relationship between the method of assigning tasks and learning discussion on student achievement in class X SMA FKIP Campus HKNP Nommensen University Civics subjects is high, that is 0.67.Keywords: Assignment Method, Learning Discussion, Learning Achievemen


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah bentuk-bentuk tindak pidana yang dapat dikenakan ketentuan pidana apabila dilakukan oleh korporasi dan bagaimanakah pemberlakuan ketentuan pidana terhadap korporasi apabila melakukan tindak pidana menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2009 tentang perfilman di mana dengan merode penelitian hukum normartif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Bentuk-bentuk tindak pidana yang dapat dikenakan ketentuan pidana apabila dilakukan oleh korporasi seperti perbuatan dengan sengaja mengedarkan, menjual, menyewakan, atau mempertunjukkan kepada khalayak umum, film tanpa lulus sensor padahal diketahui atau patut diduga isinya melanggar ketentuan hukum dan tindakan mempertunjukkan film hanya dari satu pelaku usaha pembuatan film atau pengedaran film atau impor film tertentu melebihi 50% (lima puluh persen) jam pertunjukannya yang mengakibatkan praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat serta pembuatan perjanjian dengan pelaku usaha perfilman atau membuat ketentuan yang bertujuan untuk menghalangi pelaku usaha perfilman lain memberi atau menerima pasokan film yang mengakibatkan praktik monopoli dan/atau persaingan usaha tidak sehat. 2. Pemberlakuan ketentuan pidana terhadap korporasi apabila melakukan tindak pidana menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perfilman dapat dikenakan pidana denda ditambah 1/3 (sepertiga) dari ancaman pidananya. Dalam hal tindak pidana dilakukan oleh atau atas nama korporasi, pidana dijatuhkan kepada pengurus korporasi pidana penjara dan denda. Selain pidana denda korporasi dapat dikenai pidana tambahan berupa perampasan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana; dan/atau pencabutan izin usaha.Kata kunci: korporasi; perfilman

    Synthetic Peptides as Immunogen in the Production of IgY Anti-C-Myc Antibody in Local Chicken (Gallus Gallus)

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    Experiments conducted to determine the effect of doses of immunogen on the levels of IgY c-Myc antibody in chickens. To generate antibody, we used a synthetic peptide as an immunogen, which is developed from the epitope of the c-Myc protein. Hens were immunized a week after their first eggs were produced. Antigen diluted in double distilled water and emulsified with Freund 's Complete Adjuvant. The suspension was injected into the area of the chicken breast subcutaneously with a dose of 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, or 0.16 mg per hen. Booster injection performed on days 10, 20, and 30 with the same volume of emulsion, but using Incomplete Freund 's Adjuvant and the amount of antigen was half of the amount of the first Immunization. Extraction of IgY from eggs was carried out using kits from Gallus Immunotech. The level of IgY was quantified using a spectrophotometer where the absorbance was read at 280 nm. The results showed that after the first immunization IgY content of the egg were reached the level of >5 mg/ml yolk when the dose of immunogen was above 0.1 mg/hen. The level was higher in eggs produced after the third booster ( >8 mg/ml yolk), but it is lower in all groups treated with immunogen above 0.1 mg/hen. We concluded, immunogen dosage of 0.1 mg/hen was optimum in the production of chicken IgY anti-c-Myc

    Tantangan Teologi Agama-agama: Suatu Diskursus Model

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    Live side by side between religions is no longer a choice of life, especially in Indonesia. Because Indonesian society is formed from various religions and tribes or sub-tribes. Therefore, the effort to find a format and order to live side by side in getting along well and harmony is a relevant topic of all time. In this paper, the pattern of life in diversity is traced to the time of the first human life on earth through the narrative of the Scriptures in Christianity, the Bible. With the help of searching for cognate libraries, this paper presents proposals that are simple and easy to understand for each adherent of the religion. Various data collected were then processed using the heuristic inquiry theory approach while the data from the scriptures were explored with a hermeneutic pattern. The tripolar typology that is considered to be the first or pioneering pattern in the theology of religions is now gaining a new partner in realizing life between religious communities towards harmony. Abstrak Hidup berdampingan antar pemeluk agama tidak lagi menjadi pilihan hidup, apalagi di Indonesia. Sebab masyarakat Indonesia terbentuk dari berbagai agama dan suku atau sub-suku. Karena itu pula upaya mencari format dan tatanan hidup berdampingan dengan rukun dan harmonis menjadi topik yang relevan sepanjang masa. Dalam tulisan ini, pola kehidupan dalam keberagaman ditelusuri hingga masa-masa kehidapan pertama manusia di bumi melalui narasi Kitab Suci dalam kekristenan yaitu Alkitab. Dengan bantuan penelusuran pustaka serumpun, tulisan ini menyajikan usulan yang sederhana dan mudah untuk dimengerti oleh masing-masing pemeluk agama. Berbagai data yang berhasil dihimpun kemudian diolah dengan pendekatan teori heuristic inquiry sedangkan data dari kitab suci didalami dengan pola hermeneutik. Kerangkeng tipologi tripolar yang dianggap menjadi pola pertama atau perintis dalam teologi agama-agama kini memperoleh mitra baru dalam mewujudkan kehidupan antar umat beragama menuju keharmonisa

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Anekdot Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Air Putih Tahun Pembelajaran 2013/2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah terhadap kemampuan menulis teks anekdot siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Air Putih. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Air Putih tahun pembelajaran 2013/2014, yang berjumlah 246 orang dan yang menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 37 orang, yakni kelas X MS3 untuk kelas pre-test dan post-test. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode eksperimen dengan model desain penelitian One Group Pre-Test Post test design yang hanya dilakukan pada satu kelas (kelompok) saja. Kemampuan menulis teks anekdot sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah 65,81 sedangkan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah memperoleh nilai rata-rata 78,1. Berdasarkan perolehan nilai rata-rata diatas, maka hasil belajar kemampuan menulis teks anekdot lebih baik setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran daripada sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran. Berdasarkan perhitungan dengan uji “t” diperoleh nilai t0 = 5,96 kemudian dikonsultasikan dengan tabel t pada taraf signifikan 5%) ternyata t0 yang diperoleh lebih besar dari tt yaitu 5,96 > 2,03 sehingga hipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berpengaruh dalam kemampuan menulis teks anekdot siswa


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan korelasi pemberian tugas dan diskusi belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn kelas XI SMA Swasta Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen . Metode penelitian yang dipakai yaitu metode deskriptif korelasional. Dengan populasi sebanyak 114 orang dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 30 orang siswa. Hubungan pemberian tugas dengan prestasi belajar PKn di kelas XI SMA Swasta FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen dikategorikan tinggi (0.61). Hubungan diskusi belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn di kelas  XI SMA Swasta Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen dikategorikan sedang (0.57). Hubungan pemberian tugas dan diskusi belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn di kelas XI SMA Swasta Kampus FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen   dikategorikan Tinggi (0,67)Kata Kunci : Keterampilan Mengajar, Media Pembelajaran, Prestasi Belajar Abstract. This study describes the correlation between assignment and learning discussion with student achievement in Civics Class XI subjects in Private High Schools FKIP Campus HKBP University Nommensen . The research method used is descriptive correlational method. With a population of 114 people and a sample of 30 students. The relationship of assignment with PKn learning achievement in class XI of FKIP HKBP University Nommensen T.A Private High School 2018/2019 is categorized high (0.61). The relationship of learning discussion with student achievement in Civics in class XI Private High School FKIP University Nommensen HKBP is categorized as moderate (0.57). The relationship between assignment and learning discussion with student learning achievement in Civics in class XI Private High School FKIP Campus HKBP University Nommensen  is categorized High (0.67)Keywords: Teaching Skills, Learning Media, Learning Achievemen
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