11 research outputs found

    Thinning of the RPE and choroid associated with T lymphocyte recruitment in aged and light-challenged mice

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    International audienceThe choroidal vasculature is essential when it comes to bringing oxygen and nutrients to the functioning retina and evacuating debris resulting from the normal visual cycle. Choroidal thinning is a common feature in many human eye diseases, including high myopia [1,2] and retinitis pigmentosa [3,4], and has been reproducibly observed with age [5-7]. However, the association between choroidal thinning and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) remains controversial. Some authors have reported the loss of choriocapillaries in eyes with exudative AMD [8], and choroidal thinning has been detected in some studies [9-11]. Choroidal thinning has also been associated with geographic atrophy (GA), the dry form of late AMD [12-15]. A morphometric analysis by Ramrattan et al. more than two decades ago showed a decrease in choriocapillary density and diameter with age and in GA, but choroidal thinning was only significant with age [6]. Moreover, it has been reported that the choriocapillaries and choroid are thinner in areas where the RPE has degenerated [8]. However, all studies agree that aging is associated with significant choroidal thinning [16-18]. The exact mechanisms behind choroidal thinning with age or disease are not clear. The RPE is a monolayer of pigmented cells situated between photoreceptors and Bruch's membrane; its plays an essential role in the visual cycle. RPE65, which is also called 11-cis retinol isomerase and is strongly expressed in the RPE, participates in the production of 11-cis retinal [19], which is essential for photoreceptor function [20]. Mutations in the RPE65 gene cause progressive photoreceptor degeneration [21,22] and adult RPE65 −/

    Effects of ω-3 fatty acids on cerebro-vascular inflammation associated with Alzheimer disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathies

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    La maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) et l'angiopathie amyloïde cérébrale (AAC) sont respectivement caractérisées par des dépôts de peptides amyloïdes β (Aβ) dans le cerveau et la vascularisation cérébrale. Étant donné qu’un régime riche en DHA est associé à une réduction du risque de la MA, l'objectif principal de ma thèse a été d'évaluer l'impact d'un régime enrichi en DHA sur l'inflammation systémique et ses conséquences sur les dépôts Aβ parenchymateux et vasculaires au cours du vieillissement dans un modèle de souris transgéniques de MA/AAC, les Tg2576. Les dépôts amyloïdes ont été détectés en utilisant un anticorps anti-Aβ et les hémorragies avec du bleu prussien sur des coupes cérébrales. A 10, 14 et 18 mois, nous avons démontré une réduction des dépôts vasculaires amyloïdes et des hémorragies en régime DHA par rapport au régime placebo, alors que les dépôts parenchymateux ne sont pas affectés. De plus, nous avons démontré une forte corrélation entre les dépôts amyloïdes vasculaires, les hémorragies et un médiateur pro-inflammatoire lipidique, le 12-HETE. Nous avons ensuite évalué in vitro les effets du peptide Aβ1-40 sur la production de 12-HETE par les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires. Nous avons démontré que les niveaux d'ARNm de l'enzyme 12-LOX, impliquée dans la synthèse de 12-HETE, était augmenté lorsque les cellules ont été incubées avec du peptide Aβ1-40, suggérant une relation de cause à effet entre les dépôts Aβ et les lipides pro-inflammatoires. Mon travail a de nouveau souligné l'importance de l'inflammation dans la pathogenèse de l'AAC tout en ouvrant une nouvelle voie pour des cibles potentielles dans l'intervention préventive de cette pathologie.Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) are characterized by Amyloid β-peptides depositions in the brain and cerebral vasculature respectively. Because DHA-diet is associated with a reduced risk of AD, the main objective of my thesis was to evaluate the impact of a DHA-diet on cerebrovascular and peripheral inflammation and its consequences on parenchymal and vascular Aβ-deposits during aging in a transgenic mouse model of AD/CAA (Tg2576). The Aβ-peptide deposits were detected using an anti-Aβ peptides and hemorrhages were detected with Prussian Blue on brain sections. At 10, 14 and 18 month-old, we demonstrated a reduction of amyloid vascular deposits and hemorrhages under DHA-diet compared to placebo, while parenchymal Aβ-peptides deposits remain unaffected. Moreover, we demonstrated a strong negative correlation between amyloid vascular deposition, hemorrhage and a lipid-derived pro-inflammatory mediator, 12-HETE. We next evaluated the in vitro effects of Aβ1-40-peptide on 12-HETE production by the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. We demonstrated that the mRNA level of the 12-LOX enzyme, involved in 12-HETE synthesis, was increased when cells where incubated with Aβ1-40-peptide, suggesting a cause-to-effect relationship between Aβ deposits and pro-inflammatory biolipids. The work carried out during my thesis made it possible to demonstrate DHA protective effect on evolution and consequences of Aβ peptide cerebrovascular accumulation and link it to plasma 12-HETE level. My work emphasized once again the importance of inflammation in AAC pathogenesis while opening up a new pathway for potential targets in the preventive intervention of this pathology

