39 research outputs found

    Reduce The Noise in Speech Signals Using Wavelet Filtering

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     تنخفض قدرة قنوات البيانات غالبا ما بسبب الضوضاء وتشوه الإشارات المرسلة . يستخدم تخفيض الضوضاء في مجالات  مختلفة (حيث لا يمكن عزل الإشارات المرسلة من الضوضاء والتشويه): في التعرف على الكلام ومعالجة الصور وأنظمة الاتصالات المتنقلة ومعالجة الإشارات الطبية والأنظمة الراديوية والرادارية وما إلى ذلك. توضح هذه الورقة مشكلة وجود ضوضاء في إشارات الكلام. ويتم النظر في نموذج ضوضاء غوسية بيضاء مضافة وإضافته إلى إشارة الكلام - نمذجة عملية الضوضاء. حيث تم   دراسة الميزات الاساسية للمويجات المستخدمة لتقليل الضوضاء. وتم النظر في الخوارزمية الاساسية لعميلة  ازالة الضوضاء باستخدام تقنيات تحليل المويجات. تم بناء التنفيذ العملي للحد من الضوضاء. تم رسم الاشارة الاصلية والاشاره المشوهة  والاشاره المستخلصه بعد تقليل الضوضاء. تم تحليل نتائج إلغاء الضوضاء باستخدام أسر مختلفة من المويجات، حيث تم رسم الاشكال للصلات المتبادلة بين إشارات الكلام المشوهة والنظيفة.تقليل الضوضاء نفذ باستخدام برنامج ماتلاب.The capacity of the data channels is often reduced due to noise and distortion of the transmitted signals. Noise reduction is used in various areas (where from noise and distortion the transmitted signals cannot be isolated): speech / speaker recognition, image processing, mobile communication systems, medical signal processing, radio and radar systems, etc. This paper illustrates the problem of the presence of noise in speech signals. A model of additive white Gaussian noise is considered and adding it to the speech signal – modeling of noise process. The main features of wavelets, which used in noise reduction, are described. The main algorithm of the noise cancellation process using wavelet analysis techniques is considered. Carried out the practical implementation of noise reduction. The graphs of the original, noisy and cleaned signals are plotted. An analysis of the results of noise cancellation was carried out using different families of wavelets, graphs of the cross correlation of noisy and clean speech signals are plotted. Noise reduction carried out using Matlab programing

    Analyze the Efficiency of Blind Signal Extraction Algorithms in a Background of Impulse Noise Based on the Maximization of the Absolute Value of the Kurtosis.

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     في هذا البحث، تم تحليل كفاءة خوارزميات استخلاص إشارة النبض العمياء في خلفية ضوضاء النبض على أساس تعظيم القيمة المطلقة للتفرطح. توليف خوارزميات الاستخلاص العمياء مع نقطة ثابتة وتدرس في تركيبة مع التدرج. ويظهر التقارب بين هذه الخوارزميات للشروط الاولية الصفرية وغير الصفرية .يتم صياغة برهان  ليمي ومبرهنتين للسماح باثبات تخصيص أعمى للإشارة وتحديد عدد القرارات فيما يتعلق باستخلاص الاإشارة. وقد أثبتت النمذجة أن خوارزمية النقطة الثابتة القائمة على تعظيم قيمة التفرطح المطلق هي أكثر كفاءة وتسمح بفصل إشارة النبضية المطلوبه بحيث ان نسبة الإشارة إلى الضوضاء تبلغ30 ديسيبل أكثر من خوارزمية التدرج التي لها نفس الوظيفة والهدف. ان المحاكاة لخوارزمية تعظيم قيمة التفرطح المطلق و خوارزمية النقطه الثابتة القائمة على تعظيم قيمة التفرطح المطلق تم تننفيذها باساخدام برنامج ماتلاب.In this paper, analyzed the efficiency of algorithms of blind pulse signal extraction in a background of impulse noise based on the maximization of the absolute value of the kurtosis. Synthesized blind separation algorithms with fixed point and it is considered in combination with the gradient. The convergence of these algorithms is shown for zero and nonzero initial conditions. A lemma and two theorems are formulated Allowing to prove the blind allocation of the signal and to determine the number of decisions with regard to signal extraction. Modeling established that the fixed point algorithm based on the maximization of the absolute kurtosis value is more efficient and allows to separate the pulse desire signal with the signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB more than the gradient algorithm with the same objective function. Computer modeling of AbsoKurt and AbsoKurtFP algorithms Carried out in Simulink using Matlab programing

    American standard code for information interchange mapping technique for text hiding in the RGB and gray images

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    One of the significant techniques for hiding important information (such as text, image, and audio) is steganography. Steganography is used to keep this information as secret as possible, especially the sensitive ones after the massive expansion of data transmission through the Internet inside a conventional, non-secret, file, or message. This paper uses the American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) mapping technique (AMT) to hide the data in the color and grey image by converting it in a binary form, also convert the three levels of the red, green, and blue (RGB) image and grey image in the binary form, and then hide the data through hiding every two bits of the text in the two bits of one of the levels from the RGB image and grey image that means the text will be distributed throughout the images and allows hiding large amounts of data. That will send the information in a good securing way

    The predictive value of high jump achievement in terms of some physical abilities and biomechanical variables for young youth

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    The development of the athletic activity including high jump, was not just a coincidence, but it has gone through many stages of development until it reached the current stage. What makes the high jump activity different from other athletic activity is that it is characterized by the heights altitude a jumper can reach. Therefore, prediction plays a key role in knowing the athlete future achievement results by inferring known facts and data that helps trainers guide and plan training programs and codify their content towards identifying and applying variables that have an effective impact on the training process, raising the athlete skills and physical level. To allow the athlete to reach his/her best performance and jump as high as he could. On this basis, the importance of the research lies in predicting the level of achievement for high jump athletes based on the results of some physical abilities and biomechanical variables related to the athlete performance through the use of the predictive equation proposed by the researcher

    Energy Threshold-based Cluster Head Rotation for Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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     يمثل ترشيد استهلاك الطاقة في شبكات المتحسس اللاسلكي مسألة اساسية لكون عمر الشبكة يعتمد كليا على الطاقة المتوفرة عادة في اجهزة المتحسسات. في هذه المقالة تم اقتراح بروتوكولا للارسال مبني على اساس العنقدة غير المتساوية حيث يأخذ بنظر الاعتبار متغييرات الطاقة والمسافة والكثافة في تحديد راس كل مجموعة (عنقود). وكذلك يكون حجم العناقيد غير متساو وفقا لمتغرات المسافة والطاقة والكثافة. مضافا الى ان رؤوس العناقيد لا يتم تغييرها في كل دورة ما لم يصل مستوى الطاقة فيها الى حد معين من الطاقة. ولقد بينت نتائج المحاكاة الى ان كفاءة البروتوكول المقترح تحقق تحسسنا في ترشيد الطاقة.Energy efficiency represents a fundamental issue in WSNs, since the network lifetime period entirely depends on the energy of sensor nodes, which are usually battery-operated. In this article, an unequal clustering-based routing protocol has been suggested, where parameters of energy, distance, and density are involved in the cluster head election. Besides, the sizes of clusters are unequal according to distance, energy, and density. Furthermore, the cluster heads are not changed every round unless the residual energy reaches a specific threshold of energy. The outcomes of the conducted simulation confirmed that the performance of the suggested protocol achieves improvement in energy efficiency

    Face Recognition Using Fuzzy Moments Discriminant Analysis

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    In this work, an enhanced feature extraction method for holistic face recognition approach of gray intensity still image, namely Fuzzy Moment Discriminant Analysis is used. Which is first, based on Pseudo-Zernike Moments to extract dominant and significant features for each image of enrolled person, then the dimensionality of the moments features vectors is further reduced into discriminant moment features vectors using Linear Discriminant Analysis method, for these vectors the membership degrees in each class have been computed using Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor, after that, the membership degrees have been incorporated into the redefinition of the between-classes and within-classes scatter matrices to obtain final features vectors of  known persons. The test image is then compared with the faces enrollment images so that the face which has the minimum Euclidean distance with the test image is labeled with the identity of that image. Keyword: Zernike Moments, LDA, Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor

    Symmetric Cryptosystem Based on Petri Net

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    يتضمن هذا البحث طريقة جديدة  تعتمد على شبكة بتري لتوليد مفتاح سري خاص .يستخدم  مؤشر الوصول الذي يشير الى البيانات الموجودة  في الشبكة كمفتاح للتشفير وفك التشفير للحصول على مفتاح معقد بشكل جيد. يستخدم كلا الطرفين (المرسل والمستقبل)  للتشفير وفك التشفيرشبكة ذات تصميم مطابق لتوليد نفس المفتاح . يتم اعادة ترتيب النص الصريح باستخدام جدول معين قبل عملية التجميع مع المفتاح لتوليد النص المشفرIn this wok, a novel approach based on ordinary Petri net is used to generate private key . The reachability marking  of petri net is used as encryption/decryption key to provide more complex key . The same ordinary Petri Nets models  are used for the sender(encryption) and  the receiver(decryption).The plaintext has been permutated  using  look-up table ,and XOR-ed with key to generate cipher tex

    Classification of medical datasets using back propagation neural network powered by genetic-based features elector

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    The classification is a one of the most indispensable domains in   the data mining and machine learning. The classification process has a good reputation in the area of diseases diagnosis by computer systems where the progress in smart technologies of computer can be invested in diagnosing various diseases based on data of real patients documented in databases. The paper introduced a methodology for diagnosing a set of diseases including two types of cancer (breast cancer and lung), two datasets for diabetes and heart attack. Back Propagation Neural Network plays the role of classifier. The performance of neural net is enhanced by using the genetic algorithm which provides the classifier with the optimal features to raise the classification rate to the highest possible. The system showed high efficiency in dealing with databases differs from each other in size, number of features and nature of the data and this is what the results illustrated, where the ratio of the classification reached to 100% in most datasets)

    Heat Transfer Augmentation in Gas Turbine Blade Rectangular Passages Using Circular Ribs with Fins

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    في هذا البحث تم تصميم وبناء نظام تجريبي لمحاكاه ظروف تبريد ريشه التوربين الغازي حيث كانت درجه حراره هواء التبريد الداخل (300 كلفن ) ورقم رينولد (7901) ودرجه الحراره المحيطه (673كلفن) وتم اجراء المحاكاه العدديه باستخدام برنامج الفلونت (14.5) حيث تم دراسه تأثير الاضلاع الدائريه ذات الزعانف الوسطيه خلال مجرى مستطيل بابعاد (30 *60 ملم) وبسمك (1.5 ملم) وطول (0,5 م) على الجريان وانتقال الحراره .لاحظنا ان باستخدام الاضلاع الدائريه ذات الزعانف الوسطيه تم زياده حراره هواء التبريد الداخل بنسبه (10.22%) و نقصان بدرجه السطح الداخلي للقناه بنسبه (6.15%) وكان معامل الاداء الحراري اكبر من واحد وهذا يدل على ان الاضلاع الدائريه حسن بانتقال الحراره من خلال زياده المساحه السطحيه للانتقال وزياده الاضطراب الذي يؤدي الى زياده الخلط .In this paper, an experimental system  was designed and built to simulate conditions in the gas turbine blade cooling and run the experimental part. Boundary conditions are: inlet coolant air temperature is 300K with Reynolds numbers (Re=7901) .The surrounding constant hot air temperatures was (673 K).The numerical simulations were done by using software FLUENT version (14.5), in this part, it was presented the effect of using circular ribs having middle fin fitted in rectangular passage channel on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics.  Ribs used with pitch-rib height of 10, rectangular channel of (30x60 mm) cross section, 1.5 mm duct thickness and 0.5 m long. The temperature, velocity distribution contours, cooling air temperature distribution at the duct centerline, the inner wall surface temperature of the duct, and thermal performance factor are presented in this paper. it can be seen that the duct with all ribs with middle fins was the better case which leads to increase the coolant air temperature by (10.22 %) and decrease the inner wall temperature by (6.15 % ). The coolant air flow velocity seems to be accelerated and decelerated through the channel in the presence of ribs, so it was shown that the thermal performance factor along the duct is larger than 1, this is due to the fact that the ribs create turbulent conditions and increasing thermal surface area, and thus increasing heat transfer coefficient than the smooth channel

    Properties of the fundamental splines of the high order

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    In this paper, the properties of the fundamental splines of high orders are numerically studied. From the point of view of the interpolation problem, the fundamental spline is a nodal function generated by a family of integer translations of the corresponding basic spline. We have established that with increasing order fundamental splines tend to the sampling function . Analogous assertions were obtained earlier for nodal functions on the basis of other systems of shifts. The behavior of the coefficients of basic splines is studied. With the help of calculations, it is shown that for n>2 there is a sign-reversal and a monotone decreasing modulo