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    This study examines the factors of consumer behavior on decision making by Muslim women in the city of Medan on the use of wardah cosmetics. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. When collecting the required data, the researcher will distribute questionnaires to the research samples. Related to this, the population of this study is all Muslim women in Medan City, and the research sample is Muslim women who are determined using the slovin formula. Where based on the calculations carried out with the formula, this study will use the responses of 100 Muslim women to a questionnaire that has been previously determined by the researcher. After getting responses from 100 samples, the researcher will recapitulate the data from the respondents. After that, the researcher will analyze the research data using the moderation regression method. The results showed that the variables of motivation, perception, and attitude influenced consumer decisions in using Wardah cosmetics. Religiosity as a moderating variable can only strengthen the influence of motivational variables on the decision to use Wardah cosmetics. This study proves that there is a need for information and education about halal and the benefits of a product, especially cosmetics so that Muslim women can determine which products are halal and suitable for consumption. It can also provide wider insight and knowledge regarding the variables that influence consumption behavio


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    This article aims to understand the development of fashion consumerism in the United Kingdom (UK) with the focus: why fast fashion consumerism in the last two decades was very high? This study applied a post-structuralism paradigm, namely the Libidinal Economy concept from Jean-Francois Lyotard and a post-modernism paradigm on the Consumer Society from Jean Baudrillard. The method employed in the article is a case study in the UK in the last two decades. Data were collected from scientific writings, documents, news, and advertisements in media. The results show that fashion consumerism in the UK dated back to the 18th century; it strengthened in the first two decades of the 21st century, driven by libidinal economic activities and facilitated massively by technological advancements in both marketing and trades. The ability of multinational fast fashion companies to utilize the mass media to construct the social status of its consumers and to create “hyper-reality” needed by modern people nowadays seemed to surpass the awareness of British clothing consumers regarding the environmental impacts and global imbalances of the fast fashion industry. In this study, the application of the post-structuralism paradigm clarifies the relationship between technology, mass media, the expansion of capitalism and the consumption of fast fashion in British society, whereas the post-modernism paradigm highlights socio-cultural aspects that encouraged the creation of hyper-reality through fast fashion among the British. These findings contribute to the knowledge about the relationship between technology, media, and multinational fast fashion companies with the development of consumer society in the UK

    The Use of Spelling Bee Game In Teaching Vocabulary At The Seventh-Grade Students of MTs Hidayatullah Mataram

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    Learning English subject matter using Modal auxiliary verbs is felt difficult for students especially in creating simple sentences. Based on the results of the initial researchers' observations at SMPN 7 Mataram, English learning is still dominated by conventional learning. Therefore class VIII must be given an action in the form of more effectiveSpelling bee is a competition that asks students to spell the words as well as the sounds of a buzz. The Spelling bee is conducted orally, and it looks at contests of accuracy rather than speed. In this game, the pronouncer should allow students to ask for repetitions, sample sentences, the meaning of the word. The pronouncer has to give them the possible chance of spelling their words correctly. Regarding the definition, the researcher tries to conduct the spelling bee game in teaching vocabulary at the seventh-grade students of MTs Hidayatullah Mataram. The objective of the research is to investigate whether the use of spelling bee game has a positive effect on students' vocabulary or not, and the scope of the study only focuses on noun and verb. This research uses a quasi-experimental design and purposive technique sampling. The researcher takes two classes that are divided into an experimental and a control class. The population of the seventh-grade students consists of 50 students where the control class or VIIA consists of 25 students, and the experimental class or VIIB consists of 25 students. This research uses pre-test and post-test to collect the data. To analyze the data, the researcher uses SPSS program and manual computation in order to investigate whether the use of spelling bee game has a positive effect or not. Based on the result data  by using SPSS program shows that the mean score of the experimental class in pre-test is 50.84 which is classified as fairly score, and post-test is 80.96 is classified as Good score. The value of significance 2-tailed of Mann Whitney is 0.000 smaller than 0.05, it means that Ha is accepted. On the other hand, the manual computation shows that The value of t test = 2.800, df= 48, and t table for sig 0.05=1.677, and t table for sig 0.01= 2.406, it means that  t test is higher than t table.. Thus, the use of spelling bee game has a positive effect to the students' vocabulary at the seventh-grade students of MTs Hidayatullah Mataram in the academic year 2018/2019


