1,053 research outputs found


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    Knowledge of the traditional use of plants has been passed down from generation to generation by the Kulawi ethnic community in Salua village, Central Sulawesi. In this study, we document community knowledge about the effect of plants as medicinal plants, traditional ceremonies, food/drinks, and building materials. Based on the results of interviews and exploration, the plant that collected 25 species was found with local names, parts used, and how to use them. A total of 18 species can used as medicinal plants, five species for food/drink, one species for building materials, and three for traditional ceremonies. Our study recommends ex-situ management of natural resources so that plants can used sustainably

    Formulation and Antibacterial Activity of Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.) Leaf Toothpaste Against Streptococcus mutans

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    Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.) is a native plant of Central Asia that has been widely cultivated in Indonesia. Bidara leaves contain many flavonoids, polyphenolic hydrolysable tannins, triterpenoids, sterols, and alkaloids. Bidara has potential as an antibacterial and has been widely used. The antibacterial activities of Bidara are used to formulate toothpaste against bacteria in the mouth. The study aimed to formulate a toothpaste from bidara leaves that have good physical stability and can be against Streptococcus mutans which causes dental plaque. This type of research is an experimental laboratory using the maceration method and formulated into toothpaste. After that, the physical stability of the toothpaste was tested, and antibacterial activity against S. mutans using the agar diffusion method. Bidara leaves can be used to formulate toothpaste against S. mutans bacteria. The research produced a toothpaste formula from Bidara leaf extract. Formula III is the best formula based on physical stability tests and Streptococcus mutans anti-bacterial tests

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Pasien Rawat Inap Tentang Penggunaan Antibiotik di Rumah Sakit X Kota Palopo

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    Antibiotics are the drugs most widely used in infections caused by bacteria where oral route antibiotics are the first choice in infection therapy. Various studies have found that around 40-62% of antibiotics are used inappropriately, including for diseases that actually do not require antibiotics. The problem that often occurs is the lack of knowledge of inpatients about the proper use of antibiotics. This research was conducted to determine the level of knowledge of inpatients about the use of antibiotics, using a cross sectional descriptive method. Data was taken secondary through filling out a questionnaire. A total of 92 inpatients at x Hospital in Palopo City were selected as volunteers using the accidental sampling method. Data was processed using the Statistical Product and Servicer Solution (SPSS) application with the chi-square test. The results obtained from 92 respondents, as many as 16.3% of respondents had a low level of knowledge, 56.5% of respondents had a sufficient level of knowledge and 27.2% of respondents had a high level of knowledge. There is a relationship between the last level of education (p value 0.000 0.05), with the level of knowledge in using antibiotics. The conclusion of this study is that the level of knowledge of inpatients at x Hospital in Palopo City is quite adequate, namely 56.5%

    Study of Prescription Screening for Administrative and Pharmaceutical Aspects at CS Farma Pharmacy in the Period June-December 2018

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    Incomplete prescribing can be one of the causes of medication errors in patients. This incident can be avoided by screening prescriptions by pharmacists at pharmacies which include administrative and pharmaceutical studies. The purpose of this study was to determine the administrative and pharmaceutical prescription completeness in June-December 2018 at CS Farma Pharmacy. The research method was descriptive nonexperimental with retrospective data collection. Samples were collected by simple random sampling technique and obtained 385 pieces of recipes that have met the inclusion criteria. The result shows that the completeness of administrative prescriptions consisted of: patient name 99,22%, patient age 88,05%, sex 9,09%, body weight 0%, doctor's name 3,64%, doctor's SIP 0% , prescription date 97,92%, doctor's address 100%, doctor's telephone number 0,26% and doctor's initial 6,23%. Pharmaceutical aspects consisted of: dosage form 69,61%, dosage strength 57,66%, drug stability 100% and incompatibility 100%. It can be concluded that the prescription in CS Farma Pharmacy on June-December 2018 was not complete administratively and pharmaceutically yet, based on Permenkes No.73 In 2016

    Burnout – An Exponential Rise

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    Mental health at workplaces has taken a new dimension since the pandemic spread across the world. This research paper is an exploratory paper to understand the impact of COVID-19 on workplaces and their employees in the context of mental health. The pandemic highlighted the need to look at human beings as a whole self. Mental health became a reality as felt in waves of the Great Resignation movement. Burnout was experienced by many employees who were working already in high-pressure jobs pre-COVID. This study explores the impact of pandemic on health care workers (HCW) in hospitals and academics working in the tertiary sector in Australia. This is a qualitative study based on secondary research and partly based on the lived experience of the author. This paper delves into the causes of workplace stress and its impact on well-being of the workforce. Some strategies for managing these issues are recommended. Limitations of the paper include limited research and only two industry sectors in Australia are explored as part of this research

