8,372 research outputs found

    Increasing concentrations of dichloromethane, CH2Cl2, inferred from CARIBIC air samples collected 1998–2012

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    Atmospheric concentrations of dichloromethane, CH2Cl2, a regulated toxic air pollutant and minor contributor to stratospheric ozone depletion, were reported to have peaked around 1990 and to be declining in the early part of the 21st century. Recent observations suggest this trend has reversed and that CH2Cl2 is once again increasing in the atmosphere. Despite the importance of ongoing monitoring and reporting of atmospheric CH2Cl2, no time series has been discussed in detail since 2006. The CARIBIC project (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container) has analysed the halocarbon content of whole-air samples collected at altitudes of between ~10–12 km via a custom-built container installed on commercial passenger aircraft since 1998, providing a long-term record of CH2Cl2 observations. In this paper we present this unique CH2Cl2 time series, discussing key flight routes which have been used at various times over the past 15 years. Between 1998 and 2012 increases were seen in all northern hemispheric regions and at different altitudes, ranging from ~7–10 ppt in background air to ~13–15 ppt in regions with stronger emissions (equating to a 38–69% increase). Of particular interest is the rising importance of India as a source of atmospheric CH2Cl2: based on CARIBIC data we provide regional emission estimates for the Indian subcontinent and show that regional emissions have increased from 3–14 Gg yr^-1 (1998–2000) to 16–25 Gg yr^-1 (2008). Potential causes of the increasing atmospheric burden of CH2Cl2 are discussed. One possible source is the increased use of CH2Cl2 as a feedstock for the production of HFC-32, a chemical used predominantly as a replacement for ozone-depleting substances in a variety of applications including air conditioners and refrigeration

    Non-equilibrium microtubule fluctuations in a model cytoskeleton

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    Biological activity gives rise to non-equilibrium fluctuations in the cytoplasm of cells; however, there are few methods to directly measure these fluctuations. Using a reconstituted actin cytoskeleton, we show that the bending dynamics of embedded microtubules can be used to probe local stress fluctuations. We add myosin motors that drive the network out of equilibrium, resulting in an increased amplitude and modified time-dependence of microtubule bending fluctuations. We show that this behavior results from step-like forces on the order of 10 pN driven by collective motor dynamics

    Shear flow induced isotropic to nematic transition in a suspension of active filaments

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    We study the effects of externally applied shear flow on a model of suspensions of motors and filaments, via the equations of active hydrodynamics [PRL {\bf 89} (2002) 058101; {\bf 92} (2004) 118101]. In the absence of shear, the orientationally ordered phase of {\it both} polar and apolar active particles is always unstable at zero-wavenumber. An imposed steady shear large enough to overcome the active stresses stabilises both apolar and moving polar phases. Our work is relevant to {\it in vitro} studies of active filaments, the reorientation of endothelial cells subject to shear flow and shear-induced motility of attached cells.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Međudjelovanje intraluminalnog tromba i aneurizmatične stijenke aorte

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    Aneurizma abdominalne aorte (AAA) je nepovratno, lokalizirano proširenje infrarenalne aorte koje u veüini (oko 80%) sluþajeva sadrži intraluminalni tromb (ILT). Ovdje predstavljen je prvi model rasta i restrukturiranja aneurizme abdominalne aorte koji uzima u obzir sveobuhvatni utjecaj intraluminalnog tromba na stijenku aorte: kako s mehaniþkog gledišta (utjecaj tromba na raspodjelu naprezanja unutar stijenke aorte, a time i na proizvodnju i uklanjanje strukturalno bitnih dijelova stijenke aorte), tako i sa biokemijskog (utjecaj proteolitiþki aktivnog intraluminalnog tromba na poveüanje razgradnje komponenti stijenke krvne žile), u nadi da üe to pomoüi boljem razumijevanju patofiziologije aneurizmi. Model üe biti ograniþen na osnosimetriþnu cilindriþnu geometriju

    Are we seeing accretion flows in a 250kpc-sized Ly-alpha halo at z=3?

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    Using MUSE on the ESO-VLT, we obtained a 4 hour exposure of the z=3.12 radio galaxy MRC0316-257. We detect features down to ~10^-19 erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2 with the highest surface brightness regions reaching more than a factor of 100 higher. We find Ly-alpha emission out to ~250 kpc in projection from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The emission shows arc-like morphologies arising at 150-250 kpc from the nucleus in projection with the connected filamentary structures reaching down into the circum-nuclear region. The most distant arc is offset by 700 km/s relative to circum-nuclear HeII 1640 emission, which we assume to be at the systemic velocity. As we probe emission closer to the nucleus, the filamentary emission narrows in projection on the sky, the relative velocity decreases to ~250 km/s, and line full-width at half maximum range from 300-700 km/s. From UV line ratios, the emission on scales of 10s of kpc from the nucleus along a wide angle in the direction of the radio jets is clearly excited by the radio jets and ionizing radiation of the AGN. Assuming ionization equilibrium, the more extended emission outside of the axis of the jet direction would require 100% or more illumination to explain the observed surface brightness. High speed (>300 km/s) shocks into rare gas would provide sufficiently high surface brightness. We discuss the possibility that the arcs of Ly-alpha emission represent accretion shocks and the filamentary emission represent gas flows into the halo, and compare our results with gas accretion simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, A&A letters accepte

    Stability of multi-electron bubbles in liquid helium

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    The stability of multi-electron bubbles in liquid helium is investigated theoretically. We find that multi-electron bubbles are unstable against fission whenever the pressure is positive. It is shown that for moving bubbles the Bernoulli effect can result in a range of pressures over which the bubbles are stable.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Density functional investigations of defect induced mid-gap states in graphane

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    We have carried out ab initio electronic structure calculations on graphane (hydrogenated graphene) with single and double vacancy defects. Our analysis of the density of states reveal that such vacancies induce the mid gap states and modify the band gap. The induced states are due to the unpaired electrons on carbon atoms. Interestingly the placement and the number of such states is found to be sensitive to the distance between the vacancies. Furthermore we also found that in most of the cases the vacancies induce a local magnetic moment.Comment: 15 page

    Learning, Social Intelligence and the Turing Test - why an "out-of-the-box" Turing Machine will not pass the Turing Test

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    The Turing Test (TT) checks for human intelligence, rather than any putative general intelligence. It involves repeated interaction requiring learning in the form of adaption to the human conversation partner. It is a macro-level post-hoc test in contrast to the definition of a Turing Machine (TM), which is a prior micro-level definition. This raises the question of whether learning is just another computational process, i.e. can be implemented as a TM. Here we argue that learning or adaption is fundamentally different from computation, though it does involve processes that can be seen as computations. To illustrate this difference we compare (a) designing a TM and (b) learning a TM, defining them for the purpose of the argument. We show that there is a well-defined sequence of problems which are not effectively designable but are learnable, in the form of the bounded halting problem. Some characteristics of human intelligence are reviewed including it's: interactive nature, learning abilities, imitative tendencies, linguistic ability and context-dependency. A story that explains some of these is the Social Intelligence Hypothesis. If this is broadly correct, this points to the necessity of a considerable period of acculturation (social learning in context) if an artificial intelligence is to pass the TT. Whilst it is always possible to 'compile' the results of learning into a TM, this would not be a designed TM and would not be able to continually adapt (pass future TTs). We conclude three things, namely that: a purely "designed" TM will never pass the TT; that there is no such thing as a general intelligence since it necessary involves learning; and that learning/adaption and computation should be clearly distinguished.Comment: 10 pages, invited talk at Turing Centenary Conference CiE 2012, special session on "The Turing Test and Thinking Machines