528 research outputs found

    Dinamika Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Nelayan dalam Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup di Kelurahan Mafututu Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    The community fishers are justpeople living in parts of the coast and suspending their lives at sea, thatproblems concerning the community fishermen is a problem that ismultidimensional. Hence, to be known to the root cause of the issues of povertyin fishermen. There are several aspects of that to be poor fishermen or thecoastal communities, of them; there is no attention a government that considerthe fishermen. The low of human resources and equipment that is used byfishermen influential on how to catch fish, to restrictions in technologyunderstanding make quality and quantity of catch not been improved. Government programs that areimpartial the community fishermen, in which many policies on poverty reductionfor the fishermen are top down and always make the community fishermen as anobject and not a subject. Several programs that relating to the communityfishermen absolutely necessary, namely a social policy prosper the communityand fisherman 's life. Increasing poverty fishermen inmafututu very associated with various other obstacles between the absence ofpolicy development and application of coastal areas and the community fishermenwho integrated or integrated among the development agents, the lack ofconsistency production quantity ( catch ) results. Besides that the lack ofcapital or investment will certainly complicate fishermen in increasing theeconomic activities of fisheries, and finally very influential on the level ofthe income of the fishermen. Low income fishermen would directly impact on thelevel of social welfare affects fishermen so that their social mobility in thevarious access development

    Masalah Pendidikan di Prancis dalam Karya Rabelais, Montaigne dan Rousseau

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    In the 16th., 17th. and 18th. century, the first ideas of educative reform in France appeared in litterary master pieces. Rabelais wrote his critics and proposals on child education in his stories Pantagruel (1532) and Gargantua (1534), developped later in the Essays (three volumes) written by Montaigne and in Rousseau’novel, Emile. Actually the same ideas were supported also by Descartes in Discours de la MeĢthode (1637) and Voltaire in L’IngeĢnu (1767). The central issue was the opposition between the old system of education focusing on learning by heart and theories and the system they proposed which gave importance on the formation of the way of thinking, in a pleasant learning atmosphere, in relation to real life and nature. Officially French education reform was started by the Minister of Education Jules Ferry in 1880 in the decrees proclaming compulsory education in the primary school, free of charge, and the separation between secular and religious education&nbsp

    Pengembangan UMKM Masyarakat Bandung

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    This article examines Western thought in formatting social order based on rasionalism, empiricism, and church. This discussion is significant in tracing the origins on social doctrin in the modern social-ethical system. By bibliographical literatur from classical books, this study describes and analyzes what are being formated in Classical and Medieval Western Tradition about social justice. By that tradition, it is clear that West has tradition of individualism as well as communalism. Both of classical section have being referenced in the world

    Locally triggered seismicity in the central Swiss Alps following the large rainfall event of August 2005

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    In 2005 August, an unusual series of 47 earthquakes occurred over a 12-hr period in central Switzerland. The earthquakes occurred at the end of 3-d period of intensive rainfall, with over 300 mm of precipitation. The highest seismicity occurred as two distinct clusters in the region of Muotatal and Riemenstalden, Switzerland, a well-known Karst area that received a particularly large amount of rainfall. The large increase in seismicity, compared to the background, and the short time delay between the onset of the intense rainfall and the seismicity strongly suggest that earthquakes were triggered by rainfall. In our preferred model, an increase in fluid pressure at the surface due to a large amount of rain leads to a local increase in pore fluid pressure at depth. The increase in pore fluid pressure will reduce the shear strength of a porous medium by counteracting normal stress and, at the end, provoke failure. The series of triggered earthquakes in central Switzerland occurred in regions that have been seismically active in the past, showing similar hypocentre locations and magnitudes. This suggests that these earthquakes occurred on existing faults that were critically stressed. We modelled the intense rainfall as a step increase in fluid pressure at the surface that migrates to greater depths following the solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation in a homogeneous half space. This allowed us to estimate the hydraulic diffusivity by plotting triggered seismicity in a time-depth plot. We found values of hydraulic diffusivity in the range from 0.01 to 0.5 m2 sāˆ’1 for our study area. These values are in good agreement with previous studies on earthquakes that were triggered by fluids, supporting the idea that the observed earthquake series was triggered by the large amount of rainfal

    Interplate seismicity at the CRISP site: the 2002 Osa earthquake sequence

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    The Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP) is designed to explore the processes involved in the nucleation of large interplate earthquakes in erosional subduction zones. On 16 June 2002 a magnitude Mw=6.4 earthquake and its aftershocks may have nucleated at the subduction thrust to be penetrated and sampled by CRISP, ~40 km west of Osa Peninsula. Global event locations present uncertainties too large to prove that the event actually occurred at a location and depth reachable by riser drilling. We have compiled a database including foreshocks, the main shock, and ~400 aftershocks, with phase arrival times from all the seismological networks that recorded the 2002 Osa sequence locally. This includes a temporal network of ocean-bottom hydrophones (OBH) that happened to be installed close to the area at the time of the earthquake. The coverage increase provided by the OBH network allow us to better constrain the event relocations, and to further analyze the seismicity in the vicinity of Osa for the six months during which they were deployed. Moreover, we undertook teleseismic waveform inversion to provide additional constraints for the centroid depth of the 2002 Osa earthquake, allowing further study of the focal mechanism. Along the Costa Rican seismogenic zone, the 2002 Osa sequence is the most recent. It nucleated in the SE region of the forearc where this erosional margin is underthrust by a seamount covered ocean plate. A Mw=6.9 earthquake sequence occurred in 1999, co-located with a subducted ridge and associated seamounts. The Osa mainshock and first hours of aftershocks began in the CRISP area, ~30 km seaward of the 1999 sequence. In the following two weeks, subsequent aftershocks migrated into the 1999 aftershock area and also clustered in an area updip from it. The Osa updip seismicity apparently occurred where interplate temperatures are ~100Ā°C or less. In this study, we present the relocation of the 2002 Osa earthquake sequence and background seismicity using different techniques and a moment tensor inversion for the mainshock, and discuss the corresponding uncertainties, in an effort to provide further evidence that the planned Phase B of CRISP will be successful in drilling the seismogenic coupling zone

    Community Structure of Seagrass Meadows in Mantehage Island Waters, North Sulawesi

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    Research on the structure of seagrass communities in the waters of the island Mantehage was conducted in September 2010. The purpose of this study is to collect data and information on the structure of seagrass communities. Observations includes the identification seagrass species, measuring the number of individual/stand, cover percentage of each type/species on the transect. 6 types of seagrass found, i.e. Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Cymodocea rotundata and Syringodium isoetifolium. Seagrass species composition and distribution varies at each location and is dominated by the presence of Thalassia hemprichii (48.14%) with coverage percentage ranges between 15.91% to 35.11%. Diversity index values ranged from 0.79 to 1.69 ; evenness index between 0.57 to 0.94 and the index of dominance between 0.20 to 0.56. In conclusion, the condition of seagrass meadows in Mantehage island is relatively good and can support marine life adequately

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Melalui Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning

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    Problem Based Learning (PBL) merupakan pembelajaran yang dilakukan dengan menghadapkan siswa pada permasalahan nyata pada kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga siswa dapat menyusun pengetahuannya sendiri dalam memecahakan masalah dan mengupayakan berbagai macam solusinya, mendorong siswa untuk berpikir kreatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui peningkatan berpikir kreatif siswa pada siswa kelas VII-3 SMP Negeri 12 Kota Tidore Kepulauanmelalui penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada konsep pencemaran lingkungan. Metode yang dilakukan berupa Penelitian ini termasuk Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatkan berpikir kreatif dan hasil belajar siswa di siklus I dan siklus II. Hasil berpikir kreatif siswa pada siklus I adalah 12,9 dengan kategori kreatif sedangkan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 15,1 dengan kategori sangat kreatif

    Subduction-zone structure and magmatic processes beneath Costa Rica constrained by local earthquake tomography and petrological modelling

