881 research outputs found

    Manor Farm Barn, Kingston Deverill, Wiltshire; tree-ring analysis of timbers

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    Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on 16 samples from the barn at Manor Farm. This resulted in the production of two site sequences, KDMBSQ01 and KDMBSQ02. The former comprises eight samples with an overall length of 150 rings and the latter two samples with an overall length of 81 rings. Site sequence KDMBSQ01 is dated as spanning the years AD 1260–1409. Site sequence KDMBSQ02 is undated. A single sample, KDM-B09, with an overall length of 113 rings is dated as spanning the years AD 1371–1483. Five samples remain ungrouped and undated. The results indicate that the timbers used in the primary construction of the barn were probably all felled in the last few years of the first decade of the fifteenth century. A single dated arcade post from the southernmost truss indicates that the building underwent repairs or modifications just under a century later, in the last few years of the fifteenth century or, the first few years of the sixteenth century

    Wick Farm Cottage, Heddington Wick Common, Heddington, Wiltshire: tree-ring analysis of timbers

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    Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on all seven of the timbers sampled from two medieval phases at Wick Farm Cottage. This resulted in the production of two site chronologies, HWWFSQ01 and HWWFSQ02. These comprise three and two samples with overall lengths of 178 years and 67 years respectively. The first site chronology dates to AD 1158–1335, whilst the second chronology is undated. The dated samples, thought to be associated with the earliest medieval phase, indicate a programme of felling, and hence likely construction, in the mid-AD 1330s

    Antarctic Analog for Dilational Bands on Europa

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    Europa's surface shows signs of extension, which is revealed as lithospheric dilation expressed along ridges, dilational bands and ridged bands. Ridges, the most common tectonic feature on Europa, comprise a central crack flanked by two raised banks a few hundred meters high on each side. Together these three classes may represent a continuum of formation. In Tufts' Dilational Model ridge formation is dominated by daily tidal cycling of a crack, which can be superimposed with regional secular dilation. The two sources of dilation can combine to form the various band morphologies observed. New GPS data along a rift on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica is a suitable Earth analog to test the framework of Tufts' Dilational Model. As predicted by Tufts' Dilational Model, tensile failures in the Ross Ice Shelf exhibit secular dilation, upon which a tidal signal can be seen. From this analog we conclude that Tufts' Dilational Model for Europan ridges and bands may be credible and that the secular dilation is most likely from a regional source and not tidally driven

    Kikuchi’s Disease: A Rare Cause of Fever and Lymphadenopathy

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    Kikuchi’s disease is a benign condition that occurs in women. A young woman presented to the hospital with fevers and cervical lymphadenopathy. Infectious work-up was negative except for streptococcus pharyngitis. Imaging studies revealed the presence of diffuse cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy. The fevers persisted and she underwent excisional cervical lymph node biopsy that revealed histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis corresponding to a benign diagnosis of Kikuchi’s disease. Three months later, the patient was afebrile and there was complete resolution of the cervical lymphadenopathy

    A Measurement of Water Vapour amid a Largely Quiescent Environment on Europa

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    Previous investigations proved the existence of local density enhancements in Europas atmosphere, advancing the idea of a possible origination from water plumes. These measurement strategies, however, were sensitive either to total absorption or atomic emissions, which limited the ability to assess the water content. Here we present direct searches for water vapour on Europa spanning dates from February 2016 to May 2017 with the Keck Observatory. Our global survey at infrared wavelengths resulted in non-detections on 16 out of 17 dates, with upper limits below the water abundances inferred from previous estimates. On one date (26 April 2016) we measured 2,095 658 tonnes of water vapour at Europas leading hemisphere. We suggest that the outgassing ls than previously estimated, with only rare localized events of stronger activity

    Nonsolar astronomy with the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI)

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    The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) is a NASA Small Explorer satellite designed to study hard x-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flares. In addition, its high-resolution array of germanium detectors can see photons from high-energy sources throughout the Universe. Here we discuss the various algorithms necessary to extract spectra, lightcurves, and other information about cosmic gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, and other astrophysical phenomena using an unpointed, spinning array of detectors. We show some preliminary results and discuss our plans for future analyses. All RHESSI data are public, and scientists interested in participating should contact the principal author

    Outcome of postoperative critically ill patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: an observational retrospective case-control study

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    INTRODUCTION: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is described as a decrease in platelet count associated with heparin administration and is an immune-mediated adverse drug reaction that can cause both arterial and venous thromboses. It can be a life-threatening complication of heparin exposure. Little data concerning incidence, predisposing factors, or outcome in critically ill surgical patients are available. METHODS: All critically ill, postoperative patients admitted between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2001, to a surgical intensive care unit (SICU) who tested positive by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the HIT antibody (HPIA; Diagnostica Stago, Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA) were identified. Patient risk factors and outcomes were abstracted retrospectively from the medical record and compared with those from control patients matched for age, gender, diagnosis, severity of illness, and date of SICU admission. RESULTS: Two hundred and ten patients out of 2,046 patients (10%) admitted to the SICU had HIT assays performed. Nineteen patients (0.9% of admissions; 9% of tested individuals) had positive tests. HIT-antibody-positive patients, compared with 19 matched controls, had an increased risk of death or major thrombotic complications (37% versus 10%; P < 0.05) and prolonged length of intensive care unit (ICU) stay (20 days versus 10 days; P < 0.05). Exposure to heparin via intravascular flushes alone was sufficient to generate HIT antibodies in 12 of 19 (63%) patients. Five patients received platelet transfusions after the diagnosis of HIT was known; four of these patients died. CONCLUSION: Heparin flushes were the most common cause of HIT in this study. HIT-antibody-positive patients had an increased risk of death or major complications and a prolonged length of ICU stay. Platelet transfusions often were administered despite a positive HIT test result and were associated with a high mortality rate. Treatment algorithms that minimize exposure to heparin and contraindicate platelet transfusions merit further study

    Properties of Flares-Generated Seismic Waves on the Sun

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    The solar seismic waves excited by solar flares (``sunquakes'') are observed as circular expanding waves on the Sun's surface. The first sunquake was observed for a flare of July 9, 1996, from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) space mission. However, when the new solar cycle started in 1997, the observations of solar flares from SOHO did not show the seismic waves, similar to the 1996 event, even for large X-class flares during the solar maximum in 2000-2002. The first evidence of the seismic flare signal in this solar cycle was obtained for the 2003 ``Halloween'' events, through acoustic ``egression power'' by Donea and Lindsey. After these several other strong sunquakes have been observed. Here, I present a detailed analysis of the basic properties of the helioseismic waves generated by three solar flares in 2003-2005. For two of these flares, X17 flare of October 28, 2003, and X1.2 flare of January 15, 2005, the helioseismology observations are compared with simultaneous observations of flare X-ray fluxes measured from the RHESSI satellite. These observations show a close association between the flare seismic waves and the hard X-ray source, indicating that high-energy electrons accelerated during the flare impulsive phase produced strong compression waves in the photosphere, causing the sunquake. The results also reveal new physical properties such as strong anisotropy of the seismic waves, the amplitude of which varies significantly with the direction of propagation. The waves travel through surrounding sunspot regions to large distances, up to 120 Mm, without significant decay. These observations open new perspectives for helioseismic diagnostics of flaring active regions on the Sun and for understanding the mechanisms of the energy release and transport in solar flares.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Exhumation of the Sierra de Cameros (Iberian Range, Spain): constraints from low-temperature thermochronology

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    We present new fission-track and (U–Th)/He data from apatite and zircon in order to reconstruct the exhumation of the Sierra de Cameros, in the northwestern part of Iberian Range, Spain. Zircon fission-track ages from samples from the depocentre of the basin were reset during the metamorphic peak at approximately 100 Ma. Detrital apatites from the uppermost sediments retain fission-track age information that is older than the sediment deposition age, indicating that these rocks have not exceeded 110 8C. Apatites from deeper in the stratigraphic sequence of the central part of the basin have fission-track ages of around 40 Ma, significantly younger than the stratigraphic age, recording the time of cooling after peak metamorphic conditions. Apatite (U–Th)/He ages in samples from these sediments are 31–40 Ma and record the last period of cooling during Alpine compression. The modelled thermal history derived from the uppermost sediments indicates that the thermal pulse associated with peak metamorphism was rapid, and that the region has cooled continuously to the present. The estimated palaeogeothermal gradient is around 86 8C km21 and supports a tectonic model with a thick sedimentary fill (c. 8 km) and explains the origin of the low-grade metamorphism observed in the oldest sediments
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