211 research outputs found

    Damaged watermarks detection in frequency domain as a primary method for video concealment

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    This paper deals with video transmission over lossy communication networks. The main idea is to develop video concealment method for information losses and errors correction. At the beginning, three main groups of video concealment methods, divided by encoder/decoder collaboration, are briefly described. The modified algorithm based on the detection and filtration of damaged watermark blocks encapsulated to the transmitted video was developed. Finally, the efficiency of developed algorithm is presented in experimental part of this paper

    A Smart System for Sitting Posture Detection Based on Force Sensors and Mobile Application

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    The employees health and wellbeing are an actual topic in our fast-moving world. The employers losing money when their employees suffer from different health problems and cannot work. The major problem is the spinal pain caused by the poor sitting posture on the office chair. This paper deals with the proposal and realization of the system for the detection of incorrect sitting positions. The smart chair has six flexible force sensors. The Internet of Things (IoT) node based on Arduino connects these sensors into the system. The system detects wrong seating positions and notifies the users. In advance, we develop a mobile application to receive those notifications. The user gets feedback about sitting posture and additional statistical data. We defined simple rules for processing the sensor data for recognizing wrong sitting postures. The data from smart chairs are collecting by a private cloud solution from QNAP and are stored in the MongoDB database. We used the Node-RED application for whole logic implementation.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, article in journa

    Evaluating the Emotional State of a User Using a Webcam

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    In online learning is more difficult for teachers identify to see how individual students behave. Student’s emotions like self-esteem, motivation, commitment, and others that are believed to be determinant in student’s performance can not be ignored, as they are known (affective states and also learning styles) to greatly influence student’s learning. The ability of the computer to evaluate the emotional state of the user is getting bigger attention. By evaluating the emotional state, there is an attempt to overcome the barrier between man and non-emotional machine. Recognition of a real time emotion in e-learning by using webcams is research area in the last decade. Improving learning through webcams and microphones offers relevant feedback based upon learner’s facial expressions and verbalizations. The majority of current software does not work in real time – scans face and progressively evaluates its features. The designed software works by the use neural networks in real time which enable to apply the software into various fields of our lives and thus actively influence its quality. Validation of face emotion recognition software was annotated by using various experts. These expert findings were contrasted with the software results. An overall accuracy of our software based on the requested emotions and the recognized emotions is 78%. Online evaluation of emotions is an appropriate technology for enhancing the quality and efficacy of e-learning by including the learner´s emotional states

    A Water Management Analysis of Specified Open Water Reservoir

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je porovnat data vodohospodářského řízení zásobního objemu nádrže Vír I. v manipulačním řádu s aktuálním stavem vzhledem ke klimatickým a hydrologickým změnám.The aim of the beachelor thesis is compare values a water management analysis of water reservoir Vír I. in handling procedure with current status due climate and hydrological changes.

    Climate Change and Its Impact on Water Management Analysis of Reservoir Storage Capacity

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    Diplomová práce popisuje aktuální probíhající klimatickou změnu a její dopady na vývoj vodohospodářského řešení zásobního objemu vybraného vodního díla. Vývoj klimatické změny a její ovlivnění vodního díla se prezentuje do roku 2100. Udává podrobný popis online downscalingu, kalibraci hydrologického modelu, výpočet zásobního objemu nádrže v podmínkách klimatické změny a výpočtu robustnosti.The diploma thesis describes Climate Change and impacts of Climate Change on the development of the water management analyis of reservoir strorage capacity. The development of climate chang influence on reserviors storage capacity is presented until 2100. It also gives a detailed online downscaling description.

    WBviewer ? a way to see tomographic data on PC

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    Content changes of assimilative pigments in leaves after fertilizer Mg-Titanit application

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.02.58–64Received 9. May 2014 ǀ Accepted 10. June 2014 ǀ Available online 23. June 2014The impact of the liquid fertilizer Mg-Titanit (MGT) containing titanium on the dynamics of the content changes of the total chlorophyll in the leaves of winter wheat and winter rape was studied in the field small-area trial carried out at the Haplic Chernozem. The trial involved 5 variants. 0 – control, MGT unfertilized variant; 2xTi 0,2 – spraying twice by MGT in the dose 0.2 l.ha-1; 3xTi 0,2 – spraying thrice by MGT in the dose 0.2 l.ha-1; 2xTi 0,4 – spraying twice by MGT in the dose 0.4 l.ha-1, 3xTi 0,4 –spraying thrice by MGT in the dose 0.4 l.ha-1. The fertilizer was used at two or three growth stages: wheat was fertilized at the stages BBCH 29, BBCH 32, BBCH 55 – 60; rape at the stages BBCH 50 – 52, BBCH 59, BBCH 66 – 67. The results proved that in the cultivation of winter wheat the content of the total chlorophyll was increased annually with two applied doses of Mg-Titanit if the spraying was carried out at the growth stage BBCH 32 (the second spraying). The winter rape reacted positively to Mg-Titanit spraying applied at the growth stage BBCH 50 – 52 (first spraying) by the chlorophyll formation in both years of the trial. The third spraying tended to decrease the content of total chlorophyll with both crops and both applied doses of Mg-Titanit in the most cases. In the overwhelming majority of cases the content of the total chlorophyll was higher in the plants treated with the dose of 0.2 l.ha-1 than those treated by the dose 0.4 l.ha-1. The positive impact of Mg-Titanit on the content of the total chlorophyll was carried out by the increase of the amount of both assimilative pigments (chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b).Keywords: chlorophyll, fertilizer, titanium, winter wheat, winter rap

    Numerical and experimental investigation of the cavitating flow within Venturi tube

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    International audienceHydrodynamic cavitation represents complex physical phenomenon undesirably affecting operation as well as lifespan of many hydraulic machines from small valves to the large hydro power plants. On the other hand, the same phenomenon and its concomitants such as pressure pulsations can be exploited in many positive ways. One of them which seems to be very promising and perspective is the cavitation utilization for reduction of the microorganisms such as cyanobacteria within large bulks of water. Mutual effect of the swirl induced by the upstream mounted generator and flow constriction in converging-diverging nozzle has been experimentally investigated. The main scope of this paper is numerical investigation complementing the experimental results. The multiphase simulations were carried out using the OpenFoam 1606+ and its interPhaseChangeFoam solver. The present study focuses on CFD results of the cavitating velocity field within the nozzle and analysis of the loss coefficient within the nozzle