Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Seasonal Flu among a Sample of Paramedical Staff in Holy Karbala City/ Iraq


A cross sectional study was carried out in Holy Karbala City/Iraq during the period from the 2st of  January 2015 to the end of April to assess knowledge and awareness  among a sample of paramedical staff regarding seasonal flu.The results of demographic data of the studied sample showed that there was a distinct males preponderance with mean ± SD of their ages was (35.21+10.09) years, the age range at the time of study was between (21-62) years , ( male : female ratio was 1.3:1) , more than half of the sample selected (57.4%) were males , (42.76%) falls in the age group of (20-29) years, and more than half were (54.51%) had Health Technical institute , (73.76%) from sample were married  , and more than three quarter of sample (76.15%) were resident in urban and about half of the sample (51.96%) were worked in hospitals.The study provident There is Significant association has been found between level of education and their knowledge.No significant association has been found between (age groups, Gender, marital status, residence and working institute ) of paramedical staff and their knowledge.Present study concluded that the knowledge and awareness by paramedical staff in  holy Karbala city regarding seasonal flu had good and acceptable score  .The study recommendation by important dependent general programmes for health  education additional training as intensive courses for short periods   about the disease , mode of transmission and prevention measures  with all available methods for all paramedical staff and other health staff

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