130 research outputs found

    Tasa de cambio real: definición, equilibrio y metodología de cálculo en Colombia

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    Con un ITCR no se pretende medir de forma exacta el grado de devaluación o revaluación de la moneda nacional requerido para alcanzar un nivel similar al de la paridad de compra del periodo base, sino más bien, tener un indicador que estime la tendencia de apreciación o depreciación real en el tiempo. Así, la base de ITCR debe entenderse como un periodo de comparación y no de equilibrio de la TCR

    Study of spectator satisfaction at a major athletics event

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    Sporting events have become an important promotional tool for large cities, as they manage to generate levels of diffusion that would be economically unviable through advertising campaigns (Núñez, Calabuig, Añó, & Parra, 2014). These events have a high level of social repercussion and a strong presence in the media, thus generating a source of income for the cities (Añó, 2003). In this case, the relationship between the different dimensions of perceived quality and the competition elements regarding the satisfaction of the spectators of a Spanish Athletics Championship has been analysed to understand which elements have a greater influence on the achievement of higher levels of satisfaction, which will make the event more successful and generate a better perception of the event and the city that hosts it. In addition, the aim is to check whether the evaluations made by spectators show differences according to their age and gender, as well as their previous experience attending sporting events. The results show, at a descriptive level, that both spectators over 35 years of age and spectators who are women value the dimensions analysed most positively; differences are observed between these groups with respect to some of the analysed dimensions, whereas, regarding previous experience at events, the opinions are more equally distributed. For regression analysis, all the dimensions of perceived quality and the competition elements have a significant influence on user satisfaction, wherein the outcome quality and the competition elements are the most important elements in this prediction.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of sports science students: what are their determinant variables?

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    Entrepreneurship is a key factor in sports due to the globalization and increase in competitiveness in the actual labour market. Therefore, it is important to understand entrepreneurial behaviour and distinguish between the two possible types, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship, because both should be promoted. However, while studies on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students are a consolidated area of study, little is still known about intrapreneurial intentions. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to discover the determinant variables of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of sports science students. For that reason, a sample of 183 senior-level sports science students, 23.60% female and 76.40% male with ages ranging between 20 and 41 years old (M = 22.56; SD = 2.70) was analysed. The results showed that the determinant variables of these two types of entrepreneurial behaviour are totally different. In the case of entrepreneurial intentions, the attitude towards behaviour and the perceived behaviour control were the significant determinants, while in the case of intrapreneurial intentions, the entrepreneurial abilities, subjective norm and age were the main determinants. To summarise, the educational university policies used to enhance the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of sports science students should be different. Finally, to address this issue, some practical implications were presented.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Towards the development of future sustainable sports entrepreneurs: An asymmetric approach of the sports sciences sustainable entrepreneurial intentions

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    Contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda is vital for ensuring the future of our society. The sports sector presents opportunities through entrepreneurship to contribute to them. However, little is known about how Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (PASS) students through university education could develop a sustainable mindset to be an entrepreneur. This research analyzes the conditions that generate high and low levels of sustainable entrepreneurial intentions in PASS students. The sample comprises 374 PASS students, with a mean age of 20.80 years (SD = 3.19). A structured questionnaire was administered. The results indicate that it is essential that PASS students perceive themselves as capable of creating and managing a sustainable business efficiently (condition present in all solutions). In addition, they should possess high levels of social and civic values (most explanatory solution: 47% of cases). Besides, is important that they have a positive attitude towards sustainable entrepreneurship and they feel supported by their immediate environment (second most explanatory solution: 36% of cases). Finally, some practical implications for encouraging sustainable entrepreneurial intentions of PASS students are presented.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Evaluación de la transmisión de la tasa de interés de referencia a las tasas de interés del sistema financiero Colombiano

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    This paper studies monetary policy transmission using several statistical tools -- We find that the relationships between the policy interest rate and the financial system’s interest rates are positive and statistically significant, and transmission is complete eight months after policy shocks occur -- The speed of transmission varies according to the type of interest rates -- Transmission is faster for interest rates on loans provided to households, and is particularly rapid and complete for rates on preferential commercial loans -- Transmission is slower for credit card and mortgage rates, due to regulatory issues (interest rate ceilings)En este documento se analiza la transmisión de la política monetaria a las tasas de interés de mercado del sistema financiero utilizando diferentes herramientas estadísticas -- La relación existente entre la tasa de política y las tasas de interés de colocación es positiva y significativa, y se presenta una transmisión completa para las diferentes modalidades de crédito después de 8 meses -- La transmisión de la tasa de interés de referencia a las tasas de crédito difiere según las distintas modalidades de préstamo -- Se observa una mayor transmisión y más rápida a las tasas comerciales que a las ofrecidas a los hogares -- En particular, la transmisión a las tasas de crédito preferencial es más rápida y completa -- En cuanto a las tasas de tarjetas de crédito e hipotecarias, la transmisión es más débil debido a su naturaleza, regulación (tasa límite) y rigideces de las misma

    Can regional culture values affect the entrepreneurial intentions of Sport Science students? An analysis of two Spanish regions

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    Entrepreneurship is a key factor in fostering the development of the countries and regions economies. The regional culture is an aspect that can affect the entrepreneurial intentions of university students and it has not been investigated in students of the sport sector. Therefore, the aims of this study are to know if there are differences between the entrepreneurial intentions and their different entrepreneurial variables among students of Sport Sciences (SS) of two Spanish universities of different regions (Valencia and Sevilla), and to know if the predictive variables of the entrepreneurial intentions of these students are different. Thus, a survey has been administered to 172 Sport Sciences (SS) students from the last course of Valencia and Sevilla. The results show that there are statistically significant (p <.05) differences between the Sport Science students from Valencia and Sevilla in the variables of perceived control behaviour, subjective norm and attitude toward behaviour. As for the predictor variables of the entrepreneurial intensions also differences were found, being in the case of the Valencia´ students the attitude towards the behaviour the only predictive variable. In the case of the Sevilla´ students all the cognitive variables related to the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), as well as proactivity were predictive variables of the entrepreneurial intentions. These results are discussed, highlighting the influence of the regional culture on the entrepreneurial intentions of these students. Finally, it concludes that the culture plays an important role in the entrepreneurial intentions of Sport Sciences students and a series of practical implications for the sports politicians and governors of the different universities are presented.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Cataloguing of the defects existing in aluminium window frames and their recurrence according to pluvio-climatic zones

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    The sustainability of building envelopes is affected by its windows, since these establish the connection/separation between the indoor rooms and the external environment. They can also lead to problems if they do not offer sufficient protection against external agents. The data source in this research is unprecedented, as it is based on records of court sentences. There is a significant number of cases (1615), which provides high representativeness for the functional reality of windows. The methodology that was developed classifies the defects and the causes that were found, also analysing correspondence with their recurrence according to aspects of climatological location. In the results, the cases pertaining to water infiltration, air permeability and humidity by condensation are highlighted. This study provides a vision that categorizes problems related to aluminium windows that may be useful for future interventions by agents participating in the construction process.MUSAAT Foundatio

    Mercado interbancario colombiano y manejo de liquidez del Banco de la República

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    El documento tiene como objetivo describir algunos de los elementos fundamentales del mercado interbancario colombiano y del manejo de liquidez por parte del Banco de la República (BR). El documento explica las diferencias entre las principales operaciones en este mercado y describe los mecanismos a través de los cuales el BR suministra liquidez o recoge excesos de la misma en el sistema financiero (SF); entre otros, describe la subasta diaria de expansión realizada por el BR y la determinación del cupo (monto máximo a prestar al SF) para la misma. Finalmente, el documento presenta un modelo sencillo que recoge algunos de los elementos básicos del mercado interbancario colombiano. Su propósito es servir como punto de referencia inicial para trabajos posteriores.Banco de la República, liquidez, mercado interbancario, política monetaria, TIB. Classification JEL: E43, E52, E58, G21.

    Índice de desbalance macroeconómico

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo construir un indicador de desbalances macroeconómico (IDM) para Colombia, utilizando algunas de las variables que identifica la literatura como de alerta temprana

    The influence of gender and academic training in the entrepreneurial intention of physical activity and sport sciences students

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    Objeto: El objetivo del presente artículo es conocer si existen diferencias en las variables que explican la intención de emprender de los estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte atendiendo a la formación y al género de éstos. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Para conocer las intenciones de emprender y las distintas variables relacionadas con el emprendimiento se utilizó un cuestionario previamente validado. Éste fue administrado a 578 estudiantes pre-graduados (1er - 4º curso) y post-graduados de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Valencia. Aportaciones y resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p≤0.05) en las variables que predicen la intención de emprender según género y formación de los estudiantes. En ambos géneros la actitud y el control percibido resultaron ser las variables predictoras de la intención de emprender, y en los hombres también la norma subjetiva. Limitaciones: La muestra de estudiantes sólo pertenece a la titulación de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Valencia, por lo que los resultados no son extrapolables a toda la población de estudiantes. Implicaciones prácticas: Para favorecer el espíritu emprendedor y de esta manera formar graduados más preparados para su inserción en el mundo laboral se deben crear programas que fomenten la actitud hacia la conducta del emprendimiento y el control del comportamiento percibido. Implicaciones sociales: Aumentar el número de emprendedores en el sector deportivo, reduciendo la brecha de género, así como mejorar la calidad del emprendimiento, ya que éste es un aspecto clave debido al impacto positivo que este fenómeno genera sobre la economía. Originalidad / Valor añadido: Conocer si existen diferencias en función de la formación y el género debido a la masiva incorporación de la mujer al mundo laboral deportivo y su baja intención de emprender, con el objetivo de formar tanto a graduados como graduadas con habilidades emprendedoras.Purpose: The objective of this article is to know if there are differences in the variables that explain the entrepreneurial intention of the Physical Activity and Sport Science students addressing academic training and gender of them. Design/methodology: To know entrepreneurial intentions and the different variables related to entrepreneurship, a questionnaire previously validated was used. The questionnaire was provided to 578 students pre-graduated (1st-4th course) and post-graduate of Physical Activity and Sport Science degree of Valencia. Findings: Statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in the variables that predict entrepreneurial intention of Physical Activity and Sport Science students by gender and training were found. In both genders, the attitude towards entrepreneurship and the perceived behavior control were the predictors of entrepreneurial intentions and in men also the subjective norms. Research limitations/implications: The students sample belongs only to the Physical Activity and Sport Science degree of Valencia, so the results cannot be extrapolated to the entire population. Practical implications: It should be developing the attitude toward the behavior of entrepreneurship and perceived behavioral control to promote entrepreneurship. In this way, the graduates will be more prepare for insertion into the working world. Social implications: To increase the number of entrepreneurs (male and female) in the sports sector throughout the education, reducing the gender gap in entrepreneurship and improve the quality of entrepreneurship, as this is a key issue because of the positive impact that this phenomenon generates on the economy Originality/value: It is interesting to know the predictor variables of entrepreneurial intentions, and to know if there are differences based on education and gender due to the massive entry of women into the sport workplaces and low intention to undertake of the. So it is quite important training in the best way, both graduates (male and female) with entrepreneurial skills.Peer Reviewe