71 research outputs found

    La huella marca la montaña: movilidades y articulaciones del Territorio Pewenche en Alto Biobío, Wallmapu.

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     Linking discussions about mountain and territory concepts, this paper analyzes the role of mobility in the production of pewenche territories throughout footprints and trails used by the Pewenche communities of Cauñicú and El Barco in Alto Biobío, Wallmapu, Mapuche territory. Based on a comparative study supported on qualitative methods, the main practices associated with mobility that explain each community's territorial dynamics will be described. It is concluded that the trail (ptrarüpü) articulates the Pewenche mountain by transhumance practice. At the same time, it reveals the transformations and dynamics of Pewenche territory, bringing with it the emergence of new mobilities.Relacionando discusiones en torno a los conceptos de montaña y territorio, este trabajo analiza rol de la movilidad y su importancia en la producción de geografías de montañas en relación a huellas y senderos usados por las comunidades pewenches de Cauñicú y El Barco en Alto Biobío. A través de un estudio comparativo basado en métodos cualitativos, se describirán las principales prácticas asociadas a la movilidad pewenche que explican la dinámica territorial para cada comunidad. Se concluye que el sendero (ptrarüpü) articula la montaña pewenche a través la trashumancia. A su vez, el sendero revela las transformaciones y dinámicas del territorio pewenche, trayendo consigo el surgimiento de nuevas movilidades

    Witrampüramgetuael ta Wallmapu: pensar el territorio mapuche desde la praxis

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    Green Grabbing In Chile: Exploring Implications For Local Communities From a Political Ecology Perspective

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    Green grabbing is a type of land grabbing and is an emerging process which occurs in several countries of the world. In this way: Which are the implications of Green Grabbing for land use of local farmers and indigenous people in Chile


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    At what time of day do we reflect on our personal act? In the Chile of the 21st century, this question may seem distant, little used, and sometimes meaningless. When faced with a problem, projecting a new challenge at work or personal level can be relevant to implement to examine the different possibilities of our personal acts. Now, a significant number of people examine the social and personal actions of other individuals, for example, those who lead the country's destiny, the content and forms of television programs, how young people face their life prospects. In these cases, the reflection is directed towards the actions of third parties, external to him or her, but who in one way or another affect, question or question the actions at a social and personal level, causing rejection or acceptance. Independent of the evaluation carried out, there is no internal review of what I do or what I am going to do in the words of Jorge Millas: “Most people do not want anything with the intellectual or with the intelligence. Taking them seriously means embittering the tranquility of routine” (Millas, 1975,15).¿En qué momento del día reflexionamos acerca de nuestro actuar personal? En el Chile del siglo XXI esta pregunta puede parecer lejana, poco utilizada, y a veces sin sentido. Al enfrentarnos ante algún problema, proyectar un nuevo desafío en el plano laboral o personal puede ser relevante de implementar para examinar las distintas posibilidades de nuestros actos personales. Ahora bien, un número significativo de personas examinan el actuar social y personal de otros individuos, por ejemplo, quienes conducen los destinos del país, los contenidos y formas de los programas de Televisión, cómo los jóvenes afrotan sus perspectivas de vida. En estos casos la reflexión es dirigida hacia el actuar de terceras personas, externas a ella o él, pero que de una u otra manera afectan, cuestionan o interpelan el actuar a nivel social y personal provocando un rechazo o aceptación. Independiente de la valorización efectuada no se realiza una revisión interior de lo que hago o lo que voy a hacer en palabras de Jorge Millas: “La mayoría de la gente no quiere nada con el intelectual ni con la inteligencia. Tomarlos en serio significa amargar la tranquilidad de la rutina” (Millas, 1975,15)

    Performance evaluation of micro-aerobic hydrolysis of mixed sludge: Optimum aeration and effect on its biochemical methane potential

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    31 Páginas; 8 Figuras; 3 TablasThis study evaluated the performance of a micro-aerobic hydrolysis of mixed sludge and its influence as a pretreatment of this waste for its subsequent anaerobic digestion. Three experimental series were carried out to evaluate the optimum micro-aeration levels in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 air volume/min.reactor volume (vvm) and operation times within the range of 24–60 h. The maximum methane yield [35 mL CH4/g volatile suspended solids (VSS) added] was obtained for an aeration level of 0.35 vvm. This methane yield value increased 114% with respect to that obtained with the non-aerated sludge. In the micro-aeration process carried out at an aeration level of 0.35 vvm, increases in soluble proteins and total sugars concentrations of 185% and 192% with respect to their initial values were found, respectively, after 48 h of aeration. At the above micro-aerobic conditions, soluble chemical oxygen demand (CODS) augmented 150%, whereas VSS content decreased until 40% of their initial respective values. Higher COD increases and VSS decreases were found at 60 h of micro-aeration, but the above parameters did not vary significantly with respect to the values found at 48 h.The authors acknowledge gratefully the financial support of FONDECYT through Project 1030315 (Chile).Peer reviewe

    Presiones de borde en los Sistemas Naturales Protegidos: efectos sobre su conservación. Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja, Chile