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    The retail practice of charging a fee to stock new products is a relatively new but growing phenomenon. Termed a "slotting allowance", it has attracted considerable scrutiny because of uncertainty about its purposes and consequences. We propose and statistically test several hypotheses to assess the degree of empirical support for each of several extant explanations. Slotting allowances, we find, are charged by relatively large retailers who have an informational advantage over the manufacturer about the likely success of the new product. This result apparently contradicts theorizing about the "informational" content of slotting fees, as well as other pro- and anti-competitive explanations. We also find support for the claim that when retailers fear that manufacturers will not provide post-launch support, they pay relatively high wholesale prices.Industrial Organization, Marketing,


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    ABSTRAK                                                                                     Pernikahan anak adalah salah satu faktor pemicu tingginya angka KDRT dan perceraian, sekaligus sebagai penyumbang angka pengangguran dan TKW paling tinggi, terutama di Lombok. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan melakukan pendekatan akademis dan emosional dengan masyarakat melalui penyuluhan dan sosialisasi bahaya pernikahan anak kepada siswa. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di MTs Al-Ishlahussibiyan Gunungsari dengan melibatkan Kepala Sekolah, Mahasiswa KKN kelompok 19 sebanyak 10 orang dan anggota penyusun pengabdian pada masyarakat 1 orang. Pengabdian dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan dan sosialisasi terkait bahaya pernikahan anak, terutama untuk anak perempuan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan FGD dan kampanye pencegahan pernikahan anak. Hasil wawancara dan juga questionnaire yang diedarkan kepada 21 anak menunjukkan bahwa mereka mendapatkan manfaat dari presentasi diskusi terkait dampak negative pernikahan anak, mereka memiliki pandangan baru tentang masa depan dan cita-cita pribadi ketika menyaksikan beberapa video yang diputar peneliti. Video-video tersebut berisi motivasi-motivasi pendidikan yang sangat bagus untuk anak. Ada 2 video yang diputar pada kesempatan tersebut, kedua video tersebut berdurasi 15 menit dengan konten yang sangat menginspirasi. Anak-anak mengaku mendapatkan banyak hal yang positif terkait masalah ekonomi maupun social yang selama ini menjadi kendala dalam kehidupan mereka. Kata kunci: Pernikahan Anak; Pilot Project; Motivasi Diri ABSTRACT Child marriage is one of the main causes of the high divorce and domestic violence rates, as well as the biggest factor in Lombok's unemployment and TKW rates. Through counseling and education of adolescents on the risks of child marriage, this service initiative seeks to adopt an academic and emotional approach with the community. This service conducted at MTs Al-Ishlahussibiyan Gunungsari, involved the principal, 10 KKN students from group 19, 1 member and students. This service was done through counseling and socialization in terms of child marriage, specially it is bad impact to the girls. Then, it was followed up in the form of FGD and preventing child marriage campaign massively. The findings from interviews and a questionnaire given to 21 kids revealed that they gained knowledge from the discussion presentations on the consequences of child marriage and that seeing many movies performed by researchers changed their perspectives on the future and their own personal objectives. These videos offer kids some excellent educational inspiration. The two 15-minute videos with incredibly motivational content were played. The kids acknowledged that while facing obstacles in their life due to economic and societal issues, they had gained a lot of benefits.Keywords: Child Marriage; Pilot Project; Self-Motivatio


