123 research outputs found

    Varicose Veins: Role of Mechanotransduction of Venous Hypertension

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    Varicose veins affect approximately one-third of the adult population and result in significant psychological, physical, and financial burden. Nevertheless, the molecular pathogenesis of varicose vein formation remains unidentified. Venous hypertension exerted on veins of the lower extremity is considered the principal factor in varicose vein formation. The role of mechanotransduction of the high venous pressure in the pathogenesis of varicose vein formation has not been adequately investigated despite a good progress in understanding the mechanomolecular mechanisms involved in transduction of high blood pressure in the arterial wall. Understanding the nature of the mechanical forces, the mechanosensors and mechanotransducers in the vein wall, and the downstream signaling pathways will provide new molecular targets for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. This paper summarized the current understanding of mechano-molecular pathways involved in transduction of hemodynamic forces induced by blood pressure and tries to relate this information to setting of venous hypertension in varicose veins

    Study of Cattle Infection with Giardia Parasite at Al-Kufa City, Al- Najaf Al-Ashraf. Iraq

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         تمّ فحص 82 بقره بالغه , 24  عجل بالغ اعمارها أكثر من سنه واحده , كما تمّ فحص 38 عجله صغيرة , 39 عجل صغير اعمارها دون السنه للكشف عن اصابتها بطفيلي الجيارديا (Giardia ) للفترة من آب /2021 لغايه شباط /2022. وجد ان 18 من الحيوانات البالغة كانت مصابه بالأكياس (16.98%) بينما 3 فقط كانت مصابه بالناشطات (4.47%) . الحيوانات التي كانت اعمارها دون السنه اظهرت نسبه إصابة أقلّ بالطفيلي (8.49% و 7.46% بالكياس والناشطات على التوالي). طبقا إلى اشهر السنه, اظهر شهر آب أعلى نسبه إصابة بالطفيلي خاصه بين الحيوانات البالغة الذكور والحيوانات الصغيرة الإناث (40% و 50% على التوالي). ويعد ظهور طفيلي الجيارديا في الأبقار والعجول أوّل تسجيل لها في قضاء الكوفة , النجف الاشرف.A total of 82 adult cow, 24 adult calves , which their ages more than one year , and 38 female calves, 29 male calves which their ages less than one year , are examined during the period from August /2021 till Feb/2022 to detect their infection with Giardia parasite .Its found that 18 of the adult animals infected with cyst (16.98%) while 3 only infected with trophozoites (4.47%) . The animals that their ages less than one year exhibited less rate of infection (8.49% and 7.46% with cyst and trophozoite respectively). According to months of the year , August show the highest rate of infection especially among adult male animals and small female animals (40% and 50% respectively ) . The study recorded Giardia parasite in cattle's for the first time in Al-Kufa city , Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf

    Monthly Changes in the Rate and Severity of Intrusive Perforated in Dactylogyrus on Common Carp Fish Cyprinus Carpio Live Stock in One of the Floating Cages in Alforat River at Al-mussaib, Babylon, Iraq.

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         فحصت في المدة مابين شهر آب 2020 وكانون الثاني 2021، 97 سمكة كارب اعتيادي من احدى الأقفاص العائمة لتربية الأسماك في نهر الفرات عند مدينة المسيب، بابل، العراق. فحصت هذه الأسماك للتعرف على إصابتها بالمخرمات وتبين ان هذه الأسماك كانت مصابة بستة أنواع من المخرمات أحادية المنشأ هي Dactylogyrus arquatus، D. simplex، D. dogieli، D.minutus،   D. extensus، D.vastator. وتباينت نسبة وشدة الإصابة بالمخرمات قيد الدراسة بحسب الأشهر.     وشملت الدراسة الحالية أيضا التغيرات الشهرية الحاصلة في أهم الصفات الفيزيوكيميائية لمياه النهر خلال مدة الدراسة. تراوحت درجة حرارة الماء مابين 10.4-13.5 م، وكمية الأوكسجين المذاب بالماء مابين 7.9-9.2 ملغم/لتر، الأس الهيدروجيني بين 7.0-7.6، كما أن مجمل التغيرات الحاصلة هي ضمن المدى الطبيعي الذي تتحمله اسماك الكارب الاعتيادي.  Examined in the period, between August 2020 to January 2021 atotal of 97 fishes common carp from one of fish cages from Alforat River in Al-Mussayab city, Babylon, Iraq. These fishes species were examind for Dactylogyrus vastator. Parasites recorded included six species, Dactylogyrus arquatus, D. simlex, D. dogieli, D. minutus, D. extensus, D. vastator. The percentage incidence of infection with the studied Dactylogyrus varied according to different months. The present study included the determination of monthly changes in the main physical and chemical features of the water of River in this study water temperature of water River ranged from 10.4-13.5 Cᵒ, dissolved oxygen from 7.9-9.2 mg/L. PH ranged  from 7.0-7.6, salinity ranged from 0.29-0.5/ ppt and the transparency ranged from 58-94 cm. the whole changes in the physical and chemical features of the waters of River were within the normal ranges tolerable by the common carp

    Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Seasonal Flu among a Sample of Paramedical Staff in Holy Karbala City/ Iraq

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    A cross sectional study was carried out in Holy Karbala City/Iraq during the period from the 2st of  January 2015 to the end of April to assess knowledge and awareness  among a sample of paramedical staff regarding seasonal flu.The results of demographic data of the studied sample showed that there was a distinct males preponderance with mean ± SD of their ages was (35.21+10.09) years, the age range at the time of study was between (21-62) years , ( male : female ratio was 1.3:1) , more than half of the sample selected (57.4%) were males , (42.76%) falls in the age group of (20-29) years, and more than half were (54.51%) had Health Technical institute , (73.76%) from sample were married  , and more than three quarter of sample (76.15%) were resident in urban and about half of the sample (51.96%) were worked in hospitals.The study provident There is Significant association has been found between level of education and their knowledge.No significant association has been found between (age groups, Gender, marital status, residence and working institute ) of paramedical staff and their knowledge.Present study concluded that the knowledge and awareness by paramedical staff in  holy Karbala city regarding seasonal flu had good and acceptable score  .The study recommendation by important dependent general programmes for health  education additional training as intensive courses for short periods   about the disease , mode of transmission and prevention measures  with all available methods for all paramedical staff and other health staff

    Quality of life among gastric cancer patients in one center in Baghdad, Iraq in 2021.

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    Background: In Iraq, gastric cancer is the ninth most frequent cancer. health-related quality of life (HRQOL) encompasses a person's physical, mental, emotional, and psychological well-being, as well as their social and functional status. These aspects are crucial in assessing the long-term health consequences of stomach cancer. The purpose of this study is to summarize the quality of life among gastric cancer patients and how it affects their daily activity. Methods:A descriptive cross-sectional study was done in an oncology teaching hospital in Baghdad Iraq in 2021. 30 patients with gastric cancer diagnosed using endoscopic biopsy were recruited. Participants were asked to answer questions in a structured interview. The questionnaire included questions about the quality of life including symptoms, treatment, and activities of daily living. Results:Half of the sample were males. 46.66% were in their sixth decade or older. 33% had poor quality of life during the recent 3 months and 80% had worse quality of life than before. 50% had worse economic status than before. 30% had a lack of energy almost every day and 80% had a low mood at least once a day. Diabetes is the most frequent co-morbidity. Conclusion: The majority of patients had a good or acceptable lifestyle, but worse than before with half having worse economic status than before. Most participants have bad moods and lack of energy, and the majority have limited social activities. Keywords: quality, life, gastric cancer, Iraq.

    Livestock Practices: Traditional Animal Holdings Classification in Qatar 2020 Towards Sustainable Food Security

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    Background: Traditional animal holdings (TAH) in Qatar face many managerial challenges, such as inadequate usage of land capacity, low levels of animal productivity and low economic returns. The top priority of the Ministry of Municipality strategy is to take care of TAH to ensure the sustainability of this activity and to maximize its role in national food security. To support future policy choices and services provision, the ministry initiated a TAH classification system. In 2020, the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) of Qatar University conducted a comprehensive agriculture census that followed a well-known methodology. The census form consisted of questions that guided the classification of TAH. The aim of this study is to help assess TAH performance using data from the census. Results: The Animals Holdings Classification Index (AHCI) divided the current holdings into one of five categories (A, B, C, D or E) in accordance with seven factors as classification criteria. These factors were levels of land and barn capacity utilization, livestock productivity, economic return, biosecurity measures, husbandry system and usage of technology for animal production. The results showed that most of the holdings fell into categories C and D. The lowest-scoring criteria were commitment to biosecurity measures and economic benefit. We recommended intensifying extension and enacting legislation to organize holdings to comply with biosecurity measures and initiating marketing programs and market outlets for TAH. According to Qatar’s 2021 agriculture census, there are three different types of holdings: roving holdings (mobile), 33.6%; holdings in compounds, 57.6; and holdings outside rural houses, 8.8%. Conclusions: The AHCI not only determines a holding’s actual productivity capability but also encourages holders to develop and upgrade their holdings. Furthermore, it helps the government fill gaps and provide services based on information and evidence

    The Perceptions of Kurdish EFL Learners Towards Using English Authentic Reading Materials in The Classroom

