4,850 research outputs found

    A Regional and Industry Analysis of the Complexity of the Regulatory Environment Affecting Agricultural Producers in California

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    This paper provides results from a producers survey that enquired about the complexity of the regulatory environment in California. The primary objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between the complexity of the regulatory environment, agricultural industries in California, and different regions in California. This objective is achieved by taking information gathered from a producers survey and applying an ordered logit econometric model using complexity of the regulatory environment as the dependent variable. A secondary objective of this study is to develop a motivation why the complexity of the regulatory environment is important issue to consider. To achieve this goal, the perception of the complexity of the regulatory environment will be examined with potential management options that producers can take including increasing and decreasing their size of operation, leaving agricultural production, and moving out of the state.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    An Estimation of the Regulatory Cost on California Agricultural Producers

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    This paper develops an estimation of the cost of regulations on California agricultural producers which can be used as a baseline for comparing regulatory environments. The estimated regulatory cost in relationship to operating costs for producers is between 2.19billionto2.19 billion to 2.21 billion. The range on percentage of income allocated to regulatory cost is between 5.24% and 9.19%.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Magnetar-like Emission from the Young Pulsar in Kes 75

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    We report detection of magnetar-like X-ray bursts from the young pulsar PSR J1846-0258, at the center of the supernova remnant Kes 75. This pulsar, long thought to be rotation-powered, has an inferred surface dipolar magnetic field of 4.9x10^13 G, higher than those of the vast majority of rotation-powered pulsars, but lower than those of the ~12 previously identified magnetars. The bursts were accompanied by a sudden flux increase and an unprecedented change in timing behavior. These phenomena lower the magnetic and rotational thresholds associated with magnetar-like behavior, and suggest that in neutron stars there exists a continuum of magnetic activity that increases with inferred magnetic field strength.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Science. Note: The content of this paper is embargoed until February 21, 200

    Reactivation and Precise IPN Localization of the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR1900+14

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    In 1998 May, the soft gamma repeater SGR1900+14 emerged from several years of quiescence and emitted a series of intense bursts, one with a time history unlike any previously observed from this source. Triangulation using Ulysses, BATSE, and KONUS data give a 1.6 square arcminute error box near the galactic supernova remnant G42.8+0.6. This error box contains a quiescent soft X-ray source which is probably a neutron star associated with the soft repeater.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The random case of Conley's theorem

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    The well-known Conley's theorem states that the complement of chain recurrent set equals the union of all connecting orbits of the flow ϕ\phi on the compact metric space XX, i.e. XCR(ϕ)=[B(A)A]X-\mathcal{CR}(\phi)=\bigcup [B(A)-A], where CR(ϕ)\mathcal{CR}(\phi) denotes the chain recurrent set of ϕ\phi, AA stands for an attractor and B(A)B(A) is the basin determined by AA. In this paper we show that by appropriately selecting the definition of random attractor, in fact we define a random local attractor to be the ω\omega-limit set of some random pre-attractor surrounding it, and by considering appropriate measurability, in fact we also consider the universal σ\sigma-algebra Fu\mathcal F^u-measurability besides F\mathcal F-measurability, we are able to obtain the random case of Conley's theorem.Comment: 15 page

    The Challenges of Capacity Building in the Aligning Forces for Quality Alliances

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    Summarizes the challenges and trade-offs in infrastructure and governance as well as stakeholder relations and participation, such as inclusive versus efficient decision making, in an alliance to coordinate regional healthcare improvement activities

    The Giant Flare of December 27, 2004 from SGR 1806-20

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    The giant flare of December 27, 2004 from SGR 1806-20 represents one of the most extraordinary events captured in over three decades of monitoring the gamma-ray sky. One measure of the intensity of the main peak is its effect on X- and gamma-ray instruments. RHESSI, an instrument designed to study the brightest solar flares, was completely saturated for ~0.5 s following the start of the main peak. A fortuitous alignment of SGR 1806-20 near the Sun at the time of the giant flare, however, allowed RHESSI a unique view of the giant flare event, including the precursor, the main peak decay, and the pulsed tail. Since RHESSI was saturated during the main peak, we augment these observations with Wind and RHESSI particle detector data in order to reconstruct the main peak as well. Here we present detailed spectral analysis and evolution of the giant flare. We report the novel detection of a relatively soft fast peak just milliseconds before the main peak, whose timescale and sizescale indicate a magnetospheric origin. We present the novel detection of emission extending up to 17 MeV immediately following the main peak, perhaps revealing a highly-extended corona driven by the hyper-Eddington luminosities. The spectral evolution and pulse evolution during the tail are presented, demonstrating significant magnetospheric twist and evolution during this phase. Blackbody radii are derived for every stage of the flare, which show remarkable agreement despite the range of luminosities and temperatures covered. Finally, we place significant upper limits on afterglow emission in the hundreds of seconds following the giant flare.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Electrical characterization of the soft breakdown failure mode in MgO layers

