491 research outputs found

    I Like Cabernet and Merlot But I\u27m Not Drinking Bordeaux: Certified Confusion, 13 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 203 (2013)

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    A trademark’s purpose is to help consumers identify a service or product’s source. To this end, trademark owners may prevent others from using their marks on similar goods. But to ensure that a few savvy businesspersons do not monopolize certain terms, the Lanham Act carves out specific exceptions to trademark protection. Some of these exceptions include indications of geographic origin, such as Bordeaux and Napa Valley. Wine, however, has long been identified primarily by the geographic region in which its grapes grow. To ameliorate this fundamental divide, and to preserve the integrity of their Geographical Indications in the eyes of consumers, wine producers may obtain certification marks. But in wine trademark disputes, courts have inconsistently applied consumer confusion analyses, creating an unclear “standard” that wine producers must meet in order to protect their marks. This comment introduces and compares trademark protections under TRIPS and the Lanham Act. In the context of wine, it explains the significance of Geographic Indications as source indications, outlining why they are a point of contention in international trademark law. It then goes on to explain the substantive protections that are available to a Geographic Indication under the Lanham Act. Through an analysis of courts’ interpretations of TRIPS and the Lanham Act, this comment concludes that courts often misidentify the consumer relevant to the analysis. Rather than a highly sophisticated consumer, this comment proposes that the true consumer of wine is the average consumer, with limited exceptions. This comment proposes that courts adopt an average consumer analysis unless it is proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the consumer is sophisticated. The comment concludes by answering possible critiques that this change would bring

    The synergistic role of embeddedness and capabilities in industrial symbiosis: illustration based upon 12 years of experiences in the Rotterdam Harbour and Industry Complex

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    Industrial Ecology (IE) is a known concept worldwide; however, its dissemination is not an easy process. Industrial routines are embedded in unsustainable practices that are difficult to change. The complexity and uncertainties of new concepts are often approached with ignorance and misperception. Nevertheless, the integration of economic, environmental and social dimensions in industrial activities is increasingly perceived as a necessary condition for a sustainable society. The paper reflects on the theories of embeddedness, capabilities and transformation to practical experiences of Industrial Symbiosis (IS) in the Rotterdam Harbour and Industry Complex (HIC)

    Greening of Industry Network Conference 2012

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    Анизотропно-пучковая неустойчивость лазерной плазмы

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    При распространении мощного лазерного импульса вдоль внешнего магнитного поля в плазме возбуждается широкий спектр вистлерных мод с частотами ниже электронной циклотронной частоты, что приводит к появлению надтепловых электронов и установлению плато на первоначально максвелловской функции распределения. В результате развивается анизотропно-пучковая неустойчивость и происходит трансформация энергии быстрых электронов в энергию электростатических колебаний плазмы.При розповсюдженні потужного лазерного імпульсу вздовж зовнішнього магнітного поля в плазмі збуджується широкий спектр вістлерних мод з частотами нижче електронної циклотроної частоти, що призводить до появи надтеплових електронів і встановленню плато на первісно максвеллівській функції розподілу. У результаті розвивається анізотропно-пучкова нестійкість і відбувається трансформація енергії швидких електронів в енергію електростатичних коливань плазми.In the propagation of intense laser pulse along the external magnetic field in a plasma excited a wide range of whistler modes with frequencies below the electron cyclotron frequency, which leads to the suprathermal electrons and the establishment of a plateau on the original Maxwellian distribution functions. As a result, develops anisotropically-stream instability and a transformation of fast electron energy in the energy of electrostatic plasma oscillations

    Circular supply chain management: A definition and structured literature review

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    Circular economy is increasingly recognized as a better alternative to the dominant linear (take, make, and dispose) economic model. Circular Supply Chain Management (CSCM), which integrates the philosophy of the circular economy into supply chain management, offers a new and compelling perspective to the supply chain sustainability domain. Consequently, there is increasing research interest. However, a review of the extant literature shows that a comprehensive integrated view of CSCM is still absent in the extant literature. This prohibits a clear distinction compared to other supply chain sustainability concepts and hinders further progress of the field. In response, this research first classifies various terminologies related to supply chain sustainability and conceptualizes a unifying definition of CSCM. Using this definition as a base, it then conducts a structured literature review of 261 research articles on the current state of CSCM research. Based on the review results, the researchers call for further studies in the following directions that are important but received little or no attention: design for circularity, procurement and CSCM, biodegradable packaging, circular supply chain collaboration and coordination, drivers and barriers of CSCM, circular consumption, product liabilities and producer's responsibility, and technologies and CSCM