    Effets des acides gras ω-3 sur l'inflammation cérébro-vasculaire associée à la maladie d'Alzheimer et aux angiopathies amyloïdes cérébrales

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) are characterized by Amyloid β-peptides depositions in the brain and cerebral vasculature respectively. Because DHA-diet is associated with a reduced risk of AD, the main objective of my thesis was to evaluate the impact of a DHA-diet on cerebrovascular and peripheral inflammation and its consequences on parenchymal and vascular Aβ-deposits during aging in a transgenic mouse model of AD/CAA (Tg2576). The Aβ-peptide deposits were detected using an anti-Aβ peptides and hemorrhages were detected with Prussian Blue on brain sections. At 10, 14 and 18 month-old, we demonstrated a reduction of amyloid vascular deposits and hemorrhages under DHA-diet compared to placebo, while parenchymal Aβ-peptides deposits remain unaffected. Moreover, we demonstrated a strong negative correlation between amyloid vascular deposition, hemorrhage and a lipid-derived pro-inflammatory mediator, 12-HETE. We next evaluated the in vitro effects of Aβ1-40-peptide on 12-HETE production by the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. We demonstrated that the mRNA level of the 12-LOX enzyme, involved in 12-HETE synthesis, was increased when cells where incubated with Aβ1-40-peptide, suggesting a cause-to-effect relationship between Aβ deposits and pro-inflammatory biolipids. The work carried out during my thesis made it possible to demonstrate DHA protective effect on evolution and consequences of Aβ peptide cerebrovascular accumulation and link it to plasma 12-HETE level. My work emphasized once again the importance of inflammation in AAC pathogenesis while opening up a new pathway for potential targets in the preventive intervention of this pathology.La maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) et l'angiopathie amyloïde cérébrale (AAC) sont respectivement caractérisées par des dépôts de peptides amyloïdes β (Aβ) dans le cerveau et la vascularisation cérébrale. Étant donné qu’un régime riche en DHA est associé à une réduction du risque de la MA, l'objectif principal de ma thèse a été d'évaluer l'impact d'un régime enrichi en DHA sur l'inflammation systémique et ses conséquences sur les dépôts Aβ parenchymateux et vasculaires au cours du vieillissement dans un modèle de souris transgéniques de MA/AAC, les Tg2576. Les dépôts amyloïdes ont été détectés en utilisant un anticorps anti-Aβ et les hémorragies avec du bleu prussien sur des coupes cérébrales. A 10, 14 et 18 mois, nous avons démontré une réduction des dépôts vasculaires amyloïdes et des hémorragies en régime DHA par rapport au régime placebo, alors que les dépôts parenchymateux ne sont pas affectés. De plus, nous avons démontré une forte corrélation entre les dépôts amyloïdes vasculaires, les hémorragies et un médiateur pro-inflammatoire lipidique, le 12-HETE. Nous avons ensuite évalué in vitro les effets du peptide Aβ1-40 sur la production de 12-HETE par les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires. Nous avons démontré que les niveaux d'ARNm de l'enzyme 12-LOX, impliquée dans la synthèse de 12-HETE, était augmenté lorsque les cellules ont été incubées avec du peptide Aβ1-40, suggérant une relation de cause à effet entre les dépôts Aβ et les lipides pro-inflammatoires. Mon travail a de nouveau souligné l'importance de l'inflammation dans la pathogenèse de l'AAC tout en ouvrant une nouvelle voie pour des cibles potentielles dans l'intervention préventive de cette pathologie

    Protocol for Isolating the Mouse Circle of Willis

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    International audienceThe cerebral arterial circle (circulus arteriosus cerebri) or circle of Willis (CoW) is a circulatory anastomosis surrounding the optic chiasma and hypothalamus that supplies blood to the brain and surrounding structures. It has been implicated in several cerebrovascular disorders, including cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)-associated vasculopathies, intracranial atherosclerosis and intracranial aneurysms. Studies of the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases for the identification of novel drug targets for their prevention require animal models. Some of these models may be transgenic, whereas others will involve isolation of the cerebro-vasculature, including the CoW. The method described here is suitable for CoW isolation in any mouse lineage and has considerable potential for screening (expression of genes, protein production, posttranslational protein modifications, secretome analysis, etc.) studies on the large vessels of the mouse cerebro-vasculature. It can also be used for ex vivo studies, by adapting the organ bath system developed for isolated mouse olfactory arteries

    From the Bottom Up Rethinking U.S. Development Assistance

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    Created as part of the 2009 Jackson School for International Studies SIS 495: Task Force. Wolfram Latsch, Task Force Advisor; Megan Bowman, Evaluator; Alison O'Leary, Coordinator; Stephanie Arbogast

    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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