3 research outputs found

    OGLE-2018-BLG-0022: A Nearby M-dwarf Binary

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    We report observations of the binary microlensing event OGLE-2018-BLG-0022, provided by the Robotic Observations of Microlensing Events (ROME)/Reactive Event Assessment (REA) Survey, which indicate that the lens is a low-mass binary star consisting of M3 (0.375 ± 0.020 M⊙) and M7 (0.098 ± 0.005 M⊙) components. The lens is unusually close, at 0.998 ± 0.047 kpc, compared with the majority of microlensing events, and despite its intrinsically low luminosity, it is likely that adaptive optics observations in the near future will be able to provide an independent confirmation of the lens masses

    Spitzer Parallax Of Ogle-2015-blg-0966: A Cold Neptune In The Galactic Disk

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    We report the detection of a cold Neptune mplanet = 21 ± 2 M? orbiting a 0.38 M? M dwarf lying 2.5–3.3 kpc toward the Galactic center as part of a campaign combining ground-based and Spitzer observations to measure the Galactic distribution of planets. This is the first time that the complex real-time protocols described by Yee et al., which aim to maximize planet sensitivity while maintaining sample integrity, have been carried out in practice. Multiple survey and follow up teams successfully combined their efforts within the framework of these protocols to detect this planet. This is the second planet in the Spitzer Galactic distribution sample. Both are in the near to mid-disk and are clearly not in the Galactic bulge

    The Spitzer Microlensing Program As A Probe For Globular Cluster Planets: Analysis Of Ogle-2015-BLG-0448

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    The microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0448 was observed by Spitzer and lay within the tidal radius of the globular cluster NGC 6558. The event had moderate magnification and was intensively observed, hence it had the potential to probe the distribution of planets in globular clusters. We measure the proper motion of NGC 6558 (μcl(N,E)=(+0.36±0.10,+1.42±0.10)  mas  yr1{{\boldsymbol{\mu }}}_{\mathrm{cl}}(N,E)=(+0.36\pm 0.10,+1.42\pm 0.10)\;{\rm{mas}}\;{{\rm{yr}}}^{-1}) as well as the source and show that the lens is not a cluster member. Even though this particular event does not probe the distribution of planets in globular clusters, other potential cluster lens events can be verified using our methodology. Additionally, we find that microlens parallax measured using Optical Gravitational Lens Experiment (OGLE) photometry is consistent with the value found based on the light curve displacement between the Earth and Spitzer