49 research outputs found

    Determination of permanent deformation of flexible pavements using finite element model

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    Nevezani zrnati materijal koji se koristi u savitljivim kolničkim konstrukcijama ponaša se elastoplastično pod utjecajem ponavljanih prometnih opterećenja. Trajne deformacije koje se javljaju na površini kolnika uslijed prometnog opterećenja jedan su od osnovnih problema koji negativno utječu na ponašanje kolničkih konstrukcija. Zbog toga su u novije vrijeme razvijeni brojni modeli za analizu trajnih deformacija, tj. za izračunavanje pojave kolotraga na kolnicima. Većina istraživanja koja se bave tim pitanjem temelje se na provedbi dinamičkih troosnih ispitivanja. U ovom je istraživanju deformabilnost nevezanih zrnatih materijala određena ispitivanjem prema metodi rezonantnog stupca. Također, umjesto određivanja ukupnih trajnih deformacija zbrajanjem izračunanih deformacija pojedinačnih slojeva kolnika, u ovom se radu na četiri različita tipa kolničkih konstrukcija provode dinamičke dvodimenzionalne osnosimetrične analize metodom konačnih elemenata kako bi se predvidjela ukupna trajna deformacija koja se javlja na površini kolnika nakon određenog broja ciklusa opterećenja. Nevezani slojevi za prvi modelirani tip kolničke konstrukcije sastoje se od prirodnog agregata. Nevezani nosivi sloj i/ili tamponski sloj preostalih triju kolničkih konstrukcija sastoji se od otpadnog materijala čelične zgure. Odnos trajnih deformacija i broja ciklusa opterećenja za sva četiri tipa kolničkih konstrukcija prikazan je na polulogaritamskim dijagramima. Za svaki je analizirani tip kolničke konstrukcije prikazana jednadžba trajnih deformacija.The unbound granular material used in flexible road pavements exhibits an elastoplastic behaviour under repetitive traffic loads. Permanent deformation occurring on pavement surface under traffic load is one of the main road pavement problems affecting road performance. Therefore, many permanent deformation models for calculating road pavement rutting have recently been developed by researchers. Most of these studies involve performance of dynamic triaxial tests. In this study, deformation characteristics of unbound granular materials are determined using the resonant column test. Then, instead of determining the total permanent deformation by summing up the calculated permanent deformations obtained in each pavement layer, dynamic 2D axisymmetric finite element analyses are performed for four different pavement cross sections to predict the total permanent deformation occurring on pavement surface under certain load cycles. The first modelled cross section of unbound granular material consists of natural aggregate. The base and/or subbase of remaining three cross sections consists of steel slag waste material. The permanent deformation versus load cycle is presented for four multi-layer road cross sections using semi logarithmic graphs. Finally, the permanent deformation model equation is developed for each pavement cross section using their fitting curves

    A Comparative Study of Jungian Psychology and Sufism

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    This thesis proposes a comparison of the individuation process in Jungian psychology and the purification of the nafs (the self) in Sufism. The premises for my argument are the lack of literature between Jungian psychology and Sufism despite the obvious potential of comparative materials, while Jung’s relation to other religious traditions is relatively well documented. The methodology will establish a blueprint within the debate between psychology and religion, with some guidelines for a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary study. I initiate my research with a biographical analysis to highlight the existing traces of Sufism in Jung’s milieu, which is permeated by an Orientalist outlook that influenced his writings as well as his personal, social and historical environment. The main purpose of the biographical analysis is to understand the context for the existing literature, but it will also expose some guidelines for my own comparison. My main contribution is therefore a comprehensive comparison based on a conceptual analysis of some fundamental notions for the individuation process in Jungian psychology and the purification of the nafs in Sufism. The comparative and conceptual methodology allows the negotiation of similarities and differences with a sensible treatment of the psychological and mystical knowledge presented within their respective contexts. This conceptual analysis determines the extent of the crossovers between Jungian psychology and Sufism, while it remains critical regarding their boundaries. The similarities and differences of the comparative analysis ultimately define some patterns and principles in the relation between psychology and mysticism. I therefore conclude my thesis with a critical examination of my argument in the broader context of psychology and religion. I discuss the nature and relation of Jungian psychology and Sufism as a mystical tradition and the various aspects of a comparative study, such as interdisciplinarity and cultural awareness

    Case Report of a Tubo-ovarian Abscess Caused by Candida kefyr

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    WOS: 000450944600017PubMed ID: 30473124Background: Candida species are harmless commensals of hosts, including humans, but they can cause infection when the immune system is compromised. Infections with non-albicans species can occur, ranging from urinary tract infections to sepsis, especially among patients in intensive care units. Case: The patient, a 37-year-old woman, presented with severe abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. The patients symptoms and fever continued in spite of treatment with antibiotics, and she underwent exploratory laparotomy. Cyst content culture results showed that Candida kefyr was present in the cyst. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a tubo-ovarian abscess caused by C. kefyr. Rare pathogens can be found in patients with a tubo-ovarian abscess, so culture of the abscess material is important for determining subsequent treatment, particularly in women who require an operation for tubo-ovarian abscess. Copyright (C) 2018 The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada/La Societe des obstetriciens et gynecologues du Canada. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Flow past a square prism with an upstream control rod at incidence to uniform stream