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    The soft breakdown (SBD) failure mode in 20 nm thick MgO dielectric layers grown on Si substrates was investigated. We show that during a constant voltage stress, charge trapping and progressive breakdown coexist, and that the degradation dynamics is captured by a power-law time dependence. We also show that the SBD current-voltage (I-V) characteristics follow the power-law model I = aVb typical of this conduction mechanism but in a wider voltage window than the one reported in the past for SiO2. The relationship between the magnitude of the current and the normalized differential conductance was analyzed

    Unusual Burst Emission from the New Soft Gamma Repeater SGR1627-41

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    In June-July,1998 the Konus-Wind burst spectrometer observed a series of bursts from the new soft gamma repeater SGR1627-41. Time histories and energy spectra of the bursts have been studied, revealing fluences and peak fluxes in the ranges of 3x10^{-7} - 7.5x10^{-6} erg cm^{-2} and 10^{-5} - 10^{-4}erg cm^{-2}/s respectively. One event, 18 June 6153.5sUT stands out dramatically from this series. Its fluence is ~7x10^{-4} erg cm^{-2} and peak flux ~2x10^{-2} erg cm^{-2}/s. These values from a source at a distance of 5.8 kpc yield an energy output of ~3x10^{42}erg and maximum luminosity of ~8x10^{43} erg/s, similar to the values for the famous March 5, 1979 and August27,1998 events. In terms of energy, this event is another giant outburst seen in a third SGR! However, this very energetic burst differs significantly from the other giant outbursts. It exhibits no separate initial pulse with a fast rise time, no extended tail, and no pulsations. It is rather similar to ordinary repeated bursts but is a few hundred times stronger in intensity. According to the magnetar model by Thompson and Duncan (1995) such a burst may be initiated by a strong starquake when a crust fracture propagates over the whole surface of a neutron star.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. To be appeared in ApJ

    Herschel-SPIRE-Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of the nearby spiral galaxy IC342

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    We present observations of the nearby spiral galaxy IC342 with the Herschel Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) Fourier Transform Spectrometer. The spectral range afforded by SPIRE, 196-671 microns, allows us to access a number of 12CO lines from J=4--3 to J=13--12 with the highest J transitions observed for the first time. In addition we present measurements of 13CO, [CI] and [NII]. We use a radiative transfer code coupled with Bayesian likelihood analysis to model and constrain the temperature, density and column density of the gas. We find two 12CO components, one at 35 K and one at 400 K with CO column densities of 6.3x10^{17} cm^{-2} and 0.4x10^{17} cm^{-2} and CO gas masses of 1.26x10^{7} Msolar and 0.15x10^{7} Msolar, for the cold and warm components, respectively. The inclusion of the high-J 12CO line observations, indicate the existence of a much warmer gas component (~400 K) confirming earlier findings from H_{2} rotational line analysis from ISO and Spitzer. The mass of the warm gas is 10% of the cold gas, but it likely dominates the CO luminosity. In addition, we detect strong emission from [NII] 205microns and the {3}P_{1}->{3}P_{0} and {3}P_{2} ->{3}P_{1} [CI] lines at 370 and 608 microns, respectively. The measured 12CO line ratios can be explained by Photon-dominated region (PDR) models although additional heating by e.g. cosmic rays cannot be excluded. The measured [CI] line ratio together with the derived [C] column density of 2.1x10^{17} cm^{-2} and the fact that [CI] is weaker than CO emission in IC342 suggests that [CI] likely arises in a thin layer on the outside of the CO emitting molecular clouds consistent with PDRs playing an important role.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS