1,526 research outputs found

    A hidden constant in the anomalous Hall effect of a high-purity magnet MnSi

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    Measurements of the Hall conductivity in MnSi can provide incisive tests of theories of the anomalous Hall (AH) effect, because both the mean-free-path and magnetoresistance (MR) are unusually large for a ferromagnet. The large MR provides an accurate way to separate the AH conductivity σxyA\sigma_{xy}^A from the ordinary Hall conductivity σxyN\sigma_{xy}^N. Below the Curie temperature TCT_C, σxyA\sigma_{xy}^A is linearly proportional to M M (magnetization) with a proportionality constant SHS_H that is independent of both TT and HH. In particular, SHS_H remains a constant while σxyN\sigma_{xy}^N changes by a factor of 100 between 5 K and TCT_C. We discuss implications of the hidden constancy in SHS_H.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Minor change

    Towards optimum demodulation of bandwidth-limited and low SNR square-wave subcarrier signals

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    The optimum phase detector is presented for tracking square-wave subcarriers that have been bandwidth limited to a finite number of harmonics. The phase detector is optimum in the sense that the loop signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is maximized and, hence, the rms phase tracking error is minimized. The optimum phase detector is easy to implement and achieves substantial improvement. Also presented are the optimum weights to combine the signals demodulated from each of the harmonics. The optimum weighting provides SNR improvement of 0.1 to 0.15 dB when the subcarrier loop SNR is low (15 dB) and the number of harmonics is high (8 to 16)

    Superconducting d-wave junctions: The disappearance of the odd ac components

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    We study voltage-biased superconducting planar d-wave junctions for arbitrary transmission and arbitrary orientation of the order parameters of the superconductors. For a certain orientation of the superconductors the odd ac components disappear, resulting in a doubling of the Josephson frequency. We study the sensitivity of this disappearance to orientation and compare with experiments on grain boundary junctions. We also discuss the possibility of a current flow parallel to the junction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Tunneling spectra for (dx2y2+isd_{x^2-y^2}+is)-wave superconductors versus tunneling spectra for (dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy})-wave superconductors

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    The tunneling conductance spectra of a normal metal / insulator / singlet superconductor is calculated from the reflection amplitudes using the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) formulation. The pairing symmetry of the superconductor is assumed to be dx2y2+isd_{x^2-y^2}+is, or dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}. It is found that in the (dx2y2+isd_{x^2-y^2}+is)-wave case there is a well defined conductance peak in the conductance spectra, in the amplitude of the secondary s-wave component. In the (dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy})-wave case the tunneling conductance has residual values within the gap, due to the formation of bound states. The bound state energies depend on the angle of the incident quasiparticles, and also on the boundary orientation. On the basis of this observation an electron focusing experiment is proposed to probe the (dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy})-wave state.Comment: 17 pages with 9 figure

    Anomalous Fermi Liquid Behavior of Overdoped High-Tc Superconductors

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    According to a generic temperature vs. carrier-doping (T-p) phase diagram of high-temperature superconductors it has been proposed that as doping increases to the overdoped region they approach gradually a conventional (canonical) Fermi Liquid. However, Hall effect measurements in several systems reported by different authors show a still strong \emph{T}-dependence in overdoped samples. We report here electrical transport measurements of Y_{1-x}Ca_{x}Ba_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-delta} thin films presenting a temperature dependence of the Hall constant, R_H, which does not present a gradual transition towards the T-independent behavior of a canonical Fermi Liquid. Instead, the T-dependence passes by a minimum near optimal doping and then increases again in the overdoped region. We discuss the theoretical predictions from two representative Fermi Liquid models and show that they can not give a satisfactory explanation to our data. We conclude that this region of the phase diagram in YBCO, as in most HTSC, is not a canonical Fermi Liquid, therefore we call it Anomalous Fermi Liquid.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Polar Discontinuity Doping of the LaVO_3/SrTiO_3 Interface

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    We have investigated the transport properties of LaVO_3/SrTiO_3 Mott insulator/band insulator heterointerfaces for various configurations. The (001)-oriented n-type VO_2/LaO/TiO_2 polar discontinuity is conducting, exhibiting a LaVO_3 thickness-dependent metal-insulator transition and low temperature anomalous Hall effect. The (001) p-type VO_2/SrO/TiO_2 interface, formed by inserting a single layer of bulk metallic SrVO_3 or SrO, drives the interface insulating. The (110) heterointerface is also insulating, indicating interface conduction arising from electronic reconstructions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Universal Magnetic-Field-Driven Metal-Insulator-Metal Transformations in Graphite and Bismuth

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    Applied magnetic field induces metal - insulator and re-entrant insulator-metal transitions in both graphite and rhombohedral bismuth. The corresponding transition boundaries plotted on the magnetic field - temperature (B - T) plane nearly coincide for these semimetals and can be best described by power laws T ~ (B - B_c)^k, where B_c is a critical field at T = 0 and k = 0.45 +/- 0.05. We show that insulator-metal-insulator (I-M-I) transformations take place in the Landau level quantization regime and illustrate how the IMT in quasi-3D graphite transforms into a cascade of I-M-I transitions, related to the quantum Hall effect in quasi-2D graphite samples. We discuss the possible coupling of superconducting and excitonic correlations with the observed phenomena, as well as the signatures of quantum phase transitions associated with the M-I and I-M transformations.Comment: 23 pages including 14 figure

    Increasing safe design practice within the engineering curriculum

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    CONTEXT The Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022 contains two national Action Areas of direct relevance to Engineering Educators: Healthy and safe by design and Health and safety capabilities. The need for designs to be safe, and for student engineers to develop competencies in this area, is not new. However, poor design of machinery plant and powered tools continues to kill and injure Australian workers. Safe Work Australia (2014) reports that between 2006 and 2011, 63 workrelated deaths were determined to be caused by the unsafe design of machinery plant and power tools, or design-related factors contributed to the fatality. A further 125 fatalities were considered as possibly design-related. It is sad fact that many of these deaths were preventable with existing design solutions. Good design can eliminate (or minimise the impact of) the major physical, biomechanical and psychosocial hazards associated with work. From an engineering education perspective it is necessary to increase awareness amongst educators and students of these processes such that consideration of safe design is inherent to the engineering design process and not simply an added regulatory requirement. PURPOSE Safe design is not a separate activity or series of activities, but is integral to the engineering process regardless of sector or discipline. This paper reviews the role of engineering educators in understanding, promoting and embedding safe design principles within the engineering curricula. APPROACH The paper explores how safe design has been incorporated into engineering education since the early 1990s, and assesses the effectiveness of available resources and teaching practice. Changes to the legislative environment throughout this time are also described, to provide context and articulate implications for engineering educators. RESULTS The importance of safe design is recognised and resources do exist to support engineering educators to embed safe design principles within curriculum. The paper provides a series of recommendations to mainstream the available resources, highlights characteristics of effective practice and identifies areas for further professional development of engineering educators who are not familiar with safe design principles. CONCLUSIONS In order to develop graduates who are safe design practitioners, the model of engineering design introduced within the engineering curriculum must demonstrate that safe design is an inherent user requirement for all projects. This requires engineering educators to be familiar with human centred engineering design and how this impacts traditional technical design outcomes.Bernadette Foley, Prue Howard, Yvonne Toft and Mike Hur

    Analytical and experimental study of stratification and liquid-ullage coupling, 1 June 1964 - 31 May 1965

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    Closed-form solution for stratification of subcooled fluids in containers subjected to heating, and for liquid-ullage vapor couplin

    Interplay between carrier and impurity concentrations in annealed Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_{x}As intrinsic anomalous Hall Effect

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    Investigating the scaling behavior of annealed Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_{x}As anomalous Hall coefficients, we note a universal crossover regime where the scaling behavior changes from quadratic to linear, attributed to the anomalous Hall Effect intrinsic and extrinsic origins, respectively. Furthermore, measured anomalous Hall conductivities when properly scaled by carrier concentration remain constant, equal to theoretically predicated values, spanning nearly a decade in conductivity as well as over 100 K in TC_{C}. Both the qualitative and quantitative agreement confirms the validity of new equations of motion including the Berry phase contributions as well as tunablility of the intrinsic anomalous Hall Effect.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure