2,015 research outputs found

    UV Imaging Polarimetry of the peculiar Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 477

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    We present the results of UV imaging polarimetry of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 477 taken by the Faint Object Camera onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). From a previous HST UV image (lambda ~ 2180A), Mrk 477 has been known to have a pointlike bright UV hotspot in the central region, peculiar among nearby Seyfert 2 galaxies. There are also claims of UV/optical variability, unusual for a Seyfert 2 galaxy. Our data show that there is an off-nuclear scattering region ~ 0."6 (~ 500 pc) NE from the hotspot. The data, after the subtraction of the instrumental effect due to this bright hotspot region, might indicate that the scattered light is also detected in the central 0."2 radius region and is extended to a very wide angle. The hotspot location is consistent with the symmetry center of the PA pattern, which represents the location of the hidden nucleus, but our data do not provide a strong upper limit to the distance between the symmetry center and the hotspot. We have obtained high spatial resolution color map of the continuum which shows that the nuclear spiral arm of 0."4 scale (~ 300pc) is significantly bluer than the off-nuclear mirror and the hotspot region. The nature of the hotspot is briefly discussed.Comment: To appear in Ap

    Developing Effective Diabetes Programming for Black Men.

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain feedback from 20 men on developing effective programming to reduce the impact of diabetes (t2dm) among Black men. Three focus groups were convened in Des Moines, Iowa. Men were recruited, all either diagnosed with t2dm (n = 10), pre-diabetic (n = 1), or experienced t2dm through family and friends (n = 9). The results highlighted themes related to t2dm knowledge, masculinity, and behavioral health; gender-centered diabetes management education; and family support and functioning. Men provided recommendations for program format and content, desirable facilitator characteristics, and whether to include spouses/partners, relatives, and friends. These results provide guidance and ideas to nurses wishing to enhance t2dm education and patient outcomes for Black men

    10. Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on the dynamics of multiple Plasmodium falciparum infections

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    The rates of acquisition and loss of individual genotypes belonging to the FC27 family of the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (msp2) gene were studied in 120 children aged 5 months to 2·5 years, in a randomized controlled trial of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) in Kiberege village, Tanzania. Analysis of longitudinal changes in positivity for individual alleles in samples collected at intervals of one month indicated that the average duration of infections, allowing for undetected parasite genotypes, was 73 d in those aged <18 months and 160 d in children aged ≥18 months, consistent with a shift from acute to chronic infection with age. Overall, 51% of genotypes infecting the host were estimated to be detected by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in any one sample of 0·5 μL of packed peripheral blood cells. In children less than 18 months old this sensitivity was 61% (SE = 6%) compared with 41% (SE = 6%) in older children. Conversely, the rate of appearance of new parasite genotypes was higher in children <18 months of age than in older children, but this partly reflected the difference in sensitivity. The overall incidence of new infections was estimated to be reduced by 17% in ITN users. There was no statistically significant difference between users and non-users in observed infection multiplicity, sensitivity, recovery rate, or estimated infection rates for individual alleles. This suggests that, in areas of high P. falciparum endemicity, ITNs have little effect on the establishment of chronic malaria infectio

    Wilson ratio in Yb-substituted CeCoIn5

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    We have investigated the effect of Yb substitution on the Pauli limited, heavy fermion superconductor, CeCoIn5_5. Yb acts as a non-magnetic divalent substituent for Ce throughout the entire doping range, equivalent to hole doping on the rare earth site. We found that the upper critical field in (Ce,Yb)CoIn5_5 is Pauli limited, yet the reduced (H,T) phase diagram is insensitive to disorder, as expected in the purely orbitally limited case. We use the Pauli limiting field, the superconducting condensation energy and the electronic specific heat coefficient to determine the Wilson ratio (RWR_{W}), the ratio of the specific heat coefficient to the Pauli susceptibility in CeCoIn5_5. The method is applicable to any Pauli limited superconductor in the clean limit.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 4 figure

    Differential effects of nanoselenium doping on healthy and cancerous osteoblasts in coculture on titanium

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    In the present study, selenium (Se) nanoclusters were grown through heterogeneous nucleation on titanium (Ti) surfaces, a common orthopedic implant material. Normal healthy osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) and cancerous osteoblasts (osteosarcoma) were cultured on the Se-doped surfaces having three different coating densities. For the first time, it is shown that substrates with Se nanoclusters promote normal osteoblast proliferation and inhibit cancerous osteoblast growth in both separate (mono-culture) and coculture experiment. This study suggests that Se surface nanoclusters can be properly engineered to inhibit bone cancer growth while simultaneously promoting the growth of normal bone tissue

    Motion-base simulator study of control of an externally blown flap STOL transport aircraft after failure of an outboard engine during landing approach

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    A moving-base simulator investigation of the problems of recovery and landing of a STOL aircraft after failure of an outboard engine during final approach was made. The approaches were made at 75 knots along a 6 deg glide slope. The engine was failed at low altitude and the option to go around was not allowed. The aircraft was simulated with each of three control systems, and it had four high-bypass-ratio fan-jet engines exhausting against large triple-slotted wing flaps to produce additional lift. A virtual-image out-the-window television display of a simulated STOL airport was operating during part of the investigation. Also, a simple heads-up flight director display superimposed on the airport landing scene was used by the pilots to make some of the recoveries following an engine failure. The results of the study indicated that the variation in visual cues and/or motion cues had little effect on the outcome of a recovery, but they did have some effect on the pilot's response and control patterns
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