    Pengaruh Kalsium-asam Lemak Sawit (Ca-als) dan Kalsium terhadap Bobot Telur, Tebal Kerabang dan Kekuatan Kerabang Ayam Petelur Lohman

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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kalsium-asam lemak sawit (Ca-ALS) dan kalsium (Ca) dalam ransum terhadap bobot telur, tebal kerabang, dan kekuatan kerabang ayam petelur Lohman, telah dilaksanakan selama 20 minggu. Rancangan percobaan yang digunkanan adalah rancangan acakl lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Sebagai faktor pertama adalah tingkat penggunaan kalsium-asam lemak sawit (Ca-ALS) sebesar 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Faktor kedua adalah tingkat kalsium yang digunakan 2,75%, 3,00% dan 3,25% . Ayam yang digunakan sebanyak 280 ekor didistribusi kedalam 9 kombinasi perlakuan dan satu kontrol, setiap perlakuan terdiri atasb7 ulangan dan setiap ulangan terdiri atas 4 ekor ayam. Ransum yang digunakan mengandung energi metabolis 2620 kkal/kg dan protein kasar sebesar 16%. Ransum dan air minum diberikan secara adlibitum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan kalsium-asam lemak sawit (Ca-ALS) sampai 15% dalam ransum ayam petelur Lohman dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik sebagai sumber asam lemak dan kalsium untuk menghasilkan bobot telur, dan ketebalan kerabang telur. Penggunaan Ca-ALS 15% akan lebih baik dengan penambahan 3,25% kalsium (Ca) dibanding 2,75%, 3,0% untuk meningkatkan kekuatan kerabang telur di awal dan akhir bertelur, diukur pada posisi vertikal atau horizontal. THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM–PALM FATTY ACID (Ca-PFA) AND CALCIUM FOR EGG WEIGHT, EGG SHELL THICKNESS, AND SHELL STRENGTH OF LOHMAN LAYING HENS ABSTRACK The aims of this experiment were to study the effect of calcium-palm fatty acid (Ca-PFA) and calcium in the ration for egg weigh, egg shell thickness, and shell strength of Lohman laying hens was done fot 20 weeks. A completly randomized design (CRD) with factorial used in this experiment, the first factor was 5%, 10%, 15% Ca-PFA and second factor was 2.75%, 3.00% and 3.25% calcium . The treatment consisted 7 replicates with 4 laying hens each and control, totally used 280 laying hens. All feed is iso caloric (ME: 2620 Kcal/kg) and iso protein (CP:16%). Feed and water were offered adlibitum. Result of this experiment showed that used of palm fatty acid (Ca-PFA) until 15% in rations Lohman laying hens to utilized fatty acid and calcium resources for increased egg weigh , egg shell tickness. But can be better with addition 3.25% calcium equal 2.75%, 3.0% increased egg shell strength in vertical or horizontal position, in beginning or finished of layed

    Experiences from the implementation of sustainable development in higher education institutions: environmental management for sustainable universities

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    During the last decades several international initiatives have emphasised that education is an imperative for societies to become more sustainable. This special volume stream is comprised of 33 papers that illustrate some of the efforts being taken by higher education institutions to contribute to sustainability. The majority of the papers were presented at the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production e Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities conference in Istanbul, Turkey in 2013. The papers address topics such as implementation of sustainable development, stakeholder engagement and participation, campus operations, sustainability reporting and assessment, organisational change management, and curriculum development. the papers in this special volume stream provide significant steps for the higher education for sustainable development discipline by exploring new and rethink theories, approaches, concepts, methods, and frameworks, as well as providing case studies and guidelines for practitioners. As the collection of papers shows, there have been many efforts in the implementation of sustainable development in higher education institutions; however, there are still many challenges to integrate sustainable development into their systems, and many opportunities for research in the topic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio