840 research outputs found

    The Computer Programs of Layout Methods Based on Decision Making Theory

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    We tried to look at the allocation techniques in plant layout from the point of view of decision making theory. And it was made clear that Laplace, Minimax and Hurwicz princilpe can be applied to the allocation techniques. The techniques based on these principles were called Laplace method, Minimax method and Hurwicz method. In this paper algorithms and computer programs of these methods were described in order to solve the layout problems effectively

    The Erechtheion: deciphering the fragments of the Ionic frieze

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    The Erechtheion, the temple dedicated to Athena Polias on the Athenian Acropolis, was an extraordinary structure. The temple was situated on three different levels and had at least six cults worshipped in the complex. Little is known about the interior of the building or the purpose each room served, but the Ionic frieze that would have adorned the temple is the avenue in which this thesis will explore. The Ionic frieze is believed to be the sole figural decoration on the Erechtheion other than the Porch of the Karyatids, and there is no evidence of pedimental sculpture or statuary akroteria adorning the roof of the building. However, the only extant remains of the frieze are mere fragments of figures and groups of figures. My thesis will explore the possible interpretations of the frieze by first examining the political climate in which the temple and its frieze were created. The myths associated with the gods and heroes included in the sanctuary of the Erechtheion will be considered in my analysis. Lastly, the Erechtheion’s frieze will be regarded in relationship to other fifth century buildings and sculpture in order to determine the frieze’s content and context

    The Panathenaic Festival

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    Tradition and innovation: portraits and dedications on the early Hellenistic Akropolis

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    Curating [Encyclopedia entry]

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    Chicago Foundation for Women 2015 Annual Report

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    Since inception, Chicago Foundation for Women has been committed to finding power in adversity and strength in diversity. Through the years our grant making, partnerships, and programs have made us a champion for women and girls. Simply put, our reach spans across cultures and communities. We are here for every woman and every girl, in every circumstance and at every stage of her life

    Ancient Greek Hoplites and Their Origins

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    The ancient Greek hoplites were heavily armed infantry soldiers, known for wearing extensive armor, carrying a large rounded shield, spears, and a sword. By looking at armor, weapons, tactics, and vases recovered from archaeological digs, along with literature of the time, such as Homers Iliad (ca. 700 B.C.)1 and Hesiods Shield of Heracles (ca. end of the late 8th century B.C)2, who and what a hoplite was can be defined. The scholarly consensus has been that eighth century B.C. is crucial in exploring the origins of hoplites. The eighth century sees a dramatic increase in population leading to the rise of city-states and hoplites. In this paper I am going to consider the evidence for the existence of hoplites during the eighth century B.C. and whether or not there is any evidence for their existence before this

    Relations Between Theta Functions of Genus One and Two From Geometry

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    Genus-two curves with special symmetries are related to pairs of genus-one curves by two and three-sheeted ramified coverings. This classical work dates back to early 20th century and is known as Jacobi and Hermite reduction. Jacobians of genus-two curves can be used to construct complex two-dimensional complex projective manifolds known as Kummer surfaces. On the other hand, the defining coordinates and parameters of both elliptic curves and Kummer surfaces can be related to Riemann Theta functions and Siegel Theta functions, respectively. This result goes back to the seminal work of Mumford in the 1980s. We use the geometric relation between elliptic curves and Kummer surfaces to derive functional relations between Theta functions along Humbert varieties of low discriminant

    Las Panateneas: topografía de una fiesta

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    Las Panateneas son la fiesta principal de Atenas en honor de su diosa tutelar: Atenea. Es una fiesta que involucra a todos los atenienses, tanto los que viven en la ciudad como los que viven en el campo y que, al mismo tiempo, involucra a toda Atenas y no en el sentido metafórico del término. Nuestro artículo va a analizar la topografía de la fiesta; topografía que, como veremos, incluye todos los lugares simbólicos de la polis que aparecen unidos de forma material en una fiesta que es el nexo de unión simbólico de todos los atenienses. Por supuesto, nos vamos a encontrar cambios a lo largo de la historia de las Panateneas, pero éstos deben ser entendidos en el marco de la evolución política y urbanística de Atenas, su lugar de celebración y al que está indisolublemente unida.The Panathenaia is the most important civic festival at Athens. Every year the Athenians honoured their main divinity, Athena, with sacrifices, games and a procession that we know to the literary, epigraphically and archaeological evidences. But the festival needs a place to be celebrated; a place that in own example is the whole city. The procession connected the places the most symbolic of Athens: Kerameikos, Agora, Acropolis and the Associated celebrations involved other places (Academy, Piraeus, Odeion...). Nevertheless, this places are connections not only with the religious celebrations and its appears at the moment that the city need it. This paper is a contribution at the study of the relationships between civic topography and religion and their paralleled evolution


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