    Formulasi, Uji Stabilitas Fisik dan Uji Aktifitas Sediaan Gel Hand Sanitizer dari Air Perasan Buah Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) Berbasis Karbomer

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    Telah dilakukan Formulasi sediaan gel hand sanitizer dari air perasan buah jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) dan uji aktifitasnya terhadap beberapa bakteri uji seperti Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans dan Salmonella thyposa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas fisik sediaan gel hand sanitizer dari air perasan buah jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) dan aktifitasnya terhadap beberapa bakteri uji seperti Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans dan Salmonella thyposa. Buah jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) yang diperoleh dicuci bersih lalu dipotong kemudian diperas lalu disaring. Air perasan kemudian dibuat gel dengan variasi konsentrasi basis karbopol 940 0,5%, 1% dan 1,5%. Gel tersebut diuji kestabilan fisiknya dengan pengukuran pH, sineresis, viskositas dan daya sebar dan uji aktifitasnya terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans dan Salmonella thyposa dengan menggunakan metode difusi agar. Gel dengan konsentrasi karbopol 1% dan 1,5% tidak mengalami perubahan viskositas, daya sebar dan tidak menjadi sineresis sehingga dapat dinyatakan stabil secara fisika


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    Research about formulation gel hand sanitizer of lemon lime fruit (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) and determination of activity against several test bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Salmonella thyposa has been done. The aimed of this research is to determine the physical stability of hand sanitizer gel preparations of the fruit juice of lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) and its activity against several test bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Salmonella thyposa. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) obtained is washed and cut and then squeezed and filtered. Juice was then made by varying the concentration gel base karbopol 940 0.5%, 1% and1.5%. Physical stability of the gel was tested by measuring pH, syneresis, viscosity and dispersive power  and  test  its  activity  against  Staphylococcus  aureus,  Streptococcus  mutans  and  Salmonella thyposa using the method of agar diffusion. Gel with a karbopol concentration of 1% and 1.5% had no change in viscosity, and syneresis dispersive power so it can be expressed physically stable


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    ABSTRAKSeminar merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan sebagai proses untuk memecahkan suatu masalah, atau proses menemukan solusi yang biasanya diangkat dari hasil sebuah penelitian atau literatur. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan di desa Buntu Karya dengan melihat pendidikan dari masing masing pemuda dan masyarakat, relatif masih kurang dikarenakan kurangnya minat masyarakat akan pendidikan itu sendiri atau masyarakat lebih tertarik untuk bekerja baik bertani maupun pekerjaan lainnya. Dengan melihat adanya berbagai potensi hasil alam yang ada di Desa Buntu Karya penulis mengangkat seminar kewirausahaan dengan maksud agar kiranya warga atau masyarakat dapat mengolah atau memanfaatkan hasil alamnya dengan baik. Karena adanya pandemi sampai saat ini, berbagai dampak yang terjadi salah satunya adalah dampak kecemasan terhadap kesehatan, bagaimana cara menjaga dan menempatkan diri ketika berada di keramaian dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Kata kunci : integritas pendidikan; wirausaha; covid-19; desa buntu karya ABSTRACTThe seminars is one of the activities that can be carried out  as a process to solve a problem, or the process of finding a solution which is usually based on the results of a study or literature. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted in Buntu Karya Village by looking at the education of each youth and community, it is relatively still lacking due to the lack of public interest in education itself or the community is more interested in working both farming and other jobs. By looking at the various potentials of natural products in Village Buntu creation Village, the author raises an entrepreneurship seminars with the intention that residents or the community can process or make good use of natural products. Because of the existence of pandemic until now, various impacts have occurred, one of which is the impact of anxiety on health, how to guard and place oneself when in a crowd by complying with health protocols. Keywords : education integrity; entrepreneurship; covid-19; buntu karya villag


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    Puskesmas adalah fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan  upaya kesehatan masyarakat dan perseorangan tingkat pertama, dengan lebih mengutamakan upaya promotif dan preventif. Pengelolaan penyimpanan obat yang baik dapat mengurangi terjadinya obat rusak, hilang dan kadaluarsa. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian yang bersifat observasi dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pedoman observasi (check list). Yang dilakukan mulai bulan April sampai Mei 2018  bertempat di puskesmas Tompobulu Kab. Maros. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Puskesmas Tompobulu penerimaan, pengaturan, pengeluaran dan stock opname, pencatatan dan pelaporan obat rata-rata di atas 50% sehingga dapat disimpulkan telah sesuai dengan standar pengelolaan obat yang telah diatur