64 research outputs found


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    Probiotic drinks are drinks that contain a number of probiotic bacteria in the drink. Probiotic drinks have a good taste, fresh and safe to consume and have a distinctive aroma according to the ingredients used. This research was conducted to determine the effect of the addition of sucrose on the characteristics of a probiotic drink made from pineapple peel extract supplemented with the probiotic Lactobacillus casei. This study used different concentrations of sucrose, the concentrations used were 0%; 40%; 60%; and 120% of the volume of the medium. The results of this study showed that sucrose increased the total lactic acid bacteria and pH, but decreased the score of preference for taste, color, and overall acceptance, but had no effect on the aroma of probiotic drinks from pineapple peel extract. The concentration of lactic acid fermented pineapple peel using Lactobacillus casei has the potential as a probiotic drink because of its ability to inhibit pathogenic bacteria

    Uji Potensi Ekstrak Daun Ketepeng Cina ( Cassia Alata L.) Terhadap Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Trichophyton SP

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    Trichophyton sp is a phaetogenic microscopic fungi which can cause infection on the outside part of our skin or skin surface and make skin disease or in medical term known as ”dermatomikosis” such as white bloches or ringworm. While Cassia Alata L. is a leaf which used by some people as a material for hose skin diseases traditionally. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of Cassia Alata on the growth of Trichophyton sp, through the treatment to its extract consentration in order to know its effective concentration level in prevent the growth of Tricophyton sp. The result of this research shows that the concentration of Cassia alata L. exctract has a very significant affect ti the growth of Trichophyton sp within 1 x 24 hours, 2 x 24 hours, while in 3 x 24 hours and 4 x 24 hours its affect was not significantly different to the growth of Trichophyton sp

    Konservasi Kawasan Hutan Di Lamandau Dengan Konsep Bioremiadiasi Dan Adat Dayak Kaharingan (Tajahan, Kaleka, Sapan Pahewan, Dan Pukung Himba)

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    Kawasan hutan di Lamandau mengalami beberapa kerusakan, meliputi flora dan fauna, maupun sistem perairannya. Kerusakan tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya perambahan kawasan hutan sebagai lahan industri kelapa sawit dan sistem limbah cair industri kelapa sawit yang bermuara di sungai yang mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air, sedimentasi di perairan sebagai akibat dari tambang pasir dan tambang emas di sepanjang sungai yang mengakibatkan pendangkalan muara sungai dan pencemaran sungai berupa kadar merkuri yang diambang batas. Untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan agar kerusakan tidak berlanjut, upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan konservasi. Beberapa penelitian untuk mengatasi kerusakan sistem perairan dilakukan dengan konservasi menggunakan konsep bioremidiasi. Untuk kerusakan kawasan hutan meliputi pelestarian flora dan fauna di Lamandau, masyarakat khas suku Dayak mempunyai upaya konservasi dengan cara Tajahan, Kaleka, Sapan Pahewan dan Pukung Himba
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