798 research outputs found


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    STEM education is an educational model based on the interdisciplinary integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics to solve real-life problems (Bentley et al., 2022; Kaleci & Korkmaz, 2018). When implementing STEM education in primary schools, there are many different approaches: discovery model, engineering design model, 5E, 6E, TRIAL model (Chacko et al., 2015; Kaleci & Korkmaz, 2018; Matsuura & Nakamura, 2021; Stohlmann et al., 2012). The selection of a model to apply appropriately is important, depending on the student, the actual teaching conditions, the teaching content, etc. The article analyzes the content of Science in primary school, teaching practice in Vietnam and illustrates the design of a specific teaching plan for grade 4 students on the basis of applying the model 5E to organize STEM education-oriented teaching in order to provide teachers with an approach when designing science teaching plans for primary school students.  Article visualizations

    The Effects of Event Depictions in Second Language Phrasal Vocabulary Learning

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    In früheren Studien zum L2-Wortschatzerwerb wurden die Auswirkungen des visuellen Kontexts auf das Lernen und die Verarbeitung von Wörtern und Kollokationen in der L2 untersucht. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Erstsprache einen positiven Transfer auf das Lernen einer Zweitsprache hat, wenn die Wörter Ähnlichkeiten aufweisen. Darüber hinaus wurden die Einflüsse der kognitiven Fähigkeiten der Lernenden und ihres Erwerbsalters (AoA) auf das L2-Vokabellernen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen des L2-Vokabellernens festgestellt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen des visuellen Kontexts und des Transfers auf das Lernen von L2-Vokabeln weiter zu untersuchen und zu klären, wie die kognitiven Fähigkeiten und das Erwerbsalter diese Auswirkungen in einem bestimmten L2-Lernkontext beeinflussen. Im Detail wurden Effekte der Ereignisdarstellung (d.h. nicht-sprachlicher visueller Kontext) untersucht sowie Transfereffekte aus der Erstsprache in die Zweitsprache im Bezug auf das Lernen von L2-Phrasenwortschatz (d.h. Verb-Nomen-Phrasen) bei erwachsenen Anfängern. Wir führten Kurzzeitexperimente zum L2-Wortschatzerwerb durch, bei denen wir die Reaktionszeiten maßen. Zwei weitere Forschungsfragen untersuchten, ob es Zusammenhänge zwischen der AoA oder den kognitiven Fähigkeiten der Lernenden und ihrem Lernerfolg beim Vokabellernen in einer kurzfristigen L2-Lernumgebung gibt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass erwachsene L2-Anfänger*innen beim L2-Vokabellernen von visuellen Darstellungen profitierten: Sie waren unter Lernbedingungen mit Ereignissen genauer und schneller als unter Lernbedingungen ohne Ereignisse. Diese Effekte konnten in drei Experimenten nicht nur mit jungen Erwachsenen im Alter von 18 bis 31 Jahren nachgewiesen werden, sondern galten auch für Erwachsene im frühen und späten mittleren Alter von 32 bis 65 Jahren. Die vorangegangene Forschung deutete darauf hin, dass die Ähnlichkeit zwischen L1 und L2 das L2-Lernen beeinflussen könnte, jedoch nicht in diesem spezifischen L2-Lernkontext. Darüber hinaus wurde der AoA der Probanden manipuliert, was dazu führte, dass junge Erwachsene in den kognitiven Tests und bei den L2-Lernaufgaben besser abschnitten als die anderen beiden Gruppen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen unserer Forschung konnten wir herausfinden, welche Faktoren den Erfolg des L2-Wortschatzerwerbs bei erwachsenen L2-Anfängern stark beeinflussen und dass das Lernen von L2-Phrasenwortschatz mit dargestellten Ereignisfotos angewendet werden kann.Previous studies of L2 vocabulary learning presented visual context effects on L2 word and collocation learning and processing. It was found that L1 has a positive transfer in L2 learning when words have similarities. Furthermore, the influences of learners’ cognitive ability and their age of acquisition (AoA) in L2 vocabulary learning have been found in diverse L2 vocabulary learning conditions. The present dissertation aimed to further investigate the effects of visual context and transfer on L2 learning, as well as how cognitive ability and AoA influence any such effects in a particular L2 vocabulary learning context. In detail, we investigated event depiction (i.e., non-linguistic visual context) effects and L1–L2 transfer effects on L2 phrasal vocabulary (i.e., verb-noun phrases) learning for adult beginners. We conducted short-term L2 vocabulary learning experiments during which we measured reaction times. Two other research questions examined whether there are relationships between learners’ AoA or their cognitive ability and their L2 vocabulary learning success in a short-term L2 learning setting. Results showed adult L2 beginners benefited from visual depictions in L2 vocabulary learning: They were more accurate and faster in event-present learning conditions than in event-absent learning conditions. These effects were not only replicated with young adults aged 18 to 31 in three experiments, but they also extended to early and late middle-aged adults aged 32 to 65. The prior research suggested that the L1–L2 similarity might influence L2 learning, but not in our L2 learning context. In addition, the AoA of subjects was manipulated, which resulted in young adults performing in the cognitive test and L2 learning tasks best compared to the other two groups. Based on the findings of our research, we were able to identify which factors strongly influence L2 vocabulary learning success for L2 adult beginners and that L2 phrasal vocabulary learning with depicted event photographs can be applied

    Beating the index with deep learning:a method for passive investing and systematic active investing

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    Abstract. In index tracking, while the full replication requires holding all the asset constituents of the index in the tracking portfolio, the sampling approach attempts to construct a tracking portfolio with a subset of assets. Thus, sampling seems to be the approach of choice when considering the flexibility and transaction costs. Two problems that need to be solved to implement the sampling approach are asset selection and asset weighting. This study proposes a framework implemented in two stages: first selecting the assets and then determining asset components’ weights. This study uses a deep autoencoder model for stock selection. The study then applies the L2 regularization technique to set up a quadratic programming problem to determine investment weights of stock components. Since the tracking portfolio tends to underperform the market index after taking management costs into accounts, the portfolio that can generate the excess returns over the index (index beating) brings more competitive advantages to passive fund managers. Thus, the proposed framework attempts to construct a portfolio with a small number of stocks that can both follow the market trends and generate excess returns over the market index. The framework successfully constructed a portfolio with ten stocks beating the S&P 500 index in any given 1-year period with a justifiable risk level

    Stakeholder Involvement and the Attainment of SDGs at Local Tourism Destinations: A Case Study in Vietnam

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    This paper explores how the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be achieved at local tourism destinations through the collective efforts of stakeholders. A multiple-case study is conducted at Da Nang and Hue in Vietnam. These destinations experience a controversial concern between tourism development and natural/cultural preservation. A thematic analysis of qualitative data reveals the cooperation of various stakeholders to prevent the encroachment of tourism development in the natural environment in Da Nang or balance heritage preservation and tourism development in Hue. These collective efforts facilitate the achievement of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goal to attain various SDGs in each case. This research contributes to sustainability research by revealing the contribution and effects of collective actions in achieving the common goals related to the sustainable development of local destinations


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    The quality of education may be raised in large part by investing in teacher training. It contributes to the expansion and updating of professional knowledge, teaching abilities, and new and improved methods of approaching students. Teachers can also continue to grow individually via the refresher process, reflect on their teaching methods, and adjust to shifts in the educational landscape and the needs of their students. The purpose of the project is to identify an experiential learning-based teacher training paradigm that is efficient and workable. A pedagogical experiment using this model was conducted with two classes and 35 high school teachers in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam. The findings of the research, which used the document research approach together with expert opinion, demonstrate that learning via experience in teacher training has accomplished the desired objective in 5 key stages: (1) (1) Choosing a few standard lessons to organize to teach illustrations; (2) preparing to organize the illustration teaching after the standard lesson has been chosen; (3) practicing demonstration teaching; (4) organizing the discussion after attending the demonstration lesson; and (5) making personal plans to organize the lesson in accordance with the training's content.  Article visualizations

    An asymmetry in the spoken production of number agreement in second language English : adjacency or locality?

