70 research outputs found

    Вплив комплексної дії пробіотику та специфічної профілактики асоційованих хвороб слизових оболонок на деякі кількісні ознаки великої рогатої худоби молочного напрямку продуктивності

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    The article presents the results of studies of indicators of reaching the age of the first calving of repair heifers of the Ukrainian red dairy breed under the conditions of use of the complex scheme of specific immunoprophylaxis and preparation “Multibacterin veterinary suspension”.The research was conducted in the conditions of the industrial complex for milk production of Dolinskoye LLC, Odessa region. The subjects of the study were groups-analogues of breeding heifers and the firstborn of the genotype.The assessment of repair young growth indicators was performed taking into account the following indicators: age of fertile insemination, months; age of first calving, months; milk production for 100 and 305 days of the first lactation, kg. For the functional evaluation of the digestive status of animals used to determine the transit of feed, in % and the assessment of acid-base status of faeces, pH unit. The following indicators were investigated in the serum of repair calves of mating age: total protein, g/l; albumin, g/l; globulin, g/l; glucose, mmol/l; urea, mmol/l; alkaline phosphatase, units/l and liver enzymes (ALT and AST, units/l).The economic efficiency of the results of the studies was calculated according to the indicator “average hope of one cow for 305 days of the first lactation, kg”. It was found that, due to the positive simultaneous effect of probiotic protection of the intestinal mucous membranes, repair heifers showed a higher growth and development rate and the first calving had 28.07 months, which is 2.31 months (8.45 %) earlier than in control (P < 0.001).The optimization of the technology of growing heifers for the use in the scheme of specific immunoprophylaxis of a probiotic drug – immunomodulator, which feed use had a prolonged positive effect not only on the growth parameters of young animals, but also on the increase of milk productivity per first lactation was experimentally proved.Calculations of cost-effectiveness of research results showed that the maximum increase in production (+ 9.10 %) was obtained from the firstborn of the experimental group born to cows mothers older than two lactations, where the scheme of specific prevention of associated diseases was carried out for repair heifers with previous normophilic laceration probiotic feed preparation.У статті наведено результати досліджень впливу комплексної дії пробіотика та специфічної профілактики асоційованих хвороб слизових оболонок на деякі кількісні ознаки великої рогатої худоби молочного напрямку продуктивності. Дослідження проведено в умовах промислового комплексу з виробництва молока ТОВ «Долинське» Одеської області. Об’єктами досліджень були групи-аналоги племінних ремонтних телиць та первістки зазначеного генотипу. Оцінку ремонтного молодняку за показниками росту проводили з урахуванням таких показників: вік плідного осіменіння, місяців; вік першого отелення, місяців; молочна продуктивність за 100 і 305 днів першої лактації, кг. Для функціональної оцінки стану травлення тварин застосовували визначення транзиту кормів, в % та оцінку кислотно-лужного стану фекалій, одиниці рН. У сироватці крові ремонтних телиць парувального віку досліджували такі показники: загальний протеїн, альбуміни, глобуліни, глюкозу, сечовину, лужну фосфатазу та печінкові ензими (АлАТ і АсАТ). Економічну ефективність результатів досліджень розраховували за показником “середній надій однієї корови за 305 днів першої лактації, кг”. Встановлено, що ремонтні телиці внаслідок позитивного симультанного впливу пробіотичного захисту слизових оболонок кишківника показали вищий темп росту і розвитку та перше отелення мали в 28,07 місяця, що на 2,31 місяця (8,45 %) раніше, ніж в контролі (P < 0,001). Експериментально доведено оптимізацію технології вирощування ремонтних телиць за використання в схемі специфічної імунопрофілактики пробіотичного препарату – імуномодулятора, кормове використання якого мало пролонговану позитивну дію не тільки на ростові параметри молодняку, а й на збільшення молочної продуктивності за першу лактацію в середньому на 60 кг. Розрахунки економічної ефективності результатів досліджень показали, що максимальну надбавку продукції (+ 9,10 %) одержано від первісток дослідної групи, народжених матерями-коровами, що мали не менше ніж дві лактації, де схему специфічної профілактики асоційованих хвороб проводили для ремонтних телиць з попередньою нормофлоризацією слизових оболонок кишківника пробіотичним кормовим препаратом

    A robust, low- to medium-throughput prnp genotyping system in sheep

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    BACKGROUND: In many countries breeding programs for resistance to scrapie in sheep are established. Therefore, the demand on genotyping capacities of the polymorphisms of the prion protein gene (prnp) relevant to presently known disease associations and EU regulations is steadily increasing. Most published typing methods are not well suited for routine typing of large sample numbers in smaller service laboratories for different reasons: they require partly manual data processing, sophisticated and sensitive protocols, high efforts regarding time and manpower, multiple step reactions or substantial hardware investments. To overcome these drawbacks, we developed a prnp typing method that is based on a `multiplex amplification refractory mutation system' (ARMS) reaction. METHODS: In this study we combined the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) with standard fluorescent based fragment length analyses method to develop a prnp genotyping method (PRNP ARMS). RESULTS: By optimised primer design it was possible to type the 4 relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the prnp simultaneously in one multiplex reaction. Automated fragment length analysis enabled automated allele designation. Suitability of the PRNP ARMS for routine application was proven by typing samples with known genotypes and larger sample numbers from half-sib families. CONCLUSION: The ARMS PRNP typing method established in this study is universally suited for a broad range of typing projects with different requirements. It provides an efficient and inexpensive diagnostic mutation analysis that will improve the quality of prnp genotyping compared with other low-cost methods. It can be implemented by most molecular genetic laboratories using standard equipment

    New hyperekplexia mutations provide insight into glycine receptor assembly, trafficking, and activation mechanisms

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    Background: Hyperekplexia mutations have provided much information about glycine receptor structure and function. Results: Weidentified and characterized nine new mutations. Dominant mutations resulted in spontaneous activation, whereas recessive mutations precluded surface expression. Conclusion: These data provide insight into glycine receptor activation mechanisms and surface expression determinants. Significance: The results enhance our understanding of hyperekplexia pathology and glycine receptor structure-function. © 2013 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Published in the U.S.A

    A Critical Review of the False Dichotomy Surrounding the Iowa Gambling Task. Technical Report 2016-01

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    The debate surrounding how emotion and c ognition are organized in the brain often lead s to Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis. This theory endorses a highly interactive process between emotion and cognition, but has been criticized for being too broad to capture the specific links between the t wo. It also implies that emotion operates from a neural architecture that is dissociable from cognition. Although empirical findings from the Iowa Gambling Task lend support for the theory, this can promote a false dichotomy between emotion and cognition. Issues will be raised regarding the view that the theory and the task are ill - formulated to account for the phases of decision making. Further theoretical work may be required to align the task with Damasio’s view of emotion as integrated with cognition

    Risk taking personality traits on affect processing during modified versions of the Iowa Gambling Task. Technical Report 2016-02

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    The Iowa Gamb ling Task (IGT) is widely used to assess the role of emotion in decision making. However, there is only indirect evidence to support that the task measures emotion. There are inconsistencies in performance within in healthy populations who display risk tak ing traits. Two hundred and fifty participants were assessed for psychopathy, sensation seeking, and impulsiveness. The IGT was compared with modified versions that directly manipulated emotion within in the task by indexing reward and punishment cards wit h images varying in emotional content. Participants continued to learn to avoid risky decks in all versions of the IGT. The manipulation of emotional content within the task did affect performance: fearful images contributed to greater risky deck selection s. Across the tasks, psychopathy showed the strongest relationship to risky deck selections, and lower levels of psychopathy was associated decreased risky deck selections. However, psychopathy did not affect learning in the modified versions. Exploratory analysis on image valance found that negative images (compared to neutral) benefited learning for individuals with higher levels of psychopathy. Discussion will center on the benefits of manipulating emotion directly within the task as a means to assess th e validity of the IGT

    MALDI-TOF-MS Based Analysis of Disease-related Gene Variants

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