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    Recently, there has been a trend towards using more authentic reading materials in EFL classrooms. The current study investigates the perceptions of Kurdish EFL learners regarding utilising authentic reading materials in the classroom. The study was an attempt to discover participants’ general attitudes towards adopting more authentic reading materials in their classrooms, and to see whether there was any significant difference between the attitudes of the participants. A total of 128 EFL learners participated in the study of which 52 were from Sulaimani Polytechnic University, and 76 from University of Halabja. A questionnaire consisting of 37 items was adopted to collect the data for the present study. Descriptive analysis was used to explore EFL learners’ perceptions of English authentic materials, and t-test analysis was used to find out any significant differences between the Polytechnic University and Halabja University EFL learners. The results of the study revealed that Kurdish EFL learners have a positive attitude towards using more authentic reading materials in the classroom at both Universities. The participants also believed that authentic reading materials would introduce them to samples of natural language. They prefer reading more authentic materials and as a result of this, they can improve their language proficiency. Finally, the results also indicated that Sulaimani polytechnic university EFL students had a more responsive and positive attitude towards using authentic reading materials in their classrooms

    The Anxiety Level of Students about the Future: Case of Education College of Sharazur at the University of Halabja

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    This article aims to understand the level of future anxiety for the students at College of Education in Sharazur. To achieve these goals, researchers have used the method of description. The sample of the study comprised 100 Students of both male and female gender in three different departments (Human Development, Kindergarten, and Kurdish Language). The academic level of the participants was (first year, second year, third year, and fourth year). The tool of the study was the survey questionnaire consisting of 51 items were collected. The researchers analyzed the statistical materials (census center and T-test) For one sample and two samples, they used one directional analysis and one way ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the future anxiety exists among female students of Sharazur Education College more significantly than male students. However, there is an insignificant difference between the departments of Kurdish language and Human Development. So, the anxiety cannot be ascertained among students of those departments

    Scoring system for lesions induced by different strains of Newcastle disease virus in chicken

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    Newcastle disease virus strains are velogenic, mesogenic, and lentogenic. This study aims to design a scoring system for lesions induced by different strains of Newcastle disease virus in chicken. Three experiments were conducted. In experiments 1 and 2, chickens were divided into infected and control groups. Infected groups of experiments 1 and 2 consisted of 6 and 24 specific pathogen-free (SPF) chickens, respectively. Control groups in experiments 1 and 2 consisted of 6 and 15 SPF chickens, respectively. In infected groups, infection was induced by intranasal administration of 105 50% EID50/0.1 mL of velogenic Newcastle disease virus strain (vNDV). Infected chickens in experiment 1 were euthanised by cervical dislocation on days 3, 6, and 7 postinoculation (pi). Infected chickens in experiment 2 were euthanised at hours (hrs) 2, 4, 6, 12 and days 1, 2, 4, and 6 pi. Chickens of the control group in experiment 1 were euthanised on days 3 and 7 pi, whereas control group chickens in experiment 2 were euthanised on days 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 pi. Then in experiment 3, 15 SPF chickens were divided into three groups; in the first group, 5 SPF chickens were infected with vNDV, in the second group, 5 SPF chickens were infected with lentogenic NDV (lNDV) (103.0 EID50/0.1 mL), and the third group was kept without infection as a control group. Chickens were euthanised on day 5 pi. In all previous experiments, tissues of brain, trachea, lung, caecal tonsil, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, proventriculus, intestine, and thymus were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned. HS staining was applied. Tissues were examined under light microscope and changes were recorded. A scoring system was designed for lesions induced by different strains of NDV and, accordingly, lesions were scored. The scoring system was found helpful in the evaluation of disease severity

    Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Trainees: Predictors and Results in an Academic Teaching Hospital

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    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the first laparoscopic procedures performed by surgical trainees. This study aims to determine preoperative and/or intraoperative predictors of difficult LC and to compare complications of LC performed by trainees with that performed by trained surgeons. A cohort of 180 consecutive patients with cholelithiasis who underwent LC was analyzed. We used univariate and binary logistic regression analyses to predict factors associated with difficult LC. We compared the rate of complications of LCs performed by trainees and that performed by trained surgeons using Pearson’s chi-square test. Patients with impacted stone in the neck of the gallbladder (GB) (OR, 5.0; 95% CI, 1.59–15.77), with adhesions in the Triangle of Calot (OR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.27–6.83), or with GB rupture (OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 1.02–11.41) were more likely to experience difficult LC. There was no difference between trainees and trained surgeons in the rate of cystic artery injury (p=.144) or GB rupture (p=.097). However, operative time of LCs performed by trained surgeons was significantly shorter (median, 45 min; IQR, 30–70 min) compared with the surgical trainees’ operative time (60 min; IQR, 50–90 min). Surgical trainees can perform difficult LC safely under supervision with no increase in complications albeit with mild increase in operative time