166 research outputs found

    NADPH as a potential intrinsic probe for tumour margin estimation

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    The fluorescent properties of the reduced coenzyme NADH and its phosphorylated derivative (NADPH) have been explored in order to assess their potential as an intrinsic probe for cancer surgery. NADPH production is increased in cancer cells to quench reactive oxygen species and meet higher demands for biosynthesis, and has attractive fluorescent properties such as emission towards the visible part of the spectrum and a relatively long fluorescence lifetime upon binding to enzymes (~ 1 – 6.5 ns) that helps discriminate against other endogenous species. Different environmental effects on NAD(P)H fluorescence are reported here, including an increase in lifetime upon oxygen removal, an ability to retain its fluorescent properties in a complex medium (a silica phantom) and its fluorescence lifetime also being distinguishable in a cell environment. In addition, the development of a miniaturized liquid light guide filter-based timecorrelated single photon counting fluorescence lifetime system is reported as a step towards time-resolved visual imaging in cancer surgery. This system has been demonstrated as being capable of accurately measuring NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetimes in both simple solvent and cellular environments

    Hammock:a hidden Markov model-based peptide clustering algorithm to identify protein-interaction consensus motifs in large datasets

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    Motivation: Proteins often recognize their interaction partners on the basis of short linear motifs located in disordered regions on proteins’ surface. Experimental techniques that study such motifs use short peptides to mimic the structural properties of interacting proteins. Continued development of these methods allows for large-scale screening, resulting in vast amounts of peptide sequences, potentially containing information on multiple protein-protein interactions. Processing of such datasets is a complex but essential task for large-scale studies investigating protein-protein interactions. Results: The software tool presented in this article is able to rapidly identify multiple clusters of sequences carrying shared specificity motifs in massive datasets from various sources and generate multiple sequence alignments of identified clusters. The method was applied on a previously published smaller dataset containing distinct classes of ligands for SH3 domains, as well as on a new, an order of magnitude larger dataset containing epitopes for several monoclonal antibodies. The software successfully identified clusters of sequences mimicking epitopes of antibody targets, as well as secondary clusters revealing that the antibodies accept some deviations from original epitope sequences. Another test indicates that processing of even much larger datasets is computationally feasible. Availability and implementation: Hammock is published under GNU GPL v. 3 license and is freely available as a standalone program (from http://www.recamo.cz/en/software/hammock-cluster-peptides/) or as a tool for the Galaxy toolbox (from https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/hammock/hammock). The source code can be downloaded from https://github.com/hammock-dev/hammock/releases. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Novel FFPE Proteomics Method Suggests Prolactin Induced Protein as Hormone Induced Cytoskeleton Remodeling Spatial Biomarker

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    Robotically assisted proteomics provides insights into the regulation of multiple proteins achieving excellent spatial resolution. However, developing an effective method for spatially resolved quantitative proteomics of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue (FFPE) in an accessible and economical manner remains challenging. We introduce non-robotic In-insert FFPE proteomics approach, combining glass insert FFPE tissue processing with spatial quantitative data-independent mass spectrometry (DIA). In-insert approach identifies 450 proteins from a 5 µm thick breast FFPE tissue voxel with 50 µm lateral dimensions covering several tens of cells. Furthermore, In-insert approach associated a keratin series and moesin (MOES) with prolactin-induced protein (PIP) indicating their prolactin and/or estrogen regulation. Our data suggest that PIP is a spatial biomarker for hormonally triggered cytoskeletal remodeling, potentially useful for screening hormonally affected hotspots in breast tissue. In-insert proteomics represents an alternative FFPE processing method, requiring minimal laboratory equipment and skills to generate spatial proteotype repositories FFPE tissue

    Exploiting the MDM2-CK1 alpha Protein-Protein Interface to Develop Novel Biologics That Induce UBL-Kinase-Modification and Inhibit Cell Growth

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    Protein-protein interactions forming dominant signalling events are providing ever-growing platforms for the development of novel Biologic tools for controlling cell growth. Casein Kinase 1 α (CK1α) forms a genetic and physical interaction with the murine double minute chromosome 2 (MDM2) oncoprotein resulting in degradation of the p53 tumour suppressor. Pharmacological inhibition of CK1 increases p53 protein level and induces cell death, whilst small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of CK1α stabilizes p53 and induces growth arrest. We mapped the dominant protein-protein interface that stabilizes the MDM2 and CK1α complex in order to determine whether a peptide derived from the core CK1α-MDM2 interface form novel Biologics that can be used to probe the contribution of the CK1-MDM2 protein-protein interaction to p53 activation and cell viability. Overlapping peptides derived from CK1α were screened for dominant MDM2 binding sites using (i) ELISA with recombinant MDM2; (ii) cell lysate pull-down towards endogenous MDM2; (iii) MDM2-CK1α complex-based competition ELISA; and (iv) MDM2-mediated ubiquitination. One dominant peptide, peptide 35 was bioactive in all four assays and its transfection induced cell death/growth arrest in a p53-independent manner. Ectopic expression of flag-tagged peptide 35 induced a novel ubiquitin and NEDD8 modification of CK1α, providing one of the first examples whereby NEDDylation of a protein kinase can be induced. These data identify an MDM2 binding motif in CK1α which when isolated as a small peptide can (i) function as a dominant negative inhibitor of the CK1α-MDM2 interface, (ii) be used as a tool to study NEDDylation of CK1α, and (iii) reduce cell growth. Further, this approach provides a technological blueprint, complementing siRNA and chemical biology approaches, by exploiting protein-protein interactions in order to develop Biologics to manipulate novel types of signalling pathways such as cross-talk between NEDDylation, protein kinase signalling, and cell survival

    Comparison of ATP-binding pockets and discovery of homologous recombination inhibitors

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    The ATP binding sites of many enzymes are structurally related, which complicates their development as therapeutic targets. In this work, we explore a diverse set of ATPases and compare their ATP binding pockets using different strategies, including direct and indirect structural methods, in search of pockets attractive for drug discovery. We pursue different direct and indirect structural strategies, as well as ligandability assessments to help guide target selection. The analyses indicate human RAD51, an enzyme crucial in homologous recombination, as a promising, tractable target. Inhibition of RAD51 has shown promise in the treatment of certain cancers but more potent inhibitors are needed. Thus, we design compounds computationally against the ATP binding pocket of RAD51 with consideration of multiple criteria, including predicted specificity, drug-likeness, and toxicity. The molecules designed are evaluated experimentally using molecular and cell-based assays. Our results provide two novel hit compounds against RAD51 and illustrate a computational pipeline to design new inhibitors against ATPases.This work was supported by Academia Sinica (P.C.), National Taiwan University (P.C.), Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 110-2326-B-002-012 to P.C), Scottish Funding Council (V.B.), and the Generalitat Valenciana and European Social Fund (APOSTD/2020/120 to V.B.).Peer reviewe
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