64 research outputs found

    Kausalitas Inflasi Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Periode 1965-2013

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    Macroeconomic deals with the economy as a whole.It examines the behavior of economic aggregates such as gross domestic product, gross domestic product per capita, consumption, investment, inflation, exchange rate, money supply, export, import, unemployment, debt, interest rates, and so forth. Aggregate behavior refers to the behavior of households, companies and countries. This study aims to analyze causality of inflation and economic growth in Indonesia. Study of inflation and economic growth has been done by researchers such as Hartini and Utomo (2004), Setyawati (2006), Maqrobi and Pujiati (2011), Mamo (2012) and Acyuninda (2012), Miskhin (2001), Bofinger (2001), Hervino (2011), Fujiwara (2013), Tutino and Zarazaga (2014), Jahan and Papageorgiou (2014), Trisdian et al. (2014), Christiano and Fitzgerald (2000), Daniel (2007) and Darise (2009) which is see inflation as a monetary phenomenon and fiscal. This study uses secondary data especially the data of Indonesia current macroeconomic such as economic growth and inflation which published by the World Bank. These data are time series data (time series) from 1965 - 2013. Methodically, this study using Granger causality test to determine the causality of inflation and economic growth. The results shows that there is no causality between inflation and economic growth

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Inflasi Daerah: Sebuah Pendekatan Regresi Data Panel

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi inflasi pada Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap inflasi diantaranya upah minimum regional, produk domestk regional bruto dan tingkat pengangguran terbuka. Data yang digunakan merupakan data panel yang terdiri dari 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah pada periode 2015-2019. Lebih lanjut, studi ini menggunakan regresi data panel yang meliputi ordinary least squares, random effect model dan fixed effect model. Hasil uji Hausman menunjukkan bahwa model terbaik yang mampu menjelaskan fenomena inflasi pada Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah adalah random effect model. Hasil uji dengan random effect model membuktikkan hanya tingkat pengangguranterbuka yang berpengaruh positif terhadap inflasi. Temuan ini didukung oleh hasil uji Granger Causality yang menunjukkan terjadi Spiral Inflation pada Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah.This study aims to determine the factors that influence inflation in the Regencies/Cities in Central Java. There are several factors that are thought to influence inflation including the regional minimum wage, the gross regional domestic product and the open unemployment rate. The data used is panel data consisting of 35 Regencies/Cities in Central Java in the 2015-2019 period. Furthermore, this study uses panel data regression which includes ordinary least squares, random effect models and fixed effect models. The Hausman test results show that the best model that is able to explain the phenomenon of inflation in Regencies/Cities in Central Java is the random effect model. Test results with the random effect model prove that only the open unemployment has a positive effect on inflation. This finding is supported by the results of the Granger Causality test which shows Spiral Inflation in the Regencies/Cities in Central Java

    The Causality of BI Rate and Federal Fund Rate

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    The Central Bank held power to carry out a monetary policy through the setting of monetary targets such as the money supply or interest rates with the main objective of maintaining inflation at the level determined by the government. At the operational level, this monetary objective depends on the use of instruments, including open market operations in the foreign exchange market, the setting of the discount rate, the setting of minimum reserve requirements and regulating credit or financing. We analyzed the causality of Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) and US interest rates (Federal Fund Rate). This study used secondary data, especially data from Bank Indonesia and The Federal Reserve. This data was the ones from the monthly time series from January 2006 to May 2016. This study used Granger causality test to determine the causality of BI Rate and Federal Fund Rate. Granger Causality test results indicated that there was no causality between the BI Rate and the Federal Fund Rate. We found that the movement of interest rates was not only caused by the external side, but also by the internal side. The case in Indonesia showed that the movement of interest rates was mainly due to an increase in gross domestic product, low participation in the Global Value Chain and the adoption of the expansionary monetary policy


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    This article aims to describe impact of fiscal transfer such as village funds allocation towards regional inequality in East Sumba. This article use data such as gross regional domestic product at 2000 constant prices and realization of village funds allocation from 2008 to 2010. The result shows  that village funds allocation has a positive and significant impact to regional inequality. Therefore, it’s necessary to create a generative relationship among developed region with the area behind it to remove regional inequality


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    This study aims to determine the factors influencing the female workers’ income in Central Java such as age, level of education, number of family dependents, marital status, business field, and type of area. The data used in the study was a secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (National Socio-Economic Survey). The data from the survey were in the form of Household Main Information and Household Members in Central Java in 2008. Methodically, this study used a cross-sectional model with multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variables of age and level of education had a positive and significant influence on the income of female workers, and further, business field had a negative and significant influence on the income of female workers, but the number of family dependents, marital status, and type of area had no significant effect on the income of female workers in Central Java. It implies that the government in Central Java should extend the retirement age of the workforce (especially women), more proactive education in informal education for workers who are still low educated, and the need for integrity of agricultural land which is a source of living for the farmers, a better profit sharing system between the owner of the land and workers, and the right distribution of fertilizers


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    This article aims to describe some efforts of every country  worldwide to promote welfare of the society like economic, social, environment aspects without harming the environment or social life. There is an effort to support development thought some great event such as the UN conference on sustainable development (Rio+20). This effort creates millennium development goals and sustainable development goals. However this effort still creates some problems such as ecological, social conflict, inequality, security, poverty and etc. So that there are some action that we can do to reduce some problems such as increase the role of global citizen, development ethics and wisdom.Kata kunci:  Pembangunan, Etika Pembangunan, Masyarakat Global, Kearifa

    Stand Strucutre of the Konara (Quercus serrata) Secondary Stand

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