2,488 research outputs found

    ACE inhibitors in cardiac surgery: current studies and controversies

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    Major complications associated with cardiac surgery are still common and carry great prognostic significance. Current medical interventions to prevent these cardiovascular complications include antiplatelet therapy, statins, β-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Both experimental studies and clinical trials have shown that ACE inhibitors hold promise as cardiovascular protective agents for cardiac surgery patients. Several lines of evidence support this hypothesis. First, long-term use of ACE inhibitors has been well established to provide cardiovascular protection and reduce ischemic events and complications, independent of their effect on heart function and blood pressure. Second, early ACE inhibitor therapy has been demonstrated to produce remarkable survival and heart function benefits in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Third, ACE blockage can prevent or delay the development or progression of renal disease at all stages, from subclinical microalbuminuria to end-stage renal disease. Nevertheless, perioperative studies of the effects of ACE inhibitors remain few and inconclusive. Results from recent clinical trials and observational studies are conflicting and raise more questions than answers. Further studies, both retrospective and larger-scale prospective studies, are critically needed to examine whether ACE inhibitors reduce mortality and major complications in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

    Study of TMDs nanosheets based saturable absorber used for Q-switching and mode lock laser system

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    Pulse width of pulsed laser determinates their applications. For the long pulse laser with µs or ns pulse width, it can be used for telecommunication, remote sensing and medical surgery. For the ultrashort pulse laser with ps or fs pulse width, it can be used for eye-surgery, precise micro- or even nano-machining on transparent material and novel 3D hologram formation. The saturable absorber (SA) is the crucial optical component that switch the laser operation from CW mode to pulse mode passively. Therefore it attract s great research interests from the laser photonic community. &more..

    Holocene coquina beachrock from Haishan Island, east coast of Guangdong Province, China

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    International audienceCoquina beachrock, with a thickness of 10 m and an exposed surface area covering 3.4 km2, is well developed along the southern coast of Haishan Island on the east coast of Guangdong Province, South China. Part of the deposit not treated in this study also extends under the surface of the sea. The coquina beachrock was deposited in a large embayment semi-enclosed by palaeocoastal hills and islands, but with good marine circulation. Holocene strata on Haishan Island demonstrate a mixed carbonate/siliciclastic regime in a series of fining- and deepening-upward shelly limestone successions. Mass accumulations of whole and fragmented mollusc shells are the most remarkable features expressed throughout the series. Coralline red algae are commonly found overgrowing the bivalve bioclasts. Other bioclasts include gastropods, coralline red algae, bryozoans, foraminifera, and scleractinian coral. Cement is well developed within the interstices formed by the bioclasts, showing two or three generations of development. On both a qualitative and quantitative basis, the consecutive coquina series document an overall shallowing-upward pattern of beachrock deposition, which was strongly influenced by marine transgression on Haishan Island. Dating by AMS 14C indicates an age in the Middle to early Late Holocene for these coquina beachrock deposits. Siliciclasts incorporated within the beachrock deposits mainly consist of quartz grains. Not fully hardened, the binding cement is high in calcium carbonate, including aragonite mud, fibrous aragonite and granular calcite. Such carbonate deposits dominated by mollusc bioclasts with quartz grains indicate a pattern of littoral sedimentation. The massive coquina beachrock on the southern coast of Haishan Island formed during Middle to early Late Holocene time, and represents a highstand of sea level from 4000 BP to 2800 BP with short-lived and rapid sea level fall

    Drop dynamic analysis of half-axle flexible aircraft landing gear

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    Landing gear shock strut binding problem occurred during an unmanned aircraft’s flying test. The half-axle main landing gear of the unmanned aircraft was chosen to analyze the influences of shock strut flexibility on drop dynamics. The friction force was modeled based on the half-axle configuration and taking shock strut flexibility into account. Drop dynamic performances were analyzed and compared with those came from rigid strut model and drop test. Good correlation has been established between drop test data and the simulation predicated results. The results also showed that though the total axis force added merely 1 % when taking shock strut flexibility into account, the friction force added almost 45 %. A comprehensive deformation compatibility factor was presented to describe the actual deformation of shock strut bearings. Influence of deformation compatibility factor, flexibility of inner and outer cylinder were studied further

    Targeted association mapping demonstrating the complex molecular genetics of fatty acid formation in soybean

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    Palmitic acid bi-alleles of Map-6064 in three subpopulations. (TIFF 1235 kb