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    In English, subject-verb agreement is deemed to be ‘local’ if the controller (i.e., the subject) and the target (i.e., the main verb) are adjacent, but ‘non-local’ if these items are separated by one or more terminal nodes. Previous research indicates that second language English learners whose first languages lack subject-verb agreement tend to supply inflection for this functional category less accurately in non-adjacent than adjacent contexts in spoken production. This asymmetry could be driven by either adjacency or locality, since, for subject-verb agreement at least, these two properties are aligned with each other. Phrase-internal agreement, by contrast, is local regardless of whether the controller (i.e., a determiner or quantifier) and the target (i.e., a noun) are adjacent or non-adjacent; hence, for this type of agreement, adjacency and locality are not aligned with each other. In the present study, we gave a sentence-construction task to 64 native speakers of Vietnamese, a language without inflection for number agreement. Suppliance of inflection was lower in non-adjacent than adjacent contexts phrase-internally, and therefore within the local domain itself. We concluded that what gave rise to the asymmetries in inflectional production in our study, and, by extension, also in previous research on subject-verb agreement, was not the distinction between local and non-local domains, but rather the one between adjacent and nonadjacent contexts for agreement. In so doing, we present a more parsimonious analysis of asymmetries in the spoken production of agreement inflection than the one currently available


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    E-wallets are used as a form of payment that brings many benefits to users. This article studies the impact of data security on consumer intentions to use e-wallets in the rapidly growing economy of Vietnam. The data consist of 236 observations from a survey of consumers in Vietnam. Covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) was employed to test the proposed hypotheses. Research results show that security trust has the greatest impact on the intention to use e-wallets, followed by perceived privacy risk, social influence, and information sensitivity. The study also reveals the role of privacy policies and security concerns in consumer intentions to use e-wallets. Based on the research results, the study provides recommendations for consumers, e-wallet providers, and governmental agencies to increase awareness of and responsibility for information security among the consumers who use e-wallets

    Vietnam. La arquitectura religiosa contemporánea como un bien escaso

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    [Abstract] In the 16th century, the first Spanish and Portuguese Dominican missionaries arrived in Southeast Asia, included Vietnam, but only after the first decades of the seventeenth century, Christianity began to take hold and lived through different episodes of the Proclamation of the Christian faith: first it was tolerated and then abandoned by the dynasties, supported by the colonialists, declined in the north by the communists, it expanded in the south under the Republic of Vietnam and stabilized until now after the reunification of the country followed by a long breakage due to political change. Along with this story, sacred architecture was interpreted in various ways to define identities in religious life and faith. However, the most difficult period of religious architecture is not only in the political conflict of the past, but also until now, the time of the economic boom. The change of values as well as the aesthetic system make sacred art and architecture remain a giant wheel stuck in mud.[Resumen] En el siglo XVI, los primeros misioneros dominicos españoles y portugueses llegaron al sudeste asiático, incluso a Vietnam, pero solo después de las primeras décadas del siglo XVII, el cristianismo comenzó a afianzarse y vivió diferentes episodios de la Proclamación de la fe cristiana: primero fue tolerado y luego abandonado por las dinastías, apoyado por los colonialistas, declinado en el al norte por los comunistas, se expandió en el sur bajo la República de Vietnam y se estabilizó hasta ahora después de la reunificación del país seguida de una larga ruptura debido al cambio político. Junto con esta historia, la arquitectura sagrada se interpretó de diversas formas para definir identidades en la vida religiosa y en la fe. Sin embargo, el período más difícil de la arquitectura religiosa no es solo en el conflicto político del pasado, sino también hasta ahora, la época del boom económico. El cambio de valores así como el sistema estético hacen que el arte y la arquitectura sagrados sigan siendo una rueda gigante atascada en el barro