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    A high-quality data set of 3790 earthquakes were simultaneously inverted for hypocentre locations and 3-D P-wave velocities in Costa Rica. Tests with synthetic data and resolution estimates derived from the resolution matrix indicate that the velocity model is well constrained in central Costa Rica to a depth of 70 km; northwestern and southeastern Costa Rica are less well resolved owing to a lack of seismic stations and seismicity. Maximum H2O content and seismic wave speeds of mid-ocean ridge basalt and harzburgite were calculated for metamorphic phase transformations relevant to subduction. Both the 3-D P-wave velocity structure and petrological modelling indicate the existence of low-velocity hydrous oceanic crust in the subducting Cocos Plate beneath central Costa Rica. Intermediate-depth seismicity correlates well with the predicted locations of hydrous metamorphic rocks, suggesting that dehydration plays a key role in generating intermediate-depth earthquakes beneath Costa Rica. Wadati-Benioff zone seismicity beneath central Costa Rica shows a remarkable decrease in maximum depth toward southeastern Costa Rica. The presence of asthenosphere beneath southeastern Costa Rica, which entered through a proposed slab window, may explain the shallowing of seismicity due to increased temperatures and associated shallowing of dehydration of the slab. Tomographic images further constrain the existence of deeply subducted seamounts beneath central Costa Rica. Large, low P-wave velocity areas within the lower crust are imaged beneath the southeasternmost volcanoes in central Costa Rica. These low velocities may represent anomalously hot material or even melt associated with active volcanism in central Costa Rica. Tomographic images and petrological modelling indicate the existence of a shallow, possibly hydrated mantle wedge beneath central Costa Ric

    Consistent phase picking for regional tomography models: application to the greater Alpine region

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    The resolution and reliability of tomographic velocity models strongly depends on quality and consistency of available traveltime data. Arrival times routinely picked by network analysts on a day-to-day basis often yield a high level of noise due to mispicks and other inconsistencies, particularly in error assessment. Furthermore, tomographic studies at regional scales require merging of phase picks from several networks. Since a common quality assessment is not usually available for phase data provided by different networks, additional inconsistencies are introduced by the merging process. Considerable improvement in the quality of phase data can only be achieved through complete repicking of seismograms. Considering the amount of data necessary for regional high-resolution tomography, algorithms combining accurate picking with an automated error assessment represent the best tool to derive large suitable data sets. In this work, we present procedures for consistent automated and routine picking of P-wave arrival times at local to regional scales including consistent picking error assessment. Quality-attributed automatic picks are derived from the MPX picking system. The application to earthquakes in the greater Alpine region demonstrates the potential of such a repicking approach. The final data set consists of more than 13 000 high-quality first-arrivals and it is used to derive regional 1-D and preliminary 3-D P-wave models of the greater Alpine region. The comparison with a tomographic model based on routine phase data extracted from the ISC Bulletin illustrates effects on tomographic results due to consistency and reliability of our high-quality data se

    Accurate hypocentre determination in the seismogenic zone of the subducting Nazca Plate in northern Chile using a combined on-/offshore network

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    The coupled plate interface of subduction zonesā€”commonly called the seismogenic zoneā€”has been recognized as the origin of fatal earthquakes. A subset of the after-shock series of the great Antofagasta thrust-type event (1995 July 30; Mw= 8.0) has been used to study the extent of the seismogenic zone in northern Chile. To achieve reliable and precise hypocentre locations we applied the concept of the minimum 1-D model, which incorporates iterative simultaneous inversion of velocity and hypocentre parameters. The minimum 1-D model is complemented by station corrections which are influenced by near-surface velocity heterogeneity and by the individual station elevations. By relocating mine blasts, which were not included in the inversion, we obtain absolute location errors of 1 km in epicentre and 2 km in focal depth. A study of the resolution parameters ALE and DSPR documents the importance of offshore stations on location accuracy for offshore events. Based on precisely determined hypo-centres we calculate a depth of 46 km for the lower limit of the seismogenic zone, which is in good agreement with previous studies for this area. For the upper limit we found a depth of 20 km. Our results of an aseismic zone between the upper limit of the seismogenic zone and the surface correlates with a detachment zone proposed by other studies; the results are also in agreement with thermal studies for the Antofagasta forearc regio
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