11 research outputs found

    Metadatenmapping: Die Gegenüberstellung verschiedener Metadatenschemata am Beispiel UWMETADATA>MODS 3.6

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    Die in Phaidra verwendeten UWMETADATA sind ein Metadatenschema der Universität Wien, das über die letzten zehn Jahre durch verschiedenste Fremdelemente konstant erweitert und adaptiert wurde. Um einen zukünftigen Datenaustausch zu erleichtern, soll diese Form der Metadatenbeschreibung in einem ersten Schritt auf MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema) gemappt werden. MODS ist ein XML-Schema für bibliografische Metadaten, das vom Network Development and MARC Standards Office der Library of Congress entwickelt und verwaltet wird. Deliverable, HRSM Projekt E-Infrastructures Austria Plus, AP5 Metadate

    Wacker 300 mm Wafer - Automatisierte Fehlererkennung /-interpretation fuer Wafer mit 300 mm Durchmesser und groesser. Fehlerkatalog. Version 1.0.001 Allgemeine Informationen

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F01B1202+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Differential Regulation of CuZnSOD Expression in Rat Brain by Acute and/or Chronic Stress

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    Neuroendocrine stress (NES) causes increase of glucocorticoids and alters physiological levels of reactive oxygen species production in cells, which might involve modifications in the antioxidant defense system. We investigated the hypothesis that acute, chronic, or combined stress alters copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) expression pattern at both, mRNA and subcellular protein level in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats and that there may be a relationship between stress-induced corticosterone and CuZnSOD expression. The most effective stress model which led to the most pronounced changes in CuZnSOD expression patterns was also investigated. Our results demonstrated that acute stress immobilization up-regulates mRNA expression of hippocampal CuZnSOD, while cytosolic protein expression of this enzyme was increased in both brain structures. Chronic stress isolation had no effect on either mRNA and protein expression level and caused a lack of significant up-regulation to a novel acute stressors. The presence of this protein in nuclear fractions of both brain structures was also confirmed. The elevated cytosolic CuZnSOD protein levels following acute immobilization might reflect on the defense system against oxidative stress. Chronic isolation compromises CuZnSOD protein expression, which may lead to the inefficient defense against reactive oxygen species (ROS). The stress-triggered CuZnSOD protein expression was not correlated by the corresponding mRNA. The results suggest that different stress models exert a different degree of influence on mRNA and protein level of CuZnSOD in both brain structures as well as serum corticosterone