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    Se describen los cambios de cobertura del suelo en el entorno del área protegida Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja (37°22’LS – 37°28’LS, 71°16’LO – 71°26’LO) en la Región del Biobío y los efectos en su conservación. A través del análisis multitemporal de imágenes satelitales Landsat ETM+, TM, Y MSS años 1975, 1986, 2000, 2006 respectivamente, e imágenes satelitales Aster del año 2007. Dichas imágenes fueron corregidas utilizando el software ENVI 4.2© apoyado con la información del catastro de Bosque Nativo (Conama Conaf, 1997) y levantamiento en terreno. Todos estos antecedentes permitieron generar cartografías multitemporales de uso del suelo, las que fueron analizadas utilizando el Modelo Landcover Change (Idrisi Andes©) que permitió evaluar las ganancias y pérdidas para cada cobertura de suelo, en los diferentes años. Las coberturas de suelo que mostraron mayores pérdidas fueron las coberturas vegetacionales nativas y plantaciones de tipo forestal. Se discuten las posibles consecuencias sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad en los sistemas naturales protegidos de nuestro país y se concluye que la dinámica de usos del territorio dentro del área de estudio estaría generando una pérdida de la capacidad de conservación de los ecosistemas que el SNASPE intenta resguardar.PALABRAS CLAVE: Cambios de uso del suelo, SNASPE, Conservación

    Advances in the biological removal of sulphides from aqueous phase in anaerobic processes: A review

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    64 Páginas; 6 Tablas; 5 FigurasIn this paper, we review the latest developments in biological methods used in the removal of hydrogen sulphide, present in the liquid phase in anaerobic reactors. The toxicity of H2S to methane-forming microorganisms and the problems caused by the presence of this compound in the biogas generated during this process, as well as the main causes of hydrogen sulphide generation in anaerobic processes of wastes are also reviewed. We especially discuss the fundamentals in applying micro-aerobic conditions to remove dissolved hydrogen sulphide from the aqueous phase of an anaerobic reactor. The alternative technology of simultaneous removal of sulphide, nitrate, and organic matter is under recent investigation. Therefore, this review paper includes a study and analysis of the microbiological basis of this technology, the physical and chemical factors that influence the process and the potential application of this technology on different types of wastewaters and situations. Also considered are the fundamentals of both biofilm reactors and microbial fuel cells desulphurization. Because relatively few studies on modeling desulphurisation processes are available, we discuss the advances made in that area.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by Fondecyt projects: 1130108, 1150285 and 1130315.Peer reviewe

    Autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification for simultaneous removal of nitrogen, sulfur and organic matter

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    24 Páginas; 5 Tablas; 5 FigurasThe aim of this investigation was to assess the startup and operation of a laboratory-scale hybrid UASB-Anaerobic Filter Reactor (UASFB) of 1 L volume, kept at 30°C, in order to carry out a simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification process. First, the heterotrophic and autotrophic populations were separately enriched, with specific cultures and subsequently the UASFB was inoculated with 2 g L−1 of volatile suspended solids (VSS), with a ratio of 1.5:1 (autotrophs: heterotrophs). The influent or synthetic wastewater used was composed of: Na2S2O3·5H2O, CH3COOK, NaNO3, NaHCO3, K2HPO4, NH4Cl and saline solution. The concentrations varied depending on the organic loading rate (OLR), nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and sulfur loading rate (SLR) applied. In the UASFB reactor, two experimental conditions were tested and assessed: (i) COD/N ratio of 3.6 and SLR of 0.75 kg S m−3 d−1; and (ii) COD/N ratio of 5.8 and SLR of 0.25 kg S m−3 d−1. The results obtained demonstrated that an inoculum coming from an anaerobic reactor was able to carry out the process, obtaining a maximum nitrate removal of 85.3% in the first stage of operation and 99.5% in the second stage. The recovery of sulfur in form of sulfate in the effluent did not present a tendency to stabilize during the measured time, with a maximum thiosulfate removal of 32.5%, when the SLR was lowered to 0.25 kg S m−3 d−1. The maximum organic matter elimination, measured as COD, was 75.8%, which indicates the relatively good performance and behavior of the heterotrophic microorganisms.The authors wish to express their gratitude to FONDECYT, Project No. 1130108 (Chile), for its financial support.Peer reviewe

    Los senderos pehuenches en Alto Biobío (Chile): articulación espacial, movilidad y territorialidad

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    This article explores the role of trails in linking the Pehuenche territory in Alto Biobio, located in the Andes of south-central Chile. Through the comparative study of the Pehuenche community's network of trails in Caunicu and El Barco, located in the Queuco and Biobio river valleys, respectively, it recognizes the existence of an indigenous geography, rooted in the "lived space or from the experience" around the routes of communication. The study is framed in the theoretical perspective of cultural geography and uses qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach. We conclude that the pehuenche trails: a) contribute to the articulation of territory, to the extent that they links important places in each community; b) ensure the symbolic appropriation of the space; and c) allow the collective memory of the families to be updated, through daily mobility practices.Este artículo explora el rol de los senderos en la articulación del territorio pehuenche del Alto Biobío en los Andes del Centro-Sur de Chile. Mediante un estudio comparativo de la red de senderos de las comunidades pehuenches de Cauñicú y El Barco, localizadas en el valle del río Queuco y el valle del río Biobío respectivamente, se reconoce la existencia de una geografía indígena, anclada en el "espacio vivido o de la experiencia" en torno a las vías de comunicación. El estudio se enmarca en la perspectiva teórica de la geografía cultural y utiliza una metodología cualitativa con un enfoque etnográfico. Se concluye que los senderos pehuenches: a) contribuyen a la articulación del territorio al enlazar los lugares significativos de cada comunidad, b) aseguran la apropiación simbólica del espacio, y c) permiten actualizar la memoria colectiva de las familias, mediante prácticas de movilidad cotidiana