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    Kasus kerusakan jalan yang terjadi di Indonesia pada umumnya berupa retak-retak, gelombang, dan berupa lubang-lubang. Rendaman air berlumpur pada badan jalan yang disebabkan oleh banjir berpengaruh pada perlemahan daya lekat aspal dan percepatan pelapukan atau kehancuran agregat akibat oksidasi dan infiltrasi air serta partikel lumpur kedalam campuran. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi kerusakan jalan yaitu dengan memperbaiki kinerja campuran dengan memodifikasi perkerasan menggunakan bahan tambah. Pada penelitian ini substitusi Buton Rock Asphalt (BRA) sebagai filler dan limbah Polimer Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) sebagai substitusi aspal (additive) menjadi alternatif untuk memperbaiki kinerja campuran aspal dari dampak permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai parameter Marshall campuran aspal Pen 60/70 dengan substitusi BRA (0%, 25%, 50%) dan limbah EVA (3%, 5%, 7%) terhadap rendaman air berlumpur dengan variasi waktu rendaman 30 menit, 24 jam, dan 48 jam. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai stabilitas terbaik substitusi BRA didapatkan persentase BRA terbaik pada persentase BRA 50% yaitu 1450,78 kg dan tanpa substitusi dengan rendaman air biasa yaitu 1241,46 kg, nilai stabilitas terbaik tanpa substitusi dengan rendaman air berlumpur yaitu 1098,95 kg, dengan substitusi BRA terbaik yaitu 1476,34 kg, stabilitas terbaik untuk EVA dengan rendaman air biasa pada persentase 3% yaitu 1655,79 kg, dan nilai stabilitas terbaik EVA pada rendaman air berlumpur pada persentase 3% yaitu 1695,36 kg. Nilai durabilitas tanpa substitusi dan dengan substitusi BRA dan EVA telah memenuhi spesifikasi yang ditentukan Bina Marga tahun 2014 yaitu ? 90%

    Perbedaan Penyesuaian Diri Pensiunan yang Mendapatkan Training PRA Pensiun dengan yang Tidak Mendapatkan Training Pra-pensiun

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    Retirement is a period in which the individual loses work activity in the office and starts to look the new activities to replace the formal activity. Adjustment is needed to get through this time, one of it is by following the pre-retirement training. Pre-retirement training is a training given to employees who will retire. Through pre-retirement training, retirees will have more positive attitude toward retirement by following the retirement preparation seminars. An effective adjustment of retirees is to accept the limitations that cannot be changed and to modify actively the limitations that can be changed. Based on this background, the aim of this study is to determine the difference of adjustment between retirees who receive pre-retirement training and did not receive pre-retirement training. Hypothesis of this research is there is the difference of adjustment between retirees who receive pre-retirement training and did not receive pre-retirement training. The participant were 24 retirees who get pre-retirement training of PT PLN Persero and 24 retirees of PT POS Indonesia and PT Kimia Farma who did not receive pre-retirement training. The data was collected using Retirees Adjustment scale which is based on Habber and Runyon (1984) theory. The results of the data analysis using comparative techniques Independent Sample T-Test showed there is a significant difference of adjustment between retirees who receive pre-retirement training and did not receive pre-retirement training

    Teaching English Based-Realia for Young Learners in MBS (Muhammadiyah Boarding School) Mataram NTB

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    Essentially, language professionals have offered a plenty of fascinating and enjoyable language education approaches and ideas. Media realia is one of the alternative strategies presented in this study. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of using realia media to teach English to young children. The study was conducted at the Sang Surya Muhammadiyah Boarding School Kindergarten in Mataram with 11 children as the sample. The pre-experimental approach, namely pre-test and post-test group design was applied in this research. The instruments to gather the data were observation, a vocabulary test and recording, while the data collection procedure was done through pre-test, treatment and post test. Finally, the data were analyzed using a pre-experimental formula in the form of statistical computation. The result shows that the comparison of the t-test and t-table is 3.21 ≥ 2.60, or the test results exceed the minimal accomplishment levels. It revealed that the use of the "realia" technique has a significant impact on the development of children's vocabulary learning.  In another words, the use of "Realia" technique in teaching English to young children at MBS Batu Ringgit is "effective" when used in the teaching and learning process