388 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithm for Event Scheduling System

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    UTeMā€™s Event Alert System (UTeM-EAS) is an improved version of previous Event Alert System in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) official site that aims to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to provide its users with events priority. This newer system intend be more user friendly by providing organized management. The improved version is also designed to have the capability of sending Short Message Service (SMS) among UTeMā€™s staff to notify them of future events. Some researches about another existing Event Alert Sytem are carried to provide more understanding to the system to be developed. UTeM-EAS then is created by exploiting one of AI approach namely Genetic Algorithm (GA) with Crossover Technique. There are four main interfaces that ask for login information, add, edit and view events details. As for the development environment, UTeM-EAS is developed and to run in windows XP with support of Adobe Dreamweaver and MS SQL Server. Ozeki Messager 6 are installed and configured for this system to operate with its SMS function. The functionality, usability and security testing are conducted between UTeMā€™s staffs and administrators itself to measure the performance and user acceptance of the proposed system. Aside from achieving its development objectives, UTeM-EAS also gain great satisfactions from most of its tested users. The system could be more efficient if password encryption is applied and the system is able to reply the message sent by UTeMā€™s staff asking for further events details

    Utilizing Analytical Hierarchy Process for Pauper House Programme in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, the selection and evaluation of candidates for Pauper House Programme (PHP) are done manually. In this paper, a technique based on Analytical Hierarchy Technique (AHP) is designed and developed in order to make an evaluation and selection of PHP application. The aim is to ensure the selection process is more precise, accurate and can avoid any biasness issue. This technique is studied and designed based on the Pauper assessment technique from one of district offices in Malaysia. A hierarchical indexes are designed based on the criteria that been used in the official form of PHP application. A number of 23 samples of data which had been endorsed by Exco of State in Malaysia are used to test this technique. Furthermore the comparison of those two methods are given in this paper. All the calculations of this technique are done in a software namely Expert Choice version 11.5. By comparing the manual and AHP shows that there are three (3) samples that are not qualified. The developed technique also satisfies in term of ease of accuracy and preciseness but need a further study due to some limitation as explained in the recommendation of this paper

    Exam Timetabling Using Graph Colouring Approach

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    Timetabling at large covering many different types of problems which have their own unique characteristics. In education, the three most common academic timetabling problems are school timetable, university timetable and exam timetable. Exam timetable is crucial but difficult to be done manually due to the complexity of the problem. The main problem includes dual academic calendar, increasing student enrolments and limitations of resources. This study presents a solution method for exam timetable problem in centre for foundation studies and extension education (FOSEE), Multimedia University, Malaysia. The method of solution is a heuristic approach that include graph colouring, cluster heuristic and sequential heuristic

    Effect of using micropalm oil fuel ash as partial replacement of cement on the properties of cement mortar

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    This study investigates the effects of micropalm oil fuel ash (mPOFA) on compressive strength and pore structure of cement mortar. Various experimental techniques, such as compression test, isothermal calorimetry, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and X-ray diffraction, are performed to figure out the effect of using mPOFA as partial replacement of cement on the hydration of cement and determine its optimal replacement level to increase mechanical property of the mortar specimens. 10 wt.% of cement replacement with mPOFA is found to give the highest level of compressive strength, achieving a 23% increase over the control specimens after 3 days of curing. High K2O contents in mPOFA stimulate C3S in cement to form C-S-H at early ages, and high surface area of mPOFA acts as a nucleus to develop C-S-H. Also, small mPOFA particles and C-S-H formed by pozzolanic reaction fill the pores and lead to reduction in large capillary pores. In XRD analysis, a decrease in Ca(OH)2 and SiO2 contents with age confirmed a high pozzolanic reactivity of mPOFA

    Hybrid of Boyer Moore and rule based system for mobile library book information

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    In this paper, a hybrid of Boyer Moore and Rule Based System are introduced for library book information on mobile application. A hybrid approach is employed as solution to replace the Digital Resource, Web based Software System and Catalogue. Quick Response (QR) Code is an improvement to replace the barcode and it can access any sensor on mobile application. The methodology of this paper is to develop Library Book Information to be more effective and by combining Boyer Moore String Matching and Rule Based System. From the phase of Boyer Moore and Rule Based System, these are greatly simplified this system by using QR Code to get data in a real time. The result in Boyer Moore and Rule Based System shows with highest priority or threshold (maximum) to minimum. It can be concluded that the hybrid of Boyer Moore and Rule Based System can effectively support the library information system

    A Markovian Approach to Determine Optimal Means for SME Production Process

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    The determination of optimum process mean has become one of the focused research area in order to improve product quality. Depending on the value of quality characteristic, an item can be reworked, scrapped or accepted by the system which is successfully transform to the finishing product by using the Markovian model. By assuming the quality characteristic is normally distributed, the probability of rework, scrap and accept is obtained by the Markov model and next the optimum of process mean is determine which maximizes the expected profit per item. In this paper, we present the preliminary analysis of selecting the process mean by referring to SME production process. By varying the rework and scrap cost, the analysis shows the sensitivity of the Markov approach to determine process mean

    Neural Network Prognostics Model for Industrial Equipment Maintenance

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    This paper presents a new prognostics model based on neural network technique for supporting industrial maintenance decision. In this study, the probabilities of failure based on the real condition equipment are initially calculated by using logistic regression method. The failure probabilities are subsequently utilized as input for prognostics model to predict the future value of failure condition and then used to estimate remaining useful lifetime of equipment. By having a time series of predicted failure probability, the failure distribution can be generated and used in the maintenance cost model to decide the optimal time to do maintenance. The proposed prognostic model is implemented in the industrial equipment known as autoclave burner. The result from the model reveals that it can give prior warnings and indication to the maintenance department to take an appropriate decision instead of dealing with the failures while the autoclave burner is still operating. This significant contribution provides new insights into the maintenance strategy which enables the use of existing condition data from industrial equipment and prognostics approach

    Applied Markovian Approach for Determining Optimal Process Means in Single Stage SME Production System

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    The determination of optimum process mean has become one of the focused research area in order to improve product quality. Depending on the value of quality characteristic of juice filling in the bottle, an item can be reworked, accepted or accepted with penalty cost by the system which is successfully transform to the finishing product by using the Markovian model. By assuming the quality characteristic is normally distributed, the probability of rework, accept and accept with penalty cost is obtained by the Markov model and next the optimum of process mean is determined which maximizes the expected profit per item. In this paper, we present the analysis of selecting the process mean in the filling process. By varying the rework and accept with penalty cost, the analysis shown the sensitivity of the Markov approach to determine the process mean


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the in vitro and ex vivo (acute and sub-chronic doses) effect of Phyllanthus niruri methanol extract (PNME) on the microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase (UGT) enzyme activity in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic young female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Methods: Young female SD rats were induced type I diabetes mellitus using STZ (60 mg/kg i. v.). The in vitro study was performed on a microsomal fraction of diabetic rat livers using PNME in doses of (0.01 Āµg, 1 Āµg and 10 Āµg)/ml. While ex vivo studies were performed on the microsomal fraction of diabetic rats using PNME in doses of 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg p. o. for acute ex vivo study (one-day treatment) and 100, 500 and 2000 mg/kg/day p. o. for sub-chronic one (daily dose for two weeks). p-nitrophenol (p-NP), was used as a marker substrate for UGT enzyme activity and analyzed using the spectrophotometer to determine UGT enzyme activity. Results: The in vitro result showed that, there is no significant effect of the three concentrations of PNME versus control on UGT activity in the microsomal fraction of diabetic young female SD rat livers, while for ex vivo study, the result showed that UGT activity in the microsomal fraction of diabetic young female SD rats significantly and dose-independently increased at doses 1000, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg p. o in acute study (all p<0.05 vs control). However, no significant effect of PNME has been seen in the three doses used in the sub-chronic study. Conclusion: The three different concentrations of PNME have no significant effect as compared to control on UGT activity in the in vitro study. However, ex vivo study showed significant and dose-independent increased in UGT activity at doses 1000, 2000, and 5000 mg/kg p. o in acute study (all P<0.01 vs control), but no significant effect on sub-chronic study

    Comparative study of selected indoor concentration from selective laser sintering process using virgin and recycled polyamide nylon (pa12)

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) stands out as one of the promising technologies that have huge potential towards manufacturing industry. The study on additive manufacturing impact on the environment and occupational exposure are attracting growing attention recently. However, most of the researcher focus on desktop and fused deposition modelling type and less attention given to the industrial type of AM. Usually, during the selective laser sintering process, recycle powder will be used again to reduce cost and waste. This article compares the PM 2.5, carbon dioxide (CO2) and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentration between virgin and recycles powder using polyamide-nylon (PA12) towards indoor concentration. Four phases of sampling involve during air sampling accordingly to the Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010 by DOSH Malaysia. It was found that PM 2.5 and CO2 concentration are mainly generated during the pre-printing process. The recycle powder tended to appear higher compared to virgin powder in terms of PM 2.5, and CO2. The peak value of PM 2.5 is 1452 Ī¼g/m3 and CO2 is 1218 ppm are obtained during the pre-printing process during 8 hours of sampling. TVOC concentration from recycling powder is slightly higher during the post- printing phase where confirm the influence of the powder cake and PA12 temperature from the printing process. In summary, this work proves that elective laser sintering (SLS) machine operators are exposed to a significant amount of exposure during the SLS printing process. Mitigation strategies and personal protective equipment are suggested to reduce occupational exposure
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