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    WOS: 000363345800042In the numerical study, it was mainly intended to test the capability of a control rod to reduce the drag and to suppress the fluctuating forces acting on the rod-square (total) system for various angles of incidence (alpha) and center-to-center spacing ratios (L/D). The Reynolds numbers (Re) based upon the diameter of control rod and the side length of the square prism are 50 and 200, respectively, for the control rod and the square prism. Seven distinct flow patterns were observed and it was demonstrated that the cavity flow pattern is the most effective in terms of simultaneous reduction of the time-averaged and RMS values of fluctuating force coefficients for both control rod and square prism. As the control rod located 2D or 3D upstream of the square prism at zero angle of incidence, the time-averaged drag coefficient of the total system i.e. the sum of the time-averaged drag coefficients of the control rod and the square prism is about 74% that of the square prism alone. Furthermore, the maximum reductions in RMS values of the fluctuating lift acting on the total system are 53% and 60%, respectively, for 2D and 3D. On the other hand, the effectiveness of control rod in reducing the time-averaged drag coefficient of the total system was generally diminished with increasing a. Instantaneous and time-averaged flow fields were also presented in order to identify the flow patterns around the rod-square system. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [105M241]The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for this study through grant number of 105M241

    Cirrhosis and pregnancy: a single centre experience

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    Purpose Cirrhosis is a diffuse pathology characterized by fibrosis of the liver and is the last stage of chronic liver diseases. It is a serious medical condition which seriously impacts reproduction and reproductive life span. The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of pregnancies complicated with liver cirrhosis. Methods Retrospective chart review of the fetal and maternal results of 20 pregnant women with liver cirrhosis who had undergone antenatal follow-up and delivery at a tertiary center in a 12-year period was performed. Results Chronic hepatitis B was found to be the leading cause of liver cirrhosis in the study group, with a rate of 25% (n: 5/20). The average MELD score was calculated as 8.8 +/- 3.5. Only three patients developed hepatic decompensation during pregnancy. Fetal demise was observed in 10% of the cases (n: 2/20, MELD scores 8 and 17). MELD score was significantly higher in the patients with adverse perinatal outcomes. Conclusion Even though pregnancy is rarely observed in women with liver cirrhosis, many patients are able to achieve favorable maternal and fetal results without developing hepatic decompensation with appropriate management and close follow-up. The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score is a clinical tool utilized to estimate the severity and survival for chronic liver disease and was previously found to be associated with unfavorable outcomes in pregnant patients. Our study confirms this finding with the current experience from a tertiary care center

    Effects of cutting tool forms on the surface integrity in turning of AISI 316L stainless steel

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    In this study, the effects of the cutting tool forms and cutting parameters on the surface integrity were experimentally investigated in machining of AISI 316L steel. In cutting tests, PVD coated MM and MF formed cutting tools and tool holder suitable for these cutting tools were used. Cutting parameters were determined by using three different feed rate, four different cutting speeds and two different depths of cut. The surface integrity was evaluated in terms of surface roughness, residual stress, microhardness and microstructure analysis. In all cutting conditions, it was observed that the surface integrity worsened when the depth of cut and feed rate increased, whereas the surface integrity improved when the cutting speed increased. When the cutting tool forms were compared, the best surface integrity results were obtained with the cutting tools which had MF form, while the worst surface integrity results were obtained by the cutting tools which had MM form. As rake angle increased, surface integrity improved. The worst surface integrity was obtained with the cutting speed 125 m/min, feed rate 0.3 mm/rev and depth of cut 2.5 mm, while the best surface integrity was obtained with the cutting speed 200 m/min, feed rate 0.1 mm/rev and depth of cut 1.25 mm

    Topiramate as a neuroprotective agent in a rat model of spinal cord injury

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    Topiramate (TPM) is a widely used antiepileptic and antimigraine agent which has been shown to exert neuroprotective effects in various experimental traumatic brain injury and stroke models. However, its utility in spinal cord injury has not been studied extensively. Thus, we evaluated effects of TPM on secondary cellular injury mechanisms in an experimental rat model of traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). After rat models of thoracic contusive SCI were established by free weight-drop method, TPM (40 mg/kg) was given at 12-hour intervals for four times orally. Post TPM treatment, malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl levels were significantly reduced and reduced glutathione levels were increased, while immunoreactivity for endothelial nitric oxide synthase, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1 was diminished in SCI rats. In addition, TPM treatment improved the functional recovery of SCI rats. This study suggests that administration of TPM exerts neuroprotective effects on SCI

    Evaluation of Prostatic Artery Embolization Efficiency in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients with High Comorbidity

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate efficacy outcomes following prostate artery embolization (PAE) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients with high comorbidity. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 22 patients treated with PAE from May 2015 to June 2017. Patients with Charlson comorbidity index >= 2, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) >12, prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels 90 cm(3) were included. Total PSA, maximum flow rate (Q(max)), TPV, IPSS, post-voiding residual (PVR) values were recorded in all patients in the urology clinic before PAE and at 3 and 6 months after PAE. Results: The average patient age was 73.86 +/- 6.25 years and operative time was 80 minutes (range, 60-120 min). Pre-PAE and 6-month post-PAE values were: IPSS: 25.18 +/- 6.75 an d 11.27 +/- 3.29 (p<0.05), Q(max): 8.31 +/- 3.12 and 17.22 +/- 3.23 (p<0.05), PVR: 87.9 +/- 19.25 and 25.86 +/- 7.72 (p<0.05), TPV: 134.45 +/- 57.56 and 86 +/- 15.4 (p<0.05), and PSA: 3.89 +/- 1.26 and 2.11 +/- 1.06 (p<0.05). Embolization was performed unilaterally due to atherosclerosis and strictures in the internal iliac artery branches in 2 patients. After the procedure, 2 patients experienced transient hematuria which did not require bladder irrigation, 1 patient had acute urinary retention due to dysuria, and 1 patient had transient hematospermia. Conclusion: PAE may be an alternative treatment method in BPH patients with high comorbidity