1,202 research outputs found

    Caja de Pandora : un telar que urde esperanzas

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    56 páginasLa Caja de Pandora es un proyecto de vida colectivo que se inscribe en el campo psicosocial y, metafóricamente, se soporta en una mesa de tres patas: la salud mental, la pedagogía y el deseo de servir. La primera hace parte de nuestro oficio como “docentes orientadores”, signado primigeniamente por el Estado al considerar que la Orientación Escolar “era el medio más expedito para llevar a cabo la tarea de prevención primaria de las enfermedades mentales, trastornos emocionales y perturbaciones psicosociales, que en ese momento [1974] alcanzaban altos índices” (Bello, 2012, p.137). Esta primera pata de tres proviene de la viga de la Psicopedagogía, de la madera de la Psicología, de los palos del Trabajo social y de la leña de la Pedagogía Reeducativa

    El viaje de Caja de Pandora a través de la pandemia Pedagogía socioemocional para viajar, afrontar y crecer

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    45 páginasEl viaje de Caja de Pandora a través de la pandemia es un ejercicio hecho a seis manos, por un grupo volunta -rio de docentes orientadores del Distrito capital, sobre la base de la reflexión de las prácticas que el colectivo ha llevado a cabo durante la crisis sanitaria acaecida por el SARS-CoV-2. El libro está organizado en partes. La primera, Somos Pandora, ausculta quiénes somos y qué hacemos como colectivo; la parte II gravita alrededor de relatos autobiográficos, pautas sobre manejo de duelo e inducción a las cartas de la profe Esperanza; en la parte III se hallan reflexiones, cuentos y recomendaciones para tramitar el duelo y la Parte IV se ocupa de la didáctica de las cartas y de los aportes que hacen padres de familia, estudiantes de educación Básica y docentes, en la puesta en escena de experiencia pedagógica durante el 2020 en Bogotá DC. El libro se cierra con la invitación a consultar algunas fuentes documentales para robustecer otros viajes en la comunidad educativa en la escuela presencial.Primera edició

    Anestesia epidural obstétrica: actualización

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    Background: Childbirth is a great process that generates terrible pain, which can cause some complications, due to this, several alternatives have been innovated to reduce or control it, which have been used for years during childbirth. Methodology: A narrative review was carried out through various databases from 2018 to 2021; The search and selection of articles was carried out in journals indexed in English and Spanish. The following keywords were used: anesthesia, epidural, obstetric, update. Results: The objective of these techniques is pain relief at the time of labor, for which components have been implemented in epidural analgesia as obstetric care produced by either neuraxial, systematic or continuous analgesia, among others. We review the latest evidence on its effectiveness and safety. Conclusion: Pharmacological epidural analgesia continues to be the best option to relieve severe pain during childbirth, thanks to new updates and constant studies, these currently guarantee greater safety for both the mother and the babyAntecedentes El parto es un gran proceso que genera un terrible dolor, que puede generar algunas complicaciones, debido a esto, se han innovado varias alternativas para la disminución o el control de este, los cuales son utilizados desde hace años durante el parto. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión narrativa a través de diversas bases de datos desde el año 2018 al año 2021; la búsqueda y selección de artículos fue llevada a cabo en revistas indexadas en idioma inglés y español. Se utilizaron como palabras clave: anestesia, epidural, obstétrica, actualización. Resultados: El objetivo de estas técnicas es el alivio del dolor al momento del trabajo de parto, por lo cual se han implementado componentes en la analgesia epidural como cuidado obstétrico producido por analgesia ya sea neuroaxial, sistemática o continua, entre otras. Revisamos la evidencia más reciente sobre su efectividad y seguridad. Conclusión: La analgesia epidural farmacológica sigue siendo la mejor opción para aliviar los fuertes dolores durante el parto, gracias a las nuevas actualizaciones y a los estudios contantes estas garantizan mayor seguridad actualmente tanto para la madre como para él bebe

    Paleogeografía y Paleosismicidad: El caso de estudio Bajo Segura, SE España

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    Trabajo presentado en la XIV Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario, celebrada en Granada (España), del 30 de junio al 2 de julio de 2015El presente trabajo aborda el análisis paleogeográfico de la Depresión del Bajo Segura donde se ubicaba la antigua bahía Ibero-Romana del Sinus ilicitanus. Se confrontan datos de reconstrucciones paleogeográficas, documentos históricos con el análisis geomorfológico del sistema de acequias, azudes y canales de la zona y su desarrollo en diferentes periodos. Se concluye que durante la época musulmana la zona afectada por el terremoto en las inmediaciones de Orihuela era un sistema deltáico palmeado 1048 AD se relacionan con fracturación del terreno y procesos de licuefacción, así como un relevante cambio del curso del rí Segura y abandono del sistema deltaico.This work has been funded by the Spanish research projects CGL2012 (QTECTBETICA -USAL), CGL2012-33430 (CSIC) and CGL2013-42847-R (UNED) and W. G. QTECT-AEQUAPeer reviewe

    Financial Stability Report - September 2015

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    From this edition, the Financial Stability Report will have fewer pages with some changes in its structure. The purpose of this change is to present the most relevant facts of the financial system and their implications on the financial stability. This allows displaying the analysis more concisely and clearly, as it will focus on describing the evolution of the variables that have the greatest impact on the performance of the financial system, for estimating then the effect of a possible materialization of these risks on the financial health of the institutions. The changing dynamics of the risks faced by the financial system implies that the content of the Report adopts this new structure; therefore, some analyses and series that were regularly included will not necessarily be in each issue. However, the statistical annex that accompanies the publication of the Report will continue to present the series that were traditionally included, regardless of whether or not they are part of the content of the Report. In this way we expect to contribute in a more comprehensive way to the study and analysis of the stability of the Colombian financial system. Executive Summary During the first half of 2015, the main advanced economies showed a slow recovery on their growth, while emerging economies continued with their slowdown trend. Domestic demand in the United States allowed for stabilization on its average growth for the first half of the year, while other developed economies such as the United Kingdom, the euro zone, and Japan showed a more gradual recovery. On the other hand, the Chinese economy exhibited the lowest growth rate in five years, which has resulted in lower global dynamism. This has led to a fall in prices of the main export goods of some Latin American economies, especially oil, whose price has also responded to a larger global supply. The decrease in the terms of trade of the Latin American economies has had an impact on national income, domestic demand, and growth. This scenario has been reflected in increases in sovereign risk spreads, devaluations of stock indices, and depreciation of the exchange rates of most countries in the region. For Colombia, the fall in oil prices has also led to a decline in the terms of trade, resulting in pressure on the dynamics of national income. Additionally, the lower demand for exports helped to widen the current account deficit. This affected the prospects and economic growth of the country during the first half of 2015. This economic context could have an impact on the payment capacity of debtors and on the valuation of investments, affecting the soundness of the financial system. However, the results of the analysis featured in this edition of the Report show that, facing an adverse scenario, the vulnerability of the financial system in terms of solvency and liquidity is low. The analysis of the current situation of credit institutions (CI) shows that growth of the gross loan portfolio remained relatively stable, as well as the loan portfolio quality indicators, except for microcredit, which showed a decrease in these indicators. Regarding liabilities, traditional sources of funding have lost market share versus non-traditional ones (bonds, money market operations and in the interbank market), but still represent more than 70%. Moreover, the solvency indicator remained relatively stable. As for non-banking financial institutions (NBFI), the slowdown observed during the first six months of 2015 in the real annual growth of the assets total, both in the proprietary and third party position, stands out. The analysis of the main debtors of the financial system shows that indebtedness of the private corporate sector has increased in the last year, mostly driven by an increase in the debt balance with domestic and foreign financial institutions. However, the increase in this latter source of funding has been influenced by the depreciation of the Colombian peso vis-à-vis the US dollar since mid-2014. The financial indicators reflected a favorable behavior with respect to the historical average, except for the profitability indicators; although they were below the average, they have shown improvement in the last year. By economic sector, it is noted that the firms focused on farming, mining and transportation activities recorded the highest levels of risk perception by credit institutions, and the largest increases in default levels with respect to those observed in December 2014. Meanwhile, households have shown an increase in the financial burden, mainly due to growth in the consumer loan portfolio, in which the modalities of credit card, payroll deductible loan, revolving and vehicle loan are those that have reported greater increases in risk indicators. On the side of investments that could be affected by the devaluation in the portfolio of credit institutions and non-banking financial institutions (NBFI), the largest share of public debt securities, variable-yield securities and domestic private debt securities is highlighted. The value of these portfolios fell between February and August 2015, driven by the devaluation in the market of these investments throughout the year. Furthermore, the analysis of the liquidity risk indicator (LRI) shows that all intermediaries showed adequate levels and exhibit a stable behavior. Likewise, the fragility analysis of the financial system associated with the increase in the use of non-traditional funding sources does not evidence a greater exposure to liquidity risk. Stress tests assess the impact of the possible joint materialization of credit and market risks, and reveal that neither the aggregate solvency indicator, nor the liquidity risk indicator (LRI) of the system would be below the established legal limits. The entities that result more individually affected have a low share in the total assets of the credit institutions; therefore, a risk to the financial system as a whole is not observed. José Darío Uribe Governo

    Population-based colorectal cancer screening programmes using a faecal immunochemical test:Should faecal haemoglobin cut-offs differ by age and sex?

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    Abstract Background The Basque Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme has both high participation rate and high compliance rate of colonoscopy after a positive faecal occult blood test (FIT). Although, colorectal cancer (CRC) screening with biannual (FIT) has shown to reduce CRC mortality, the ultimate effectiveness of the screening programmes depends on the accuracy of FIT and post-FIT colonoscopy, and thus, harms related to false results might not be underestimated. Current CRC screening programmes use a single faecal haemoglobin concentration (f-Hb) cut-off for colonoscopy referral for both sexes and all ages. We aimed to determine optimum f-Hb cut-offs by sex and age without compromising neoplasia detection and interval cancer proportion. Methods Prospective cohort study using a single-sample faecal immunochemical test (FIT) on 444,582 invited average-risk subjects aged 50–69 years. A result was considered positive at ≥20 μg Hb/g faeces. Outcome measures were analysed by sex and age for a wide range of f-Hb cut-offs. Results We analysed 17,387 positive participants in the programme who underwent colonoscopy. Participation rate was 66.5%. Men had a positivity rate for f-Hb of 8.3% and women 4.8% (p < 0.0001). The detection rate for advanced neoplasia (cancer plus advanced adenoma) was 44.0‰ for men and 15.9‰ for women (p < 0.0001). The number of colonoscopies required decreased in both sexes and all age groups through increasing the f-Hb cut-off. However, the loss in CRC detection increased by up to 28.1% in men and 22.9% in women. CRC missed were generally at early stages (Stage I-II: from 70.2% in men to 66.3% in women). Conclusions This study provides detailed outcomes in men and women of different ages at a range of f-Hb cut-offs. We found differences in positivity rates, neoplasia detection rate, number needed to screen, and interval cancers in men and women and in younger and older groups. However, there are factors other than sex and age to consider when consideration is given to setting the f-Hb cut-off

    Fluoride Consumption and Its Impact on Oral Health

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    Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate caries and dental fluorosis among Mexican preschoolers and school-aged children in a non-endemic zone for fluorosis and to measure its biological indicators. Methods. DMFT, DMFS, dmft, dmfs, and CDI indexes were applied. Fluoride urinary excretion and fluoride concentrations in home water, table salt, bottled water, bottled drinks, and toothpaste were determined. Results. Schoolchildren presented fluorosis (CDI = 0.96) and dental caries (DMFT = 2.64 and DMFS = 3.97). Preschoolers presented dmft = 4.85 and dmfs = 8.80. DMFT and DMFS were lower in children with mild to moderate dental fluorosis (DF). Variable fluoride concentrations were found in the analyzed products (home water = 0.18–0.44 ppm F, table salt = 0–485 ppm F, bottled water = 0.18–0.47 ppm F, juices = 0.08–1.42 ppm F, nectars = 0.07–1.30 ppm F, bottled drinks = 0.10–1.70 ppm F, toothpaste = 0–2,053 ppm F). Mean daily fluoride excretion was 422 ± 176 µg/24 h for schoolchildren and 367 ± 150 µg/24 h for preschoolers. Conclusions. Data from our study show that, despite values of excretion within an optimal fluoride intake range, the prevalence of caries was significant in both groups, and 60% of the 11- to 12-year-old children presented with dental fluorosis. In addition, variable fluoride concentrations in products frequently consumed by children were found

    Matemáticas en contexto

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    El libro compila estrategias didácticas derivadas del programa de formación complementario escritas por instructores técnicos de diferentes regionales del país, describe la forma en que se incorpora el conocimiento matemático en campos específicos de diferentes áreas de formación laboral basado en las teorías didácticas y reflexiones pedagógicas de instructores.The book compiles the didactic strategies derived from the complementary training program by the technical instructors of the regional media of the country, describes the way in which mathematical knowledge is incorporated in the fields of different areas of work training based on theories didactic and pedagogical reflections of instructors.Consideraciones frente al aprendizaje de las matemáticas -- Perspectiva constructivista -- Teoría de las situaciones didácticas -- Modelación matemática -- Mediación tecnológica -- Pensamiento numérico variacional -- Pensamiento numérico -- Pensamiento variacional -- Diseño de modelo matemático con aplicación de costos de producción -- Modelo matemático del consumo de gas en un artefacto afectado por su presión de trabajo -- Planeación de la producción agrícola: Caso plan óptimo de siembra que permita alcanzar la máxima rentabilidad del cultivo -- Estudio del Álgebra de Boole -- Diseño de un modelo de inventarios para una pequeña empresa de calzado de dotación -- Estudio de la Ley de Ohm mediante herramienta interactiva -- Pensamiento métrico-geométrico -- Pensamiento geométrico -- Pensamiento métrico -- Caso de optimización de recursos en el sector industrial de la confección -- Optimización de espacios para huertas urbanas -- Optimización de los costos del espacio de almacenamiento en microempresas y pequeñas empresas de acuerdo con las normas de seguridad vigentes -- Unidad de medida métrica para confección de ropa exterior femenina -- Optimización de recursos aplicando el proceso administrativo -- Pensamiento aleatorio -- Estadística Básica para Articulación con la Media -- Evaluación del impacto de la accidentalidad en la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (sg-sst) por medio de indicadores -- Identificar los aspectos de la declaración de renta para una persona natural no obligada a llevar contabilidad -- Fortalecimiento de la estadística: caso de las unidades productivas del Centro de Biotecnología Agropecuaria -- Estadística dinámica -- Resultados preliminaresna[270 páginas