331 research outputs found

    Evolutionary genomics and the reach of selection

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    Unexpected findings in evolutionary genomics both question the role of selection in genome evolution and clarify how genomes work

    Transcriptional coupling of neighbouring genes and gene expression noise: evidence that gene orientation and non-coding transcripts are modulators of noise

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    For some genes, notably essential genes, expression when expression is needed is vital hence low noise in expression is favourable. For others noise is necessary for coping with stochasticity or for providing dice-like mechanisms to control cell fate. But how is noise in gene expression modulated? We hypothesise that gene orientation may be crucial, as for divergently organized gene pairs expression of one gene could affect chromatin of a neighbour thereby reducing noise. Transcription of antisense non-coding RNA from a shared promoter is similarly argued to be a noise-reduction mechanism. Stochastic simulation models confirm the expectation. The model correctly predicts: that protein coding genes with bi-promoter architecture, including those with a ncRNA partner, have lower noise than other genes; divergent gene pairs uniquely have correlated expression noise; distance between promoters predicts noise; ncRNA divergent transcripts are associated with genes that a priori would be under selection for low noise; essential genes reside in divergent orientation more than expected; bi-promoter pairs are rare subtelomerically, cluster together and are enriched in essential gene clusters. We conclude that gene orientation and transcription of ncRNAs, even if unstable, are candidate modulators of noise levels

    Evidence for selection on synonymous mutations affecting stability of mRNA secondary structure in mammals

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    BACKGROUND: In mammals, contrary to what is usually assumed, recent evidence suggests that synonymous mutations may not be selectively neutral. This position has proven contentious, not least because of the absence of a viable mechanism. Here we test whether synonymous mutations might be under selection owing to their effects on the thermodynamic stability of mRNA, mediated by changes in secondary structure. RESULTS: We provide numerous lines of evidence that are all consistent with the above hypothesis. Most notably, by simulating evolution and reallocating the substitutions observed in the mouse lineage, we show that the location of synonymous mutations is non-random with respect to stability. Importantly, the preference for cytosine at 4-fold degenerate sites, diagnostic of selection, can be explained by its effect on mRNA stability. Likewise, by interchanging synonymous codons, we find naturally occurring mRNAs to be more stable than simulant transcripts. Housekeeping genes, whose proteins are under strong purifying selection, are also under the greatest pressure to maintain stability. CONCLUSION: Taken together, our results provide evidence that, in mammals, synonymous sites do not evolve neutrally, at least in part owing to selection on mRNA stability. This has implications for the application of synonymous divergence in estimating the mutation rate

    After Recess: Historical Practice, Textual Ambiguity, and Constitutional Adverse Possession

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    The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Recess Appointments Clause in NLRB v. Noel Canning stands as one of the Supreme Court’s most significant endorsements of the relevance of “historical gloss” to the interpretation of the separation of powers. This Article uses the decision as a vehicle for examining the relationship between interpretive methodology and historical practice, and between historical practice and textual ambiguity. As the Article explains, Noel Canning exemplifies how the constitutional text, perceptions about clarity or ambiguity, and “extra-textual” considerations such as historical practice operate interactively rather than as separate elements of interpretation. The decision also provides a useful entry point into critically analyzing the concept of constitutional “liquidation,” which the majority in Noel Canning seemed to conflate with historical gloss but which seems more consistent with the approach to historical practice reflected in Justice Scalia’s concurrence in the judgment. Finally, this Article argues that the historical gloss approach, when applied cautiously and with sensitivity to the potential concerns raised by Justice Scalia and others, is not vulnerable to the charge of licensing executive aggrandizement by “adverse possession.

    The determinants of gene order conservation in yeasts

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    Current intergene distance is shown to be consistently the strongest predictor of synteny conservation as expected under a simple null model, and other variables are of lesser importance

    How biologically relevant are interaction-based modules in protein networks?

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    By applying a graph-based algorithm to yeast protein-interaction networks we have extracted modular structures and show that they can be validated using information from the phylogenetic conservation of the network components. We show that the module cores, the parts with the highest intramodular connectivity, are biologically relevant components of the networks. These constituents correlate only weakly with other levels of organization. We also discuss how such structures could be used for finding targets for antimicrobial drugs

    Genetical Society of Great Britain

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    The fitness of a mammalian zygote is affected by its probability of implantation and of postimplantation maintenance as well as the level of transplacental and transmammary uptake of resources. As with paternally expressed imprinted genes, in a species in which females are not obligately monogamous, a Y-linked sequence that can positively alter any of the above parameters could spread in a population even if it harms the prospects of other embryos. Such a selfish Y-linked gene could act as a sex ratio distorter. In contrast to autosomal imprinted loci, the patrilineal inheritance of the Y ensures that selfish Y-linked growth-promoting genes need not evolve a means to ensure correct parent-dependent expression rules. Thus, as the conditions for both their initial evolution and spread are relatively relaxed, the mammalian Y chromosome is expected to be an attractor for growth-promoting genes. Data from mice and humans indicate that, as expected and in contrast to the Y of flies, the mammalian Y harbours growth factors, sex ratio factors and multiple foetally expressed genes. The accumulation of Y-linked genes may also be explained in terms of sexual antagonism. Sexual antagonism and the model presented here are not mutually exclusiv

    Finding exonic islands in a sea of non-coding sequence: splicing related constraints on protein composition and evolution are common in intron-rich genomes

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    Biased usage of amino acids near exon-intron boundaries is phylogenetically widespread and characteristic of species for which there are expected to be problems defining exons

    The Impact of the Nucleosome Code on Protein-Coding Sequence Evolution in Yeast

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    Coding sequence evolution was once thought to be the result of selection on optimal protein function alone. Selection can, however, also act at the RNA level, for example, to facilitate rapid translation or ensure correct splicing. Here, we ask whether the way DNA works also imposes constraints on coding sequence evolution. We identify nucleosome positioning as a likely candidate to set up such a DNA-level selective regime and use high-resolution microarray data in yeast to compare the evolution of coding sequence bound to or free from nucleosomes. Controlling for gene expression and intra-gene location, we find a nucleosome-free “linker” sequence to evolve on average 5–6% slower at synonymous sites. A reduced rate of evolution in linker is especially evident at the 5′ end of genes, where the effect extends to non-synonymous substitution rates. This is consistent with regular nucleosome architecture in this region being important in the context of gene expression control. As predicted, codons likely to generate a sequence unfavourable to nucleosome formation are enriched in linker sequence. Amino acid content is likewise skewed as a function of nucleosome occupancy. We conclude that selection operating on DNA to maintain correct positioning of nucleosomes impacts codon choice, amino acid choice, and synonymous and non-synonymous rates of evolution in coding sequence. The results support the exclusion model for nucleosome positioning and provide an alternative interpretation for runs of rare codons. As the intimate association of histones and DNA is a universal characteristic of genic sequence in eukaryotes, selection on coding sequence composition imposed by nucleosome positioning should be phylogenetically widespread