243 research outputs found

    Java Byte-Code Interpreter for FITKit Platform

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je navrhnout a implementovat interpreter bytového kódu Java na platformě FITkit. V práci je nejprve rozebrána problematika jazyka Java, zejména vlastnosti přenositelného bytekódu a virtuálního stroje Javy. Dále je v práci popsán mikroprocesor MSP430 od firmy Texas Instruments. Výsledkem práce je interpreter napsaný v jazyce C pro mikroprocesor a aplikace pro PC, která zajišťuje překlad a zavedení bytekódu přes sériovou linku do zařízení FITkit. Na konci práce jsou uvedeny demonstrační aplikace napsané v jazyce Java, které využívají periferie FITkitu nebo také FPGA k akceleraci výpočtů.The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to design and implement the Java bytecode interpreter for FITkit platform. At first is analyzed issues of Java programming language, especially properties of portable Byte-Code and Java Virtual Machine. The study also describes the MSP430 microcontroller from Texas Instruments. The result of bachelor's thesis is the interpreter written in C for microprocessor and  application for PC that provides compilation and loading Byte-Code with serial port to the device FITkit. At the end of the work are presented some demonstration applications written in Java that use FITkit peripherals or FPGA to accelerate calculations.

    Graph-based models in prediction and projection of cyber attacks

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    Predictive analysis allows next-generation cyber defense that is more proactive than current approaches based solely on intrusion detection. In this talk, we will discuss various approaches to predicting and projecting cyber attacks. Graph-based models are dominating the field since the foundation of this research area. Attack graphs were used to traverse through the attacker’s actions and project the continuation of an ongoing attack. Later, attack graphs were combined with Bayesian networks and Markov models to reflect the probabilistic nature of predictions and overcome uncertainties in observation of attack steps. However, there are still open issues, such as how to create such models and evaluate the predictions. The talk will shed light on using graphs in this research area and summarize resolved and open issues

    Simulation of sound wave propagation in closed space, using tools of geometric acoustics

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o simulaci šíření zvukové vlny v uzavřeném prostoru pomocí prostředků geometrické akustiky. Zejména se jedná o srovnání a použití Obrazové metody, metody Ray-Tracing a metody Beam-Tracing pro výpočet odrazů zvukových vln od stěn v uzavřeném prostředí bez překážek. Velká část bakalářské práce je zaměřena na algoritmy Obrazové metody a metody Ray-Tracing, které jsou zrealizovány v prostředí Matlab, a jejich výsledky jsou srovnány na základě provedených simulací.The bachelor thesis focuses on a simulation of sound wave spreading in closed space using tools of geometric acoustics. It mainly concerns on comparison and using of image source method, Ray-Tracing Method, and Beam-Tracing for counting of sound waves rebounds in close environment without obstacles. A big part of the thesis is measured by algorithms of image source method and Ray-Tracing Method. It´s realized in Matlab software. The results are compared on based of executed simulations.

    The influence of the hub on discharge and efficiency of the swirl turbine

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    Cílem práce je numerickým modelováním určit vliv velikosti náboje na hltnost a účinnost vírové turbíny. V první části práce jsou shrnuty teoretické poznatky o vodních turbínách. V hlavní části práce je nejdříve proveden hydraulický návrh turbín, jejich modelování v Inventoru, export geometrie do Gambitu a vytvoření výpočetní sítě. Dále je popsána metodika řešení ve Fluentu, vyhodnocení spočítaných dat a jejich prezentace ve formě tabulek a grafů.The aim is to determine by numerical modeling the influence of the hub on discharge and efficiency of the swirl turbine. The first part summarizes the theoretical knowledge about water turbines. In the main part is done hydraulic design of turbine, create model in Inventor, export geometry in Gambit and build mesh. Then it is described the solution methodology in Fluent, evaluation of computed data and their presentation in the form of tables and graphs

    Influence of parameters of electrophoretic deposition on properties of ceramics

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    Elektroforetická depozice je experimentálně nenáročná tvarovací metoda umožňující připravit keramické materiály ze stabilní suspenze částic pomocí stejnosměrného elektrického pole. Cílem práce bylo ověřit, jak velikost elektrického proudu a tudíž rychlost ukládání částic na elektrodu ovlivňují mikrostrukturu a finální vlastnosti keramiky. Byly připraveny vrstvy Al2O3 a ZrO2 ze stabilních suspenzí prášků v isopropanolu stabilizovaných kyselinou monochloroctovou. Bylo zjištěno, že skutečná časová závislost rychlosti ukládání částic na elektrodu se lišila od teoretické předpovědi pro dané elektrické podmínky. Z měření kinetiky elektroforetické depozice byla proto stanovena aktuální elektroforetická pohyblivost částic a efektivní hmotnost částic účastnících se depozice. Bylo zjištěno, že s rostoucím elektrickým proudem klesala skutečná elektroforetická pohyblivost částic a naopak rostl podíl částic v suspenzi ukládající se na elektrodě. Rostoucí rychlost částic při vyšších elektrických proudech také vedla k horšímu uspořádání částic na elektrodě, což se projevilo v růstu pórů a v růstu celkové hustoty depozitů. Tyto mikrostrukturní změny se projevily v poklesu tvrdosti keramiky nanesené vyššími proudy, a to v případě Al2O3 až o 300HV5.Electrophoretic deposition is experimentally undemanding shaping method enabling preparation of ceramic material from stable suspension of ceramic particles by means of direct electric current. The aim of the work was to describe effect of electric current magnitude on velocity and final microstructural and mechanical properties of the ceramics. The alumina and zirconia layers were prepared by electrophoretic deposition from stable suspensions of ceramic particles in the isopropanol stabilised with monochloracetic acid. It was found that the real time dependance of particle deposition differs from the theoretical predisction for given electrical conditions. By precise measurement of kinetics of the electrophoretic deposition the actual electrophoretic mobility of the particles and the actual amount of particles taking part in the deposition process were found. It was found that with increasing the electrical current the actual electrophoretic mobility was decreased and actual amount of particles taking part in the deposition process was increased. The increasing velocity of particles under higher electrical currents led to the detorioration of particle arrangement in the elctrode and thus to the increasing of the pore sizes and final densities of the deposits. These microstructural changes reflected in the lowering of the hardness of the deposited ceramics of about 300HV5 in the case of alumina.

    Towards a Data-Driven Recommender System for Handling Ransomware and Similar Incidents

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    Effective triage is of utmost importance for cybersecurity incident response, namely in handling ransomware or similar incidents in which the attacker may use self-propagating worms, infected files, or email attachments to spread malware. If a device is infected, it is vital to know which other devices can be infected too or are immediately threatened. The number and heterogeneity of devices in today's network complicate situational awareness of incident handlers, and, thus, we propose a recommender system that uses network monitoring data to prioritize devices in the network based on their similarity and proximity to an already infected device. The system enumerates devices in close proximity in terms of physical and logical network topology and sorts them by their similarity given by the similarity of their behavioral profile, fingerprint, or common history. The incident handlers can use the recommendation to promptly prevent malware from spreading or trace the attacker's lateral movement

    A Dashboard for Cyber Situational Awareness and Decision Support in Network Security Management

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    This demo paper presents a dashboard for network security management, a web application that visualizes data gathered by various sensors in the network and allows the user to achieve cyber situational awareness and provides decision support in the incident handling process. The dashboard and its underlying database use modern graph-based approaches to data modelling, storing, and querying. The dashboard speeds up routine tasks in incident handling, such as getting a context of a situation and quickly assessing the spread and impact of vulnerabilities. The implementation uses modern graph-based approaches to data storage and visualization

    Quality Management Tools

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    Tato bakalářská práce je psána formou rešerše. Dává si za cíl zmapovat nástroje a metody, které mají za úkol zlepšovat jakost a udržet ji na požadované úrovni. Text je rozdělen do dvou kapitol. První kapitola je věnována definici jakosti, jejím historickým vývojem, základními koncepcemi, které pomáhají jakost definovat a v závěru kapitoly je uveden přehled tzv. otců jakosti. Ve druhé kapitole jsou popsány nástroje, které se k řízení jakosti používají. Jsou rozděleny do dvou skupin - sedm základních nástrojů jakosti a sedm nových nástrojů.This bachelor‘s thesis is written in the form of literature search. Main goal is to map the tools and methods that are designed to improve and sustain the required level of quality. The text is divided into two chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the definition of quality, its historical development, basic concepts that help define quality and in the end is a list of so called fathers of quality. The second chapter describes the tools that are used for quality control. They are divided into two groups - the seven basic tools of quality, and seven new tools.

    Waffle MOS channel aspect ratio calculation with Schwarz-Christoffel transformation

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    The main goal of this work is to describe alternative way of effective channel width to length (W/L) ratio calculation for Waffle MOS structure. Due to non-conventional gate geometry of the Waffle MOS transistor compare to the fingers structure, the channel W/L ratio calculation is not trivial and conformal mapping can be used. In terms of mapping the Schwarz-Christoffel (SC) Transformation is proposed. The optimal element shape of the Waffle MOS is proposed, to be easy solved by SC conformal mapping. Because result of the conformal mapping for the Waffle MOS element is rectangle shape in transformed domain, the solving of the effective channel W/L ratio of the element is become very easy because it is aspect ratio of rectangle in transformed domain

    POSTER: Reflected attacks abusing honeypots

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    We present the observation of distributed denial-of-service attacks that use reflection of the flooding traffic off reflectors. This type of attack was used in massive attacks against internet infrastructure of Czech Republic in March, 2013. Apart from common hosts in the network, honeypots were abused as the reflectors. It caused the false positive incident detection and helped attackers. Honeypots, which are by default set to accept any incoming network connection, unintentionally amplified the effect of reflection. We present an analysis of the attack from the point of view of honeypots and show the risks of having honeypots respond to any incoming traffic. We also discuss the possibilities of attack detection and mitigation and present lessons learned from handling the attack. We point out a lack of communication and data sharing during the observed attack