171 research outputs found

    Marriage length, spousal support, and marital satisfaction in dual-income men and women

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    The introduction of women into the workforce has led to a steady increase in the number of dual-income couples in the United States. Since dual-income married couples now comprise the majority of couples, they are especially important to study. Approximately half of marriages end in divorce, so an increased knowledge of what makes marriages work is essential. Previous studies indicate that as spousal support increases so does marital satisfaction. This study seeks to confirm the above mentioned relationship for dual-income married couples by studying 143 dual-income couples from varying demographic backgrounds. Also, we will investigate whether couples married for a longer amount of time report greater spousal support and marital satisfaction and whether any gender differences occur

    Bordetella bronchiseptica Colonization Limits Efficacy, but Not Immunogenicity, of Live-Attenuated Influenza Virus Vaccine and Enhances Pathogenesis After Influenza Challenge

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    Intranasally administered live-attenuated influenza virus (LAIV) vaccines provide significant protection against heterologous influenza A virus (IAV) challenge. However, LAIV administration can modify the bacterial microbiota in the upper respiratory tract, including alterations in species that cause pneumonia. We sought to evaluate the effect of Bordetella bronchiseptica colonization on LAIV immunogenicity and efficacy in swine, and the impact of LAIV and IAV challenge on B. bronchiseptica colonization and disease. LAIV immunogenicity was not significantly impacted by B. bronchiseptica colonization, but protective efficacy against heterologous IAV challenge in the upper respiratory tract was impaired. Titers of IAV in the nose and trachea of pigs that received LAIV were significantly reduced when compared to non-vaccinated, challenged controls, regardless of B. bronchiseptica infection. Pneumonia scores were higher in pigs colonized with B. bronchiseptica and challenged with IAV, but this was regardless of LAIV vaccination status. While LAIV vaccination provided significant protection against heterologous IAV challenge, the protection was not sterilizing and IAV replicated in the respiratory tract of all LAIV vaccinated pig. The interaction between IAV, B. bronchiseptica, and host led to development of acute-type B. bronchiseptica lesions in the lung. Thus, the data presented do not negate the efficacy of LAIV vaccination, but instead indicate that controlling B. bronchiseptica colonization in swine could limit the negative interaction between IAV and Bordetella on swine health

    \u3cem\u3eIn Vivo\u3c/em\u3e Validation of Predicted and Conserved T Cell Epitopes in a Swine Influenza Model

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    Swine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory viral infection in pigs that is responsible for significant financial losses to pig farmers annually. Current measures to protect herds from infection include: inactivated whole-virus vaccines, subunit vaccines, and alpha replicon-based vaccines. As is true for influenza vaccines for humans, these strategies do not provide broad protection against the diverse strains of influenza A virus (IAV) currently circulating in U.S. swine. Improved approaches to developing swine influenza vaccines are needed. Here, we used immunoinformatics tools to identify class I and II T cell epitopes highly conserved in seven representative strains of IAV in U.S. swine and predicted to bind to Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) alleles prevalent in commercial swine. Epitope-specific interferon-gamma (IFNγ) recall responses to pooled peptides and whole virus were detected in pigs immunized with multi-epitope plasmid DNA vaccines encoding strings of class I and II putative epitopes. In a retrospective analysis of the IFNγ responses to individual peptides compared to predictions specific to the SLA alleles of cohort pigs, we evaluated the predictive performance of PigMatrix and demonstrated its ability to distinguish non-immunogenic from immunogenic peptides and to identify promiscuous class II epitopes. Overall, this study confirms the capacity of PigMatrix to predict immunogenic T cell epitopes and demonstrate its potential for use in the design of epitope-driven vaccines for swine. Additional studies that match the SLA haplotype of animals with the study epitopes will be required to evaluate the degree of immune protection conferred by epitope-driven DNA vaccines in pigs

    Konsensusprotokoll zur Standardisierung von Entnahme und Biobanking des Liquor cerebrospinalis

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    Die Erforschung von Biomarkern in Körperflüssigkeiten bei neurodegenerativen und neuroinflammatorischen Erkrankungen blickt auf eine langjährige Geschichte zurück. Dennoch werden nur wenige Liquor cerebrospinalis (Liquor)-Biomarker in der klinischen Praxis verwendet. Einer der problematischen Faktoren in der Liquorbiomarker-Forschung ist die eingeschränkte Aussagekraft von Studien aufgrund einer nicht ausreichend großer Anzahl von Proben, die in Studien von einzelnen Zentren akquiriert werden können. Deshalb ist die Kooperation zwischen mehreren Zentren erforderlich, um große Biobanken von definierten Proben zu etablieren. Standardisierte Protokolle für Biobanking sind unumgänglich, um die durch die größere Anzahl von Liquorproben gewonnene statistische Aussagekraft sicherzustellen und nicht durch mangelhafte Präanalytik einzuschränken. Hier wird ein Konsensusbericht über Leitlinien zu Liquorentnahme und Biobanking durch das BioMS-eu Netzwerk für Liquorbiomarker-Forschung in Multipler Sklerose präsentiert. Schwerpunkte des Berichts sind Liquorentnahme, präanalytische Faktoren und klinische sowie sonstige Informationen. Biobanking-Protokolle sind für Liquor-Biobanken im Rahmen der Erforschung jeder neurologischen Krankheit anwendba

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    R-Ras Regulates Migration through an Interaction with Filamin A in Melanoma Cells

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    Changes in cell adhesion and migration in the tumor microenvironment are key in the initiation and progression of metastasis. R-Ras is one of several small GTPases that regulate cell adhesion and migration on the extracellular matrix, however the mechanism has not been completely elucidated. Using a yeast two-hybrid approach we sought to identify novel R-Ras binding proteins that might mediate its effects on integrins.We identified Filamin A (FLNa) as a candidate interacting protein. FLNa is an actin-binding scaffold protein that also binds to integrin β1, β2 and β7 tails and is associated with diverse cell processes including cell migration. Indeed, M2 melanoma cells require FLNa for motility. We further show that R-Ras and FLNa interact in co-immunoprecipitations and pull-down assays. Deletion of FLNa repeat 3 (FLNaΔ3) abrogated this interaction. In M2 melanoma cells active R-Ras co-localized with FLNa but did not co-localize with FLNa lacking repeat 3. Thus, activated R-Ras binds repeat 3 of FLNa. The functional consequence of this interaction was that active R-Ras and FLNa coordinately increased cell migration. In contrast, co-expression of R-Ras and FLNaΔ3 had a significantly reduced effect on migration. While there was enhancement of integrin activation and fibronectin matrix assembly, cell adhesion was not altered. Finally, siRNA knockdown of endogenous R-Ras impaired FLNa-dependent fibronectin matrix assembly.These data support a model in which R-Ras functionally associates with FLNa and thereby regulates integrin-dependent migration. Thus in melanoma cells R-Ras and FLNa may cooperatively promote metastasis by enhancing cell migration

    Chemokine CXCL4 interactions with extracellular matrix proteoglycans mediate widespread immune cell recruitment independent of chemokine receptors

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    Leukocyte recruitment from the vasculature into tissues is a crucial component of the immune system but is also key to inflammatory disease. Chemokines are central to this process but have yet to be therapeutically targeted during inflammation due to a lack of mechanistic understanding. Specifically, CXCL4 (Platelet Factor 4, PF4) has no established receptor that explains its function. Here, we use biophysical, in vitro, and in vivo techniques to determine the mechanism underlying CXCL4-mediated leukocyte recruitment. We demonstrate that CXCL4 binds to glycosaminoglycan (GAG) sugars on proteoglycans within the endothelial extracellular matrix, resulting in increased adhesion of leukocytes to the vasculature, increased vascular permeability, and non-specific recruitment of a range of leukocytes. Furthermore, GAG sulfation confers selectivity onto chemokine localization. These findings present mechanistic insights into chemokine biology and provide future therapeutic targets

    Gene duplication and fragmentation in the zebra finch major histocompatibility complex

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    BACKGROUND: Due to its high polymorphism and importance for disease resistance, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been an important focus of many vertebrate genome projects. Avian MHC organization is of particular interest because the chicken Gallus gallus, the avian species with the best characterized MHC, possesses a highly streamlined minimal essential MHC, which is linked to resistance against specific pathogens. It remains unclear the extent to which this organization describes the situation in other birds and whether it represents a derived or ancestral condition. The sequencing of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata genome, in combination with targeted bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequencing, has allowed us to characterize an MHC from a highly divergent and diverse avian lineage, the passerines. RESULTS: The zebra finch MHC exhibits a complex structure and history involving gene duplication and fragmentation. The zebra finch MHC includes multiple Class I and Class II genes, some of which appear to be pseudogenes, and spans a much more extensive genomic region than the chicken MHC, as evidenced by the presence of MHC genes on each of seven BACs spanning 739 kb. Cytogenetic (FISH) evidence and the genome assembly itself place core MHC genes on as many as four chromosomes with TAP and Class I genes mapping to different chromosomes. MHC Class II regions are further characterized by high endogenous retroviral content. Lastly, we find strong evidence of selection acting on sites within passerine MHC Class I and Class II genes. CONCLUSION: The zebra finch MHC differs markedly from that of the chicken, the only other bird species with a complete genome sequence. The apparent lack of synteny between TAP and the expressed MHC Class I locus is in fact reminiscent of a pattern seen in some mammalian lineages and may represent convergent evolution. Our analyses of the zebra finch MHC suggest a complex history involving chromosomal fission, gene duplication and translocation in the history of the MHC in birds, and highlight striking differences in MHC structure and organization among avian lineages

    Knee stability assessment on anterior cruciate ligament injury: Clinical and biomechanical approaches

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    Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is common in knee joint accounting for 40% of sports injury. ACL injury leads to knee instability, therefore, understanding knee stability assessments would be useful for diagnosis of ACL injury, comparison between operation treatments and establishing return-to-sport standard. This article firstly introduces a management model for ACL injury and the contribution of knee stability assessment to the corresponding stages of the model. Secondly, standard clinical examination, intra-operative stability measurement and motion analysis for functional assessment are reviewed. Orthopaedic surgeons and scientists with related background are encouraged to understand knee biomechanics and stability assessment for ACL injury patients