38 research outputs found

    Sluttrapport for overvükning av fiskeegg og -larver, samt dyreplankton pü Draupnerfeltet i Nordsjøen 1997-1998

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    Rapporten viser funn av fiskeegg, fiskelarver og dyreplankton pü Draupnerfeltet (58°11'N, 02°28'Ø) i Nordsjøen, fra mars 1997 til juli 1998. Vannsøylen ble undersøkt med hüv to ganger i uken. Egg og larver av fisk var til stede i vesentlig antall fra februar til oktober. Sandflyndre var den vanligste arten, med gytesesong fra midten av februar til slutten av august. Etter sandflyndre var øyepül, gapeflyndre, makrell og skrubbe de mest tallrike artene. Calanius finmarchicus var den viktigste kopepoden hva biomassen angür, og nÌrmere 300 000 individer /m² ble registrert i mai 98. Den hadde minst tre generasjoner i üret :: This report is listing findings of fish eggs, fish larvae and zooplankton from Draupner in the North Sea (58°11' N, 02°28'E), from March 1997 to July 1998. Samples were collected with a WP2- net two times a week. Dab was the most numerous species, and eggs were abundant from February to August. Norway pout, long rough dab, mackerel and flounder were also common species. Calanus finmarchicus (copepoda) was numerous in the spring, reaching 300 000 individuals /m² in May 98. lt is assumed that C. finmarchicus produces 3-4 generations per year in the area

    Alternating between active and passive facilitator roles in simulated scenarios: A qualitative study of nursing students’ perceptions.

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    Background: High-fidelity simulation refers to realistic interactivity between students and an advanced simulator. During simulated scenarios, the facilitator often needs to provide guidance to the active students to bridge the gap between their insufficient practical nursing skills and clinical learning needs. Facilitators’ guidance should support students in problem-solving and help them progress in their simulation experiences. The aim of this study was to explore and describe nursing students´ perspectives on the facilitator’s role during simulated scenarios. Methods: A qualitative design was used. Thirty-two nursing students participated in five focus groups conducted immediately after a 2-day high-fidelity simulation course in the second year of their Bachelor of Nursing in Norway. The analysis used structured text condensation. Results: One main category, “Alternating between active and passive facilitation,” emerged along with three sub-categories: (1) practical support: the facilitator played an important role in ensuring the flow of the simulated scenarios. Some students sought cues from the facilitator or responses to their actions. Other students wanted to act independently, reassured by the possibility of asking for assistance. (2) Guiding communication: the facilitator was important to students in paving their way to achieve the learning outcomes. The way facilitators supported students influenced students’ understanding and their feelings about how they handled the situation and whether they achieved the learning outcomes. (3) Emotional influence: the facilitator’s presence in the simulation room during the simulated scenarios influenced students’ emotions, for example having a calming or aggravating effect or making them feel distressed. In some cases, students were undisturbed. Conclusions: The facilitation of simulated scenarios requires special skills in providing individually suitable cues at the right time to students with a variety of learning preferences. It is vital that facilitators have well-developed relational, pedagogical, and emotional competence combined with clinical, technical, and simulation-based learning skills in monitoring different learning preferences. As the facilitator role is challenging and complicated, more research is needed to explore how facilitators could monitor and adjust cues individually in simulated scenarios.publishedVersio

    Automatic interpretation of salmon scales using deep learning

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    For several fish species, age and other important biological information is manually inferred from visual scrutinization of scales, and reliable automatic methods are not widely available. Here, we apply Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with transfer learning on a novel dataset of 9056 images of Atlantic salmon scales for four different prediction tasks. We predicted fish origin (wild/farmed), spawning history (previous spawner/non-spawner), river age, and sea age. We obtained high prediction accuracy for fish origin (96.70%), spawning history (96.40%), and sea age (86.99%), but lower accuracy for river age (63.20%). Against six human expert readers with an additional dataset of 150 scales, the CNN showed the second-highest percentage agreement for sea age (94.00%, range 87.25±97.30%), but the lowest agreement for river age (66.00%, range 66.00– 84.68%). Estimates of river age by expert readers exhibited higher variance and lower levels of agreement compared to sea age and may indicate why this task is also more difficult for the CNN. Automatic interpretation of scales may provide a cost- and time-efficient method of predicting fish age and life-history traits.publishedVersio

    Psychometric testing of the Norwegian version of the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire and the Student Satisfaction and Self-confidence in Learning Scale in nursing education

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    Introduction Simulation-based learning is a well-established technique in nursing education. However, there is a need for reliable and validated evaluation tools across both national boundaries and cultural conditions. Such evaluation tools may contribute in identifying areas for improvement in simulation-based learning from the nursing students’ perspective. Objectives The aim of this study was to test three widely used American questionnaires – the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire, and the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, for psychometric properties among Norwegian undergraduate nursing students. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at a university simulation center in southern part of Norway. A total of 105 undergraduate nursing students participated, giving a response rate of 77%. An exploratory factor analysis was used to examine construct validity. Cronbach's alpha was applied in order to establish the questionnaires’ internal consistency. Results The exploratory factor analyses displayed the same number of extracted factors as the number of subscales in each of the original American questionnaires. However, the item-factor structure differed from the original item-subscales. The Cronbach's alpha was > 0.7 for all three questionnaires, indicating acceptable internal consistency. Conclusion Psychometric testing of the Norwegian versions of the three questionnaires, the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire, and the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, could be used as valid instruments for nursing students to evaluate important aspects of simulation-based learning. This also makes it easier to compare evaluation results of SBL across languages and cultural boundaries. However, to confirm the construct validity of the factors extracted in this study, further multi-site studies are needed to perform a confirmatory factor analysis in a new, large sample.publishedVersio

    Gytefeltskartlegging Nordøstarktisk hyse: Toktnummer 2022609

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    Gytekartleggingstokt for nordøstarktisk hyse ble gjennomført 8. -19. april 2022 med FF Kristine Bonnevie. Toktet startet i Bodø og ble avsluttet i Tromsø. Toktet dekket det antatte gyteomrüdet langs Eggakanten mellom Malangsgrunnen og Bjørnøyrenna. Kontinuerlige akustiske registringer ble gjort langs 3194 nautiske mil kurslinjer. Det ble tatt 38 stasjoner med egghüv og CTD, og 29 bunntrül. Gytende hyse ble funnet i de fleste trülhalene. De innsamlete eggene er sendt til genetisk analyse for ü kunne skille torsk- og hyseegg.publishedVersio

    Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag i 2018 : Rapport fra det nasjonale overvükningsprogrammet

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    Det nasjonale programmet for overvåking av rømt oppdrettslaks, som ble utformet og etablert på oppdrag fra Fiskeridirektoratet etter føringer fra Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet i 2014, har tallfestet innslagene av rømt oppdrettslaks i 205 vassdrag i 2018. Vassdragene som er overvåket, er valgt ut fra en rekke kriterier. Blant disse er god geografisk spredning, inkludering av de nasjonale laksevassdragene, og representasjon av vassdrag av ulik størrelse. Det har også blitt lagt vekt på å bygge videre på vassdrag med tidsserier og med gode lokale nettverk. Data ble samlet inn fra sportsfiske om sommeren, høstfiske, stamfiske og drivtellinger om høsten (også kalt gytefisktelling). De tre førstnevnte metodene er i hovedsak basert på stangfiske og skiller mellom rømt oppdrettslaks og villaks ved å undersøke fiskens skjell, noe som også gir et bilde av fiskens vekstbetingelser tidligere i livet. Drivtellinger innebærer at snorklere foretar en visuell inspeksjon av fisken i elven og teller opp og karakteriserer vill og rømt oppdrettet laks på basis av utseende og adferd i hele, eller deler av lakseførende strekning. I et flertall av elvene ble det benyttet mer enn én metode. Alle innsamlete data har vært gjennom en kvalitetssikringsprosess og har blitt gitt en score i henhold til en rekke kriterier for å få en vurdering av dataenes representativitet. Innslaget av rømt oppdrettslaks for hver elv presenteres som prosentandeler registrert ved de ulike metodene, samt som en ”årsprosent” som beregnes fra andel oppdrettslaks i sportsfisket og/eller høstfiske/stamfiske. Denne tar hensyn til at sportsfiske ofte gir et lavt, og høstfiske sannsynligvis et for høyt estimat av innslaget av rømt oppdrettslaks gjennom en sesong. Det ble beregnet årsprosent for 123 elver, og det presenteres data fra drivtellinger fra 122 elver.Resultatene fra alle 205 vassdragene, også de med kun drivtelling, blir presentert i en forenklet form der det gis en totalvurdering av hver elv hvor det vurderes om innslaget av oppdrettslaks er under 4 %, mellom 4 og 10 %, eller over 10 %. Vurderingen som ble gjort av vassdragene i 2018 skiller seg derfor noe fra vurderingene i tidligere år, hvor vi har vurdert om innslaget med sikkerhet kan sies å være over eller under 10 %, og med en usikker kategori for vassdragene hvor vi hvor det ble vurdert at innslaget av oppdrettslaks ikke kunne fastslås med sikkerhet. I 2018 ble til sammen 153 elver (75 %) vurdert til å ha lavt innslag av rømt oppdrettslaks (mindre enn 4 %), 33 vassdrag (16 %) ble vurdert til å ha moderat innslag (mellom 4 og 10 %), mens 19 (9 %) vassdrag ble vurdert til å ha et høyt innslag av rømt oppdrettslaks. Det var en økning i både antall og andel elver med høyt innslag i 2018 sammenliknet med 2017 (15 vassdrag, 8 %). Innslaget av rømt oppdrettslaks varierte langs norskekysten, for eksempel ved at Hardangerfjorden, som i tidligere år, hadde mange av vassdragene med høyt innslag av rømt oppdrettslaks. Det var også vassdrag med høyt innslag av rømt oppdrettslaks i Møre og Romsdal, Trøndelag, Nordland og Troms. Tilstanden var derimot god, med lave innslag av rømt oppdrettslaks, på hele strekningen fra Akershus til Rogaland. Det uveide gjennomsnittet av innslaget av rømt oppdrettslaks i sportsfisket og i høstfisket var 2,8 og 4,1 % (med median på henholdsvis 1,0 og 0,2 %), og gjennomsnittlig årsprosent var 4,2 % (median på 1,3 %). I drivtellingene var gjennomsnitt og median henholdsvis 2,7 og 1,0 %. Gjennomsnittlig andel rømt oppdrettslaks i sportsfisket, og særlig i høstfisket har vist en fallende tendens gjennom de siste årene, mens tallene for 2018 er omtrent på samme nivå som i 2017. Ulike kilder til usikkerhet i dataene blir diskutert i rapporten. De ulike metodene som har blitt benyttet i de forskjellige elvene har sine styrker og svakheter, både i forhold til prøvestørrelsene og sikker identifikasjon av rømt oppdrettslaks. At innslaget av rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdragene endrer seg i løpet av sesongen, og at rømt oppdrettslaks til dels har en annen adferd enn villaks, bidrar til usikkerheten i dataene og gjør det nødvendig å benytte informasjon fra flere metoder. Ved å benytte de samme metodene i de samme vassdragene i påfølgende år får man en god indikasjon på utviklingen av rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdragene. Den store mengden data som er samlet inn og systematisert i løpet av de fem første årene av overvåkingsprogrammet gir imidlertid berettiget optimisme om at man i fortsettelsen av programmet kan få en bedre forståelse av metodiske problemstillinger og forbedre kvaliteten på overvåkingen ytterligere. Rapporten består av to deler; i denne hovedrapporten som oppsummerer resultatene og Del 2 – Vassdragsvise rapporter, som viser resultatene for det enkelte vassdrag, samlet i fylkesvise rapporter. De ulike delrapportene som utgjør Del 2 er tilgjengelig elektronisk på www.hi.no.publishedVersio

    Growth differences in juvenile Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) related to temperature conditions in the nursery areas

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    Growth differences in juvenile Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) related to temperature conditions in the nursery areas The hatched larvae of Norwegian spring spawning herring are transported to nursery areas in fjords along the coast and to the Barents Sea from 58°-80°N. Consequently there is a wide range of temperature and ecological regimes experienced by the juveniles which may be reflected in differences in growth patterns throughout their geographic range. In the present study we demonstrate differences in juvenile growth between nurseries on a latitudinal scale using data collected on research surveys during 1989-2004. The possible effects of temperature on geographical and inter-annual differences in juvenile growth are teste

    The art of balancing: the facilitator’s role in briefing in simulation-based learning from the perspective of nursing students – a qualitative study

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    Background Facilitators plays a key role in nursing student’s learning when briefing them for simulation scenarios. However, few studies have explored the importance of the facilitator’s role in preparing students from the students’ perspective. The aim of this study was to explore undergraduate nursing students’ perspectives of the facilitator’s role in briefing. Methods An explorative, qualitative approach was used. Four focus group interviews with a total of 30 nursing students constituted the data source. Data collection took place in December 2017 and in May 2018. The data was analysed using systematic text condensation. Results Two main categories were identified: “The importance of framing the subsequent scenario” and “The importance of instructing students how to execute nursing actions in the subsequent scenario”. The first category consisted of three subcategories: providing predictability, providing emotional support and providing challenges. The second main category also consisted of three subcategories: providing information about medical and technical equipment, providing a demonstration of the monitor and providing a demonstration of the manikin. Conclusion A briefing is more than a general introduction to a simulation scenario, learning objectives, roles, simulation environment and medical equipment. The information provided in a briefing is important for nursing students’ understanding of what they will encounter in the simulation scenario and what is being simulated, as well as possibly being a prerequisite for mastery. The facilitator’s role in the briefing is complex and requires a high level of educational expertise to balance the diversity of students’ learning approaches. Students have to learn how to simulate before the briefing. Therefore, we suggest separating the concepts of prebriefing and presimulation from the concept of briefing, introducing prebriefing and presimulation preparation before briefing, and possibly dividing students into groups based on their learning approach. Such interventions will make it possible for facilitators to balance between students’ needs and the time available for briefing.publishedVersio

    The dynamics of a metapopulation: changes in life-history traits in resident herring that co-occur with Oceanic herring during spawning

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    Different populations of Atlantic herring are regarded as forming a metapopulation, but we know little about the dynamics of the connectivity and degree of interbreeding between the populations. Based on data from three periods between 1962 and 2011, we identified the presence of two components of herring in a small semi-enclosed coastal marine ecosystem based on different somatic growth patterns and mean vertebrae sum (VS). The two components were interpreted as belonging to a resident herring population and the migratory, oceanic Norwegian spring spawning (NSS) herring population, and they co-occurred during spawning. In the 1960s, resident herring characterized by slow growth and low VS co-occurred with rapid growth, high VS oceanic NSS herring. Similar slow-growing resident and rapid-growing NSS herring were found in the 1970–80s, but both populations now had low VS suggesting similar origins. Finally, in the 2000s both populations showed rapid growth. The changes coincided with the NSS herring going from a state of high abundance and oceanic distribution to a collapse in the late 1960s that resulted in a coastal distribution closer to resident herring populations, before full recovery and resumption of the migratory, oceanic pattern in the 1990s. During all three periods, NSS herring were only present in the local system up to an age of about five years, but the synchronous spawning of the populations supports mixed spawning and interbreeding. During the investigation period both longevity, length at age (growth) and length-at-first maturity increased markedly for the resident herring, which then became more similar to the NSS herring. Genetic and/or cultural factors are believed to be the main causes of the observed changes in life history traits, although some effect of changes in environmental factors cannot be excluded. Our study suggests that relationships among populations in a metapopulation can be highly dynamic

    Psychometric testing of the Norwegian version of the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire and the Student Satisfaction and Self-confidence in Learning Scale in nursing education

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    Introduction Simulation-based learning is a well-established technique in nursing education. However, there is a need for reliable and validated evaluation tools across both national boundaries and cultural conditions. Such evaluation tools may contribute in identifying areas for improvement in simulation-based learning from the nursing students’ perspective. Objectives The aim of this study was to test three widely used American questionnaires – the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire, and the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, for psychometric properties among Norwegian undergraduate nursing students. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at a university simulation center in southern part of Norway. A total of 105 undergraduate nursing students participated, giving a response rate of 77%. An exploratory factor analysis was used to examine construct validity. Cronbach's alpha was applied in order to establish the questionnaires’ internal consistency. Results The exploratory factor analyses displayed the same number of extracted factors as the number of subscales in each of the original American questionnaires. However, the item-factor structure differed from the original item-subscales. The Cronbach's alpha was > 0.7 for all three questionnaires, indicating acceptable internal consistency. Conclusion Psychometric testing of the Norwegian versions of the three questionnaires, the Simulation Design Scale, the Educational Practices Questionnaire, and the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, could be used as valid instruments for nursing students to evaluate important aspects of simulation-based learning. This also makes it easier to compare evaluation results of SBL across languages and cultural boundaries. However, to confirm the construct validity of the factors extracted in this study, further multi-site studies are needed to perform a confirmatory factor analysis in a new, large sample.publishedVersio